9 research outputs found

    Cultivos de consorcio de café arábica : caracterización morfológica, fisiológica y nutricional

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    Intenta caracterizar la morfología, fisiología y nutrición del café arábica bajo tres sistemas de conducción: monocultivo, consorciado con plátano y consorciado con plátano y palmito jucara. El estudio fue desarrollado en la localidad de Lagoa Seca, municipio de Alegre-ES, donde se pudo verificar que el suelo cultivado con café en condiciones de monocultivo presentó mejores características químicas.Brasil. Organización de Estados Americanos 3 - 2014Tesi

    Produção de tubérculos de batata-semente sob efeito de Trichoderma sp. e rizobactérias em casa de vegetação

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the main crops in the Andean region and due to environmental aspects, the use of biocontrol agents is considered a safe way to produce potato seed tubers.The objective of the study was to evaluate potato inoculation with Trichoderma sp. as a matrix and rhizobacteria Bacillus simplex and Azotobacter sp. on the growth of potato seedlings from in vitro culture, for the production of seed tubers in a greenhouse. The inoculation of microorganisms was carried out in pots, using five potato genotypes for processing. The inoculation treatments were: control, Trichoderma sp., Trichoderma sp. + Azotobacter sp., Trichoderma sp. + Bacillus simplex, Trichoderma sp. + B. simplex + Azotobacter sp. The potato genotypes were cv. Unica (CIP392797.22), cv. Bicentenaria, the advanced clones CIP 396311.1, CIP 399101.1, and the experimental clone UH-09 from the Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión. A completely randomized design was used, under a factorial arrangement and comparisons between treatments were made at p<0.05. All inoculant treatments exceeded the control in number and weight of tubers per plant as well as in tuber size. Inoculations of Trichoderma sp. alone or with Azotobacter sp. increased plant height, number of leaves per plant and vegetative uniformity; inoculations with the Trichoderma sp. + B. simplex + Azotobacter sp. consortium, improved the dry weight of the foliage, number of shoots per plant and vegetative vigor. There were significant interactions between potato genotypes and inoculant treatments for plant uniformity, vegetative vigor, and the foliage's dry weight. Coinoculation with Trichoderma sp. and some bacterial strains promote the growth of in vitro potato seedlings, increasing the size and weight of the seed tubers and plant biomass, indicating an interrelation between fungi and bacteria that influence the production of potatoes in a greenhouse.A batata (Solanum tuberosum L.) é uma das principais culturas da região andina e devido aos aspectos ambientais, o uso de agentes de biocontrole é considerado uma forma segura de produzir tubérculos de batata-semente. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a inoculação de batata com Trichoderma sp. como matriz e rizobactérias Bacillus simplex e Azotobacter sp. sobre o crescimento de mudas de batata provenientes de cultivo in vitro, para produção de tubérculos-semente em casa de vegetação. A inoculação dos microrganismos foi realizada em vasos, utilizando-se cinco genótipos de batata para processamento. Os tratamentos de inoculação foram: testemunha, Trichoderma sp., Trichoderma sp. + Azotobacter sp., Trichoderma sp. + B.simplex, Trichoderma sp. + B.simplex + Azotobacter sp. Os genótipos de batata foram cv. Única (CIP392797.22), cv. Bicentenaria, os clones avançados CIP396311.1, CIP399101.1, e o clone experimental UH-9 da Universidade Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial e as comparações entre os tratamentos foram feitas com p<0,05. Todos os tratamentos com inoculantes excederam o controle em número e peso de tubérculos por planta, bem como em tamanho de tubérculo. Inoculações de Trichoderma sp. sozinho ou com Azotobacter sp. aumento da altura das plantas, número de folhas por planta e uniformidade vegetativa; inoculações com o Trichoderma sp. + B.simplex + Azotobacter sp. consorcio, melhorou a massa seca da folhagem, número de brotações por planta e vigor vegetativo. Houve interações significativas entre genótipos de batata e tratamentos inoculantes para uniformidade e vigor vegetativo, e para a massa seca da folhagem. Coinoculação com Trichoderma sp. e algumas cepas bacterianas promovem o crescimento de mudas de batata in vitro, aumentando o tamanho e o peso dos tubérculos-semente e da biomassa vegetal, indicando que existe inter-relação entre fungos e bactérias que influenciam a produção de batata em casa de vegetação

