53 research outputs found

    Body mass index is associated with microvascular endothelial dysfunction in patients with treated metabolic risk factors and suspected coronary artery disease

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    Background--Obesity is key feature of the metabolic syndrome and is associated with high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Obesity is associated with macrovascular endothelial dysfunction, a determinant of outcome in patients with coronary artery disease. Here, we compared the influence of obesity on microvascular endothelial function to that of established cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and smoking in patients with suspected coronary artery disease. Methods and Results--Endothelial function was assessed during postocclusive reactive hyperemia of the brachial artery and downstream microvascular beds in 108 patients who were scheduled for coronary angiography. In all patients, microvascular vasodilation was assessed using peripheral arterial tonometry; laser Doppler flowmetry and digital thermal monitoring were performed. Body mass index was significantly associated with decreased endothelium-dependent vasodilatation measured with peripheral arterial tonometry (r=0.23, P=0.02), laser Doppler flowmetry (r=0.30, P < 0.01), and digital thermal monitoring (r=0.30, P < 0.01). In contrast, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and smoking had no influence on microvascular vasodilatation. Especially in diabetic patients, endothelial function was not significantly reduced (control versus diabetes mellitus, meanĀ±SEM or median [interquartile range], peripheral arterial tonometry: 1.90Ā±0.20 versus 1.67Ā±0.20, P=0.19, laser Doppler flowmetry: 728% [interquartile range, 427-1110] v

    The ACRA Anatomy Study (Assessment of Disability After Coronary Procedures Using Radial Access): A Comprehensive Anatomic and Functional Assessment of the Vasculature of the Hand and Relation to Outcome After Transradial Catheterization

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    BACKGROUND: The palmar arches serve as the most important conduits for digital blood supply, and incompleteness may lead to digital ischemia when the radial artery becomes obstructed after cardiac catheterization. The rate of palmar arch incompleteness and the clinical consequences after transradial access are currently unknown.METHODS AND RESULTS: The vascular anatomy of the hand was documented by angiography in 234 patients undergoing transradial cardiac catheterization. In all patients, a preprocedural modified Allen test and Barbeau test were performed. Upper-extremity function was assessed at baseline and 2-year follow-up by the QuickDASH. Incompleteness of the superficial palmar arch (SPA) was present in 46%, the deep palmar arch was complete in all patients. Modified Allen test and Barbeau test results were associated with incompleteness of the SPA (P=0.001 and P=0.001). The modified Allen test had a 33% sensitivity and 86% specificity for SPA incompleteness with a cutoff value of >10 seconds and a 59% sensitivity and 60% specificity with a cutoff value of >5 seconds. The Barbeau test had a 7% sensitivity and 98% specificity for type D and a 21% sensitivity and 93% specificity for types C and D combined. Upper-extremity dysfunction was not associated with SPA incompleteness (P=0.77).CONCLUSIONS: Although incompleteness of the SPA is common, digital blood supply is always preserved by a complete deep palmar arch. Preprocedural patency tests have thus no added benefit to prevent ischemic complications of the hand. Finally, incompleteness of the SPA is not associated with a loss of upper-extremity function after transradial catheterization

    Quantitative subchondral bone perfusion imaging in knee osteoarthritis using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI

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    Objective: Subchondral bone changes, characterized by increased bone turnover and vascularity, are believed to stimulate progression and pain in knee osteoarthritis (OA). The objective of this study was to evaluate the bone perfusion in knee OA using quantitative dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI). Design: Unicompartmental knee OA patients were included and underwent 3 Tesla DCE-MRI and T2-weighted MRI. Quantitative DCE-MRI analysis of Ktrans and Kep, representing perfusion parameters, was performed to evaluate differences between the most and least affected knee compartment. First, DCE-MRI parameter differences between epimetaphyseal and subchondral bone in both femur and tibia were assessed. Second, DCE-MRI parameters in subchondral bone marrow lesions (BMLs) were compared to surrounding subchondral bone without BMLs. Results: Twenty-three patients were analyzed. Median Ktrans and Kep in epimetaphyseal bone were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the most affected (Ktrans: 0.014; Kep: 0.054 mināˆ’1) compared to least affected (Ktrans: 0.010; Kep: 0.016 mināˆ’1) compartment. For subchondral bone, DCE-MRI parameters were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the most affected (Ktrans: 0.019; Kep: 0.091 mināˆ’1) compared to least affected (Ktrans: 0.014; Kep: 0.058 mināˆ’1) compartment as well. Subchondral BMLs detected on fat-saturated T2-weighted images were present in all patients. Median Ktrans (0.091 vs 0.000 mināˆ’1) and Kep (0.258 vs 0.000 mināˆ’1) were significantly higher within subchondral BMLs compared to surrounding subchondral bone without BMLs (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Increased perfusion parameters in epimetaphyseal bone, subchondral bone and BMLs are observed in unicompartmental knee OA. BMLs likely account for most of the effect of the higher bone perfusion in knee OA

    A randomized controlled trial of eplerenone in asymptomatic phospholamban p.Arg14del carriers

