21 research outputs found

    Community Participation in Decision Making Process in Mogadishu Municipality

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    Community Participation in Decision Making Process in Mogadishu Municipality Ahmed- Nor Mohamed Abdi, Lecturer, Faculty of Economics & Mgt Science, Mogadishu Univetrsity Abdirisak Warsame Dirie Lecturer, Faculty of Economics & Mgt Science, Mogadishu Univetrsity

    Herniation of the Anterior Wall of the Stomach into a Congenital Postdiaphragmatic Space: An Unusual Complication following Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication

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    Postoperative herniation of the stomach into potential spaces is a rare but serious complication of Nissen fundoplication. We report a 55-year-old female who presented with persistent vomiting shortly following laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. At laparotomy, the anterior wall of the stomach was noted to be herniating into a congenital space behind the diaphragm. Anterior gastropexy was performed following the reduction of the herniating gastric segment. A high index of suspicion followed by aggressive and timely intervention is necessary to diagnose and manage postoperative gastric herniation and reduce the subsequent morbidity and mortality

    Prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibility profile, and associated risk factors of uropathogenic Escherichia coli among pregnant women attending Dr. Sumait Hospital Mogadishu, Somalia

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    BackgroundUropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is a strain of E. coli commonly associated with urinary tract infections. In addition, antibiotic resistance in UPEC is one of the most significant health problems. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence, antimicrobial resistance, and factors linked to uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) in pregnant women.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was conducted within a hospital setting between August 2022 and December 2022. Using consecutive convenient sampling, the research enrolled 220 pregnant women. The urine samples obtained from these women were cultured on MacConkey and blood agar and incubated at 37°C overnight, followed by sub-culturing on Mueller Hinton media. Bacterial identification involved Gram staining and biochemical characterization (TSI, indole, citrate, methyl red, urea agar, and motility tests). Conversely, susceptibility tests were performed using the Kirby–Bauer disk diffusion method. A binary logistic regression model and analysis of odds ratios (ORs) were employed to evaluate the risk factors associated with E. coli infection, and statistical significance was attributed to p-values of ≀0.05.ResultsOut of the 220 urine samples examined, 42 (19%) exhibited a positive culture, indicating an E. coli infection in pregnant women. Our analysis revealed that income, gestational age, and history of UTIs were identified as risk factors associated with E. coli infection. Most E. coli isolates demonstrated sensitivity to amikacin (100%), nitrofurantoin (85.7%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and meropenem (83.3%).ConclusionThe prevalence of E. coli was remarkable. It could be recommended that pregnant women in antenatal care have routine culture and antimicrobial susceptibility tests to prevent transmission of resistant pathogens and complications in both pregnant mothers and the unborn baby

    UpphÀvande av strandskydd inom detaljplan : En granskning av vilka skÀl som kommuner Äberopar vid upphÀvande av strandskydd samt vad domstolarna anser vara giltiga och ogiltiga skÀl