    Caracterización morfológica del cerdo Criollo Alto Andino

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    Objetivo: Determinar índices zoométricos y fanerópticos del cerdo criollo altoandino en un sistema de crianza intensiva. Métodos: doce ejemplares hembras y dos machos, de 5 meses de edad fueron adquiridos a pobladores del distrito de Santa Leonor y Checras, provincia de Huaura, Región Lima – Provincias. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva para los índices estimados. Resultados: Cerdos hembras y machos alcanzaron pesos de 25,80 y 28,27 kg., respectivamente, a los 142 días de edad. Los machos mostraron tendencias de mayores longitudes con relación a las hembras para la cabeza, alzada de cruz, alzada de grupa, longitud de cuerpo, diámetro bicostal y dorsoesternal, ancho de grupa, perímetro de caña y torácico. Asimismo, mientras en machos, el índice cefálico, torácico, profundidad de pecho e índice metacarpiano muestra tendencias a ser mayores en los machos; el  índice corporal, pelviano y el de proporcionalidad muestran tendencias a ser mayores para las hembras. Con relación a las características faneropticas al destete, lechones pelo largo muestran tendencias de mayores pesos vivos con relación a lechones pelo corto. Conclusiones: Los índices corporal y torácico mayores determinados en cerdos criollos de nuestro estudio sugieren una raza de aspecto longuilineo, aunque la mayor profundidad relativa de pecho también indica tener propósitos cárnicos. Las características fanerópticas de capa negra con predominancia de pelo largo influirían positivamente en la termorregulación y mejoraría el rendimiento productivo. Palabras clave: Cerdo criollo, índices zoométricos, faneróptica

    Efecto de fuentes orgánicas de fertilizantes sobre morfometría y rendimiento de dos variedades de zanahoria en Pomabamba, Perú

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    Objective: To evaluate the response of two carrot varieties to the application of organic sources under conditions of the Andean region of Ancash. Methodology: The design of complete randomized blocks was implemented with an arrangement of divided plots, determining the varieties as plots: Chantenay Red Core and Chantenay Imperial; and as subplots to the organic sources: control, island guano, guinea pig manure and the mixture of both in equal proportions. There were eight treatments arranged in four blocks. The variables evaluated were plant height (cm), the -1 upper and lower diameter of the root (cm), root length (cm) and yield (t ha ). The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance by the F test, after evaluation of normality and homogeneity of variances. For the comparison of means, Duncan's test was applied at 5%. The Sisvar statistical program was used. Results: It was observed that there was only an interaction between variety and organic source for the yield variable; Thus, the Red Core variety obtained higher yields than the Imperial variety in each of the organic sources evaluated; and concerning the analysis within the variety, it was found that in the Red Core variety, the application of island guano promoted greater yield compared to the other sources. Conclusion: It is concluded that the Chantenay Red Core variety is superior to the Imperial, and those organic sources have favoured increased yield.Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de fuentes orgánicas de fertilizante sobre la morfometría y rendimiento de dos variedades de zanahoria, en condiciones de la región andina de Ancash. Metodología: Se implementó el diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo de parcelas divididas, las parcelas fueron las variedades: Chantenay Red Core y Chantenay Imperial, y como subparcelas a las fuentes orgánicas: testigo, guano de islas, estiércol de cuy y la mezcla de ambos en proporciones iguales. Fueron ocho los tratamientos dispuestos en cuatro bloques. Las variables evaluadas fueron altura de planta (cm), diámetro superior e inferior de la raíz (cm), longitud de raíz (cm) y -1 rendimiento (t ha ). Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos al análisis de varianza por la prueba F, previa evaluación de normalidad y homogeneidad de varianzas. Para la comparación de medias se aplicó la prueba de Duncan al 5%. Se utilizó el programa estadístico Sisvar. Resultados: Se observó que solo se presentó interacción entre variedad y fuente orgánica para la variable rendimiento; así la variedad Red Core obtuvo mayor rendimiento que la variedad Imperial en cada una de las fuentes orgánicas evaluados; con respecto al análisis dentro de la variedad, se encontró que en la variedad Red Core, la aplicación del guano de islas promovió mayor rendimiento en comparación a las otras fuentes. Conclusión: La variedad Chantenay Red Core fue superior en rendimiento a Chantenay Imperial, las fuentes orgánicas favorecieron el incremento del rendimiento

