26 research outputs found

    Απόψεις και εμπειρίες των γονιών ίδιου φύλου για τη σχολική πορεία των παιδιών τους

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    Η παρούσα μελέτη εστιάζει στη διερεύνηση των εμπειριών των ομόφυλων γονιών στη σχέση τους με το σχολείο των παιδιών τους επιχειρώντας να αναδείξει τις απόψεις, τις σκέψεις και τις αντιλήψεις τους στη διάδραση τους με το σχολικό θεσμό. Στόχος της έρευνας είναι να μελετήσει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι ομόφυλοι γονείς αντιμετωπίζουν, αλλά και αντιμετωπίζονται από το σχολείο, καθώς και το πώς συμμετέχουν σε αυτό. Μέσα από την ποιοτική διερεύνηση που πραγματοποιήθηκε και πιο συγκεκριμένα μέσα από τις 10 συνεντεύξεις με γονείς ίδιου φύλου γίνεται φανερό ότι ο ετεροκανονικός λόγος παραμένει κυρίαρχος με αποτέλεσμα την αορατότητα της ομογονεϊκότητας στο σχολικό πλαίσιο. Πιο αναλυτικά, τα ευρήματα της παρούσας μελέτης αναδεικνύουν την απουσία συμπερίληψης των ομογονεϊκών οικογενειών ως αποτέλεσμα των ετεροκανονιστικών αντιλήψεων και του κανονιστικού λόγου του αναλυτικού προγράμματος και των σχολικών εγχειριδίων. Επιπλέον, η έρευνα τονίζει τις ρητές και τις υπόρρητες μορφές ομοφοβίας με τις οποίες έρχονται αντιμέτωπες οι οικογένειες, καθώς και τις τακτικές που οι ομόφυλοι γονείς υιοθετούν για να τις αντιμετωπίσουν. Τέλος, τα ευρήματα ολοκληρώνονται με μια θεματική που εστιάζει στις κοινωνικές αλλαγές που ενδεχομένως να επέλθουν στο μέλλον τόσο μέσα από τις ρωγμές στην ετεροκανονικότητα όσο και μέσα από το αίτημα για θεσμική αναγνώριση των ομογονεϊκών οικογενειών.This dissertation investigates same-sex parents’ experiences in their relationship with their children’s school in an attempt to point out their beliefs, thoughts and perceptions in their interaction with the school institution. The aim of this research project is to analyse the ways in which same-sex parents participate and deal with the school, as well as how they are confronted by the school environment. The research is based on qualitative data captured through ten semi-structured interviews with same-sex parents. The data indicate that heteronormative discourse remains hegemonic leading to homoparentality’s invisibility in the school context. More specifically, the research findings highlight a lack of homoparental families’ inclusion as a result of heteronormative beliefs and normative discourses in the curriculum and school textbooks. In addition, the research reflects on the tactics that homosexual parents adopt when confronted with implicit and explicit homophobic attitudes. Finally, the research findings discuss the social changes that may possibly come in the future through the cracks of heteronormativity and homoparental families’ request for institutional recognition

    Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy and outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with cancer: a joint analysis of OnCovid and ESMO-CoCARE registries

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    BackgroundAs management and prevention strategies against COVID-19 evolve, it is still uncertain whether prior exposure to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) affects COVID-19 severity in patients with cancer.MethodsIn a joint analysis of ICI recipients from OnCovid (NCT04393974) and European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) CoCARE registries, we assessed severity and mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients with cancer and explored whether prior immune-related adverse events (irAEs) influenced outcome from COVID-19.FindingsThe study population consisted of 240 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 between January 2020 and February 2022 exposed to ICI within 3 months prior to COVID-19 diagnosis, with a 30-day case fatality rate (CFR30) of 23.6% (95% CI 17.8 to 30.7%). Overall, 42 (17.5%) were fully vaccinated prior to COVID-19 and experienced decreased CFR30 (4.8% vs 28.1%, p=0.0009), hospitalization rate (27.5% vs 63.2%, p<0.0001), requirement of oxygen therapy (15.8% vs 41.5%, p=0.0030), COVID-19 complication rate (11.9% vs 34.6%, p=0.0040), with a reduced need for COVID-19-specific therapy (26.3% vs 57.9%, p=0.0004) compared with unvaccinated patients. Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW)-fitted multivariable analysis, following a clustered-robust correction for the data source (OnCovid vs ESMO CoCARE), confirmed that vaccinated patients experienced a decreased risk of death at 30 days (adjusted OR, aOR 0.08, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.69).Overall, 38 patients (15.8%) experienced at least one irAE of any grade at any time prior to COVID-19, at a median time of 3.2 months (range 0.13-48.7) from COVID-19 diagnosis. IrAEs occurred independently of baseline characteristics except for primary tumor (p=0.0373) and were associated with a significantly decreased CFR30 (10.8% vs 26.0%, p=0.0462) additionally confirmed by the IPTW-fitted multivariable analysis (aOR 0.47, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.67). Patients who experienced irAEs also presented a higher median absolute lymphocyte count at COVID-19 (1.4 vs 0.8 10(9) cells/L, p=0.0098).ConclusionAnti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination reduces morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 in ICI recipients. History of irAEs might identify patients with pre-existing protection from COVID-19, warranting further investigation of adaptive immune determinants of protection from SARS-CoV-2