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    Due to the popularity of settlement in coastal areas, measures need to be taken in the form of rules and guidelines for construction close to beaches in order to achieve a more ecologically sustainable construction and contribute to sustainable social development.In Sweden, shore protection is used, which aims to protect the public's access to shores, which the right public advocates according to Chapter 2. Section 15, The form of government. Today, shore protection is regulated in the Environmental Code (MB), and a general rule is that it must not be built within 100 meters from the shoreline on land and in water according to MB.A municipality can revoke shore protection if one of the particular reasons in chap-ter 7. Section 18c of the MB is fulfilled. Municipalities' decision on cancellation can be appealed to the County Administrative Board, then to the Land and Environment Court (MMD) and then to the Land and Environment Court of Appeal (MOD).The purpose of the study is to investigate what is considered valid and invalid rea-sons for cancelling shore protection in a detailed development plan, this through a legal case study. The goal is that this study will lead to more equitable and fair man-agement when repealing shore protection within the detailed development plan.A quantitative and qualitative analysis forms the basis of the results presented in this study. The quantitative method consists of categorization of detailed plans that are examined. Through this categorization, it can be deduced which reasons municipali-ties with different population conditions demand when cancelling shore protection within the detailed development plan. The detailed development plan study was de-limited to Ostergotland County at the beginning, after which the study was supple-mented with Kalmar County. It's because Ostergotland did not fill up the quota for the requested number of detailed plans. The qualitative method of the case study makes it possible for a report to clarify which reasons are legally sustainable based on the judgments that are being studied.The results highlighted by the study have shown that there are differences between the interval sizes, that is, that the municipalities interpret and handle the shore pro-tection legislation differently in connection with the shore protection being repealed within the detailed development plan. Thus, the County Administrative Board should check the municipalities more closely, as their task is to monitor the objec-tives of the shore protection.PĂ„ grund av den popularitet som rĂ„der vad gĂ€ller bosĂ€ttning i strandnĂ€ra omrĂ„den behöver Ă„tgĂ€rder vidtas i form av regler och riktlinjer vid byggnation nĂ€ra strĂ€nder för att uppnĂ„ ett mer ekologiskt hĂ„llbart byggande och bidra till en hĂ„llbar samhĂ€lls-utveckling.I Sverige anvĂ€nds strandskydd som syftar till att skydda allmĂ€nhetens tillgĂ„ng till strĂ€nder vilket allemansrĂ€tten föresprĂ„kar enligt 2 kap. 15 § Regeringsformen. Idag regleras strandskydd i miljöbalken (MB) och en generell regel Ă€r att det inte fĂ„r byggas inom 100 meter frĂ„n strandlinjen pĂ„ land och i vatten enligt MB.En kommun kan upphĂ€va strandskydd om ett av de sĂ€rskilda skĂ€len i 7 kap. 18c § i MB Ă€r uppfyllda. Kommuners beslut om upphĂ€vande kan överklagas hos lĂ€nsstyrel-sen, dĂ€refter vidare till mark- och miljödomstolen (MMD) och sedan till mark- och miljödomstolen (MÖD).Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka vad som anses vara giltiga och ogiltiga skĂ€l till att upphĂ€va strandskydd i en detaljplan, detta med hjĂ€lp av en rĂ€ttsfallsstudie. MĂ„let Ă€r att denna studie ska leda till en mer jĂ€mlik och rĂ€ttvis hantering vid upphĂ€vande av strandskydd inom detaljplan.En kvantitativ- och kvalitativ analys ligger till grund för de resultat som presenteras i denna studie. Den kvantitativa metoden bestĂ„r av en kategorisering av detaljplaner som granskas. Genom denna kategorisering kan det utlĂ€sas vilka skĂ€l kommuner med olika befolkningsförutsĂ€ttningar yrkar pĂ„ vid upphĂ€vande av strandskydd inom detaljplan. Detaljplanestudien avgrĂ€nsades till Östergötlands lĂ€n till en början, dĂ€r-efter kompletterades studien med Kalmar lĂ€n. Detta eftersom att Östergötland inte fyllde upp kvoten för det efterfrĂ„gade antalet detaljplaner. Den kvalitativa metoden av rĂ€ttsfallsstudien möjliggör för en redogörelse som ska klargöra vilka skĂ€l som Ă€r juridiskt hĂ„llbara utifrĂ„n de domslut som studeras.Det resultat som framhĂ„lls av studien har visat att det förekommer skillnader sinse-mellan intervallstorlekarna, det vill sĂ€ga att kommunerna tolkar samt hanterar strandskyddslagstiftningen olika i samband med att strandskydd upphĂ€vs inom detalj-plan. DĂ€rmed bör LĂ€nsstyrelsen kontrollera kommunerna noggrannare eftersom att deras uppgift Ă€r att bevaka strandskyddets syften

