114 research outputs found

    Complementary remineralizing effect of self-assembling peptide (P11-4) with CPP-ACPF or fluoride : an in vitro study

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    Self-assembling peptide has been recently introduced to promote hard tissue regeneration for treating early non-cavitated carious lesions. This study investigates the efficacy of biomimetic self-assembling peptide (P11-4) on enamel remineralization combined with CPP-ACPF or fluoride. Artificial enamel lesions were created on buccal surface of 60 specimens and were randomly assigned to six groups according to the remineralizing agent: G1-(Control, artificial saliva), G2-(Fluoride varnish), G3-(CPP-ACPF varnish), G4-(Self-assembling peptide), G5-(Self-assembling peptide+fluoride varnish), G6-(Self-assembling peptide+CPP-ACPF varnish). All products were applied according to manufacturer?s instructions and specimens were stored in a daily renewed artificial saliva. Surface microhardness (SMH) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were assessed at baseline, after demineralization, 1 week and 4 weeks storage. SMH values were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey?s post-hoc test. The highest statistically significant SMH values were found in G6 followed by G5, G4, G2 and G3 while the lowest values were found in G1. No statistically significant difference was found between G5 and G6. Also, no statistically significant difference was found between G2 and G3. SEM showed that G4, G5, G6 resulted in more pronounced remineralization, reversing the demineralized enamel fish scale pattern compared to G2 and G3 after 1 week and 4 week remineralization. Complementary effect was obtained after combining self-assembling peptide with CPP-ACPF or fluoride showing the highest remineralizing potential early after 1 week and even after 4 weeks compared to when each agent used alone. Added benefits can be obtained through combining self-assembling peptide with other remineralzing agents allowing faster and enhanced regeneration of non-cavitated caries lesions

    Evaluasi Usability pada Website PT. Melia Sehat Sejahtera Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS)

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    PT Melia Sehat Sejahtera merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Multi-Level Marketing dengan penggunaan website sebagai alat penjualan dan pemasaran produk. Dengan adanya era member platinum, membuat website tersebut melakukan pengembangan pada tampilan user interface nya. Dalam penggunaannya member mengalami beberapa kendala. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah tampilan user interface dengan menggunakan metode design thinking serta menerapkan hasil evaluasi untuk saran perbaikan kualitas user experience dengan metode System Usability Scale (SUS). Pada metode design thinking terdapat beberapa tahapan yaitu empathize, define, ideate, prototype dan test. Hasil dari pengujian usability menggunakan SUS pada website PT. Melia Sehat Sejahtera mendapatkan nilai rata-rata 84 yang mencerminkan tingkat kepuasan yang positif dan berada pada kategori Acceptable dengan grade scale B sehingga berdasarkan data tersebut perbaikan pada tampilan desain user interface mendapatkan penilaian yang layak dan dapat diterima oleh pengguna. &nbsp

    Performance Analysis and Protection of Submersible Motor for Unbalance Condition in Dewatering

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    This study discusses the safety of submersible motors in dewatering under current unbalanced conditions. Submersible motors are commonly employed in artificial lifting systems used in dewatering conditions. The submersible motor is vulnerable to hazards that might cause injury during the current imbalance state in dewatering. The researcher offers a basic protection mechanism that he has devised and a performance study of the submersible motor. Work on dewatering difficulties was finished in this study, and the suggested solution sought to safeguard the submersible motor. The protective strategy is effectively realized by utilizing three temperature sensors based on submersible motor coils by transmitting the signal to the microcontroller, which identifies the defective phases and sends the tripping signal to the AC drives (inverter) and sensors (water), submersible motor probe with ceramic measuring cell, and submersible motor inverter. In addition, the simulation and experimental results for various operating locations are shown in this study. The outcomes are in line with the goals that were set. This study provides guidelines for high-performance submersible motors in wells due to groundwater conditions. These guidelines are based on several failures discovered during an examination. Furthermore, this report suggests many techniques for preventing these failures. These suggestions are based on the investigation of numerous submersible motor pumps from various manufacturers in various wells in Egypt with short-term operations induced by various situations encountered while working on the site

    Uloga kompleksa germanija s L-cysteinom i α-tokoferolom kao stimulatora antioksidativnog obrambenog sustava štakora izloženih gama-zračenju

