13 research outputs found

    An Indication of Anisotropy in Arrival Directions of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays through Comparison to the Flux Pattern of Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Sources

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    A new analysis of the data set from the Pierre Auger Observatory provides evidence for anisotropy in the arrival directions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays on an intermediate angular scale, which is indicative of excess arrivals from strong, nearby sources. The data consist of 5514 events above 20 EeV with zenith angles up to 80 degrees. recorded before 2017 April 30. Sky models have been created for two distinct populations of extragalactic gamma-ray emitters: active galactic nuclei from the second catalog of hard Fermi-LAT sources (2FHL) and starburst galaxies from a sample that was examined with Fermi-LAT. Flux-limited samples, which include all types of galaxies from the Swift-BAT and 2MASS surveys, have been investigated for comparison. The sky model of cosmic-ray density constructed using each catalog has two free parameters, the fraction of events correlating with astrophysical objects, and an angular scale characterizing the clustering of cosmic rays around extragalactic sources. A maximum-likelihood ratio test is used to evaluate the best values of these parameters and to quantify the strength of each model by contrast with isotropy. It is found that the starburst model fits the data better than the hypothesis of isotropy with a statistical significance of 4.0 sigma, the highest value of the test statistic being for energies above 39 EeV. The three alternative models are favored against isotropy with 2.7 sigma-3.2 sigma significance. The origin of the indicated deviation from isotropy is examined and prospects for more sensitive future studies are discussed

    Morfologia e morfometria das papilas mamárias de búfalas

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    Para este estudo, quinze papilas de fêmeas de búfalos e uma de fêmea bovina foram obtidas no matadouro. Estudos macro e microscópico foram realizados por meio de diferentes técnicas: morfológica, histológica e análises, biométrica, histométrica e mesoscópica. As médias foram: papila cranial direita (PCD) 20,95g; papila caudal direita (PCaD) 21,49g; papila cranial esquerda (PCE) 23,52g; papila caudal esquerda (PCaE) 21,35g. O comprimento médio do ducto papilar, do número de pregas e do comprimento das cisternas papilares foi respectivamente: 0,67/5,5 e 2,17cm para a PCD; 0,62/6,0 e 2,26cm para a PCaD; e para o antímero esquerdo, PCD: 0,71/6,0 e 2,26cm e para PCaD: 0,74/5,7 e 2,57cm. A análise de Pearson revelou uma correlação negativa entre o peso do corpo e o peso da glândula mamária. Foi feita a amostragem das três áreas proximal, média e distal e estas foram fixadas em formaldeído a 10%, seguindo-se a investigação mesoscópica em amostras de espessuras de 10, 20 e 40µm coradas pelas técnicas Azan, F3BA Picrosirus e Weigert - Van Gieson. As análises histológicas e morfométricas foram feitas em amostras de 5µm de espessura o que mostrou que a camada muscular estava disposta em dois arranjos, interna circular e externa longitudinal com epitélio cubóide bi-estratificado. A camada muscular bem desenvolvida estava relacionada com a porção média revelando uma espessura de 22,90mm com uma grande quantidade de tecido conectivo (7,10mm)

    Diversity of Brazilian Fungi

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    Abstract Knowledge about the Brazilian fungal diversity was, until 2010, recorded in few taxonomy and ecology publications, as well as in a handful of species lists. With the publication of the Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos do Brasil and the continued availability of an online list, it has been possible to aggregate this dispersed knowledge. The version presented here adds 2,111 species names to the 3,608 listed in 2010. A total of 5,719 species of fungi distributed in 1,246 genera, 102 orders and 13 phyla represents a considerable increase over the last five years, when only 924 genera and 78 orders were registered. Basidiomycota (2,741 species in 22 orders) and Ascomycota (1,881 species in 41 orders) predominate over other groups. The Atlantic Rainforest has the largest number of records, with 3,017 species, followed by Amazon Rainforest (1,050), Caatinga (999), Cerrado (638) and Pampa and Pantanal with 84 and 35 species, respectively. The Northeast region has the greatest richness (2,617 species), followed by Southeast (2,252), South (1,995), North (1,301) and Central-West (488 species). Regarding the States of the Federation, São Paulo with 1,846 species, Pernambuco with 1,611 and Rio Grande do Sul with 1,377 species are the most diverse

    Plants and Phytocompounds Active Against Bothrops Venoms

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    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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    Potential Triazole-based Molecules for the Treatment of Neglected Diseases

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    Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil

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    Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora