27 research outputs found

    Regulamento para o Funcionamento dos Centros de Aconselhamento e Despistagem Anónima e Voluntária para o HIV/ Sida

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    O aconselhamento é um processo de escuta activa, individualizado e centrado no utente. Pressupõe a capacidade de estabelecer uma relação de confiança entre os interlocutores visando ao resgate dos recursos internos do utente, para que ele mesmo tenha a possibilidade de reconhecer-se como sujeito de sua própria saúde e transformação. Este processo permite ao indivíduo decidir com conhecimento de causa se deseja submeter-se a realização de testes para o HIV. Caracteriza-se pois por ser uma estratégia de prevenção que actua no âmbito do indivíduo

    Programa Nacional de Saúde Reprodutiva(2008-2012)

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    A garantia do bem-estar físico, mental e social das populações tem constituído uma preocupação dos sucessivos governos de Cabo Verde, consubstanciada em importantes instrumentos de orientação política, com impacto a nível da saúde. As principais orientações estratégicas assentam-se sobretudo na melhoria do acesso geográfico e na equidade no acesso à prestação de cuidados de saúde, tendo o país conseguido nas últimas décadas importantes ganhos a esse nível, com a melhoria dos principais indicadores de saúde.OMSUNFP

    Politica Farmaceutica Nacional

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    Com uma superfície de 4.033 Km2, Cabo Verde é um arquipélago de origem vulcânica, formado por dez ilhas e oito ilhéus. Localiza-se no Oceano Atlântico a cerca de 455 km do cabo com o mesmo nome no Senegal. Geograficamente, o arquipélago está dividido nos grupos de Barlavento e Sotavento e administrativamente em 17 concelhos (municípios). A população residente é de 434.625 habitantes, maioritariamente jovem e as mulheres representam cerca de 51,6%. A taxa de crescimento da população, dependente dos fluxos migratórios, situou-se, no decénio 1990-2000, em cerca de 2,4%. A esperança média de vida é de 71 anos, sendo 67 anos para homens e 75 para as mulheres. A Constituição da República, de 1990, abriu caminho a um sistema multipartidário, tendo o país conhecido profundas mudanças em termos de democratização, liberalização da economia, descentralização e envolvimento da sociedade civil. A economia cabo-verdiana é essencialmente de serviços, com o sector terciário a ocupar 64% na composição do PIB, enquanto o sector primário só detém 13%, apesar de empregar 47% da mão-de-obra nacional. Em 2000 o PIB per capita foi estimado em 1.354 USD

    Protocolo de Terapeutica Anti-Retroviral

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    A compreensão progressiva da dinâmica vírica e celular, e o melhor conhecimento dos mecanismos de acção farmacológica e da resistência aos ARV, têm permitido avanços consideráveis no controlo clínico da imunodeficiência causada pelo VIH. Trata-se contudo de uma área bastante complexa e dinâmica pelo que convém estabelecer recomendações técnicas consensuais que permitam: • Definir condutas seguras e eficazes para a utilização dos ARV • Identificar condutas que não devem ser seguidas • Permitir a revisão periódica para a actualização e correcções necessárias • Permitir a organização logística para a aquisição e distribuição dos medicamentos e consumíveis

    Patterns of perceptions of workplace violence in the Portuguese health care sector

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    This article characterizes the problem of violence against health professionals in the workplace (VAHPITWP) in selected settings in Portugal. It addresses the questions of what types of violence are most frequent and who are the most affected health professionals. Three methodological approaches were followed: (i) documentary studies, (ii) a questionnaire-based hospital and health centre (HC) complex case study and (iii) semi-structured interviews with stakeholders. Of the different types of violence, all our study approaches confirm that verbal violence is the most frequent. Discrimination, not infrequent in the hospital, seems to be underestimated by the stakeholders interviewed. Violence seems much more frequent in the HC than in the hospital. In the HC, all types of violence are also most frequently directed against female health workers and, in the hospital, against male workers. These studies allow us to conclude that violence is frequent but underreported

