46 research outputs found

    Food Security Management for Indonesia: The Strategy during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Food security is very important and is also prone to problems when faced with disaster situations, including diseases such as Covid-19 pandemic. The objectivity of this article is to highlight food security in relation to the availability of access to food sources so that it can meet basic or primary needs in Indonesia. An in-depth literature study with an epistemological positivism approach is needed to answer the problems that make the food crisis the main focus. To ensure food security in Indonesia, the government has prepared various strategies in three important agendas (emergency, temporary, and permanent) to monitor the stability of prices for basic necessities so that they do not skyrocket, increase national food production based on smallholder agriculture, and support small farmers. To achieve this, the Indonesian government has reallocated a larger budget to allocate it to seed assistance, labor-intensive programs, stabilization of food stocks and prices, paying attention to food distribution, and transportation. The implications are expected to make a significant contribution to other countries in anticipation of the food security crisis due to the impact of COVID-19

    Upaya pengelolaan potensi kelautan berbasis integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) di kampung kasai kepulauan derawan

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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji : 1) potensi kelautan, 2) peta kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman berdasarkan model SWOT dan 3) pengelolaan potensi kelautan berbasis integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) di Kampung Kasai Kepulauan Derawan. Untuk mendukung penelitian, penulis melakukan kegiatan studi literatur yang mendalam dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan pendekatan data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari beberapa aspek, mayoritas penduduk Kampung Kasai berprofesi sebagai nelayan dengan kekayaan alam dan biota lautnya berbasis bahari. Namun, daerah ini masih terkendala dengan masalah internal dan eksternal. Salah satunya adalah masih kurangnya tenaga yang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang pengolahan hasil perikanan berbasis teknologi, serta adanya konversi lahan yang berpotensi melahirkan lebih banyak kemiskinan. Ā Dengan penerapan metode ICZM yang dilakukan dengan co-managementĀ  melibatkan unsur-unsur goverment based management, yang bekerja sama dengan community based management dan private sector secara terpadu dengan memperhatikan daya carrying capacity guna menwujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan

    Penerapan flexible ITF (inflation targeting framework): sinergitas kebijakan moneter indonesia dengan sasaran kestabilan harga

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    Setelah krisis moneter tahun 1997, nilai tukar rupiah mulai stabil dan menguat dari rata-rata Rp 9.316 per dolar AS pada tahun 2002 menjadi rata-rata Rp 8.572 per dolar AS pada tahun 2003. Demikian pula, laju inflasi menurun dari 10,03% pada tahun 2002 menjadi 5,06% pada tahun 2003. Dengan perkembangan yang menggembirakan ini, Bank Indonesia mulai dapat menurunkan suku bunga SBI secara bertahap untuk lebih mendorong sektor rill dan pemulihan ekonomi nasional. Suku bunga SBI menurun dari 13,02% pada akhir tahun 2002 menjadi 7,34% pada Juni 2004. Melalui amandemen UU Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 dalam UU Nomor 3 Tahun 2004, Bank Indonesia diberikan kewenangan penuh dalam merumuskan dan melaksanakan kebijakan moneternya. Berdasarkan pada kerangka kerja yang dikenal dengan sebutan Flexible Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF) yang pertama kali diterapkan oleh Selandia Baru pada tahun 1990, lebih diarahkan kepada upaya menciptakan dan menjaga stabilitas moneter. Secara ringkas, pokok-pokok konsep dasar penerapan ITF dimaksud dapat disarikan sebagai berikut : (1) Sasaran Inflasi, (2) Kebijakan Moneter mengarah kedepan, (3) Transparasi dan (4) Akuntabilitas. Dengan penerapan kerangka kebijakan moneter berdasar ITF secara penuh dengan suku bunga sebagai sasaran-operasional yang telah dicanangkan Bank Indonesia mulai tahun 2004 ini diharapkan dapat berjalan dengan baik

    Store Atmosphere, SERVQUAL and Consumer Loyalty: Case Study of Excelso Coffee Shop

