30,617 research outputs found

    Weight function for the quantum affine algebra Uq(sl^3)U_q(\hat{sl}_3)

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    We give a precise expression for the universal weight function of the quantum affine algebra Uq(sl^3)U_q(\hat{sl}_3). The calculations use the technique of projecting products of Drinfeld currents on the intersections of Borel subalgebras.Comment: 28 page

    Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the superconducting gap symmetry in Fe-based superconductors

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    The superconducting gap is the fundamental parameter that characterizes the superconducting state, and its symmetry is a direct consequence of the mechanism responsible for Cooper pairing. Here we discuss about angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements of the superconducting gap in the Fe-based high-temperature superconductors. We show that the superconducting gap is Fermi surface dependent and nodeless with small anisotropy, or more precisely, a function of momentum. We show that while this observation is inconsistent with weak coupling approaches for superconductivity in these materials, it is well supported by strong coupling models and global superconducting gaps. We also suggest that the strong anisotropies measured by other probes sensitive to the residual density of states are not related to the pairing interaction itself, but rather emerge naturally from the smaller lifetime of the superconducting Cooper pairs that is a direct consequence of the momentum dependent interband scattering inherent to these materials.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Characterization of a Reductively-Activated Elimination Pathway Relevant to the Biological Chemistry of the Kinamycins and Lomaiviticins

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    The lomaiviticins (1 and 2) and kinamycins (3–5) are bacterial metabolites with potent antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities. Herein we establish that 1–5 are capable of generating electrophilic acylfulvene intermediates (6) under mildly reducing conditions. These acylfulvenes 6 are formed by a multistep process comprising two-electron reduction and loss of dinitrogen to form an ortho-quinone methide, followed by elimination. Based on these studies, the structure of the product formed from 1 in DNA-cleavage assays is proposed (26). We also show that the bis(hydroxynaphthoquinone) substructures of the lomaiviticins activate the metabolites toward reduction. Finally, based on COMPARE and time-dependent cell response profiling analyses, we show that kinamycin C (4) and the monomeric lomaiviticin aglycon (24) operate by a mechanism of action that is distinct from simple diazofluorenes, such as 23

    Recurrent Coronal Jets Induced by Repetitively Accumulated Electric Currents

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    Three extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) jets recurred in about one hour on 2010 September 17 in the following magnetic polarity of active region 11106. The EUV jets were observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board SDO measured the vector magnetic field, from which we derive the magnetic flux evolution, the photospheric velocity field, and the vertical electric current evolution. The magnetic configuration before the jets is derived by the nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) extrapolation. We derive that the jets are above a pair of parasitic magnetic bipoles which are continuously driven by photospheric diverging flows. The interaction drove the build up of electric currents that we indeed observed as elongated patterns at the photospheric level. For the first time, the high temporal cadence of HMI allows to follow the evolution of such small currents. In the jet region, we found that the integrated absolute current peaks repetitively in phase with the 171 A flux evolution. The current build up and its decay are both fast, about 10 minutes each, and the current maximum precedes the 171 A by also about 10 minutes. Then, HMI temporal cadence is marginally fast enough to detect such changes. The photospheric current pattern of the jets is found associated to the quasi-separatrix layers deduced from the magnetic extrapolation. From previous theoretical results, the observed diverging flows are expected to build continuously such currents. We conclude that magnetic reconnection occurs periodically, in the current layer created between the emerging bipoles and the large scale active region field. It induced the observed recurrent coronal jets and the decrease of the vertical electric current magnitude.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Large exchange bias after zero-field cooling from an unmagnetized state

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    Exchange bias (EB) is usually observed in systems with interface between different magnetic phases after field cooling. Here we report an unusual phenomenon in which a large EB can be observed in Ni-Mn-In bulk alloys after zero-field cooling from an unmagnetized state. We propose this is related to the newly formed interface between different magnetic phases during the initial magnetization process. The magnetic unidirectional anisotropy, which is the origin of EB effect, can be created isothermally below the blocking temperature.Comment: including supplementary information, Accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Heavy Quark diffusion from lattice QCD spectral functions

