3,432 research outputs found

    Konsep Pemerintahan Menurut Pemikiran Fazlur Rahman

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    Dini Eko B, 2010. “Konsep Pemerintahan Menurut Pemikiran Fazlur Rahman". Skripsi Jurusan Siyasah Jinayah, Fakultas Syariah. Pembimbing: (I) Drs. H. M.Amin Dj, MA (II) Imam Alfiannor, S.Ag, M.HI\ud \ud \ud Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya pemikiran Fazlur Rahman tentang sumber kekuasaan yang bukan dari Tuhan tapi mandat rakyat dan adanya pemisahan struktur pemerintahan antara eksekutif, legislatif dan yudikatif.\ud Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah: Pertama, mengetahui konsep sumber kekuasaan dalam pemerintahan menurut pemikiran Fazlur Rahman, dan Kedua, mengetahui konsep struktur pemerintahan dalam negara menurut pemikiran Fazlur Rahman.\ud Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) yang bersifat studi literatur. Untuk menggali datanya digunakan teknik survey kepustakaan dan studi literatur. Selanjutnya data tersebut dianalisis secara kualitatif.\ud Data yang diperoleh: Pertama, konsep sumber kekuasaan dalam pemerintahan menurut pemikiran Fazlur Rahman bahwa sumber kekuasaan dalam pemerintahan merupakan mandat dari rakyat, yaitu dari masyarakat Muslim, bukan mandat dari Tuhan. Berdasarkan contoh yang pernah tercatat dalam sejarah pengangkatan Abu bakar sebagai Khalifah, yang isinya menegaskan ia menerima mandat kekuasaan dari rakyat. Dalam impelementasinya harus mengacu kepada prinsip-prinsip yang diajarkan Al-Qur’an dan sunnah. Kedua, konsep struktur pemerintahan dalam negara terdiri dari: badan eksekutif, badan legislatif, dan badan yudikatif. Dalam struktur pemerintahan tersebut kepala negara sebagai fokus sentral dari segala kekuasaan eksekutif, kekuasaan sipil dan militer serta kekuasaan yang secara teknis dikenal dengan istilah kekuasaan "keagamaan".\ud Menurut hasil analisis bahwa pemikiran Fazlur Rahman tentang sumber kekuasaan ini mengambil jalan tengah, yaitu meskipun seolah-olah kekuasaan itu bukan diperoleh langsung dari Tuhan, tetapi tetap harus dijalankan berdasarkan aturan Tuhan. Juga menunjukkan eksposisi pemikirannya yang dalam beberapa hal mencerminkan akomodasi terhadap realitas dan praktik politik pada masanya, terutama yang pernah diperolehnya ketika sekolah di Barat. Nampak pula mengandung konsep bagaimana sebenarnya sebuah pemerintahan yang idealistik dari sebuah tatanan pemerintahan sekarang ini. Namun dalam pertanggung-jawabannya tidak hanya bersifat horisontal-formal sesama manusia, lebih bersifat vertikal-moral kepada Allah Swt. di akhirat

    Estimating the avoidable burden of certain modifiable risk factors in osteoporotic hip fracture using Generalized Impact Fraction (GIF) model in Iran

