100 research outputs found

    Состоби и предизвици во лозарството и винарството

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    Врз основа на климатски, почвени, рељефни, агробиолошки, ампелотехнички и агроекономски услови за производство на грозје, во лозарското производство генерално се утврдени следните лозарски единици: Лозарски реон – претставува поширока географска област која се одликува со слични климатски, почвени и други услови, неопходни за успешно одлгедување на виновата лоза. Лозарски подреон – претставува потесна географска област во рамките на еден реон, во кој некои еколошки фактори повеќе се разликуваат, при што доаѓа до диференцирање на приносот и квалитетот на грозјето и на виното. Виногорје – претставува основна територјална единица – област со многу мали варирања на агроеколошките услови при што чини лозарска целина. Локалитет – претставува помала лозарска област, која се одликува со изразени агроеколошки услови за одгледување на виновата лоза и за производство на грозје и вино со одреден квалитет. Микролокалитет – најмала лозарска област со специфични агроеколошки услов

    Физичко-хемиски карактеристики на маџун (grape molasses) произведен на традиционален начин

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    Под поимот традиционални производи односно традиционална храна се подразбира храна што се произведува на специфичен начин без или со минимална обработка, а го одразува културното наследство, и се пренесува од генерација на генерација. Традиционалната храна се смета за наследство што се пренесува со генерации и потрошувачите очекуваат специфични сензорни својства и висок квалитет на храната. Во исто време, традиционалната храна мора да биде безбедна од микробиолошки и физичко- хемиско аспект, без претерана преработка и да не содржи конзерванси

    Optimization and validation of a microwave digestion method for analysis of elements in wine using ICP-MS

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    Determination of the content of metals in wine is very important since it can contains toxic elements such as Pb, Cd, As that could be harmful for the human health, but also nutritional elements, such as Fe, K, Na, Zn, Mn important for the humans. For that purpose, sample pretreatment of wine is necessary in order to remove the complex organic matrix consisting of ethanol, polyphenols, carbohydrates, proteins and other compounds. In this study, we developed a microwave digestion method for wine sample preparation followed by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for multi-element analysis. The method was optimized and validated, and following parameters were determined: linearity, limit of quantification (LOQ), limit of detection (LOQ), inter- and intra- day repeatability and reproducibility. Successful digestion of wine was obtained with 5 mL nitric acid, obtaining best recoveries for all analysed elements and values R > 90 %, on average, for total elements content. The calibration curves at seven concentration levels (0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 50 μg/L) were constructed presenting good linearly and satisfactory correlation coefficients. A standard addition method was applied to check the method accuracy, obtaining good repeatability and reproducibility with relative standard deviation lower that 10 % for all elements. Validated method was applied on analysis of real samples and in total, 38 elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, In, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Pd, Rb, S, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Te, Ti, Tl, V, Zn) were determined in red and white wines

    Presence of grapevine leafroll associated virus in the vuineyards in the Republic of Macedonia

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    Plant viruses are group of pathogens that cause and important loses in grapevine production and they have and great economic importance. They are obligate parasite form and for their replication they used plant cells.In particular vines, the harmful effects of viral infection manifests itself in reduced yield and quality of grapes, reducing the life of the vines in grapevine calem production - reducing the yield and quality of cuttings for grafting and weak adhesion of the coupling place.By applying serological ELISA technique and RT-PCR molecular diagnostics, we determining the presence of most distributed phloemic viruses in grapevine - Grapevine leafroll associated virus GlRaV (-1,-2,-3,-7). The study covered  total of 382 isolates of grapevine viruses, in the period from 2008 till 2014.In relation to grapevine viruses, we monitored the presence of the leafroll virus in grapevine (grapevine leafroll associated virus) with groups -1 and -3 of this virus (GlRaV-1 and GlRaV-3)

    Effect of some technological parameters on the organoleptic characteristics of red wines from the region of Tikvesh

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    The influences of the temperature, inoculum and the recirculation of the must on the organoleptic profile of the wines were investigated by 3-factorial design experiment. The temperature ranges between 20 and 28 ° C, the inoculum - 2-4%, and the recirculation was 2 times, 4 times, 6 times for 24 hours. The inoculum had a slightly influence on the organoleptic characteristics. The temperature and the recirculation had a stronger influence on the taste of the wines. The higher recirculation rates lead to denser wine-body. The lower temperature leads to fresh fruit notes of cherry, raspberry, and at higher ripe fruit and spicy flavors in the wine aroma. The best combination was established at lower temperature and higher recirculation rate

    Analysis of fertility on the Merlot clones (Vitis vinifera L.), by applying the method of correlation

