2,136 research outputs found

    Reverse telescoping in a distal skarn system (Campiglia Marittima, Italy)

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    The Campiglia Marittima Fe-Cu-Zn-Pb(-Ag) skarn deposit has long been regarded as a reference example of an exoskarn showing a symmetric outward mineralogical zoning of both skarn and ore minerals with respect to an axial mafic porphyry dike. Detailed field and underground mapping, along with three-dimensional reconstruction of the geometries of skarn and magmatic bodies, integrated with new petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data, argue against this model. The shapes of the skarn bodies and the growth versors of skarn minerals in particular, are ascribed to the focusing of metasomatic fluids in sigmoid-shaped volumes of fractured host marble. After skarn formation, a mafic magma was emplaced, forming dikelets and filling residual pockets in the skarn. Field evidence and geochemical data show that the "hot" mafic magma interacted with the previously formed Zn-Pb(-Ag) skarn, triggering textural reworking and chemical redistribution of Zn-Pb sulfides as well as contributing to a late Fe-Cu mineralization. Campiglia Marittima skarn-ore system behaved at odd: a telescoping process is recorded, yet in a reverse way

    Sviluppo di una cold plate per applicazioni spaziali: analisi termo-strutturale agli elementi finiti

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    Il presente lavoro fa parte di una più ampia ricerca portata avanti presso il Laboratorio di termofluidodinamica ( LOTHAR- Low gravity and THermal Advanced Research) del dipartimento di Energetica dell’Università degli studi di Pisa. Da diversi anni infatti è analizzato l’effetto del campo elettrico su varie modalità di trasmissione del calore. Gli studi sono indirizzati verso un’analisi sperimentale e teorica dello scambio termico in convezione mista monofase, con liquido di lavoro dielettrico, in presenza di campo elettrico. Risultati di diversi lavori precedenti sulla convezione mostrano un notevole incremento del coefficiente di scambio termico grazie alla presenza del campo elettrico. Le considerazioni suddette e i risultati positivi ottenuti nelle precedenti esperienze inducono a pensare concretamente ad un utilizzo della convezione in presenza di campo elettrico per applicazioni spaziali. Proprio per questi motivi tali analisi hanno suscitato l’interesse dell’industria spaziale. La presente tesi è stata svolta con la collaborazione di Alenia Aerospazio con l’intento di sviluppare uno scambiatore di calore per applicazioni spaziali partendo dal progetto già esistente di una cold plate. Svariati sono i vantaggi che si possono ottenere dall’utilizzo delle esperienze descritte per un tale tipo di scambiatore di calore, tra i quali diminuzione degli ingombri su satelliti e stazioni orbitanti, diminuzione delle potenze spese per il pompaggio del liquido di lavoro, possibile diminuzione del peso dello scambiatore ottenuta cercando di tradurre i vantaggi termici derivanti dall’utilizzo del campo elettrico in un’ottimizzazione rispetto al peso

    Timescale of a magmatic-hydrothermal system revealed by 40Ar-39Ar geochronology: the Mio-Pliocene Campiglia Marittima system (Tuscany, Italy)

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    Petrology and timing of magmatic-hydrothermal systems and the linkage between plutonic and volcanic domains are central topics in geosciences, because of broad implications for natural hazards and exploitation of natural resources. We investigated by the 40Ar-39Ar method the timescale of a well-characterized natural example, the Mio-Pliocene Campiglia Marittima magmatic-hydrothermal system (Tuscany, Italy). 40Ar-39Ar data from pristine and homogeneous trioctahedral micas and sanidine from the plutonic-hydrothermal-subvolcanic-volcanic sequence (from the Botro ai Marmi Granite to the San Vincenzo Rhyolite) record crystallization ages and define a temporal sequence lasting 973 ± 43 ka, starting from 5.409 ± 0.043 Ma. K-feldspar from mafic and felsic porphyries, unlike micas, are affected by submillimetre, micropore laden, alteration domains consisting of secondary K-feldspar and albite, and yielded staircase-shaped age spectra, compatible with a ternary mixing. Results document that the San Vincenzo Rhyolite consists of two diachronous batches, the first emplaced at 5.0024 ± 0.0062 Ma, closely following emplacement of mafic porphyries, the second at 4.4359 ± 0.0045 Ma. Bulk of hydrothermal deposits, consisting of skarns and associated Zn-Pb(-Ag) mineralization predating Fe-Cu ore, formed within the first ~ 400-ka lifetime of the whole sequence and was closely followed by the first eruption which should have run out most of the ore-forming potential of the system

    Time-space focused intrusion of genetically unrelated arc magmas in the early Paleozoic Ross-Delamerian Orogen (Morozumi Range, Antarctica)