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    INTRODUCTION Phospholamban (PLN; p.Arg14del) cardiomyopathy is an inherited disease caused by the pathogenic p.Arg14del variant in the PLN gene. Clinically, it is characterized by malignant ventricular arrhythmias and progressive heart failure.1,2 Cardiac fibrotic tissue remodelling occurs early on in PLN p.Arg14del carriers.3,4 Eplerenone was deemed a treatment candidate because of its beneficial effects on ventricular remodelling and antifibrotic properties.5,6 We conducted the multicentre randomized trial ā€˜intervention in PHOspholamban RElated CArdiomyopathy STudyā€™ (i-PHORECAST) to assess whether treatment with eplerenone of asymptomatic PLN p.Arg14del carriers attenuates disease onset and progression

    A randomized controlled trial of eplerenone in asymptomatic phospholamban p.Arg14del carriers

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    Phospholamban (PLN; p.Arg14del) cardiomyopathy is an inherited disease caused by the pathogenic p.Arg14del variant in the PLN gene. Clinically, it is characterized by malignant ventricular arrhythmias and progressive heart failure.1,2 Cardiac fibrotic tissue remodelling occurs early on in PLN p.Arg14del carriers.3,4 Eplerenone was deemed a treatment candidate because of its beneficial effects on ventricular remodelling and antifibrotic properties.5,6 We conducted the multicentre randomized trial ā€˜intervention in PHOspholamban RElated CArdiomyopathy STudyā€™ (i-PHORECAST) to assess whether treatment with eplerenone of asymptomatic PLN p.Arg14del carriers attenuates disease onset and progression

    Epiparasitic plants specialized on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

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    Over 400 non-photosynthetic species from 10 families of vascular plants obtain their carbon from fungi and are thus defined as myco-heterotrophs. Many of these plants are epiparasitic on green plants from which they obtain carbon by 'cheating' shared mycorrhizal fungi. Epiparasitic plants examined to date depend on ectomycorrhizal fungi for carbon transfer and exhibit exceptional specificity for these fungi, but for most myco-heterotrophs neither the identity of the fungi nor the sources of their carbon are known. Because many myco-heterotrophs grow in forests dominated by plants associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF; phylum Glomeromycota), we proposed that epiparasitism would occur also between plants linked by AMF. On a global scale AMF form the most widespread mycorrhizae, thus the ability of plants to cheat this symbiosis would be highly significant. We analysed mycorrhizae from three populations of Arachnitis uniflora (Corsiaceae, Monocotyledonae), five Voyria species and one Voyriella species (Gentianaceae, Dicotyledonae), and neighbouring green plants. Here we show that non-photosynthetic plants associate with AMF and can display the characteristic specificity of epiparasites. This suggests that AMF mediate significant inter-plant carbon transfer in nature

    Managing uncertainty: a review of food system scenario analysis and modelling

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    Complex socio-ecological systems like the food system are unpredictable, especially to long-term horizons such as 2050. In order to manage this uncertainty, scenario analysis has been used in conjunction with food system models to explore plausible future outcomes. Food system scenarios use a diversity of scenario types and modelling approaches determined by the purpose of the exercise and by technical, methodological and epistemological constraints. Our case studies do not suggest Malthusian futures for a projected global population of 9 billion in 2050; but international trade will be a crucial determinant of outcomes; and the concept of sustainability across the dimensions of the food system has been inadequately explored so far. The impact of scenario analysis at a global scale could be strengthened with participatory processes involving key actors at other geographical scales. Food system models are valuable in managing existing knowledge on system behaviour and ensuring the credibility of qualitative stories but they are limited by current datasets for global crop production and trade, land use and hydrology. Climate change is likely to challenge the adaptive capacity of agricultural production and there are important knowledge gaps for modelling research to address

    Appropriate use criteria for optical coherence tomography guidance in percutaneous coronary interventions: Recommendations of the working group of interventional cardiology of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology

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    Introduction: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) enables detailed imaging of the coronary wall, lumen and intracoronary implanted devices. Responding to the lack of specific appropriate use criteria (AUC) for this technique, we conducted aĀ literature review and aĀ procedure for appropriate use criteria. Methods: Twenty-one of all 184 members of the Dutch Working Group on Interventional Cardiology agreed to evaluate 49Ā pre-specified cases. During aĀ meeting, factual indications were established whereupon members individually rated indications on aĀ 9-point scale, with the opportunity to substantiate their scoring. Results: Twenty-six indications were rated ā€˜Appropriateā€™, eighteen indications ā€˜May be appropriateā€™, and five ā€˜Rarely appropriateā€™. Use of OCT was unanimously considered ā€˜Appropriateā€™ in stent thrombosis, and ā€˜Appropriateā€™ for guidance in PCI, especially in distal left main coronary artery and proximal left anterior descending coronary artery, unexplained angiographic abnormalities, and use of bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS). OCT was considered ā€˜Rarely Appropriateā€™ on top of fractional flow reserve (FFR) for treatment indication, assessment of strut coverage, bypass anastomoses or assessment of proximal left main coronary artery. Conclusions: The use of OCT in stent thrombosis is unanimously considered ā€˜Appropriateā€™ by these experts. Varying degrees of consensus exists on the appropriate use of OCT in other settings
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