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    Purpose- With competitors, making business people must continue to evaluate the marketing strategy carried out and understand consumer behavior, especially from the coffee shop. The study aims to present the relationship between Store Atmosphere, SERVQUAL, and Consumer Loyalty in Excelso (Big Mall, Samarinda City). Design/Methodology- We conduct online surveys (instrumental social networking sites). The sample of this study was based on purposive sampling. There were total 98 participants. The study hypotheses were assessed with the OLS model. Findings- We find that there is a significant positive effect of the Store Atmosphere variable on SERVQUAL and SERVQUAL on Consumer Loyalty. Meanwhile, the relationship between Store Atmosphere and SERVQUAL variables is positive-insignificant. Practical Implications- With this study, it can create a sense of curiosity to conduct further research, namely by holding interviews or distributing a broader questionnaire to obtain maximum results

    Why Fiscal Dynamics Occur in Samarinda City ?

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    The aim to be achieved in the study is to analyze and identify the degree of fiscal decentralization in the City of Samarinda during 2014-2018. This type of research is quantitative and the data source used is secondary data. The data is based on time series during budget year of 2014-2018, which was compiled through the publication of the Regional Revenue Agency and Central Bureau of Statistics Samarinda City. The analytical tool used is Degree of Fiscal Decentralization.Simple conclusions that can be obtained based on the analytical tool, namely: (1) The average ratio of Regional Original Income to Regional Revenues is 3,44% (very less); (2) The average ratio of Tax Sharing and Non Tax/Natural Resources Sharing to Regional Revenues is 39,69% (sufficient); (3) The average ratio of Balanced Budget to Regional Revenues is 64,51% (very good); (4) The average ratio of Regional Original Income to Regional Expenditures is 11,94% (less); (5) The average ratio of Regional Original Income to Capital Expenditures is 42,75% (good); and (6) The average ratio of Tax Sharing, Non Tax/Natural Resources Sharing, and Regional Original Income to Regional Expenditure is 47,20% (good)

    MSMEs as Mediation in the Effects of Investment Credit, Interest Rates, and Labor on Economic Growth: Evidence from Indonesia

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    An increase in MSMEs in large numbers is very instrumental in increasing economic growth in developing countries, including Indonesia. The research objective is based on identifying the effect of investment credit, interest rates, and labor on economic growth through the role of MSMEs. The design of this research is descriptive-verification to present a structured, factual and accurate picture and test hypotheses empirically through the MRA model. Empirical analysis proves that investment credit and interest rates through the role of MSMEs can influence positively and significantly on Indonesia's economic growth. In other results, it appears that the role of MSMEs is less able to mediate the effect of labor on Indonesia's economic growth. This fact is based on a negative and insignificant relationship. In a sentence or two, enter the implications and limitations of your research. In Indonesia, increasing bank lending to MSMEs in practice is undermined by lending policies by banks and by macroeconomic factors (economic growth, interest rates, investment credit, and labor)

    Perceptions of Service Quality and Corporate Image Against Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

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    The purpose of the study looked at the influence: (1) Perceptions of service quality and corporate image directly on customer satisfaction; (2) Perceptions of service quality, corporate image, and satisfaction directly on customer loyalty; (3) Perceptions service quality and corporate image indirectly on loyalty through customer satisfaction at Travel Prima. The type of research data used comes from the primary (interview questionnaire to the respondent) and secondary (scientific books, articles, or internet). The data is processed quantitatively by path statistical analysis method using SPSS version 23.0. The conclusion of the analysis results can be drawn is: (1) Perceptions of service quality and corporate image directly have a significant positive effect against customer satisfaction; (2) Perceptions of service quality, corporate image, and satisfaction directly have a significant positive effect against customer loyalty; (3) Perceptions of service quality and corporate image indirectly have a significant positive effect against loyalty through customer satisfaction at Travel Prima (Samarinda City). Keywords: perceptions of service quality; corporate image; satisfaction; customer loyalt

    Penerapan flexible ITF (inflation targeting framework): sinergitas kebijakan moneter indonesia dengan sasaran kestabilan harga

