123 research outputs found


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    This thesis examines the future of conflict resolution in Africa and the role of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in the process, based on the 1993 OAU's "Mechanism" (MCPMR). It argues that, in Africa, historical evidence suggests a continuing pattern of internal conflicts aggravated by destabilization attempts. It also seeks to demonstrate that for various reasons, the OAU has been weak in this type of conflict. This opens two options. One, making the OAU irrelevant, is to maintain the present track and end up between an evil and a lesser evil scenarios. The first is the intervention by a regional power, using a sub-regional organization. Here the risk is to see the regional power, in the absence of a watchdog, use the organization for its own agenda, as in the Nigerian interventions in Liberia and Sierra Leone, with the ECOWAS. The other scenario is the intervention by a country or group of countries for purely selfish reasons to change another country's political leadership, as in the Angolan interventions in Zaire and Congo. The second option, less likely without substantial reforms, is for the OAU to use the support available from the international community to establish itself as a forum, an organizer, a legitimizer and a watchdog.http://archive.org/details/thefutureofconfl1094532688NASenegalese Air Force author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Les Performances Agro-Economiques De L’urĂ©e Super GranulĂ© : Cas Du Riz Au SĂ©nĂ©gal

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    Le riz est l’aliment de base des sĂ©nĂ©galais. Cependant sa production nationale est infĂ©rieure Ă  la demande. La production du riz donne des rendements de 7 Ă  8 t/ha dans la vallĂ©e du Fleuve SĂ©nĂ©gal avec une utilisation de grandes quantitĂ©s d’urĂ©e. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous comparons les performances agronomiques et Ă©conomiques de l’application de l’urĂ©e suivant deux technologies : la technique du placement profond de l’urĂ©e et l’épandage Ă  la volĂ©e de l’urĂ©e. Un dispositif expĂ©rimental en blocs complets randomisĂ©s est utilisĂ© avec quatre niveaux de fertilisation (T1 : 113 kg / ha d’urĂ©e super granulĂ© (USG) de 1,8 g soit 52 kg N / ha ; T2 : 170 kg / ha d’urĂ©e super granulĂ© (USG) de 2,7g soit 78 kg N / ha; T3 : 226 kg / ha d’urĂ©e super granulĂ© (USG) de 3,6g (2 USG de 1,8g) soit 104 kg N / ha et T4 : 300 kg / ha d’urĂ©e ordinaire soit 138 kg N / ha.). Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la technologie du placement profond de l’urĂ©e permet d’obtenir des rendements plus Ă©levĂ©s (T3 : 7582 kg/ha ; T2 : 7082 kg/ha et T1 : 5441 kg/ha) que celui enregistrĂ© avec l’épandage Ă  la volĂ©e de l’urĂ©e T4 (5375 kg/ha). L’analyse Ă©conomique a montrĂ© un taux marginal de rentabilitĂ© de 1063% en prenant comme rĂ©fĂ©rence la fertilisation actuellement pratiquĂ©e. Rice is the staple food of Senegalese people. However, its domestic production is below demand. Rice production yields 7 to 8 t/ha in the Senegal River Valley with the use of large amounts of urea. In this study, we compare the agronomic and economic performance of urea application using two technologies: the technique of deep placement of urea and the application of urea on the fly. An experimental device in randomized complete blocks is used with four fertilization levels (T1: 113 kg/ha of super granulated urea (USG) of 1.8 g or 52 kg N/ha; T2: 170 kg/ha of super granulated urea (USG) of 2.7g or 78 kg N/ha; T3: 226 kg/ha of super granulated urea (USG) of 3.6g (2 USG of 1.8g) or 104 kg N/ha and T4: 300 kg / hectare of ordinary urea or 138 kg N/ha.). The results show that deep urea placement technology provides higher yields (T3: 7582 kg/ha; T2: 7082 kg/ha and T1: 5441 kg/ha) than that recorded with the on-the-fly application of T4 urea (5375 kg/ha). The economic analysis showed a marginal rate of return of 1063% using the current fertilization as a reference

    Fistule IlĂ©o-VĂ©sicale Sur Phyto-BĂ©zoard : À Propos D’une Observation Et Revue De La LittĂ©rature

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    Le bĂ©zoard est un diagnostic rare d’abdomen chirurgical. Un homme de 43 ans a Ă©tĂ© reçu dans un tableau de syndrome occlusif. Une tomodensitomĂ©trie abdominale a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e et objectivait un obstacle endoluminale du grĂȘle. L’exploration chirurgicale avait retrouvĂ© une occlusion grĂȘlique associĂ©e Ă  une fistule ilĂ©o-vĂ©sicale. La brĂšche vĂ©sicale a alors Ă©tĂ© fermĂ©e, un bĂ©zoard extrait et une rĂ©section-anastomose a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e sur le segment du grĂȘle perforĂ©. La stratĂ©gie diagnostique et la prise en charge sont discutĂ©es. The bezoar is a rare diagnosis of surgical abdomen. A 43-year-old man was admitted with an occlusive syndrom. An abdominal scan was performed and an endo-luminal obstruction of the small bowel was objectified. Surgical exploration shows a bowel obstruction to be associated with an ileo-vesical fistula. The bladder breach was then closed, a bezoar extracted, and a resection-anastomosis was performed on the perforated small bowel segment. The diagnostic strategy and management was also discussed

    Locus of first crystals on the evaporative surface of a vertically textured porous medium

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    The evaporation of a saline solution from a heterogeneous porous medium formed by the assembly of a coarse medium column and a fine medium column is studied numerically. We concentrate on the locus of the formation of first crystals on the evaporative surface from the computation of the ion mass fraction distribution at the surface prior to the efflorescence development. Two basic situations considered in previous works, namely the evaporation–wicking situation and the drying situation are considered. The study makes clear that each situation leads to a markedly different locus of the efflorescence formation, except, however, for very high initial salt concentrations. The study emphasizes the key-role of the velocity field induced in the porous domain in the case of the evaporation–wicking situation. In the case of the drying situation, a key aspect lies in the local increase in the ion mass fraction due to the local desaturation, i.e. the local shrinking of the liquid volume containing the ions

    Stagnation Points as Loci of Solute Concentration Extrema at the Evaporative Surface of a Random Porous Medium

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    Evaporation of a saline solution from a porous medium often leads to the precipitation of salt at the surface of the porous medium. It is commonly observed that the crystallized salt does not form everywhere at the porous medium surface but at some specific locations. This is interpreted at the signature of spatial variations in the salt concentration at the surface of the porous medium prior to the onset of crystallization. We explore numerically the link between the ion concentration spatial variations at the surface and porous medium heterogeneities considering strongly anisotropic short-range correlated permeability Gaussian fields corresponding to a vertical layering perpendicular to the top evaporative surface for the case of the evaporation–wicking situation. It is shown that the ion concentration extrema at the surfaces correspond to stagnation points with minima corresponding to divergent stagnation points and maxima to convergent stagnation points. Counter-intuitively, the ion concentration maxima are shown to correspond to permeability minima. However, the ion concentration absolute maximum does not necessarily always correspond to the permeability absolute minimum. More generally, the study emphasizes the key role played by the impact of heterogeneities on the velocity field induced in the medium by the evaporation process. It is also shown that the number of ion mass fraction maxima at the porous medium surface is generally much lower than the naive prediction based on the number of correlation lengths spanning the medium

    Dynamique des Troupeaux de Petits Ruminants Saheliens dans Les Exploitations Rurales au Senegal