    Levels of diphtheria and tetanus specific IgG of Portuguese adult women, before and after vaccination with adult type Td. Duration of immunity following vaccination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The need for tetanus toxoid decennial booster doses has been questioned by some experts. Several counter arguments have been presented, supporting the maintenance of decennial adult booster doses with tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (adult formulation of the vaccine: Td). This study aimed to evaluate the use of Td in Portuguese adult women under routine conditions. For that purpose we selected a group of women 30+ years of age to which vaccination was recommended. We intended to know if pre-vaccination antibody concentrations were associated with factors as age at first and last vaccination, number of doses and time since last revaccination. We also intended to assess the serological efficacy of Td booster.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Following the Portuguese guidelines 100 women were vaccinated with Td. Antitetanus toxin IgG (ATT IgG) and antidiphtheria toxin IgG (ADT IgG) levels were measured (mIU/ml) in 100 pre-vaccination and 91 post-vaccination sera. Detailed vaccination records were available from 88 participants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-two women (Group A) began vaccination with DPT/DT in their early childhood and their pre-vaccination ATT IgG levels increased with the number of doses received (p = 0.022) and decreased with time since last vaccination (p = 0.016). Among the 66 women who began vaccination in adolescence and adulthood (Group B), with monovalent TT, ATT IgG levels decreased with age at first dose (p < 0.001) and with time since last vaccination (p = 0.041). In Group A, antidiphtheria toxin IgG kinetics was very similar to that observed for ATT IgG. Among women not vaccinated with diphtheria toxoid, ADT IgG levels decreased with age. Serological response to both components of Td was good but more pronounced for ATT IgG.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study suggests that, to protect against tetanus, there is no need to administer decennial boosters to the Portuguese adults who have complied with the childhood/adolescent schedule (6 doses of tetanus toxoid). The adult booster intervals could be wider, probably of 20 years. This also seems to apply to protection against diphtheria, but issues on the herd immunity and on the circulation of toxigenic strains need to be better understood.</p

    Asthma in an Urban Population in Portugal: A prevalence study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence and incidence of asthma are believed to be increasing but research on the true incidence, prevalence and mortality from asthma has met methodological obstacles since it has been difficult to define and diagnose asthma in epidemiological terms. New and widely accepted diagnostic criteria for asthma present opportunities for progress in this field. Studies conducted in Portugal have estimated the disease prevalence between 3% and 15%. Available epidemiological data present a significant variability due to methodological obstacles.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To estimate the true prevalence of asthma by gender and age groups in the population of the area covered by one urban Health Centre in Portugal.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>An observational study was conducted between February and July 2009 at the Horizonte Family Health Unit in Matosinhos, Portugal. A random sample of 590 patients, stratified by age and gender was obtained from the practice database of registered patients. Data was collected using a patient questionnaire based on respiratory symptoms and the physician's best knowledge of the patient's asthma status. The prevalence of asthma was calculated by age and gender.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data were obtained from 576 patients (97.6% response rate). The mean age for patients with asthma was 27.0 years (95% CI: 20.95 to 33.16). This was lower than the mean age for non-asthmatics but the difference was not statistically significant. Asthma was diagnosed in 59 persons giving a prevalence of 10.24% (95% CI: 8.16 to 12.32). There was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of asthma by gender.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of asthma found in the present study was higher than that found in some studies, though lower than that found in other studies. Further studies in other regions of Portugal are required to confirm these findings.</p

    Morphinofobia: the situation among the general population and health care professionals in North-Eastern Portugal

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Morphinofobia among the general population (GP) and among health care professionals (HP) is not without danger for the patients: it may lead to the inappropriate management of debilitating pain. The aim of our study was to explore among GP and HP the representation and attitudes concerning the use of morphine in health care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was done among 412 HP (physicians and nurses) of the 4 hospitals and 10 community health centers of Beira Interior (Portugal)and among 193 persons of the GP randomly selected in public places. Opinions were collected through a translated self-administered questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A significant difference of opinion exists among GP and HP about the use of morphine. The word morphine first suggests drug to GP (36,2%) and analgesia to HP (32,9%.). The reasons for not using morphine most frequently cited are: for GP morphine use means advanced disease (56%), risk of addiction (50%), legal requirements (49,7%); for HP it means legal risks (56,3%) and adverse side effects of morphine such as somnolence - sedation (30,5%) The socio-demographic situation was correlated with the opinions about the use of morphine.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>False beliefs about the use of morphine exist among the studied groups. There seems to be a need for developing information campaigns on pain management and the use of morphine targeting. Better training and more information of HP might also be needed.</p