    Personcentrerad vÄrd : En studie om personcentrerad vÄrd pÄ akutsjukhus

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    Bakgrund: Personcentrerad vård ska prägla vården då det ingår som en av kärnkompetenserna en sjuksköterska bör ha. Patienter upplever att livs- och vårdkvalitén ökar när personcentrerad omvårdnad tillämpas i vården. Patienter känner sig mer sedda och uppskattar att bil lyssnade till. Detta brister ibland då patienter har erfarenheter av saknaden av personcentrerad omvårdnad på akutsjukhusen. Patienter och anhöriga har erfarenheter av att sjuksköterskor inte alltid är närvarande och att det inte ges tid. Syftet: Att skapa en överblick av sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av personcentrerad vård på akutsjukhus. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt genomfördes. 10 vårdvetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades i arbetet varav 9 artiklar var kvalitativa studier och 1 artikel var kvantitativ studie. Resultat: I resultatet presenteras likheter och skillnader i artiklarnas syften, metod och resultat. I likheter och skillnader av artiklarnas resultat identifierades fyra teman: vårdrelationer, delaktighet, brister och arbetsgruppen och arbetsrutinerna . Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor visade vilja att skapa vårdrelationer för att främja personcentrerad omvårdnad men hindrades av brist på kunskap, brist på tid som kan uppstå på akutsjukhus samt arbetsrutiner och arbetsgruppen. Sjuksköterskor erfor att kunskapsutbytet i arbetsgruppen samt relationer med patienter och anhöriga kunde främja och öka möjligheterna till att personcentrerad omvårdnad uppnåddes på akutsjukhusen

    Anal extrusion of silent migrated ventriculoperitoneal shunt: Case report and literature review

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    The standard surgical treatment for hydrocephalus is ventriculo-perioneal shunting with shunt failure being the most common complication. A rare and serious consequence is intestinal perforation. A malnourished 9-month-old boy presented with anal protrusion of the distal migrated ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt after 2 months of shunt placement. An abdominal X-ray and a brain CT scan were performed. Following the correction of malnourishment and electrolyte imbalance, the patient underwent surgical management, with uneventful discharge on the third day of the procedure. To avoid potentially fatal complications such as sepsis and meningitis, prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial in these cases

    Seroprevalence of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Benadir Region, Somalia

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    Only little is known about the true extent of COVID-19 in Somalia. The study aims to assess the seroprevalence of the COVID-19 pandemics in the Benadir region using SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and estimate the number of inhabitants infected with SARS-CoV-2. Population-based cross-sectional survey was conducted to measure the seroprevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in the Benadir region (Mogadishu city). In the study, we enrolled 2500 Mogadishu city residents aged ≥18 years who did not receive the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. The overall seroprevalence of IgG/IgM anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was 44.8%. The seropositivity in females (56.6%) was higher than in males (46.2%). The trend in seropositivity increased with age; however, the variation was only significant in the age group 38–57 with an odds ratio and p-value of 4.11 (1.475–11.47), p = 0.007. Families with >5 members (47.2%) were more likely to test positive than those with <5 members (37%). Participants who reported COVID-19 symptoms during the pandemics or who had contact with COVID-19 patients had significantly increased IgG prevalence. Participants with larger families, individuals working in the public sector, and students showed significant seropositive results. Therefore, precautionary measures should be heightened for individuals working in the public sector

    Views of Somali women and men on the use of faith-based messages promoting breast and cervical cancer screening for Somali women: a focus-group study

