78 research outputs found

    Fontes e doses de potássio na produção de laranjeira

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    Produtividade e qualidade da produção de citros (Citrus spp.) é largamente influencia pela adubação com potássio (K). O cloreto de potássio é a principal fonte K como fertilizante, embora outras fontes estejam disponíveis para uso agrícola e que são de interesse para culturas sensíveis ao cloreto ou cultivadas em solos com potencial para acúmulo de sais. Poucos pesquisadores avaliaram o efeito de fontes de K na produção e qualidade de frutas cítricas. Assim sendo, avaliaram-se fontes de K2SO4 e KCl nas doses de 0, 100, 200 e 300 kg ha-1 por ano de K2O na produção e qualidade de frutos em pomares de laranjeiras 'Pêra' e 'Valência'. Os experimentos foram instalados em delineamento fatorial do tipo 4 × 2, com quatro repetições e conduzidos no período de 2001 a 2004. A produtividade da laranjeira aumentou com a adubação potássica. O máximo rendimento econômico para a adubação com K na laranjeira 'Pêra' foi obtido na dose de 200 kg ha-1 de K2O, enquanto, na laranjeira 'Valência' foi de 270 kg ha-1 de K2O. As diferenças foram atribuídas ao maior nível de produção e exportação de K pelos frutos de 'Valência'. A massa do fruto também aumentou com o incremento nas doses de K o que determinou as perdas de sólidos solúveis totais no suco. Esta foi correlacionada com as concentrações de K nas folhas da laranjeira 'Valência' (r = 0,76; p < 0,05). A concentração de Ca, Mg e B nas folhas diminuíram com as doses de K. A concentração de Cl nas folhas aumentou até 440 mg kg-1 com o incremento nas doses de KCl, entretanto, não foram observados efeitos adversos na produção e na qualidade dos frutos.Fruit yield and quality of citrus trees (Citrus spp.) is markedly affected by potassium (K) fertilization. Potassium chloride is the major source of K, even though other sources are also available for agricultural use when crops are sensitive to chloride or where potential for accumulation of salts in soils exists. Only few studies addressed the effect of K sources on yield and quality of citrus fruits. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate K2SO4 and KCl fertilizer sources at 0, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha-1 per year K2O on fruit yield and quality of 'Pêra' and 'Valencia' sweet orange trees in the field. The experiments were carried out in a 4 × 2 factorial design under randomized complete blocks, with four replicates from 2001 to 2004. Fruit yield increased with increased K fertilization. Nutrient rate for maximum economic yield of 'Pêra' was 200 kg ha-1 of K2O and for 'Valencia', 270 kg ha-1 of K2O. Differences were attributed to higher production and K exportation by fruits of 'Valencia'. Fruit mass also increased with increased K fertilization what decreased total soluble solids in juice, and which correlated with leaf K concentrations for 'Valencia' (r = 0.76; p < 0.05). Leaf Ca, Mg and B concentrations decreased with K rates. Additionally, leaf Cl increased up to 440 mg kg-1 with KCl rates, even though no negative effects occurred either on fruit yield or quality of trees