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    Setelah krisis moneter tahun 1997, nilai tukar rupiah mulai stabil dan menguat dari rata-rata Rp 9.316 per dolar AS pada tahun 2002 menjadi rata-rata Rp 8.572 per dolar AS pada tahun 2003. Demikian pula, laju inflasi menurun dari 10,03% pada tahun 2002 menjadi 5,06% pada tahun 2003. Dengan perkembangan yang menggembirakan ini, Bank Indonesia mulai dapat menurunkan suku bunga SBI secara bertahap untuk lebih mendorong sektor rill dan pemulihan ekonomi nasional. Suku bunga SBI menurun dari 13,02% pada akhir tahun 2002 menjadi 7,34% pada Juni 2004. Melalui amandemen UU Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 dalam UU Nomor 3 Tahun 2004, Bank Indonesia diberikan kewenangan penuh dalam merumuskan dan melaksanakan kebijakan moneternya. Berdasarkan pada kerangka kerja yang dikenal dengan sebutan Flexible Inflation Targeting Framework (ITF) yang pertama kali diterapkan oleh Selandia Baru pada tahun 1990, lebih diarahkan kepada upaya menciptakan dan menjaga stabilitas moneter. Secara ringkas, pokok-pokok konsep dasar penerapan ITF dimaksud dapat disarikan sebagai berikut : (1) Sasaran Inflasi, (2) Kebijakan Moneter mengarah kedepan, (3) Transparasi dan (4) Akuntabilitas. Dengan penerapan kerangka kebijakan moneter berdasar ITF secara penuh dengan suku bunga sebagai sasaran-operasional yang telah dicanangkan Bank Indonesia mulai tahun 2004 ini diharapkan dapat berjalan dengan baik

    Towards the New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia: Premises and Challenges of Food Security

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    One of the successes of regional independence is food security. The essence of this paper dedicates the linkage between small and medium industry (SMI), population (Pop), food consumption (FC), and economic growth of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (EG_AFF) on food security (FS) towards a holistic New National Capital (IKN) in Indonesia. The comparative linear regression technique frames the data set starting from 2015 to 2021. Cross-regions that are qualified in ā€œgeospatial IKNā€ are focused into four clusters. From this analysis approach, it resulted in two important factors: (1) when SMI, Pop, FC, and EG_AFF increased, the simultaneous effect on FS increased; and (2) SMI has partial effect on FS in Balikpapan, Pop has partial effect on FS in Kutai Kartanegara, and FC has partial effect on FS in Balikpapan, Penajam Paser Utara (PPU), and Samarinda. This finding detects that SMI, Pop, FC, and EG_AFF guarantee food security in the short term. Finally, FC stimulates long-term food security in Balikpapan, PPU, and Samarinda, but has no implications in Kutai Kartanegara. The contemporary agenda is building an integrated agro-industrial system, considering alternative suggestions related to food productivity, and revitalizing revolutionary public facilities to separate food production centers from the new central government zone

    The Prospect of ā€œHalal Tourismā€ Destination: An Strategy for Ponorogo Regency, East Java (Indonesia)

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    Tourism is a prima donna sector that has a major contribution to the economy of the people and Indonesia's state income. Foreign tourist visits to Indonesia rank fourth in ASEAN, contributing to a GDP of 4.25% (Central Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia, 2020). In 2019, the number of Indonesians who are Muslim is 39.8 million and that is the majority, so tourism in East Java is very important to revitalize the concept of ā€œhalal tourismā€, including for Ponorogo Regency. At this opportunity, the study concentrated on tourism objects in the Ponorogo Regency using the PESTLE method (political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental) to identify aspects that can meet the requirements of halal tourism. In general, this is a way of expanding and encouraging East Java Province to become an area capable of implementing halal tourism throughout its Regency by meeting certain criteria set by the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia. The weaknesses and limitations of the study have become a symbol of concern for future improvement. The concept of ā€œhalal tourismā€ is interpreted more broadly in various aspects, not only limited to religious tourism, pilgrimage, or visiting places of worship, but is applied to tourism objects that focus on the sharia process through various aspects. ā€œhalal tourismā€ has great potential to be realized, one of which is in Ponorogo Regenc