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    Abstract Background Screening rates for breast and cervical cancer for Muslim women in the United States are low, particularly for first-generation immigrants. Interpretations of the Muslim faith represent some of the barriers for breast and cervical cancer screening. Working to understand how faith influences breast and cervical screening for Somali women, and working with the community to identify and utilize faith-based assets for promoting screening, may lead to life-saving changes in screening behaviors. Methods We partnered with an Imam to develop faith-based messages addressing the concerns of modesty and predetermination and promoting cancer testing and screening. A total of five focus groups were convened, with 34 Somali women (three groups) and 20 Somali men (two groups). Each focus group first discussed participant views of breast and cervical cancer screening in general and then viewed and discussed video clips of the Imam delivering the faith-based messages. Results Both Somali women and men had an overwhelmingly positive response to the faith-based messages promoting breast and cervical cancer screening. The faith-based messages appeared to reinforce the views of those who were already inclined to see screening positively, with participants describing increased confidence to engage in screening. For those who had reservations about screening, there was feedback that the faith-based messages had meaningfully influenced their views. Conclusions Somali immigrant women and men found faith-based messages addressing topics of predestination and modesty and encouraging the use of screening and treatment to be both acceptable and influential. Faith can play an important role as an asset to promote breast and cervical cancer screening, and there may be substantial benefits to adding faith-based messaging to other interventions that focus on improving screening uptake. This may help to address health disparities for Somali women in this area

    COVID-19 Vaccine Coverage and Potential Drivers of Vaccine Uptake among Healthcare Workers in SOMALIA: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Healthcare workers (HCWs) are one of the most vulnerable groups for contracting COVID-19 and dying as a result of it. Over 10,000 HCWs in Africa have been infected with COVID-19, according to the World Health Organization, making it a substantial occupational health threat for HCWs. To that end, Somalia’s Ministry of Health has ordered that all healthcare personnel obtain the COVID-19 vaccination to safeguard themselves and the community they serve. In this investigation, we aimed to assess the COVID-19 vaccination coverage and its associated factors among healthcare workers in Somalia. A cross-sectional study was employed to examine COVID-19 vaccination coverage among healthcare personnel in Somalia. The data were obtained via an online questionnaire supplied by Google forms between December 2021 and February 2022, where a total of 1281 healthcare workers from the various federal states of Somalia were recruited. A multinomial regression analysis was used to analyse the factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine uptake. Overall, 1281 HCWs participated (630 females, 651 males) with a mean age and standard deviation of 27.7 years ± 7.1. The overall vaccine coverage was 37.4%. Sex, age, the state of residency, education level, specialization, hospital COVID-19 policy, vaccine availability at the centre, COVID-19 treatment centre, and health facility level were the factors that influenced the COVID-19 vaccine uptake among health professionals in Somalia. Male healthcare employees were 2.2 times (odds ratio-OR = 2.2; confidence interval-CI: 1.70, 2.75, p < 0.001) more likely than female healthcare workers to be fully vaccinated. The survey discovered that the COVID-19 vaccine coverage among health professionals was quite low, with the major contributing factors being accessibility, security challenges and literary prowess. Additional efforts to enhance vaccination uptake are needed to improve the COVID-19 vaccination coverage

    A 2-aminopyridine molecularly imprinted polymer surrogate micro-column for selective solid phase extraction and determination of 4-aminopyridine

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    Poly(methacrylic acid-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) was prepared using 2-aminopyridine as the imprinting molecule. This molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was ground and packed into a micro-column for selective solid phase extraction (SPE) of 2-aminopyridine from 20ÎŒl of sample solution. Non-specific adsorption was also confirmed for a structural analogue. Interestingly one of the isomers, 4-aminopyridine, bound most strongly to the MIP. The implication of resonance and basicity of this isomer molecule can be used to explain its strong binding with the self-assembled functional methacrylic acid (MAA) monomer. The monomer template complexion process was evaluated by Scatchard plots to determine a binding constant. The binding constant value is important for predicting the selectivity of a new MIP. After optimization of the molecular recognition process, a molecularly imprinted solid phase extraction-differential pulsed elution (MISPE-DPE) method was developed for the selective determination of 4-aminopyridine in serum with an analysis time of less than 3min using a 2-aminopyridine micro-column for surrogate binding. The concentration detection limit was 0.5ÎŒg/ml, which corresponded to an absolute detection limit of 10ng. A larger sample vol