11 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman dan kemampuan guru pada SMA di Tulungagung khususnya pada bahasa Inggris melalui bentuk TOEFL. Materi pelatihan ini meliputi: Listening, Structure and Written Expression, dan Reading Comprehension. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 September 2013- 30 September 2013 dengan diikuti 30 peserta. Pelatihan dilaksanakan dengan metode ceramah, pemberian tugas dan bimbingan. Kemudian para peserta dituntut untuk mengikuti tes TOEFL pada akhir pelatihan, selanjutnya dikoreksi dan diberi skor serta mendapatkan sertifikat. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa Guru pada SMA di Tulungagung masih membutuhkan pelatihan semacam TOEFL untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam bahasa inggris. Pelatihan mempunyai efektivitas dan efisiensi yang tinggi karena para guru dituntut untuk memahami Bahasa Inggris untuk penerepan sehari hari. Untuk Guru mereka dituntut untuk bisa supaya dalam penyampaian dan pemahaman dalam topic tertentu mereka meggunakan bilingual


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    AbstrakPersaingan global dalam berbagai bidang menuntut penguasaan kompetensi skill dan akademik yang memadai dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Namun Semua membutuhkan biaya. Tarif yang mahal yang dipatok lembaga-lembaga pendidikan non formal yang mengajarkan khusus Bahasa Inggris mrmbuat masyarakat kalangan menengah kebawah hanya mengandalkan materi dari sekolah saja. Dengan mahalnya kursusan bahasa Inggris di Tulungagung, ternyata membuat anak-anak dari golongan tertentu tidak mampu mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggris. Atas dasar masalah tersebut, tim pengabdian keda masyarakat berniat menyelenggarakn kursus bahasa Inggris gratis bagi anak-anak di PantiAsuhan Anak Yatim dan Miskin NU di Kecamatan Sumbergempol.  Kegiatan bimbingan belajar dilaksanakan di gedung panti asuhan fakir miskin dan anak yatim NU Kec. Sumbergempol.Key words: BimbinganAbstrakPersaingan global dalam berbagai bidang menuntut penguasaan kompetensi skill dan akademik yang memadai dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Namun Semua membutuhkan biaya. Tarif yang mahal yang dipatok lembaga-lembaga pendidikan non formal yang mengajarkan khusus Bahasa Inggris mrmbuat masyarakat kalangan menengah kebawah hanya mengandalkan materi dari sekolah saja. Dengan mahalnya kursusan bahasa Inggris di Tulungagung, ternyata membuat anak-anak dari golongan tertentu tidak mampu mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggris. Atas dasar masalah tersebut, tim pengabdian keda masyarakat berniat menyelenggarakn kursus bahasa Inggris gratis bagi anak-anak di PantiAsuhan Anak Yatim dan Miskin NU di Kecamatan Sumbergempol.  Kegiatan bimbingan belajar dilaksanakan di gedung panti asuhan fakir miskin dan anak yatim NU Kec. Sumbergempol.Key words: Bimbinga

    The Effectiveness of Story Mapping to Teach Reading to the First Semester of English Department Students at STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

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    Reading ability is a wonderful ability which is only had by human. The writer can communicate with many people around the world through script. Problems appear when the students must read and comprehend the text of foreign language. It is also faced by students majoring in English education. They are also be accused to be able to teach reading to their future students.To test whether they understand the text they have read or not is by giving them some questions. The question may ask about the main idea or about the details of the text. From the collected data, most students from many grades are still get difficulty in comprehending the text.The statement of the problem of this study is “Is story mapping effective to teach reading to English department students at STKIP PGRI Tulungagung?†The objective of this study is to know whether story mapping effective to teach reading to English department students at STKIP PGRI Tulungagung. The design of this study is quasi experimental design, with one group pre-test and post-test design.The population of this study is students of reading 1 class. It consists of 52 students. This study uses 23 students as sample. The sampling of this study is simple random sampling. The technique of collecting is pre-test, which provides a measure on some attribute or characteristics that you assess for participant in an experimentalbefore they receive a treatment, treatment by using story mapping, and post-test, which is conducted after conducting the teaching through story mapping. The data of experimental research is analyzed by t-test formula. The hypotheses of this study are story mapping is not effective to teach reading to English department students at STKIP PGRI Tulungagung (H0) and story mapping is effective to teach reading to English department students at STKIP PGRI Tulungagung (Ha). After the researcher conducted the research, the researcher concludes that the student’s competence in reading ability before treatment was poor because the mean of the total score of 23 students was only 55.43. The student’s competence in reading ability after treatment is better than before given treatment because the mean of the total score of 23 students was  71.30. Based on the statistical using SPSS 16.0 shows that the significant value was 0.000 while significant level, the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected


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    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dipandang sebagai bentuk penelitian peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran yang palingtepat karena selain sebagai peneliti guru juga bertindak sebagai pelaksana PBM sehingga tahu betul permasala-han yang dihadapi, dan kondisi yang ingin dicapai.Tujuan pengabdian keada masyarakat adalah meningkatkanpemahaman dan keterampilan guru SMA dalam menyusun proposal dan melaksanakan Penelitian Tindakan Ke-las melalui pelatihan di sekolah. Sedangkan Manfaat Kegiatan Menumbuh kembangkan budaya meneliti disekolah dan meningkatkan partisipasi kegiatan PTK yang dilakukan di dalam kelas tanpa harus meninggalkankegiatan PBM di kelasKata Kunci: Produktivitas, penelitian Tindakan Kela