    Expression of phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6 in mesothelioma patients - correlation with clinico-pathological characteristics and outcome: results from the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP) Mesoscape project

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    Pleural mesothelioma (PM) is an aggressive malignancy with poor prognosis. Although histology and pathologic stage are important prognostic factors, better prognostic biomarkers are needed. The ribosomal protein S6 is a downstream target of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway involved in protein synthesis and cell proliferation. In previous studies, low phosphorylated S6 (pS6) immunoreactivity was significantly correlated with longer progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in PM patients. We aimed to correlate pS6 expression to clinical data in a large multi-centre PM cohort as part of the European Thoracic Oncology Platform (ETOP) Mesoscape project. Tissue Micro Arrays (TMAs) of PM were constructed and expression of pS6 was evaluated by a semiquantitatively aggregate H-score. Expression results were correlated to patient characteristics as well as OS/PFS. pS6 IHC results of 364 patients from 9 centres, diagnosed between 1999 and 2017 were available. The primary histology of included tumours was epithelioid (70.3%), followed by biphasic (24.2%) and sarcomatoid (5.5%). TMAs included both treatment-naive and tumour tissue taken after induction chemotherapy. High pS6 expression (181 patients with H-score>1.41) was significantly associated with less complete resection. In the overall cohort, OS/PFS were not significantly different between pS6-low and pS6-high patients. In a subgroup analysis nonepithelioid (biphasic and sarcomatoid) patients with high pS6 expression showed a significantly shorter OS (p< 0.001, 10.7 versus 16.9 months) and PFS (p < 0.001, 6.2 versus 10.8 months). In subgroup analysis, in non-epithelioid PM patients high pS6 expression was associated with significantly shorter OS and PFS. These exploratory findings suggest a clinically relevant PI3K pathway activation in non-epithelioid PM which might lay the foundation for future targeted treatment strategies