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    Backgrounds: The number of hip fractures, the most common complication of osteoporosis, has increased rapidly over the past decades. The goal of this study is to estimate the avoidable burden of certain modifiable risk factor of the condition using the Generalized Impact Fraction (GIF) model, which has been suggested and used by epidemiologists to overcome the drawbacks associated with the use of Attributable Fraction index. In addition to preventing a risk factor or the avoidable fraction of burden, this index can also calculate the change in the burden, when a risk factor is altered.Methods: International databases were searched through PubMed, CINAHLD, Embase using OVID and Google scholar. National resources were searched through IranDoc, IranMedex, SID and Journal sites. Other resources include abstract books and articles sent to the IOF congress. The following search strategy was used: (" Osteoporotic fracture" OR " Fragility Hip fracture" OR " Calcium" OR " vitamin D" OR " BMI" OR " lean body weight" OR " Physical activity" OR " exercise" OR " Smoke" ) AND (" prevalence" OR " incidence" OR " relative risk" ) and limited to " humans." Results: With regards to different scenarios already explained in modifying the studied risk factors, the greatest impact in reducing the prevalence of risk factors on osteoporotic hip fractures, was seen in low serum vitamin D levels, low physical activity and low intake of calcium and vitamin D, respectively. According to the fact that interventions for low serum vitamin D and low intake of calcium and vitamin D, are related to each other, it can be concluded that implementing interventions to change these two risk factors, in the easy, moderate and difficult scenarios, would result in approximately a 5%, 11% and 17% decrease in the burden of osteoporotic hip fractures, respectively. The addition of interventions addressing low physical activity in the easy, moderate and difficult scenarios, an 8%, 21% and 35% reduction in the burden of osteoporotic hip fractures would be reported, respectively.Conclusion: Improving serum vitamin D levels, recommending the consumption of calcium and vitamin D supplementations and advocating physical activity are the most effective interventions to reduce the risk of osteoporotic hip fractures. © 2013 Shahnazari et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Pengelolaan Penangkaran Dan Kualitas Suara Cucak Rawa (Pycnonotus Zeylanicus Gmelin, 1789) Di Mega Bird and Orchid Farm, Bogor

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    The background of this research is population of straw headed bulbul (Pcynonotus zeylanicus) in the nature has decreased sharply.The effort should be done is ex-situ conservation by means of captive breeding of straw headed bulbul. The aim of the research was to identify captivation technique, success indicator, song training techniques and distribution sound quality of straw headed bulbul. This research was conducted in Mega Bird and Orchid Farm, Bogor from March to April 2014. Descriptive and quantitative data analysis was applied in this research. The results showed that straw headed bulbul has three types of cage, they are cage for growing periode, ge of reproduction, and cage of incubator. Foods given to the bird were banana, papaya, voer and cricket. The types of diseases recorded were diarrhea, white-colored feces, green-colored feces, flu, and paralyzed feet. The criteria and success rate in captivating were consist of medium-scaled egg hatching rate (68.69%), high breed rate (77.38%), and low mortality(10.34%). Distribution song quality of straw headed bulbul was varies. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that breeding management for success breeding of straw headed bulbul comprised of such aspects as cage system management, feed management, health and care management, result utilization management, and song quality management

    Biological systems interact with Engineered NanoMaterials (ENMs): Possible environmental risks

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    There is a growing and controversial public debate on the potential risk of NanoMaterials (NMs) to living organisms, including humans. In particular, the processes of dispersion and bioaccumulation of Engineered NanoMaterials (ENMs) into the environment are poorly investigated. Biological systems interact with ENMs in a very complex dynamic way whose comprehension is still at its infancy. Thus the evaluation of the environmental impact of ENMs may be useful to minimize or eliminate ENMs toxicity and/or ecotoxicity, and to help authorities to draw directives and regulations for a safe production and use of ENMs. Here we briefly review biotoxicity and environmental risks of ENMs (like carbon- and metalnanoparticles) reporting also our experience in the cytotoxicity of carbon (C) and silver (Ag) NanoParticles (NPs) on HeLa cells and nanoecotoxicity on Paracentrotus lividus

    Penggunaan Tepung Limbah Organik Pasar Sebagai Pengganti Dedak Dalam Ransum Ternak Itik Petelur

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    Organic waste materials such as flour market (TLOP) have the potential to be used as a substitute for rice bran in poultry rations. This study aims to determine the level of efficiency and effectiveness TLOP in the ration on production of laying ducks levels and quality of duck eggs. The experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design with four treatment and 38 replicates each. This type of treatment is replacement of rice bran in the ration with TLOP as: a) 0% (P-0), b) 10% (P-10), c) 20% (P-20) and 30% (P-30). Used 160 ducks consisting of 152 females ducks and 8 males were placed in 8 cages and each filled in 20 ducks were 19 females and 1 male ducks. Observations made during three months and the observed parameters are included the percentage of the daily egg production and egg quality. The results showed that the highest daily production of eggs contained in the treatment of P-30 (average 80.5%), but not significantly different (P>0.05) with P-0 (79.1%) and P-20 (77, 1%) but significantly different (P<0.05) with P-10 (75.2%). Observation of the quality of the eggs they did not look real difference, except in the quality Haught Unit (HU) and egg yolk color index. Haught Unit (HU) increase from 87 to 92, while egg yolk color index change from 14** to 14***. Concluded that TLOP can be used as a substitute for bran feed material up to 30% in the rations of laying duck