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    We analyze the low frequency part of charmonium spectral functions on large lattices close to the continuum limit in the temperature region 1.5T/Tc31.5\lesssim T/T_c\lesssim 3 as well as for T0.75TcT \simeq 0.75T_c. We present evidence for the existence of a transport peak above TcT_c and its absence below TcT_c. The heavy quark diffusion constant is then estimated using the Kubo formula. As part of the calculation we also determine the temperature dependence of the signature for the charmonium bound state in the spectral function and discuss the fate of charmonium states in the hot medium.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings for Quark Matter 2011 Conference, May 23-28, 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation

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    Domain adaptation is an important tool to transfer knowledge about a task (e.g. classification) learned in a source domain to a second, or target domain. Current approaches assume that task-relevant target-domain data is available during training. We demonstrate how to perform domain adaptation when no such task-relevant target-domain data is available. To tackle this issue, we propose zero-shot deep domain adaptation (ZDDA), which uses privileged information from task-irrelevant dual-domain pairs. ZDDA learns a source-domain representation which is not only tailored for the task of interest but also close to the target-domain representation. Therefore, the source-domain task of interest solution (e.g. a classifier for classification tasks) which is jointly trained with the source-domain representation can be applicable to both the source and target representations. Using the MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, NIST, EMNIST, and SUN RGB-D datasets, we show that ZDDA can perform domain adaptation in classification tasks without access to task-relevant target-domain training data. We also extend ZDDA to perform sensor fusion in the SUN RGB-D scene classification task by simulating task-relevant target-domain representations with task-relevant source-domain data. To the best of our knowledge, ZDDA is the first domain adaptation and sensor fusion method which requires no task-relevant target-domain data. The underlying principle is not particular to computer vision data, but should be extensible to other domains.Comment: This paper is accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 201

    Critical frontier for the Potts and percolation models on triangular-type and kagome-type lattices II: Numerical analysis

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    In a recent paper (arXiv:0911.2514), one of us (FYW) considered the Potts model and bond and site percolation on two general classes of two-dimensional lattices, the triangular-type and kagome-type lattices, and obtained closed-form expressions for the critical frontier with applications to various lattice models. For the triangular-type lattices Wu's result is exact, and for the kagome-type lattices Wu's expression is under a homogeneity assumption. The purpose of the present paper is two-fold: First, an essential step in Wu's analysis is the derivation of lattice-dependent constants A,B,CA, B, C for various lattice models, a process which can be tedious. We present here a derivation of these constants for subnet networks using a computer algorithm. Secondly, by means of a finite-size scaling analysis based on numerical transfer matrix calculations, we deduce critical properties and critical thresholds of various models and assess the accuracy of the homogeneity assumption. Specifically, we analyze the qq-state Potts model and the bond percolation on the 3-12 and kagome-type subnet lattices (n×n):(n×n)(n\times n):(n\times n), n4n\leq 4, for which the exact solution is not known. To calibrate the accuracy of the finite-size procedure, we apply the same numerical analysis to models for which the exact critical frontiers are known. The comparison of numerical and exact results shows that our numerical determination of critical thresholds is accurate to 7 or 8 significant digits. This in turn infers that the homogeneity assumption determines critical frontiers with an accuracy of 5 decimal places or higher. Finally, we also obtained the exact percolation thresholds for site percolation on kagome-type subnet lattices (1×1):(n×n)(1\times 1):(n\times n) for 1n61\leq n \leq 6.Comment: 31 pages,8 figure

    Chaotic to ordered state transition of cathode-sheath instabilities in DC glow discharge plasmas

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    Transition from chaotic to ordered state has been observed during the initial stage of a discharge in a cylindrical dc glow discharge plasma. Initially it shows a chaotic behavior but increasing the discharge voltage changes the characteristics of the discharge glow and shows a period substraction of order 7 period \to 5 period \to3 period \to1 period i.e. the system goes to single mode through odd cycle subtraction. On further increasing the discharge voltage, the system goes through period doubling, like 1 period \to 2 period \to 4 period. On further increasing the voltage, the system goes to stable state without having any oscillations.Comment: chathode-sheath, instabilities, chaos, period-subtraction, bifurcation, dc-discharg