4 research outputs found

    Analisis Startegi Bauran Promosi Batik Besemah Kota Pagaralam

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    This study aims to determine the promotion mix strategy of Batik Besemah based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which are owned by the product of Batik Besemah and formulate appropriate promotion mix strategy used after analyzed using SWOT analysis. Types of research used in this research is descriptive researchwith a focus on internal and external environment, and then to formulate a strategy, then processed into several stages, analyze internal and external environmental conditions and then using SWOT Matrix. The results showed that the strength of promotion mix Batik Besemah is exhibition, telephone marketing, and good cooperation with external parties. The weaknesses of the promotion mix is the limited budget and independent business. The opportunities that can be utilized is advertising and online marketing, lobbying government policies, proposing cooperation and expanding the market. The threats is the presence of competitors and market characteristics in Pagar Alam town

    Pengaruh Atribut Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Study Kasus Pada Pengguna Produk Johnson’s Baby Di Desa Rantau Kasai Kecamatan Lintang Kanan Kabupaten Empat Lawang)

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    This study aims to determine whether there is influence of product attributes on purchasing decisions. This study uses associative research with a quantitative approach. There are two variables used in this study, namely Product Attributes (X) and Purchase Decision (Y). The sample used in this study was 75 respondents using simple linear statistical analysis techniques and saturated sampling techniques. Sampling was carried out on respondents who used Johnson's Baby products. The results of the simple linear regression analysis test in this study indicate that product attributes have a positive effect on purchasing decisions. It can be seen from the results of simple regression analysis, namely: Y = 18,658 + 0,711 where the constant value is 18,658. The value of the product attribute regression coefficient has a positive influence, which means that if the product attribute increases by one unit, then the purchase decision will increase by 0.711 units. Product attributes have a significant effect on the decision to purchase Johnson's Baby products in Rantau Kasai Village

    Analisis Startegi Bauran Promosi Batik Besemah Kota Pagaralam

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    This study aims to determine the promotion mix strategy of Batik Besemah based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats which are owned by the product of Batik Besemah and formulate appropriate promotion mix strategy used after analyzed using SWOT analysis. Types of research used in this research is descriptive researchwith a focus on internal and external environment, and then to formulate a strategy, then processed into several stages, analyze internal and external environmental conditions and then using SWOT Matrix. The results showed that the strength of promotion mix Batik Besemah is exhibition, telephone marketing, and good cooperation with external parties. The weaknesses of the promotion mix is the limited budget and independent business. The opportunities that can be utilized is advertising and online marketing, lobbying government policies, proposing cooperation and expanding the market. The threats is the presence of competitors and market characteristics in Pagar Alam town

    Pengenalan Pembelajaran Matematika oleh Orang Tua Anak Usia Dini di Masa Pandemi

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    Dampak virus Corona (Covid-19) menjadikan sekolah tidak dibuka dan melakukan belajar dari rumah. Selama belajar dari rumah, keterlibatan orang tua menjadi sangat penting terutama dalam mengenalkan konsep matematika pada anak usia dini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui upaya pengenalan pembelajaran matematika oleh orang tua anak usia dini di masa pandemi. Desain penelitian ini adalah kajian literatur. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui berbagai sumber baik buku, skripsi, thesis, disertasi, dan publikasi artikel jurnal. Berdasarkan hasil kajian literatur pengenalan pembelajaran matematika oleh orang tua sebaiknya dengan metode bermain dan menggunakan media benda hidup atau mati yang berada di sekolah, di rumah, di jalan maupun di sekitar lingkungan anak. Berbagai tips kegiatan belajar matematika dari rumah seperti menghitung benda konkret, mengulang dengan bernyanyi sambil berhitung, berhitung menyentuh benda, bermain peran, dan tebak angka. Dengan begitu, kemampuan matematika berupa menghitung, mengelompokkan, mengurutkan, membandingkan, dan konsep geometri dapat terstimulasi dengan baik dan anak tidak bosan