11 research outputs found

    Following Molecules through Reactive Networks: Surface Catalyzed Decomposition of Methanol on Pd(111), Pt(111), and Ni(111)

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    We present a model of the surface kinetics of the dehydrogenation reaction of methanol on the Pd(111), Pt(111), and Ni(111) metal surfaces. The mechanism consists of 10 reversible dehydrogenation reactions that lead to the final products of CO and H<sub>2</sub>. The rate coefficients for each step are calculated using <i>ab initio</i> transition state theory that employs a new approach to obtain the symmetry factors. The potential energies and frequencies of the reagents and transition states are computed using plane wave DFT with the PW91 exchange correlation functional. The mechanism is investigated for low coverages using a global sensitivity analysis that monitors the response of a target function of the kinetics to the value of the rate coefficients. On Pd(111) and Ni(111), the reaction COH → CO + H is found to be rate limiting, and overall rates are highly dependent upon the decomposition time of the COH intermediate. Reactions at branches in the reaction network are also particularly important in the kinetics. A stochastic atom-following approach to pathway analysis is used to elucidate both the pathway probabilities in the kinetics and the dependence of the pathways on the values of the key rate coefficients of the mechanisms. On Pd(111) and Ni(111) there exists significant competition between the pathway containing the slow step and faster pathways that bypass the slow step. A discussion is given of the dependence of the model target’s probability density function on the chemical pathways

    Theoretical Determination of the Rate Coefficient for the HO<sub>2 </sub>+ HO<sub>2</sub> → H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub><i>+</i>O<sub>2</sub> Reaction: Adiabatic Treatment of Anharmonic Torsional Effects

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    The HO<sub>2</sub> + HO<sub>2</sub> → H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> chemical reaction is studied using statistical rate theory in conjunction with high level ab initio electronic structure calculations. A new theoretical rate coefficient is generated that is appropriate for both high and low temperature regimes. The transition state region for the ground triplet potential energy surface is characterized using the CASPT2/CBS/aug-cc-pVTZ method with 14 active electrons and 10 active orbitals. The reaction is found to proceed through an intermediate complex bound by approximately 9.79 kcal/mol. There is no potential barrier in the entrance channel, although the free energy barrier was determined using a large Monte Carlo sampling of the HO<sub>2</sub> orientations. The inner (tight) transition state lies below the entrance threshold. It is found that this inner transition state exhibits two saddle points corresponding to torsional conformations of the complex. A unified treatment based on vibrational adiabatic theory is presented that permits the reaction to occur on an equal footing for any value of the torsional angle. The quantum tunneling is also reformulated based on this new approach. The rate coefficient obtained is in good agreement with low temperature experimental results but is significantly lower than the results of shock tube experiments for high temperatures

    Quantum Tunneling Affects Engine Performance

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    We study the role of individual reaction rates on engine performance, with an emphasis on the contribution of quantum tunneling. It is demonstrated that the effect of quantum tunneling corrections for the reaction HO<sub>2</sub> + HO<sub>2</sub> = H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> + O<sub>2</sub> can have a noticeable impact on the performance of a high-fidelity model of a compression-ignition (e.g., diesel) engine, and that an accurate prediction of ignition delay time for the engine model requires an accurate estimation of the tunneling correction for this reaction. The three-dimensional model includes detailed descriptions of the chemistry of a surrogate for a biodiesel fuel, as well as all the features of the engine, such as the liquid fuel spray and turbulence. This study is part of a larger investigation of how the features of the dynamics and potential energy surfaces of key reactions, as well as their reaction rate uncertainties, affect engine performance, and results in these directions are also presented here

    CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector

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    The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community to explore the Higgs boson and provide critical tests of the underlying fundamental physics principles of the Standard Model that might reveal new physics. The CEPC, to be hosted in China in a circular underground tunnel of approximately 100 km in circumference, is designed to operate as a Higgs factory producing electron-positron collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 240 GeV. The collider will also operate at around 91.2 GeV, as a Z factory, and at the WW production threshold (around 160 GeV). The CEPC will produce close to one trillion Z bosons, 100 million W bosons and over one million Higgs bosons. The vast amount of bottom quarks, charm quarks and tau-leptons produced in the decays of the Z bosons also makes the CEPC an effective B-factory and tau-charm factory. The CEPC will have two interaction points where two large detectors will be located. This document is the second volume of the CEPC Conceptual Design Report (CDR). It presents the physics case for the CEPC, describes conceptual designs of possible detectors and their technological options, highlights the expected detector and physics performance, and discusses future plans for detector R&D and physics investigations. The final CEPC detectors will be proposed and built by international collaborations but they are likely to be composed of the detector technologies included in the conceptual designs described in this document. A separate volume, Volume I, recently released, describes the design of the CEPC accelerator complex, its associated civil engineering, and strategic alternative scenarios

    CEPC Conceptual Design Report: Volume 2 - Physics & Detector

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    The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community to explore the Higgs boson and provide critical tests of the underlying fundamental physics principles of the Standard Model that might reveal new physics. The CEPC, to be hosted in China in a circular underground tunnel of approximately 100 km in circumference, is designed to operate as a Higgs factory producing electron-positron collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 240 GeV. The collider will also operate at around 91.2 GeV, as a Z factory, and at the WW production threshold (around 160 GeV). The CEPC will produce close to one trillion Z bosons, 100 million W bosons and over one million Higgs bosons. The vast amount of bottom quarks, charm quarks and tau-leptons produced in the decays of the Z bosons also makes the CEPC an effective B-factory and tau-charm factory. The CEPC will have two interaction points where two large detectors will be located. This document is the second volume of the CEPC Conceptual Design Report (CDR). It presents the physics case for the CEPC, describes conceptual designs of possible detectors and their technological options, highlights the expected detector and physics performance, and discusses future plans for detector R&D and physics investigations. The final CEPC detectors will be proposed and built by international collaborations but they are likely to be composed of the detector technologies included in the conceptual designs described in this document. A separate volume, Volume I, recently released, describes the design of the CEPC accelerator complex, its associated civil engineering, and strategic alternative scenarios