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    Les races locales de petits ruminants (PR) sahĂ©liens du SĂ©nĂ©gal sont trĂšs adaptĂ©es Ă  l’élevage extensif malgrĂ© les contraintes alimentaires et sanitaires surtout dans le contexte actuel de changement climatique. Importante source de protĂ©ines pour les populations, les PR leur gĂ©nĂšrent aussi des revenus substantiels. En dĂ©pit de cette importance socio- Ă©conomique, peu d’études ont portĂ© sur les performances et la gestion des animaux dans leur environnement d’élevage. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier la dynamique des troupeaux de PR dans la zone semi-aride du Ferlo. Ainsi, des enquĂȘtes rĂ©trospectives transversales par la mĂ©thode des 12 derniers mois ont Ă©tĂ©rĂ©alisĂ©es dans 52 troupeaux ruraux durant le mois d‘avril 2017. Sur l’ensemble des troupeaux enquĂȘtĂ©s 604 ovins et 450 caprins ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©s avec des tailles moyennes de 19,48±9,63 et 21,43±11,35 tĂȘtes par troupeau respectivement pour les ovins et les caprins. Le taux de mises-bas annuel est de 84,1 ± 5,4% pour les chĂšvres et 85,5 ± 5,3% pour les brebis. La mortalitĂ© a particuliĂšrement touchĂ© les jeunes animaux avec des frĂ©quences respectives de 16,8 ± 3,0 et 13,2 ± 3,0% pour les ovins et les caprins. L’achat a Ă©tĂ© le principal motif d’entrĂ©e d’animaux dans les exploitations tandis que la mortalitĂ© et la vente ont constituĂ© les principaux motifs de sortie respectivement pour les ovins et les caprins. Le taux d’exploitation de 23,8 ± 2,1% pour les ovins contre 26,8 ± 2,5% pour les caprins et les mĂąles adultes sont principalement les plus exploitĂ©s. Les contraintes et constats identifiĂ©s dans cette Ă©tude doivent ĂȘtre pris en compte pour le dĂ©veloppement des filiĂšres ovine et caprine dans la zone semi-aride du SĂ©nĂ©gal. Local breeds of Sahelian small-ruminant (SR) in Senegal are highly adapted to extensive farming systems despite feeding and health constraints, especially in a climate change context. As an important source of protein for populations, SR also generate substantial income. Despite this importance, their productivity in rural farming systems is rarely studied. The main objective of this study is to analyze demographic dynamics of SR’s flocks in the Ferlo zone using last twelve months retrospective surveys. The surveys were carried out on 52 flocks belonging to 32 rural households. With a predominance of adult females, a total number of 604 sheep and 450 goats are counted with an average size of 19.48 ± 9.63 and 21.43 ± 11.35 heads per flockrespectively for sheep and goat. The annual birth rate was 84.1 ± 5.4 for goats and 85.5 ± 5.3% for sheep. Young animals were particularly affected by mortalitywith a frequency of 16.8 ± 3.0 and 13.2 ± 3.0% respectively for sheep and goats. Purchase was the main reason for entrance of animals into the flocks. For animal exits, mortalities were the main reason for sheep whereas for goats, sales were the main reasons. The global offtake rate was 23.8 ± 2.1% for sheep and 26.8 ± 2.5% for goats and adult males were mostly concerned. Despite low productivity, SR breeding remains an important economic activity for the rural populations

    Evaluation De La Denutrition Chez Les Enfants Ages De 2 A 60 Mois Hospitalises Aux Services De Pediatrie Des Hopitaux De Ziguinchor (Senegal)

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    Introduction: Malnutrition is a public health problem in developing countries. The prevalence of malnutrition at the national level hardly reflects the reality in hospitals. It is in this context that we assessed the nutritional status of children from 2 months to 5 years hospitalized in the pediatric ward of the regional hospital and the Ziguinchor Peace Hospital. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study from June 1 to October 30, 2016. Children aged 2 to 60 months, hospitalized in one of the two services, were included. Children with esdato-ascetic syndrome were not included. Epidemiological, anthropometric data, and associated diagnosis were studied. Results: We included 114 children (70 boys and 44 girls). The average age was 21.9 months [4-59]. Forty-two point one percent (42.1%) of infants <6 months were breastfed exclusively with breast milk. The weaning of children was done early in 55.3%. The mean age of mothers was 26.6 years [17-38]. The socioeconomic level was low in 62.3% of cases. The prevalence of malnutrition averaged 35.5% for underweight; 32.9% for wasting and 32.0% for stunting. Acute respiratory infections (ARI) and acute gastroenteritis were the most common associated conditions. Mean hospital stay was 8 days ± 009 [3-28]. About two thirds of the patients (n = 72) had a hospital stay of more than 7 days. Malnutrition was significantly associated with multiparity, low socioeconomic status, hospital stay of more than 7 days and infectious diseases. Conclusion: Infections and a hospital stay longer than a week are factors favoring malnutrition in children from 2 months to 5 years