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the potency of the newly prepared germanium L-cysteine α-tocopherol complex [germanium dichloro tetrakis (L-cysteinyl-α-tocopherol amide) dichloride] as a protective agent against γ-irradiation-induced free radicals production and liver toxicity. Male Swiss albino rats were injected intraperitoneally with the germanium complex in a concentration of 75 mg kg-1 body mass per dose, for 6 successive doses, last dose administered twenty minutes pre-exposure to a single dose of whole body γ-irradiation of 6.5 Gy. Lipid peroxidation (LPx), nitric oxide (NO), glutathione (GSH) levels, and activity of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) were estimated in blood and liver, and blood total protein, cholesterol, triglyceride and α-tocopherol content were estimated as well. The results revealed that administration of germanium complex pre-irradiation resulted in significant (p < 0.001) improvement compared to the irradiated group in the level of hepatic and blood LPx. Hepatic GSH revealed a significant increase (p < 0.001), while its level showed no significant variation in blood. Also, the level of NO in blood and liver increased significantly (p < 0.001). On the other hand, pretreatment with the germanium complex normalized the activities of SOD, GPx and CAT in blood and liver when compared to the irradiated group. The study also documents a marked decrease in the blood triglyceride and cholesterol (p < 0.001); and significant increase (p < 0.001) of -tocopherol and total protein contents in blood. These biochemical changes were associated with marked improvement of histological status. Therefore, the germanium L-cysteine α-tocopherol complex may be a good candidate for ameliorating the changes induced by irradiation, which indicates the beneficial radio-protective role of this antioxidant agent.U radu je procjenjivan kompleks germanija s L-cisteinom i α-tokoferolom [germanijev diklortetrakis (L-cisteinil-α-tokoferol amid) diklorid] kao zaštitno sredstvo protiv slobodnih radikala induciranih γ-zračenjem hepatotoksičnosti. Mužjacima švicarskih albino štakora davan je intraperitonealno kompleks germanija, u 6 sukcesivnih doza po 75 mg kg-1 tjelesne mase, posljednja doza dana je dvadeset minuta prije izlaganja cijelog organizma jednokratnoj dozi γ-ozračivanja od 6,5 Gy. U krvi i jetri praćena je razina lipidne peroksidacije (LPx), dušikovog(II) oksida (NO), glutationa (GSH), aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima glutation peroksidaze (GPx), superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i katalaze (CAT), te količina ukupnih proteina u krvi, kolesterola, triglicerida i α-tokoferola. Rezultati su pokazali da je primjena germanijevog kompleksa značajno (p < 0,001) poboljšala koncentraciju jetrenih i krvnih LPx. Koncentracija GSH u jetri je značajno porasla (p < 0,001), dok se njegova razina u krvi nije značajno promijenila. Koncentracija NO u krvi i jetri značajno se smanjila (p < 0,001). S druge strane, prethodna obrada s kompleksom germanija normalizirala je aktivnost SOD, GPx i CAT u krvi i jetri u odnosu na ozračenu skupinu. Istraživanja su također pokazala značajno smanjenje triglicerida i kolesterola (p < 0,001) i značajno povećanje (p < 0,001) alfa-tokoferola i ukupnih proteina u krvi. Te biokemijske promjene su povezane s izraženim poboljšanjem histoloških promjena u odnosu na ozračenu skupinu. Opisani kompleks germanija mogao bi se kao antioksidativno sredstvo potencijalno upotrijebiti za spriječavanje promjena uzrokovanih zračenjem

    Evaluation of serum hepcidin in assessment of iron status in renal transplant patients

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    Background: Hepcidin is a 25 aminoacid peptide that isproduced primarily by the liver in response to a varietyof stimuli known to modulate tissue iron stores and itsserum availability. It circulates in plasma, is filtered bythe kidney, and accumulates in urine. The presence ofhepcidin in the plasma negatively regulates the egress ofiron from the cells and macrophages, involved intransport of iron into the extracellular spaces. Hepcidinbinds to ferroportin 1 present on the cell surface leadingto the internalization of ferroportin 1 and subsequentdegradation. Hepcidin has also been shown to be anacute phase reactant increased by interleukin 6 (IL-6) andmarkedly induced by infection and inflammation.Documentation of the role of hepcidin in thedevelopment of anemia in chronic kidney disease andwhether it can be used as a marker of iron status inchronic kidney disease (CKD) has been sought in manystudies.The aim of this study was to detect the value of hepcidinas a marker of iron status in post renal transplantrecipients as compared with chronic renal failure (CRF)patients on hemodialysis.Results: In our study we found the level of serumprohepcidin in the renal transplant recipient group to becomparable to the control group. In the group with CKDthe serum prohepcidin was significantly lower thancontrols as well as the transplant recipients (p-value:0.00). There was no significant difference between theCKD group with higher hemoglobin and those withlower hemoglobin. From the correlation between theacute phase proteins and prohepcidin we found a positivecorrelation between serum ferritin, CRP and prohepcidinonly in the group with CKD on hemodialysis.Conclusion: We suggest that serum prohepcidin can be used as a routine measurement in transplant recipients as an indicator of the iron stores in the body. Further dedicated studies on large groups of patients need to be done to verify the usefulness of such a test