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    In this research were included seven clones of the variety Merlot (R-12, R-18, R-3, 181, 184, 348, 346). Fertility of each clone is determined by elements: fertility shoots per vine (%),absolute coefficient (number of clusters per fertile shoot), mass of bunch, and the yield expressed of unit area or kg/m2.The obtained results from this work were statistically processed using the SPSS statistical software package 19, from where it can be measure the frequency, the percentage share of data, measures of central tendency (median, standard deviation, dispersion, arithmetic mean), such as graphic representation of data (a histogram).The analysis showed than all clones had larger correlation coefficient or there exists a greater dependence between the mass of the cluster and yields. From all clones, only two of them (R18, 346) proved more than greater dependence or greater correlation coefficient between absolute coefficientand the percentage of fertility shoot. The Merlot clone 348 proved the highest correlation between the mass of the cluster and yields where correlation coefficient is 0.983 which is approximately the value of 1, which indicates a very high connectivity


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    Rebo (Rigotti 107-3) is a vine variety that originates from Trentino, north Italy. It was selected by the researcher Rebo Rigotti by crossing the varieties Merlot x Terlodego at the agriculture and forest experimental station in S. Michele all’ Adige. According to the literature the idea of the breeder was to produce new variety that would be similar to Merlot but more resistant to cold climate conditions. Our idea to plant Rebo in Macedonia was to grow this variety on sites with higher altitude locations that are difficult for growing Merlot. The vineyard for this study is located in the north part of Macedonia on the mountain German near the town of Kriva Palanka, area typical for growing frost resistant varieties. In this research paper we analyzed the mechanical structure of the grape cluster and berries, the quantity of sugar and titratable acids in the grapes. In the wine we analyzed the quantity of total phenols, total anthocyanins, wine colour (CI;H), total flavan-3-ols and standard chemical analysis of the wine

    Characteristics of Petit verdot grape variety (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in Tikveš vineyards

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    Research is being performed to the variety of Petit verdot. The vineyards are sited on the Lepovo-Tikveš vineyards, in the property of Bovin winery. Plantation is started in 2008 with certified plantation material, 2.4 m planting distance between rows, and 1.0 m distance between vines in a row. The training system is Guyot two arms, with 20 eyelets leaving the vine. Some optimal agro-technical and ampelo-technical measures are applied. The plantation is under drip irrigation system. During the research period (2011– 2012) the following items were included: yield (kg/vine), chemical composition of grape must (sugar, total acid, pH), and chemical analysis of wine. The results show considerable variation in yield interest (14.48), which is due to the age of the crop, whether it is in the second (2011) or in the third (2012) year of birth. The must contains 230 g/L sugar and 5.5 g/L total acids, average for the test period. The wine has a high content of extract (40 g/L) and 13.11% vol alcohol, which is due to selective grape harvesting and the way of vinification (winemaking)

    Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts from "Karamustafa" and "Idzis" varieties

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    The aim of this study was determination of antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts from “Karamustafa” and “Idžis” varieties. For this purposes, the peel of the two varieties of pomegranates was dried, powdered and extracted three times by methanol: water solution (80:20). After evaporation, the extracts were investigated for their “in vitro” antibacterial and antifungal properties using a disk-diffusion method in Petri dishes. The pomegranate peel extracts were tested for antibacterial activity against one Gram-positive bacterial strain Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), and against one Gram-negative bacterial strain Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), and for antifungal activity using Candida albicans (ATCC 1023). In brief, each microorganism was suspended in Mueller Hinton (MH) broth and diluted approximately to 10E6 colony forming unit (cfu)/mL. Gentamicin (20 μg/well), nalidixic acid (30 μg/well), ciprofloxacine (5 μg/well) and erytromicine (15 μg/well) were used as positive control. The antibacterial activity is ranked from no activity (-: inhibition diameter < 10 mm), low (+: inhibition diameter between 10 and 15 mm), moderate (++: inhibition diameter between 15 and 20 mm) and high activity (+++: diameter inhibition ≥ 20 mm). All tests were performed in triplicate and clear halos greater than 10 mm were considered as positive results. Our results showed very high antimicrobial activity of the extracts from both variety against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) with inhibition zone of 40 mm. The antifungal activity against Candida albicans (ATCC 1023) was very low with inhibition zone of 10 mm

    Нови стилови на вина од сортите Темјаника, Станушина и Смедеревка

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    На просторите на денешна Македонија има многу вековна традиција за производство на вино. Меденото вино претставува придизвик за нови модерни вински правци. Овa истражување се фокусира на примена на модерното производство на вино и развој на традиционални и нови стилови на вино, со користење на локални сорти грозје (Темјаника и Смедеревка) и автохтона сорта (Станушина) од Тиквешкото виногорје Македонија. За прв пат се произведува и проучува нов стил на вино, добиено со додавање на мед пред ферментација, со цел да се произведат нови карактеристични медени вина со поинтензивна арома, вкус и тело. Примарната проценка на хемискиот состав на произведените вина вклучува определување на општи параметри за квалитет на виното, анализа на полифеноли и антиоксиданти. Овој сеопфатен пристап овозможува да се проучи влијанието на новите процеси на производство на вино во споредба со традиционалните. Развојот на современата винификација со примена на нов стил на локаните сорти ќе придонесе за развој на винската економија и туризмот во земјата, а со тоа ќе се зголеми значењето и препознавањето на локалните македонски сорти