    Conteúdo de nutrientes em componentes da biomassa de laranjeira hamlin

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    A compreensão da distribuição de nutrientes na árvore é importante para o estabelecimento de programas de manejo nutricional eficientes para a produção de citros. Árvores de laranjeira Hamlin [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.] em citrumelo Swingle [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. x Citrus paradisi Macfad.], com 6 anos de idade, cultivadas num Entisol da Flórida foram colhidas para investigar a distribuição e o conteúdo de macro e micronutrientes em componentes da biomassa. A distribuição de nutrientes, em peso seco, da biomassa total da árvore foi: frutos = 30,3%, folhas = 9,7%, ramos = 26,1%, tronco = 6,3% e raízes = 27,8%. A concentração de nutrientes em folhas recém maduras ficou entre os níveis adequado e ótimo pela interpretação da análise foliar da Flórida. Maiores concentrações de Ca foram observadas nas folhas mais velhas e nos tecidos lenhosos. Concentrações de micronutrientes foram significativamente maiores nas radicelas em comparação àquelas lenhosas. O maior conteúdo de nutriente na árvore foi de Ca (273,8 g/árvore), seguido de N e de K (243,7 e 181,5 g/árvore, respectivamente). Outros macronutrientes somaram cerca de 11% do conteúdo total de nutrientes. O conteúdo de vários nutrientes na fruta fresca, em kg ton-1, foi: N = 1,20; K = 1,54; P = 0,18; Ca = 0,57; Mg = 0,12; S = 0,09; B = 1,63 x 10-3; Cu = 0,39 x 10-3; Fe = 2,1 x 10-3; Mn = 0,38 x 10-3 e Zn = 0,40 x 10-3. O conteúdo total de N, K e P no pomar correspondeu a 66,5, 52,0, and 8,3 kg ha-1, respectivamente, os quais foram equivalentes às quantidades de nutriente aplicadas anualmente pela adubação.The knowledge of the nutrient distribution in trees is important to establish sound nutrient management programs for citrus production. Six-year-old Hamlin orange trees [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.] on Swingle citrumelo [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. x Citrus paradisi Macfad.] rootstock, grown on a sandy Entisol in Florida were harvested to investigate the macro and micronutrient distributions of biomass components. The biomass of aboveground components of the tree represented the largest proportion of the total. The distribution of the total tree dry weight was: fruit = 30.3%, leaf = 9.7%, twig = 26.1%, trunk = 6.3%, and root = 27.8%. Nutrient concentrations of recent mature leaves were in the adequate to optimal range as suggested by interpretation of leaf analysis in Florida. Concentrations of Ca in older leaves and woody tissues were much greater than those in the other parts of the tree. Concentrations of micronutrients were markedly greater in fibrous root as compared to woody roots. Calcium made up the greatest amount of nutrient in the citrus tree (273.8 g per tree), followed by N and K (234.7 and 181.5 g per tree, respectively). Other macronutrients comprised about 11% of the total nutrient content of trees. The contents of various nutrients in fruits were: N = 1.20, K = 1.54, P = 0.18, Ca = 0.57, Mg = 0.12, S = 0.09, B = 1.63 x 10-3, Cu = 0.39 x 10-3, Fe = 2.1 x 10-3, Mn = 0.38 10-3, and Zn = 0.40 10-3 (kg ton-1). Total contents of N, K, and P in the orchard corresponded to 66.5, 52.0, and 8.3 kg ha-1, respectively, which were equivalent to the amounts applied annually by fertilization

    Compositional meta-analysis of citrus varieties in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Brazil is the largest orange (Citrus sinensis) producer worldwide. The nutrient management of orange orchards is designed from experiments on a limited number of varieties. This knowledge is transferred to other varieties by diagnosing tissue nutrient composition. Nutrient diagnostic tools are based on nutrient concentration (critical minimum value or CMV) and ratio (Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System or DRIS) norms that disregard the compositional nature of analytical data and the limited number of nutrient ratios that can be diagnosed independently in a given composition. The diagnosis of cationic micronutrients is also biased by contamination from fungicides. Compositional data analysis that can avoid such problems has been first applied to tissue analysis of agricultural crops using centered log ratios (Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis – CND-clr). The isometric log ratio (ilr) transformation is a new approach based on binary nutrient ratios and the principle of orthogonality (CND-ilr). Binary partitions can be defined and varietal nutrient profiles classified based on positive and negative nutrient interactions and meta-analysis. We analyzed 11 nutrients (N, S, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe) in tissue samples across 108 orchard areas, i.e. 31 ‘Valencia’, 22 ‘Hamlin’, 20 ‘Pêra’, and 35 ‘Natal’. Nutrients were partitioned between macro- and micro-nutrients as well as anionic and cationic species. The effect size of varieties over ‘Valencia’ was quantified by the mean and standard deviation of ilr values across ilr coordinates. Specific varietal nutrient profiles and ilr norms were defined. To guide correcting nutrient deficiencies by appropriate nutrient management, compositions can be varied by a perturbation vector on nutrients with to the largest and most negative influence on ilr differences from ilr norms until the Aitchison distance falls below critical value

    Efficiency of foliar application of sparingly soluble sources of boron and zinc in citrus