    Prevalence of selective IgA deficiency in a sample of Egyptian patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Selective Immunoglobulin A deficiency (SIgAD) is known to be one of the most frequent primary immunodeficiency diseases. Several studies worldwide confirm the increased frequency of this disease among type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), yet this has not been studied in Egypt.Objective: This work aimed to define the prevalence of SIgAD among Egyptian patients with T1DM.Patients and Methods: Fifty patients with T1DM were compared to fifty apparently healthy individuals. Serum levels of IgA, IgG, and Immunoglobulin M (IgM) levels were measured by Nephelometry to all participants.Results: The mean age of the diabetic group was 24.5 ± 5.3 years. Thirty out of fifty patients with T1DM (60%) were diagnosed as SIgAD with, female predominance (66.7% of SIgAD). We also found a significant relationship between SIgAD and diabetic ketoacidosis (P-value&lt;0.001). Serum IgA levels were positively correlated to IgG and IgM. Conclusion: The current study displays 60% prevalence of SIgAD among adult Egyptians with T1DM, which is higher than stated in other countries

    Preclinical Assessment of the Proliferation Capacity of Gingival and Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells from Diabetic Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Stem cells have recently received great interest as potential therapeutics alternative for a variety of diseases. The oral and maxillofacial region, in particular, encompasses a variety of distinctive mesenchymal (MSC) populations and is characterized by a potent multilineage differentiation capacity.AIM: In this report, we aimed to investigate the effect of diabetes on the proliferation potential of stem cells isolated from controlled diabetic patients (type 2) and healthy individuals.SUBJECTS &amp; METHODS: The proliferation rate of gingival and periodontal derived stem cells isolated from diabetic &amp; healthy individuals were compared using MTT Assay. Expression levels of Survivin in isolated stem cells from all groups were measured by qRt - PCR.RESULTS: There was a significantly positive correlation between proliferation rate and expression of Survivin in all groups which sheds light on the importance of Survivin as a reliable indicator of proliferation. The expression of Survivin further confirmed the proliferation results from MTT Assay where the expression of stem cells from non - diabetic individuals was higher than diabetic patients. Conclusion: Taking together all the results, it could be concluded that PDLSC and GSC are promising candidates for autologous regenerative therapy due to their ease of accessibility in addition to their high proliferative rates


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    Background and objectives: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major health problem in Egypt with its prevalence estimated to be 14.7% among general population in 2008. Patients receiving frequent blood transfusions like sickle cell disease (SCD) are more exposed to the risk of acquiring HCV. IL28B gene polymorphisms have been associated with spontaneous HCV clearance. This study aims to determine the prevalence of HCV infection among children with SCD and to study the relation between IL28B gene polymorphisms and spontaneous HCV clearance. Methods: Seventy SCD patients were screened for HCV antibody. HCV positive patients were tested for the level of HCV RNA using quantitative real time PCR. IL28B polymorphisms (rs 12979860 SNP and rs 12980275 SNP) were detected using Taqman QRT-PCR and sequence specific primers PCR respectively. Results: Sixteen patients (23%) were HCV antibody positive, 9 of them (56.3%) had undetectable HCV RNA in serum and 7 (43.7%) had persistent viremia. Genotypes CC/CT/TT of rs12979860 were found in 30 (42.9%), 29 (41.4%) and 11 (15.7%) and rs12980275 AA/AG/GG were found in 8 (11.4%), 59 (84.3%) and 3 (4.3%).  There was no significant difference in the frequency of IL28B (rs 12979860 and rs12980275) genotypes among HCV patients who cleared the virus and those with persistent viremia (p=0.308 and 0.724 respectively).  Conclusion: Egyptian SCD patients have high prevalence of HCV. Muti-transfused patients still exposed to a risk of transmission of HCV. IL28B gene polymorphisms are not associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV in this cohort of Egyptian children with SCD