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    The growth of continental crust in accretionary orogenic belts takes place through repeated cycles of subduction– accretion of rock units fromcontinental and oceanic magmatic arcs, supra-subduction zone backarcs and forearcs loaded with continent-derived materials. An ancient example relevant to magmatic arc accretion models is represented by the remnants of the Cambrian–Ordovician Ross Orogen in the Morozumi Range, Victoria Land (Antarctica). There, late Neoproterozoic phyllites host an intrusive complex which preserves a remarkably uncommon record of genetically unrelated magma pulses emplaced under a variable stress regime in a short time span: (1) a dominant K-feldspar–phyric granite, (2) fine-grained dioritic stocks and dykes, (3) a peraluminous granite; and (4) a tonalitic–granodioritic dyke swarm. Laserprobe U–Pb zircon dates cluster at late Cambrian times for all these units, yet they carry differential cargoes of relict cores. Unique geochemical– isotopic signatures for both the less evolved magmas (diorite and dyke tonalite) and the most acidic ones (granite and peraluminous granite) indicate that each one of them originated from distinct sources at depth. Additionally, field relationships and chemical evolutionary trends testify for a variety of shallow level open-system processes, such as magma mingling/mixing between diorite and main granite magmas, as well as progressive incorporation of the host schists by the dyke tonalite magma. In summary, crustal growth in the Morozumi intrusive complex was contributed by fresh mantle magma issuing from the metasomatised mantle wedge, while the production of othermelts did recycle different crustal portions/layers: the main granite derived fromGrenville-age granulitic lower crust; the peraluminous granite from late Proterozoic upper crust, and the tonalite magmas derived from subduction erosion-enriched subarc mantle and evolved by ingestion of local metasedimentary rocks. Overall, the Morozumi intrusive complex yields evidence for emplacement in the same site at the same time of magmas issuing fromdifferent sources that are usually found at a different depth in the arc lithospheric section. A likely scenario to activate this specific mechanism of melt production is a subduction zone affected by subduction erosion

    Exploring bacterial functionality in mangrove sediments and its capability to overcome anthropogenic activity

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    Mangrove forests are highly productive yet vulnerable ecosystems that act as important carbon sinks ("blue carbon"). The objective of this work was to analyze the impact of anthropogenic activities on microbiome structure and functioning. The metagenomic analysis revealed that the taxonomic compositions were grossly similar across all mangrove microbiomes. Remarkably, these microbiomes, along the gradient of anthropogenic impact, showed fluctuations in the relative abundances of bacterial taxa predicted to be involved in sulfur cycling processes. Functions involved in sulfur metabolism, such as APS pathways (associated with sulfate reduction and sulfur oxidation processes) were prevalent across the microbiomes, being sox and dsrAB genes highly expressed on anthropogenically-impacted areas. Apparently, the oil-impacted microbiomes were more affected in taxonomic than in functional terms, as high functional redundancies were noted across them. The microbial gene diversity found was typical for a functional system, even following the previous disturbance

    Distributed motion misbehavior detection in teams of heterogeneous aerial robots

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    This paper addresses the problem of detecting possible misbehavior in a group of autonomous mobile robots, which coexist in a shared environment and interact with each other and coordinate according to a set of common interaction rules. Such rules specify what actions each robot is allowed to perform in order to interact with the other members of the group. The rules are distributed, i.e., they can be evaluated only starting from the knowledge of the individual robot and the information the robot gathers from neighboring robots. We consider misbehaving those robots which, because of either spontaneous failures or malicious tampering, do not follow the rules and whose behavior thus deviates from the nominal assigned one. The main contribution of the paper is to provide a methodology to detect such misbehavior by observing the congruence of actual behavior with the assigned rules as applied to the actual state of the system. The presented methodology is based on a consensus protocol on the events observed by robots. The methodology is fully distributed in the sense that it can be performed by individual robots based only on the local available information, it has been theoretically proven and validated with experiments involving real aerial heterogeneous robots

    Wild-Type and SOD1-G93A SH-SY5Y under oxidative stress: EVs characterization and topographical distribution of budding vesicles

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are important mediators of intercellular communication in several physiopathological conditions. Oxidative stress alters EVs release and cargo composition depending on the cell type and stimulus. Recently, most of the EVs studies have focused on the characterization of their cargo, rather than on the morphological features (i.e., size distribution, shape, and localization on the cell surface). Due to their high heterogeneity, to fully characterize EVs both the functional and morphological characterization are required. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), introduced for cell morphological studies at the nanoscale, represents a promising method to characterize in detail EVs morphology, dynamics along the cell surface, and its variations reflecting the cell physiological status. In the present study, untreated or H2O2-treated wild-type and SOD1-G93A SH-SY5Y cells have been compared performing a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and AFM morpho-quantitative analysis of budding and released vesicles. Intriguingly, our analysis revealed a differential EVs profiling, with an opposite behavior and implying different cell areas between WT and SOD1-G93A cells, on both physiological conditions and after H2O2 exposure. Our results empower the relationship between the morphological features and functional role, further proving the efficacy of EM/AFM in giving an overview of the cell physiology related to EVs trafficking

    A new push–pull dye for semi-transparent p-type dye-sensitized solar cells: tuning conjugation by sexithiophene chain engineering

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    We report on the synthesis of two new dyes to be employed as sensitizers in p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). The design of the two new molecules under consideration has been inspired by the state-of-art dye PMI-6 T-TPA. In particular, a specific engineering of the thiophene-based central core is here considered to favour structural planarity between an oligothiophenic π-spacer (a sexithiophene), and the acceptor and donor units made by peryleneimide (PMI) and triphenylamine (TPA) moieties, respectively. This leads to a wide absorption in the NIR with stabilization of the HOMO energy level in the resulting dyes, as supported by TD-DFT simulations and spectroscopic characterization. When tested as sensitizers in NiOx-based p-type DSCs, A6D (with an Acceptor-π-Donor structure) outperforms both its counterpart with a Donor-π-Donor structure (D6D) and P1, a benchmark dye in the field of p-DSCs. With A6D dye-sensitizer the resulting DSC device presents the quite remarkable value of stabilized efficiency as high as 0.15 % when I-/I3- is employed as redox couple and nanostructured NiOx photocathode is thick less than 2 μm and does not contain any blocking layer. Notwithstanding the panchromatic feature of the sensitizer, A6D-based devices show an average visible transmittance (AVT) of 8 %. Such a result paves the way toward the application of these types of multifunctional dyes in semi-transparent solar cells
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