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    This study evaluated leaf supply of zinc (Zn) and boron (B) using either soluble or sparingly soluble fertilizers in young sweet orange trees. Three experiments were set up in a greenhouse to compare two sources and four doses (control, low, adequate and high) of fertilizers as follows: (i) Experiment I (B): boric acid and calcium borate; (ii) Experiment II (Zn): Zn sulfate and Zn oxide; and (iii) Experiment III (B + Zn): boric acid + Zn Sulfate and Zn Borate. The sparingly soluble sources were effective in increasing the Zn and B leaf concentration. Dry matter of the aerial part increased 18 % with B applications in adequate concentration independent of the B fertilizer sources. In contrast, trees did not grow well with applications of adequate concentration of Zn as Zn Sulfate or high Zn concentration as Zn borate. Superoxide dismutase activity in leaves increased with applications of low concentration of Zn as Zn oxide and decreased with high concentration of Zn from either source. Polyphenol oxidase activity increased with application of adequate concentration of B as boric acid and high concentration of B as calcium borate. Furthermore, the upper concentrations of Zn were toxic in orange trees when the source was Zn sulfate. Increases in plant growth without damage to leaf tissue and positive responses of key enzymes of orange trees in a range of nutrient concentration applications demonstrated the practical use of sparingly soluble fertilizers to supplying B and Zn foliarily to plants

    Evaluation of different orange maturation curves by means of cluster analysis

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    Foram avaliadas curvas de maturação de frutos de 17 clones e cultivares de laranjas-doces pela análise de agrupamento. Determinou-se o °Brix e a acidez das laranjas no período de agosto a dezembro de 1995, em Cordeirópolis, SP, obtendo-se as curvas que descrevem o comportamento das variáveis ao longo do tempo. Com base no ajustamento de equações polinomiais, foram calculadas estimativas médias para °Brix e acidez aos 70, 75, 80, 85 e 90 dias após o início da coleta de frutos para análises. Com os dados padronizados, obteve-se o agrupamento pela média de grupos de pares não balanceados. Distinguiram-se quatro grupos de clones e cultivares de laranjas quanto à maturação. Um dos grupos, formado apenas pelo clone Navelência, apresentou 13,4°Brix e acidez de 0,83%, no início do período considerado, mostrando maturação precoce em relação aos outros clones e cultivares. A cultivar Pêra também formou um grupo isolado, com a razão °Brix/acidez superior a 12,0, em meados de outubro. Para o grupo formado pelas laranjas Natal, Folha Murcha, Old Bud Line, Cutter, Valência, Lue Ging Gong e Tuxpan foi revelada a segunda quinzena de novembro como a época adequada para colheita, enquanto que, o agrupamento dos clones Frost, Whits, Olinda, Late, Stone, Chaffei, Werley e Berry atingiu a mesma relação de sólidos solúveis e acidez após 40 dias.Fruit maturation of seventeen sweet orange clones and cultivars were evaluated by cluster analysis. Soluble solids (°Brix) and acidity were determined during the spring season 1995, in Cordeirópolis, SP, Brazil. Polynomial equations were determined between August and December and values for those variables were estimated 70, 75, 80, 85 and 90 days after the initial fruit sampling. The data set was standardized to perform cluster analysis regarding the Euclidean distance measure and the linkage rule as UPGMA type. Four clusters were selected in regard to fruit maturation stage. Navelência, the earliest clone, showed 13.4°Brix and 0.83% acidity in the beginning of the considered period. The Pêra cultivar, another single clone cluster, showed ratio higher than 12.0 after middle October. The Natal, Folha Murcha, Old Bud Line, Cutter, Valência, Lue Ging Gong and Tuxpan orange clones and cultivars formed a third cluster, which reached harvesting maturity during middle November, whereas, Frost, Whits, Olinda, Late, Stone, Chaffei, Werley and Berry clones reached the same stage forty days later

    Fertilização com boro e zinco no solo em complementação à aplicação via foliar em laranjeira Pêra

