8 research outputs found

    Effect of stratification treatments on germination of Sorbus torminalis L. Crantz (wild service tree) seeds with different origins

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    Seed characteristics of wild service tree’s (Sorbus torminalis L. Crantz) fruits collected from 4 different regions of the Black Sea region in Turkey and their germination ratio in different environments were considered. The fruits used in the study were collected from trees that are very close to each other. Collected seeds were subjected to cold stratification of +2°C in an environment of 50% peat + 50% perlite in 4 different periods. Measurements done on the seeds used in the planting process show differences with respect to origins. The average size of seeds of Artvin origin was 6.68 mm, average dimater was 3.16 mm and 1000 grains weight was 2.81 g; average size of seeds of Trabzon origin was 6.04 mm, average diameter was 3.67 mm and 1000 grains weight was 3.70 g; average size of seeds of Bartın origin was 5.23 mm, average diameter was 2.88 mm and 1000 grains weight was 1.98 g, while the average size of seeds of Samsun origin was 5.59 mm, average diameter was 3.36 mm, 1000 grains seed weight was 3.07 g. The seeds used in this study were sown in 3 different mediums at the beginning of April. When ratios of seed germination were analyzed, maximum germination occured in the 4 months stratification. Although S. torminalis L. Crantz seeds have germination ratio of 5 – 6%, in this study the maximum germination was seen in seeds from Trabzon origin which were planted in an environment of 80% peat + 20% stream sand, with a ratio of 96.6%, while the minimum germination was seen in Bartın origin seeds that were planted in an environment of 80% peat + 20% stream sand, with a ratio of 13.3%.Keywords: Sorbus torminalis L. Crantz, wild service tree, germination, stratification, seedKeywords: Sorbus torminalis L. Crantz, wild service tree, germination, stratification, seedAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(34), pp. 5535-5541, 23 August, 201

    Rize kenti aktif açık yeşil alanlarının kent ölçeğinde irdelenmesi

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    In this study, the distribution and quantities of existing green areas in the city of Rize were examined, and the distribution of active open green areas in the city and neighborhood scale, their size, adequacy, and functional qualities, and the active green area rates per capita were determined. Squares, parks, children's playgrounds, sports areas, school gardens, official institutions, cemeteries, pedestrian paths, and medians from the opengreen areas of the city of Rize were examined. It has been determined that the open-green area per capita in the city of Rize constitutes 7,8 m2 , and this rate is below the urban standards and thus insufficient. In addition, it has been observed that the open-green areas in the city do not exist in some of the areas reserved for planting, some are extremely limited, and the plant species used are not qualified to meet the needs of the urban people in terms of aesthetic and functional features in increasing the quality of the area, and the plant design is insufficient. As a result, it is suggested that the active green areas on the coastline and the active green areas in the city should be planned and designed by experts with a holistic approach, improving quality and quantity, and increasing the size and number of active open-green areas throughout the city.Bu çalışmada, Rize kenti mevcut yeşil alanlarının dağılımı ve miktarları incelenerek, aktif açık yeşil alanların kentteki büyüklükleri ve işlevsel nitelikleri ve kişi başına düşen aktif yeşil alan oranları tespit edilmiştir. Rize kenti açık-yeşil alanlarından meydanlar, parklar, çocuk oyun alanları, spor alanları, okul bahçeleri, resmi kuruluşlar, mezarlıklar, yaya yolları ve refüjler incelenmiştir. Rize kentinde kişi başına 7,8 m2 açık-yeşil alan düştüğü ve bu oranın kentsel standartların altında ve yetersiz olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, kentte yer alan açık-yeşil alanların bitkilendirmeye ayrılan alanların hiç olmadığı, ya da sınırlı olduğu ve kullanılan bitki türlerinin mekanın kalitesini artırmada kent insanının ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak nitelikte olmadığı, bitkisel tasarımın yetersiz olduğu gözlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak mevcut yeşil alanların bütünsel bir yaklaşımla konunun uzmanları tarafından planlanıp, tasarlanarak nitelik ve nicelik olarak iyileştirilmesi ayrıca aktif açık-yeşil alan büyüklük ve sayısının kent genelinde arttırılması önerilmektedir

