119 research outputs found

    Galactosylsphingamides : new Ξ±-GalCer analogues to probe the F’-pocket of CD1d

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    Invariant Natural Killer T-cells (iNKT-cells) are an attractive target for immune response modulation, as upon CD1d-mediated stimulation with KRN7000, a synthetic alpha-galactosylceramide, they produce a vast amount of cytokines. Here we present a synthesis that allows swift modification of the phytosphingosine side chain by amidation of an advanced methyl ester precursor. The resulting KRN7000 derivatives, termed alpha-galactosylsphingamides, were evaluated for their capacity to stimulate iNKT-cells. While introduction of the amide-motif in the phytosphingosine chain is tolerated for CD1d binding and TCR recognition, the studied alpha-galactosylsphingamides showed compromised antigenic properties

    Enhanced TCR footprint by a novel glycolipid increases NKT-dependent tumor protection

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    NKT cells, a unique type of regulatory T cells, respond to structurally diverse glycolipids presented by CD1d. Although it was previously thought that recognition of glycolipids such as a-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) by the NKT cell TCR (NKTCR) obeys a key-lock principle, it is now clear this interaction is much more flexible. In this article, we report the structure-function analysis of a series of novel 6 ''-OH analogs of alpha-GalCer with more potent antitumor characteristics. Surprisingly, one of the novel carbamate analogs, alpha-GalCer-6 ''-(pyridin-4-yl) carbamate, formed novel interactions with the NKTCR. This interaction was associated with an extremely high level of Th1 polarization and superior antitumor responses. These data highlight the in vivo relevance of adding aromatic moieties to the 6 ''-OH position of the sugar and additionally show that judiciously chosen linkers are a promising strategy to generate strong Th1-polarizing glycolipids through increased binding either to CD1d or to NKTCR

    Agonism of 4-1BB for immune therapy: a perspective on possibilities and complications

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    Costimulatory receptors on immune cells represent attractive targets for immunotherapy given that these molecules can increase the frequency of individual protective immune cell populations and their longevity, as well as enhance various effector functions. 4-1BB, a member of the TNF receptor superfamily, also known as CD137 and TNFRSF9, is one such molecule that is inducible on several cell types, including T cells and NK cells. Preclinical studies in animal models have validated the notion that stimulating 4-1BB with agonist reagents or its natural ligand could be useful to augment conventional T cell and NK cell immunity to protect against tumor growth and against viral infection. Additionally, stimulating 4-1BB can enhance regulatory T cell function and might be useful in the right context for suppressing autoimmunity. Two human agonist antibodies to 4-1BB have been produced and tested in clinical trials for cancer, with variable results, leading to the production of a wealth of second-generation antibody constructs, including bi- and multi-specifics, with the hope of optimizing activity and selectivity. Here, we review the progress to date in agonism of 4-1BB, discuss the complications in targeting the immune system appropriately to elicit the desired activity, together with challenges in engineering agonists, and highlight the untapped potential of manipulating this molecule in infectious disease and autoimmunity

    Structural basis for CD1d presentation of a sulfatide derived from myelin and its implications for autoimmunity

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    Sulfatide derived from the myelin stimulates a distinct population of CD1d-restricted natural killer T (NKT) cells. Cis-tetracosenoyl sulfatide is one of the immunodominant species in myelin as identified by proliferation, cytokine secretion, and CD1d tetramer staining. The crystal structure of mouse CD1d in complex with cis-tetracosenoyl sulfatide at 1.9 Γ… resolution reveals that the longer cis-tetracosenoyl fatty acid chain fully occupies the Aβ€² pocket of the CD1d binding groove, whereas the sphingosine chain fills up the Fβ€² pocket. A precise hydrogen bond network in the center of the binding groove orients and positions the ceramide backbone for insertion of the lipid tails in their respective pockets. The 3β€²-sulfated galactose headgroup is highly exposed for presentation to the T cell receptor and projects up and away from the binding pocket due to its Ξ² linkage, compared with the more intimate binding of the Ξ±-glactosyl ceramide headgroup to CD1d. These structure and binding data on sulfatide presentation by CD1d have important implications for the design of therapeutics that target T cells reactive for myelin glycolipids in autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system

    Two canine CD1a proteins are differentially expressed in skin

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    Lipid antigens are presented to T cells by the CD1 family of proteins. In this study, we characterize the complete dog (Canis familiaris) CD1 locus, which is located on chromosome 38. The canine locus contains eight CD1A genes (canCD1A), of which five are pseudogenes, one canCD1B, one canCD1C, one canCD1D, and one canCD1E gene. In vivo expression of canine CD1 proteins was shown for canCD1a6, canCD1a8, and canCD1b, using a panel of anti-CD1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). CanCD1a6 and canCD1a8 are recognized by two distinct mAbs. Furthermore, we show differential transcription of the three canCD1A genes in canine tissues. In canine skin, the transcription level of canCD1A8 was higher than that of canCD1A6, and no transcription of canCD1A2 was detected. Based on protein modeling and protein sequence alignment, we predict that both canine CD1a proteins can bind different glycolipids in their groove. Besides differences in ectodomain structure, we observed the unique presence of three types of cytoplasmic tails encoded by canCD1A genes. cDNA sequencing and expressed sequence tag sequences confirmed the existence of a short, human CD1a-like cytoplasmic tail of four amino acids, of an intermediate length form of 15 amino acids, and of a long form of 31 amino acids

    Murine Anti-vaccinia Virus D8 Antibodies Target Different Epitopes and Differ in Their Ability to Block D8 Binding to CS-E

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    The IMV envelope protein D8 is an adhesion molecule and a major immunodominant antigen of vaccinia virus (VACV). Here we identified the optimal D8 ligand to be chondroitin sulfate E (CS-E). CS-E is characterized by a disaccharide moiety with two sulfated hydroxyl groups at positions 4β€² and 6β€² of GalNAc. To study the role of antibodies in preventing D8 adhesion to CS-E, we have used a panel of murine monoclonal antibodies, and tested their ability to compete with CS-E for D8 binding. Among four antibody specificity groups, MAbs of one group (group IV) fully abrogated CS-E binding, while MAbs of a second group (group III) displayed widely varying levels of CS-E blocking. Using EM, we identified the binding site for each antibody specificity group on D8. Recombinant D8 forms a hexameric arrangement, mediated by self-association of a small C-terminal domain of D8. We propose a model in which D8 oligomerization on the IMV would allow VACV to adhere to heterogeneous population of CS, including CS-C and potentially CS-A, while overall increasing binding efficiency to CS-E

    Lipid and carbohydrate modifications of Ξ±-galactosylcer-amide differently influence mouse and human type I natural killer T cell activation

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    The ability of different glycosphingolipids (GSLs) to activate type I natural killer T cells (NKT cells) has been known for 2 decades. The possible therapeutic use of these GSLs has been studied in many ways; however, studies are needed in which the efficacy of promising GSLs is compared under identical conditions. Here, we compare five unique GSLs structurally derived from alpha-galactosylceramide. We employed biophysical and biological assays, as well as x-ray crystallography to study the impact of the chemical modifications of the antigen on type I NKT cell activation. Although all glycolipids are bound by the T cell receptor of type I NKT cells in real time binding assays with high affinity, only a few activate type INKT cells in in vivo or in vitro experiments. The differences in biological responses are likely a result of different pharmacokinetic properties of each lipid, which carry modifications at different parts of the molecule. Our results indicate a need to perform a variety of assays to ascertain the therapeutic potential of type I NKT cell GSL activators
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