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    Boron (B) and zinc (Zn) are the most deficient micronutrients in the Brazilian's citrus industry. Worldwide, there is limited information about diagnostic criteria and management of these nutrients to the citrus crop. Leaf spray has been the usual form of application of these nutrients, despite their low redistribution into the citrus trees. The present work was carried out during four years in order to establish responses of citrus yield to complementary soil application of B and Zn compared to the traditional leaf spray, and to improve diagnostic tools for micronutrient recommendation based on soil and leaf analyses. The experiment was a 42 factorial design, with three replications, with four yearly rates (0, 2, 4 and 6 kg ha-1) of B, as boric acid, and Zn, as zinc sulfate. A significant response to soil B application was observed in two years compared to the conventional spray treatment, which did not improve yield and fruit quality. Maximum yield was reached at 4 kg ha-1 B rate, which increased the hot-water extracted soil-B to 1.0 mg dm-3, and total leaf-B to 300 mg kg-1. Soil Zn application was less effective than the leaf spray treatment due to high Zn adsorption in the soil. Soil testing and leaf analyses calibration curves were determined to establish B and Zn nutrient management program for citrus.As deficiências de boro (B) e zinco (Zn) são as mais freqüentes na citricultura brasileira e há escassez de conhecimento sobre critérios de diagnóstico e manejo desses nutrientes nessa cultura. A aplicação foliar tem sido a forma tradicional de fornecimento desses nutrientes, a despeito da baixa redistribuição na planta cítrica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da aplicação complementar de B e Zn no solo em comparação com a aplicação via foliar e estabelecer curvas de calibração de análises de solo e de folhas com a produtividade da laranjeira Pêra. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento fatorial 42, com três repetições. Foram aplicadas no solo as doses anuais de 0, 2, 4 e 6 kg ha-1 de B (ácido bórico) e Zn (sulfato de zinco), em complemento à adubação foliar. A produção de frutos aumentou significativamente com a aplicação de B no solo até a dose de 4 kg ha-1, enquanto a aplicação de Zn no solo mostrou-se pouco eficiente. As doses de B afetaram a qualidade dos frutos. A produtividade máxima foi obtida com teor de B no solo de 1,0 mg dm-3, e na folha de cerca de 300 mg kg-1. A aplicação foliar de B, apesar de evitar os sintomas típicos de deficiência, não otimizou a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos, enquanto a aplicação foliar de Zn mostrou-se eficiente. Curvas de calibração de análises de solo e de folhas mostraram a necessidade de rever as classes de interpretação desses micronutrientes na citricultura

    Concentrações foliares do porta-enxerto limoeiro 'cravo' em função da adubação N, P, K, Ca e S

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    A determinação das concentrações foliares representa o estado nutricional das plantas, identifica deficiências e/ou excessos e avalia a necessidade de ajustar as adubações. Este trabalho objetivou determinar a melhor combinação de doses NPKCa e S que proporcione a concentração foliar responsável pela maior quantidade de matéria seca total das plantas de porta-enxerto limoeiro `Cravo', em um experimento fatorial fracionário (¹/25) 5(4), com 25 tratamentos, repartidos em cinco blocos de cinco tratamentos. As mudas do limoeiro `Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osb.) foram transplantadas para recipientes (3,8 dm³) com substrato comercial, em viveiro telado, quando atingiram 10 cm. Os tratamentos consistiram de combinações das seguintes doses (g por planta): N = 0,31; 0,62; 1,25; 2,5 e 5; K = 0,4; 0,62; 1,25; 2,5 e 5; P = 0,35; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0 e 4,0; e Ca = 3,5; 5,0; 6,0; 7,0 e 8,0. O P e o Ca foram misturados ao substrato de uma vez antes do transplantio e o N e o K após o transplantio, divididos em 20 aplicações semanais. As fontes utilizadas para os tratamentos foram superfosfato triplo, gesso, NH4NO3 e KCl. As concentrações foliares aos cinco meses de idade situaram-se na faixa alta, para os nutrientes N, P, K e S, e baixa para Ca e Mg. As doses que proporcionaram a maior produção de matéria seca e melhores concentrações foliares foram N = 3,5; P = 2,7; K = 2,0; e Ca = 6,5 g por planta.Analysis of leaf nutrient contents can demonstrate plant nutritional status, identify symptoms of deficiency and toxicity, and evaluate the need to adjust fertilization programs. This research determined N:P:K:Ca:S rates for optimal nutrition of Rangpur lime - RL (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock, in an experiment arranged in a fractional factorial design of the (¹/25) 5(4) type, with 25 treatments distributed within five blocks. Seedlings of RL were transplanted into 3.8-dm³ containers filled with commercial growing media, when plant height = 10 cm, in a nursery. Treatments consisted of the following nutrient rates (g per plant): N = 0.31, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5; K = 0.4, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5; P = 0.35, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0; and Ca = 3.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0. Phosphorus and Ca were applied to the compost before transplant of seedlings, while N and K were applied later and total amounts were split into 20 weekly applications via fertigation. Nutrient sources were triple super phosphate, gypsum, NH4NO3 and KCl. Leaf nutrient concentrations of five-mo-old plants were high or in excess for N, P, K and S. Calcium and Mg concentrations were low. Greater dry mass of plants were observed at nutrient rates of N = 3.5, P = 2.7, K = 2.0, and Ca = 6.5 g per plant