    Kentiçi kent donatıların sürdürülebilirliği ve landmark olabilme potansiyelinin Rize kent merkezi ölçeğinde araştırılması

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    In this study, the effects of urban furnitures in the city center of Rize on the users (tourists, local people, periodical users) were investigated considering the site selection, size, density, layout, visual characteristics, aesthetic value and spatial relationships. Also, the sustainability of the urban furniture and their potential to be a landmark were evaluated in the context of Rize city identity. While 63% of the users emphasized the dimension and originality of the statue of tea pot placed in front of the municipality building and stated that it is appropriate for the place where it is located and it has an effect on people’s habits, the statue of Atatürk which is located in front of the governor’s building and one of the objects regarded as a Landmark stands out with a rate of 70%. In addition, the statue of Atatürk was preferred by the users with the highest rate in the study area according to all evaluation criteria as its location, semantic feature and structural feature.Bu çalışmada, Rize şehir merkezindeki kent donatılarının yer seçimi, büyüklüğü, yoğunluğu, düzeni, görsel özellikleri, estetik değeri ve mekansal ilişkileri dikkate alınarak kullanıcılar (turistler, yöre halkı, periyodik kullanıcılar) üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, kent donatılarının sürdürülebilirliği ve landmark olabilme potansiyeli Rize kent kimliği bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Kullanıcıların %63’ü belediye binasının önüne bulunan çaydanlık heykelinin boyut, özgünlük, bulunduğu mekana uygunluk gibi kriterler açısından insanların alışkanlıkları üzerine etkili olduğu görüşünü bildirirken, kullanıcıların %70’i Valilik binası önündeki Atatürk heykelinin landmark niteliği taşıdığını düşünmektedir. Ayrıca Atatürk Heykeli’nin yeri, anlamsal özelliği ve yapısal özelliğiyle en yüksek oranla kullanıcılar tarafından tercih edilmiştir

    Determination of optimal plant growth regulators for breaking seed dormancy and micropropagation of Sorbus aucuparia L.

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    Sorbus aucuparia L. is an important forest tree used in the reforestation of high-altitude mountainous areas, which carries significant pharmaceutical, industrial, ornamental, food, and ecological properties. However, the seed propagation and micropropagation of mature trees of S. aucuparia L., presents various difficulties which are integral aspects for the repropagation and breeding of novel cultivars. In this study, we isolated the mature embryo-containing seeds of selected varieties of S. aucuparia L. from their seed coat and used them directly as explants in vitro to investigate and determine the optimal dose of cytokinin in breaking seed dormancy and micropropagation. 3 mg/L of benzyl adenine (BA) in addition to different concentrations and combinations of kinetin (0.5, 1, and 2 mg/L), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) (0, 1, 0.5, and 1 mg/L), and 1-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (0, 1, 0.5, and 1 mg/L) were applied within a Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) medium at germination inhibition, shoot elongation, and shoot proliferation. In the MS mediums containing BA and kinetin, germination was achieved at the end of 1 week, and shoot proliferation was achieved at the end of 3 weeks. The most successful germination (96%), tallest shoot length (mean 5.1 cm), most shoot proliferation (mean 7.2 pieces), and number of nodes (mean 9.7 pieces) were identified in the MS containing 3 mg/L BA and 1 mg/L kinetin. Direct root formation with shoot elongation occurred in 25% of explants which germinated in the MS medium. For shoots propagated without roots in this medium, 62% of these achieved rooting at the highest dose of 1 mg/L indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) using a two-stage rooting method. Rooted shoots were successfully transferred to an ex vitro medium. These results provide a basis for breaking seed dormancy of selected Sorbus L. genotypes quicker, leading to more effective clonal production

    Use of tissue culture techniques in the production of natural plant species in Turkey