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    Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a type of plant that grows in the upstream Kapuas area and currently has a high economic value. This study aims to examine the characteristics of the people of Entibab Village about Kratom plants and describe knowledge about the use of Kratom plants in Entibab Village. The benefits of this research are expected to be able to provide information about community characteristics and public knowledge about the use of kratom plants. The method used is a survey method with a snowball sampling technique, namely determining key respondents. The gender of the community in Entibab Village itself is 18 men and 9 women. There are 2 types of kratom plants in Entibab Village, namely red kratom and white kratom. Kratom cultivation by the people of Entibab Village includes the stages of nursery preparation, land management, plant maintenance, harvest and post-harvest. Based on the criteria for gender characteristics, there are more men than women, 96% of whom are in the productive age category, meaning that almost all of the community is involved in the production process of kratom leaves.Keywords: Characteristics, Entibab Village, Kratom Plant, UtilizationAbstrakKratom (Mitragyna speciosa) merupakan jenis tumbuhan yang tumbuh di daerah kapuas hulu dan saat ini mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji karakteristik masyarakat Desa Entibab tentang tumbuhan Kratom dan mendeskripsikan pengetahuan tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan Kratom di Desa Entibab. Adapun manfaat dari penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi mengenai karakteristik masyarakat dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan tumbuhan kratom Metode yang digunakan metode survei dengan teknik snowball sampling, yaitu menentukan responden kunci. Jenis kelamin masyarakat di Desa Entibab sendiri terdapat 18 orang laki laki dan 9 orang perempuan. Tumbuhan kratom di Desa Entibab sendiri terdapat 2 jenis kratom yaitu kratom merah dan kratom putih. Budidaya kratom oleh masyarakat Desa Entibab meliputi tahap persiapan pembibitan, pengolahan lahan, pemeliharaan tanaman, panen dan pasca panen. Berdasarkan kriteria karekteristik jenis kelamin, laki-laki lebih banyak daripada perempuan, berdasarkan usia 96% termasuk kategori usia produktif, artinya masyarakat hampir semuanya terlibat dalam proses produksi daun kratom.Kata Kunci: Desa Entibab, Karakteristik, Pemanfaatan, Tumbuhan Krato


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    Students usually get difficulties in learning English subject. Especially for reading section. Teaching reading is not as simple as people think. They should have any more practice and should enlarge their knowledge to deliver reading materials especially at senior high school grade. Researcher found that the English teachers used interesting method that students can learn about reading text in a good condition.Based on the explanation above, the aim of this research is to know what method used in teaching reading applied by English teachers at tenth grade, and how the method is used in teaching reading. This study is a descriptive qualitative which observe tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Tulungagung. The data collected through three methods, they were observations, interview and the researcher himself.The result of this research is the English teachers used guided reading method to deliver the materials in teaching reading. In teaching and learning process, the English teachers gave guidance, direction and information continously from the English teachers to the students


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    Pasak bumi is an Indonesian endemic plants and just grow in Sumatera and Kalimantan. This study aimed to know how the morphology of pasak bumi by measuring of radiks, folium, caulis and flos. The method of this study were observing the radiks (radiks system, size, type), caulis (type, size, colour), folium (total of folium compositum, totally long of folium compositum, rachis, totally of foliolum, and foliolum observed are circumscriptio, apex folii, basis folii, nervatio or venatio, margo folii, intervenium, colour, and surface), and flos (totally flos, calyx, sepal, statemen,  tassel, female flowers). The results showed that the pasak bumi have grow in Dusun Benuah Kabupaten Kubu Raya West Kalimantan is a rarely shrubs or treelets and a spesies of Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Characteristic of Pasak bumi are 140 cm height, and 0,54 cm diameter. The caulis colour is brown to grey and monopodial. Folium compositum is imparipinnate, circumscriptio is ovate-lanceolate to obovate-lanceolate, apex folii is subacute or acute to acuminate, margo folii is integer. The flos of pasak bumi is inflorescentia ramosa panicula, panicles axillary, which has 46  flowers. The radiks of pasak bumi is a radix primaria. Keywords: Eurycoma longifolia Jack., morfologi, pasak bumi

    Pengaruh Stres Kerja Terhadap Kepuasaan Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Sri Rejeki Isman Textile Sukoharjo

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of work stress on job satisfaction of employees at PT. Sri Rejeki Isman Textile Sukoharjo. The study population was all employees of PT. Sri Rejeki Isman Textile Sukoharjo , a sample is taken 100 employees at PT. Sri Rejeki Isman Textile Sukoharjo, the sampling technique using simple random sampling. The data analysis method used : (1) test the research instrument , namely the validity and reliability, (2) simple linear regression, (3) Test the hypothesis, that the t test , F test and the coefficient of determination R Square . It can be concluded that, job stress and significant negative effect on employee job satisfaction. Variable employee satisfaction can be explained by the variable job stress by 11.8 % and the remaining 88.2 %, so there are many factors that affect laiinya lower employee job satisfactio