    Demografi Politik Kewargaan Daerah Pinggiran Kota Pangkalpinang

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    Kota Pangkalpinang terus bertransformasi menjadi sebuah kota kecil yang modern, dan tentunya menghadapi berbagai dinamika persoalan dan tantangan kewargaan yang semakin kompleks. Kompleksitas kewargaan perkotaannya tentu memiliki konteks kerumitan yang begitu beragam, sesuai dengan demografi politik kewargaan kawasan pinggiran perkotaan. Kajian ini mengkomparasikan lanskap sosial politik dan dinamika tantangan yang dihadapi masyarakat di tiga lokasi penelitian, yang tercermin pada struktur politik kewargaan sehari-hari.&nbsp; Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu studi kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data; observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Adapun lokasi yang dipilih merupakan kawasan- pinggiran perkotaan. Studi ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan yaitu adanya disparitas Perubahan konteks lanskap sosial-politik daerah pinggiran yang berbeda dalam bentuk dan model intervensinya sehingga menyebabkan warganya semakin individualis dan kapitalis dan semangat komunalitas warganya semakin tergerus, terdapat konteks masyarakat yang ‘terbelah' pada wilayah Beluluk dan Kace Timur dalam konteks semangat kewargaan daerah pinggiran yang menjadi arena transit ekonomi warga dan semangat kolektif warga. Selain itu, eksistensi modal sosial warga dan aktivasi politik warga di tiga kampung-kota tersebut terlihat perbedaan mencolok dalam hal resiliense terhadap berbagai aspek identitas lokal masing-masing daerah seperti tradisi budaya lokal, pergeseran makna, dan modal sosial warganya

    Hubungan Antara Menyusui Dengan Risiko Kanker Ovarium

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    Incidence of Ovarian Cancer, which has a high mortality rate, has been reported to increase since 2008 in Indonesia. A number of protective factors have been identified, one of which is breastfeeding. Despite this, published literature on the association of breastfeeding and ovarian cancer in Indonesia has not been found. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of breastfeeding on ovarian cancer in general, as well as among pre and post menopause patients. This case control study was done at “Dharmais”Cancer Hospital, involving 71 patients with ovarian cancer as the cases, and 140 cervical cancer patients who served as the controls. Interviews were done during follow-up visits. Patients, with adouble primary cancer,were not included in the study. The study shows that lifetime breastfeeding contributes to a decrease in the risk of ovarian cancer by 55% (OR=0.45, 95%CI 0.23 – 0.91) among all cases; the decrease was 53% (OR=0.47, 95%CI 0.23 – 0.96) for those who had previously given birth. These results were adjusted for level of education and menopause status at the time of diagnosis. Women with a history of breastfeeding have a lower risk of having ovarian cancer. The longer the duration of breastfeeding, the lower the risk of having ovarian cancer. The reduced risk was more than 50% for those with a lifetime breastfeeding of 24 months or more

    Elastodynamic image forces on dislocations.

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    The elastodynamic image forces on edge and screw dislocations in the presence of a planar-free surface are derived. The explicit form of the elastodynamic fields of an injected, quiescent screw dislocation are also derived. The resulting image forces are affected by retardation effects: the dislocations experience no image force for a period of time defined by the arrival and reflection at the free surface of the dislocation fields. For the case of injected, stationary dislocations, it is shown that the elastodynamic image force tends asymptotically to the elastotatic prediction. For the case of injected, moving dislocations, it is shown that the elastodynamic image force on both the edge and the screw dislocations is magnified by inertial effects, and becomes increasingly divergent with time; this additional effect, missing in the elastostatic description, is shown to be substantial even for slow moving dislocations. Finally, it is shown that the elastodynamic image force of an edge dislocation moving towards the surface at the Rayleigh wave speed becomes repulsive, rather than attractive; this is suggestive of instabilities at the core of the dislocation, and likely resonances with the free surface.EPSRC via the EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship progra