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    Floristik zenginlik bakımından sahip olduğu doğal tür sayısı ile Türkiye, dünya sıralamasında başta gelen ülkelerden biridir. Bu türlerden bazıları aromatik, farmakolojik, tıbbi ve besin olarak kullanımlarının yanı sıra, Peyzaj Mimarlığı açısından potansiyel süs bitkisi olarak oldukça değerlidirler. Bu doğal türlerimizin büyük bir çoğunluğu henüz kültüre alınmamış yada alınamamış, sadece kırsal peyzajda kalmış yabani türler şeklindedir. Ayrıca, artan nüfus ve gelişen endüstrileşme bu doğal bitki türlerinin büyüme ortamlarının bozulmasına ve hatta bazı türlerin bilinçsizce doğadan yoğun bir şekilde toplanması nedeniyle neslinin tehlikeye girmesine neden olmuştur. Bu olumsuzlukların ortadan kaldırılması için yabani türlerimizin kültüre alınması gerekmektedir. Seleksiyon aşamasından sonra, yabani türlerin kültüre alınmasının en önemli adımlarından birisi ise etkili bir vejetatif çoğaltma metodunun geliştirilmesi olacaktır. Bu çalışmada, üretimi zor olan bitkiler için hızlı bir teknik olarak görülen, bitkinin vejetatif üretiminin yaygınlaştıran, aynı form ve özellikte binlerce bitki elde edilebilen, ayrıca ticari üretim için uyumunun hızlı olduğu bilinen doku kültürü yöntemi literatürlerden faydalanılarak açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca, potansiyel süs bitkisi olması yanında tıbbi bitki ve gıda bitkisi olarak da kullanılabilen bazı doğal türlerimizin doku kültürü ile üretimi çalışmalarımızdan örneklere yer verilmiştir. Böylece üretimi zor olan doğal türlerimizin çoğaltılmasına, nesli tükenmekte olan özellikle endemik türlerimizin koruma altına alınmasına, biyoçeşitliliğimizin korunmasına yönelik yapılacak çalışmalara ışık tutmak hedeflenmiştir.Turkey, with the number of native species it has in terms of floristic richness, is one of the leading countries in the world ranking. Besides their aromatic, pharmacological, medical and food use; some of these types are highly valuable as ornamental plants for landscape architecture. The majority of our species has not been taken or could not have been taken into the culture yet, they just stay in the rural landscape as wild species. In addition, increasing population and growing industrialization have led to deterioration in the habitat of these natural plants and some of the species are even endangered because of the fact that they are picked irresponsibly and heavily in the nature. To eliminate these unfavorable situations, our wild species must be taken into the culture. After the selection phase, one of the most important steps in the culture of wild species will be the development of an effective vegetative production method. In this study; tissue culture method, a rapid technique for the plants that are difficult to produce and which extends the vegetation production, obtains thousands of plants with the same form and characteristics and is also known with its rapid alignment for commercial production, is described by making use of the literature. Additionally, examples from our works in the production of some of our native species, which can be used as medicinal plants and food plants in addition to being ornamental plants, with the tissue culture method are also included in the study. Hence, this study aims to provide an insight to the reproduction of native species that are hard to produce, the protection of species, particularly the endemic species, that are in danger of extinction and the studies for the protection of our biodiversity

    Urban furniture İn the context of sustanainable materials

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    While the efforts to ensure the ecological balance for a sustainable and livable future have gained momentum in recent years, sustainable materials have become more needed in this context. Sustainable materials can be summarized as materials that consume less energy and do not harm the environment, nature, and human health, from the process of obtaining their raw materials to the processing stages, their use, maintenance, and repair, and the environmental conditions they are in during waste generation. In addition, they are local materials that respond to the culture they are in, are open to change, recyclable, non-toxic, and non-poisonous. Sustainable urban furniture can contribute to the future by minimizing environmental problems. Within the scope of this study, urban furniture such as seating elements, trash bins, lighting elements, pavement materials, playgrounds, and pergolas in the newly built or revised green areas in the center of Rize in the last five years, in the context of sustainable materials; Durability / Easy maintenance, Performance, Functionality, Space Relation, Economy, Recyclability, Aesthetics, and Ecological Materials were examined by considering criteria. By evaluating the results, evaluations were made on the materials used in urban furniture to create ecological and sustainable environments.Sürdürülebilir ve yaşanabilir bir gelecek için ekolojik dengeyi sağlamaya yönelik çalışmalar son yıllarda çok fazla hız kazanırken bu bağlamda sürdürülebilir malzemelere daha çok ihtiyaç duyulmaya başlanmıştır. Sürdürülebilir malzemeler; kullanıldıkları süre boyunca, az enerji tüketen, hammaddelerinin elde edilmesi sürecinden, işlenme aşamalarına, kullanımlarından, bakım-onarımlarının yapılmasına ve atık oluşumları sırasında bulundukları çevre koşullarına, doğaya ve insan sağlığına zarar vermeyen, içinde bulunduğu kültüre yanıt veren, değişime açık, geri dönüştürülebilen, toksin ve zehirli olmayan yerel malzemeler olarak özetlenebilir. Sürdürülebilir kent mobilyaları, çevresel olumsuzlukları en aza indirip, geleceğe önemli katkılar sağlayabilir. Bu bağlamda çalışma kapsamında, Rize merkez çalışma alanı içerisinde son 5 yılda yeni yapılan veya yeniden revize edilen yeşil alanlar içerisinde ortak olarak bulunan; oturma elamanları, çöp kutuları, aydınlatma elemanları, zemin kaplamaları, çocuk oyun elemanları ve kamelyalar üzerinden ‘sürdürülebilir malzeme’ bağlamında; Sağlamlık/ Kolay bakım, Performans, İşlevsellik, Mekân İlişkisi, Ekonomiklik, Geri dönüştürüle bilirlik, Estetik ve Ekolojik malzeme kriterleri ele alınarak incelenmiştir. Sonuçlar değerlendirilerek ekolojik ve sürdürülebilir çevreler yaratmak için kent mobilyalarında kullanılan malzemeler üzerinden değerlendirmeler yapılmıştı