    El guano de las islas y la producción de frijol vainita (Phaseolus vulgaris) en la región andina de Ancash, Perú

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    Objective: to evaluate the effect of the guano of the islands on green bean production in the Andean region of Ancash, Peru. Methodology: A randomized complete block design was implemented with six treatments arranged in four blocks. The island guano-based treatments were: T1: 0.0 t ha-1; T2: 1.0 t ha-1; T3: 2.0 t ha-1; T4: 3.0 t ha-1; T5: 4.0 t ha-1; and T6: 5.0 t ha-1. The variables evaluated were plant height (cm), number of pods per plant, pod length and width, pod weight per plant and yield (t ha-1). The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance by the F test, after normality and homogeneity of variances. For the comparison of means, the Scott-Knott test was applied at 5%. The Sisvar statistical program was used. Results: significant differences were observed among the various treatments evaluated. The greatest plant height, number of pods per plant, pod length and pod width were obtained with applications of 4 and 5 t ha-1. In the case of yield, the highest value was obtained with the application of 5.0 t ha-1. Conclusion: The application of guano from the islands in green bean production yielded satisfactory results, especially in yield, which is the most important variable in the study. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorophyll, yield.Objetivo: evaluar el efecto del guano de islas en la producción de frijol vainita en condiciones de la región andina de Ancash, Perú. Metodología: se implementó el diseño de bloques completos al azar con seis tratamientos y dispuestos en cuatro bloques. Los tratamientos a base de guano de islas, fueron: T1: 0,0 t ha-1; T2: 1,0 t ha-1; T3: 2,0 t ha-1; T4: 3,0 t ha-1; T5: 4,0 t ha-1; y T6: 5,0 t ha-1. Las variables evaluadas fueron altura de planta (cm), número de vainas por planta, longitud y ancho de vaina, peso de vainas por planta y rendimiento (t ha-1). Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos al análisis de varianza por la prueba F, previa evaluación de normalidad y homogeneidad de varianzas. Para la comparación de medias se aplicó la prueba de Scott-Knott al 5%. Se utilizó el programa estadístico Sisvar. Resultados: para el conjunto de características evaluadas, se observó diferencias significativas entre los diversos tratamientos evaluados. La mayor altura de planta, vainas por planta, longitud y ancho de vainas se obtuvieron con las aplicaciones de 4 y 5 t ha-1. En el caso del rendimiento, el mayor valor se obtuvo con la aplicación de 5,0 t ha-1. Conclusión: la aplicación del guano de las islas en la producción de frijol vainita arrojó resultados satisfactorios, especialmente en el rendimiento, que es la variable más importante en el estudio