    Διαταραχές πηκτικότητας στη συστηματική αμυλοείδωση

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    Η αμυλοείδωση αποτελεί ετερογενή ομάδα διαταραχών στις οποίες εξωκυττάρια, αδιάλυτα πρωτεϊνικά ινίδια εναποτίθενται στους ιστούς οδηγώντας σε διαταραχή της αρχιτεκτονικής και σε ιστική βλάβη. Όλα τα ινίδια υιοθετούν την κοινή δομή των αντιπαράλληλων β-πτυχωτών φύλλων και προέρχονται από πρόδρομες διαλυτές πρωτεΐνες του πλάσματος. Ταξινομείται σε κατηγορίες ,την πρωτοπαθή (AL) που σχετίζεται με πλασματοκυτταρικές δυσκρασίες, τη δευτεροπαθή (ΑΑ) σε συνυπάρχουσα κακοήθεια ή συστηματικό φλεγμονώδες νόσημα, την κληρονομική που προκαλείται από μεταλλάξεις στο γονίδιο της τρανσθυρετίνης (ATTR) αλλά και άλλων πρωτεϊνών του πλάσματος και τη γεροντική αμυλοείδωση. Η διάγνωση τίθεται μόνο ιστολογικά. Τα συμπτώματα είναι ήπια και μη ειδικά, όπως η απώλεια βάρους, με συνηθέστερα την πρωτεΐνουρία έως νεφρωσικό σύνδρομο, την οργανομεγαλία, την καρδιομυοπάθεια και την πολυνευροπάθεια. Η αμυλοείδωση έχει συσχετισθεί στο ένα τρίτο περίπου των περιπτώσεων με αιμορραγικές εκδηλώσεις αυτόματες ή περι-επεμβατικές. Οι κυριότερες αιμορραγίες είναι ήπιες και προέρχονται από το δέρμα, αφορούν σε πορφύρα, εκχυμώσεις κι υποδερματικά αιματώματα. Άλλα σημαντικά σημεία αιμορραγίας τα ενδοεγκεφαλικά αιματώματα λόγω εγκεφαλικής αμυλοειδικής αγγειοπάθειας, οι αιμορραγίες του γαστρεντερικού, αιμορραγίες σε σημεία βιοψίας, αλλά και διάφορες ακόμα εντοπίσεις (αιματουρία, αιμοσπερμία) ενώ έχουν περιγραφεί και περιπτώσεις αυτόματης ρήξης διηθημένων οργάνων. Ο ακριβής μηχανισμός της αιμορραγικής διάθεσης στη συστηματική αμυλοείδωση δεν είναι πλήρως κατανοητός. Στους ασθενείς με AL αμυλοείδωση σχετίζεται με επίκτητες ανεπάρκειες παραγόντων πήξης με συχνότερη την ανεπάρκεια του παράγοντα Χ. Η επίκτητη ανεπάρκεια του FX στην πρωτοπαθή αμυλοείδωση είναι γνωστή πάνω από 40 χρόνια και φαίνεται να σχετίζεται με την ταχεία κάθαρση του παράγοντα από την κυκλοφορία λόγω προσρόφησης στα ινίδια του αμυλοειδούς στην ανοιχτή κυκλοφορία του σπληνός. Άλλα αίτια αιμορραγικής διάθεσης είναι η υπερινωδόλυση, οι διαταραχές των αιμοπεταλίων και η αμυλοειδική αγγειοπάθεια. Η διήθηση του αγγειακού τοιχώματος από αμυλοειδές, που οδηγεί σε αγγειακή ευθραυστότητα και σε διαταραχή της αγγειοσύσπασης φαίνεται να είναι ο κύριος μηχανισμός αιμορραγίας στις άλλες μορφές αμυλοείδωσης. Θεραπευτικά μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν συντηρητικά μέτρα, όπως μεταγγίσεις και συμπυκνώματα παραγόντων επί επίκτητης ανεπάρκειας, με παροδικά μόνο αποτελέσματα. Ωστόσο, οι αιμοστατικές διαταραχές θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπισθούν σύμφωνα με τον παθογενετικό μηχανισμό. Επί επίκτητης ανεπάρκειας FX έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί με επιτυχία χημειοθεραπευτικά μέσα σε AL αμυλοείδωση αλλά και σε ορισμένα περιστατικά με εκτεταμένη διήθηση, η σπληνεκτομή.Amyloidosis is a heterogeneous group of disorders, which are characterized by extracellular deposits of insoluble, protein fibrils. These aggregates result in alteration of tissue architecture and thus tissue damage. All amyloid fibrils adopt the misfolded state of antiparallel beta-sheet conformation. Amyloidoses are classified into categories, primary (AL) amyloidosis in association with plasma cell dyscrasias, secondary (AA) reactive to malignancy or chronic inflammation, hereditary due to mutant transthyretin (ATTR) or other normal plasma proteins and senile amyloidosis. Diagnosis is established only by tissue biopsy. Symptoms are usually mild and non-specific, such as anorexia and weight loss. Most common findings are proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome, organomegaly, cardiomyopathy and polyneuropathy. Almost in one third of patients with systemic amyloidosis spontaneous or peri-interventional hemorrhage was reported, even life-threatening ones. The most common bleeding manifestations are mild cutaneous hemorrhages, such as purpura and skin hematomas. Other important bleeding symptoms conclude cerebral bleeding due to cerebral amyloid angiopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding, biopsy-related hemorrhages and miscellaneous sites of bleeding (e.g. hematuria, hemospermia). Spontaneous rupture of amyloid infiltrated organs has also been reported. The pathogenesis of bleeding diathesis in systemic amyloidosis is not completely understood. In patients with light-chain (AL) amyloidosis acquired hemostatic abnormalities and especially factor X deficiency are the most common pathogenetic pathways. Acquired FX deficiency in primary amyloidosis has been reported over 40 years ago and it seems to be caused by its rapid clearance from the blood circulation. It is thought that FX is absorbed to the amyloid fibrils at the open splenic vasculature. Hyperfibrinolysis, platelet dysfunction and amyloid angiopathy also contribute to bleeding diathesis in systemic amyloidosis. Amyloid infiltration of the blood vessel walls leads to increased fragility, impaired vasoconstriction and this seems to be the main cause of abnormal bleeding manifestations in patients with other types of amyloidosis (secondary, hereditary). Supportive therapeutic options, such as transfusions of blood or factor concentrates in patients with amyloidosis-associated coagulation factor deficiencies, have only temporary results. Bleeding caused by local amyloid deposition may require surgery in severe cases. Nevertheless, acquired hemostatic defects should be treated according to their causative mechanism. Chemotherapy for AL amyloidosis and splenectomy at some patients with extended splenic deposits have been reported as successful treatment strategies for acquired FX deficiency in primary amyloidosis