    Germination and Micropropagation of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Seeds by Tissue Culture Method

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    The propagation of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. using seeds is important for the creation of new cultivars, but it can be fraught with difficulty. Therefore, the effects of optimal cytokinin doses and culture media on the germination inhibition and micropropagation of seeds in C. Monogyna were investigated. The germination, shoot formation, and propagation in mature seed embryos were compared in Murashige ve Skoog (MS) and Linsmaier ve Skoog (L&S) nutrient media containing 3 mg/L BA(6-benzyladenine) and 0.5-1-2 mg/L kinetin. It was observed that the culture media influenced germination. The germination rate was higher in the MS medium (100%). Shoot proliferation was higher in MS (4.4 shoots per explant). The highest mean results were obtained in both media containing 3 mg/L BA + 1 mg/L kinetin. Root formation and shoot proliferation occurred in 56% of the explants cultured on the germination medium, and 68% rooting was achieved in the medium supplemented with 1 mg/L indoleacetic acid using the two-stage rooting procedure. Regenerated shoots were successfully rooted and transferred to ex vitro conditions. The results provide a solid basis for testing clonal propagation and efficient generative propagation of selected hawthorn genotypes with fruits of superior quality. Study Implications: In this study, the germination barrier of seeds of Crateagus monogyna was removed by the tissue culture method. The seeds germinated within 1 week. In addition, direct material was obtained for clonal production without the need for rejuvenation studies in micropropagation, and a large number of seedlings were obtained. As a result, it has been determined that this species and similar forest trees can be used in mass production owing to their brief microproduction for the protection of species in forestry and reforestation applications

    Comparing Urban Parks' woody plant diversity in seven different locations of Turkey

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    Plant diversity is critical to regulating the urban ecosystem and offers myriad positive benefits in a logical and well-planned structure. This article aims to demonstrate the woody plant diversity of the selected urban parks and their importance for the urban ecosystem. As a material, seven urban parks were selected from different locations in Turkey, located in Aydin, Istanbul, Kayseri, Samsun, Rize, Trabzon, and Van. In methodology, we recorded the plants' families and species and calculated the diversity and dissimilarity values of the selected urban parks through Shannon (alpha) and Whittaker (beta) indexes on the Paleontological Statistics and Biodiversity Component Calculation Software programs. The results showed that 71 plant species belonging to 32 families were recorded, and the most dominant families were Pinaceae and Rosaceae. As a result of planting design styles, the non-native woody plant species were higher than the native ones. Moreover, the alpha diversity of seven parks was 0.4099 (Park I), 1.931 (Park II), 1.936 (Park III), 2.564 (Park IV), 2.622 (Park V), 2.124 (Park VI), and 1.881 (VII) values. On the other hand, the beta results showed that the highest similarity value (1 - dissimilarity) was 0.28 between Parks IV and V. In conclusion, there were huge differences among the selected parks concerning plant biodiversity because of limited native plants usage