    Impact of intercropping on the photosynthetic activity of coffee

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    Conducting studies that assist in the evaluation of agroecosystems is essential for advancing biodiverse and sustainable agriculture. This study aimed to assess the impact of intercropping on the photosynthetic activity of Arabica coffee plants. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Alegre, Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Three coffee cropping systems were studied: Arabica coffee monoculture; Arabica coffee intercropped with Nanicon variety banana; and Arabica coffee intercropped with Nanicon variety banana and Juçara palm. The Arabica coffee variety used was Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44, planted in 1991, with a spacing of 3.0 m between rows and 2.0 m between holes, accommodating two plants per hole. In 2010, coffee trees underwent mid-height pruning (low-cutting pruning), and the Nanicon bananas were planted between rows with a spacing of 5.0 x 3.0 m. Three years later, palm seedlings were planted in the same rows as the banana plants, with a spacing of 5 x 3 m. Five experimental units were randomly selected for each cropping system. The evaluated variables included chlorophyll indexes (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, and chlorophyll a/b ratio) and gas exchange parameters (net CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration, intrinsic water use efficiency, instantaneous water use efficiency, and carboxylation efficiency). Regarding chlorophyll indexes, differences were observed only in chlorophyll b, with monoculture coffee displaying the highest values. In terms of gas exchange, intercropped coffee exhibited lower values of intrinsic and instantaneous water use efficiency, and higher values of stomatal conductance and transpiration. The highest net assimilation rate values were observed in coffee with banana intercropping, while the highest water use efficiency was found in coffee in monoculture. In summary, monoculture coffee showed the highest values for most of the variables related to photosynthetic activity, followed by Arabica coffee intercropped with banana, which stood out for achieving the highest net assimilation rate

    Percepción sensorial del consumidor de la salchicha del mercado de Huacho y la producida con cerdos criollos

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    Objetivos: Determinar el grado de aceptabilidad del consumidor de la salchicha huachana. Métodos: Se elaboró salchicha con dos tipos de carne de cerdo, comercial y criollo. Se realizó la prueba sensorial discriminativa con un cuestionario en escala de Likert sobre las características sensoriales. Se consideró la opinión de 10 jueces entrenados. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba de Rangos con Signo de Wilcoxon. Resultados: En la característica apariencia no existe diferencia significativa entre los dos tipos de salchicha (p>0,05). En las características de intensidad de sabor, sabor, intensidad de jugosidad, jugosidad y aceptabilidad existieron diferencias altamente significativas (p<0,01), mientras que en la intensidad de suavidad y la suavidad sólo existieron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) a favor de la salchicha elaborada con carne de cerdo criollo. Conclusiones: La salchicha de cerdo criollo posee mejores características sensoriales que la salchicha de cerdo mejorad

    Balanço energético e diagnóstico de qualidade do algodoeiro cultivado com sementes nativas em Lima, Peru

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    Studies of energy flow in agroecosystems are very important in agricultural production worldwide, in order to achieve a more sustainable agriculture. The objective of this study was to characterize the energy efficiency and to perform a quality diagnosis of cotton in a cultivation system in Lima, Peru. Participatory methodologies have been adopted to promote greater interaction between farmers and researchers to obtain information about the agroecosyste m. The energy balance was achieved by the ratio between achieved production (output) and energy expenditure (input). The quality diagnosis was constructed through the scores observed by the farmer. In conclusion, the cotton cultivation system presented an unsatisfactory positive energy balance and low quality diagnosis related to nutritional factor, weed competition and afforestation


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    Background: Studies that help to evaluate agroecosystems are of great importance for world agricultural production in order to achieve a more sustainable agriculture. Objective: To evaluate the physical and chemical attributes of the soil with crops intercropped with coffee. Methodology: The research was carried out on the property of a family farmer located in the municipality of Alegre, state of Espírito Santo, in southeastern Brazil. For this, three farming systems were defined: monoculture coffee, coffee intercropped with plantain, and coffee intercropped with plantain and hearts of palm. Five randomly selected experimental units were established in each system. The physical attributes were evaluated: texture and mechanical resistance of the soil; and chemical attributes: pH, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al+H, SB, CIC-e, CIC-T, %SB, %SA and MO. Results: Soil texture was similar in the three cultivation systems, however, the monoculture coffee soil had a higher percentage of sand and a lower percentage of clay. The mechanical resistance was similar between the culture systems in the two depths evaluated. Regarding chemical attributes, monoculture coffee presented higher values for pH, P, K, Ca and Mg, SB, CICe and %SB, and lower value for organic matter content. Conclusion: These results show that the physical and chemical attributes of the soil are affected by intercropping with coffee, so it is necessary to modify the agronomic management for these conditions