    Anatomical and physiological responses of citrus trees to varying boron availability are dependent on rootstock

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    In Citrus, water, nutrient transport and thereby fruit production, are influenced among other factors, by the interaction between rootstock and boron (B) nutrition. This study aimed to investigate how B affects the anatomical structure of roots and leaves as well as leaf gas exchange in sweet orange trees grafted on two contrasting rootstocks in response to B supply. Plants grafted on Swingle citrumelo or Sunki mandarin were grown in a nutrient solution of varying B concentration (deficient, adequate, and excessive). Those grafted on Swingle were more tolerant to both B deficiency and toxicity than those on Sunki, as revealed by higher shoot and root growth. In addition, plants grafted on Sunki exhibited more severe anatomical and physiological damages under B deficiency, showing thickening of xylem cell walls and impairments in whole plant leaf -specific hydraulic conductance and leaf CO2 assimilation. Our data revealed that trees grafted on Swingle sustain better growth under low B availablitlity in the root medium and still respond positively to increased B levels by combining higher B absorption and root growth as well as better organization of xylem vessels. Taken together, those traits improved water and B transport to the plant canopy. Under B toxicity, Swingle rootstock would also favor plant growth by reducing anatomical and ultrastructural damage to leaf tissue and improving water transport compared with plants grafted on Sunki. From a practical point of view, our results highlight that B management in citrus orchards shall take into account rootstock varieties, of which the Swingle rootstock was characterized by its performance on regulating anatomical and ultrastructural damages, improving water transport and limiting negative impacts of B stress conditions on plant growth7CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPnão tem2010/52154-3; 2011/21226-

    Sweet orange trees grafted on selected rootstocks fertilized with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

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    A maioria dos citros produzidos no Brasil são enxertados em limão 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osb.). Apesar das boas características agronômicas desse porta-enxerto, a procura por variedades tolerantes a doenças, para aumentar a produtividade e longevidade dos pomares cítricos, tem aumentado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de produção de frutos de laranjas-doce sobre diferentes porta-enxertos e adubadas com N, P e potássio. O crescimento das árvores foi afetado pelas variedades de porta-enxertos estudadas; plantas sobre citrumelo 'Swingle' [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × C. paradisi Macf.] apresentaram o menor volume de copa (13,3 m3 no quinto ano após plantio) quando comparadas àquelas em limão 'Cravo' e tangerina 'Cleópatra' [C. reshni (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka] no mesmo pomar. Embora tenha sido observada uma relação positiva entre volume de copa e produção de frutos (R2 = 0,95**), a eficiência de produção de frutos (kg m-3) foi afetada pelos porta-enxertos, o que demonstrou a superioridade do limão 'Cravo' em relação à 'Cleópatra'. O crescimento de árvores em formação, com menos que cinco anos de idade, pode apresentar resposta à adubação com K em doses superiores às recomendadas atualmente no Brasil, em solos com baixa reserva de K trocável e condições para perdas deste nutriente por lixiviação.The majority of citrus trees in Brazil are grafted on 'Rangpur lime' (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock. Despite its good horticultural performance, search for disease tolerant rootstock varieties to improve yield and longevity of citrus groves has increased. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield efficiency of sweet oranges on different rootstocks fertilized with N, P, and potassium. Tree growth was affected by rootstock varieties; trees on 'Swingle' citrumelo [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × C. paradisi Macf.] presented the smallest canopy (13.3 m3 in the fifth year after tree planting) compared to those on 'Rangpur lime' and 'Cleopatra' mandarin [C. reshni (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka] grown on the same grove. Although it was observed an overall positive relationship between canopy volume and fruit yield (R2 = 0.95**), yield efficiency (kg m-3) was affected by rootstocks, which demonstrated 'Rangpur lime' superiority in relation to Cleopatra. Growth of citrus trees younger than 5-yr-old might be improved by K fertilization rates greater than currently recommended in Brazil, in soils with low K and subjected to nutrient leaching losses