    Στρατηγική ανάλυση κλάδου τηλεπικοινωνιών και κινητών επικοινωνιών - μελέτη περίπτωσης

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Τεχνο-οικονομικά συστήματα

    Agamemnon's image in Greek literature, from Homer to Yiannis Ritsos

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    The centuries-old history of the literary interpretation of the figure of Agamemnon in Greek poetry, from Homer to Yiannis Ritsos, is a vivid example of how an ancient mythological character may be revived in the literature of different periods to reflect the author’s contemporary ideals and world perception.Although Ancient Eastern documents of the Bronze Age and Linear B texts lack evidence testifying to Agamemnon as a historical figure, the character undoubtedly had a prototype in the pre-Homeric mythological tradition.The earliest surviving work of Greek literature portrays Agamemnon as a fully-fledged literary character emerging from myths. Like many other characters of the Iliad, he has distinct personality traits which include both merits and flaws. Agamemnon is praised with positive epithets that signify his power. He incurs negative epithets only from Achilles, who is furious with the Atrid. Agamemnon’s coordinating character trait is taking wrong decision at critical moments, which he later defies either on his own or due to the unfolding events. He is ready to learn from his own mistakes as the situation develops, while his actions earn him appreciation and sympathy. In the Odyssey, the story of Agamemnon’s murder told by the Atrid’s spirit adds a tragic function to his character. In fact, following Homer, the literary figure of Agamemnon ceased to develop in the Archaic epic tradition. As Aristotle notes, Homer remains the only epic poet capable of portraying characters. In Hesiod, as well as in the Epic Cycle, the traditional story of Agamemnon is merely enriched with new elements (the sacrifice of Iphigenia, the scene at Tenedos, disagreement between Agamemnon and Menelaus, the shadow of Achilles).Likewise, lyric poets mainly offer new story developments related to the Atrid without elaborating on the character. Thus, Agamemnon either appears as a symbol of the glorious past and splendid victory of the Mycenaeans, a model and encouragement for the Hellenes in the Archaic Age as well, or as a triumphant figure ruthlessly betrayed by people close to him and revenged upon by his son. Stesichorus played a major role in shaping the version of the tragic story of the house of Atreus that was so productively employed by the tragedians. His Oresteia is the first to feature Clytemnestra’s portentous dream. Probably for political reasons, Stesichorus calls Agamemnon the son of Pleisthenes, while the setting of his murder is Sparta and not Mycenae. Stesichorus is first to mention a double-blade axe as a weapon for murdering Agamemnon, while young Orestes is shown to be saved by his nurse Laodamia.Highlighting Clytemnestra’s role in Agamemnon’s murder, Pindar attempts to elaborate on her motives for the hideous crime: whether it was provoked by the sacrifice of Iphigenia or by her amorous passion. I share the opinion that in Pindar’s Pythian 11, the main motive of Clytemnestra’s treachery was her relationship with Aegisthus, as shown in lines 25ff that discuss hateful sins of young wives. Lyric poetry focuses on family details of the story of Agamemnon to a greater degree than the epics, thus preparing grounds for the portrayal of Agamemnon in a new light in classical tragedy. Following Homer, Classical tragedy played a key role in the shaping of Agamemnon’s character. Either directly or indirectly, Agamemnon features in fifteen surviving Greek tragedies. He is portrayed as the commander of the unified Achaean army and the triumphant leader of the Trojan War, a husband, father and a victim of a hideous treachery. Unlike Homeric and Archaic epics, the tragedies bring into focus women characters who are either known from the Homeric epics or appear in the story for the first time (Clytemnestra, Iphigenia, Electra, Chrysothemis, Hecuba). The responsibility for Agamemnon’s murder is almost fully shifted from Aegisthus to Clytemnestra. Electra supports Orestes in his revenge and is the main source of love for her father. The tragedians focus on the inner state of children revenging the death of their father by killing their mother. Unlike the Iliad, when the theme of the house of Atreus is developed in the classical tragedies, Iphigenia acquires a central role in portraying Agamemnon as a father. Along with the Homeric epic, Aeschylus’ tragedies are the main source of inspiration for modern Greek poets in their attempt to revive the literary character of Agamemnon. Although Cavafy’s When the Watchman Saw the Light displays close linguistic and stylistic affinity with the Prologue of Aeschylus’ Agamemnon, the 20th century poet’s interpretation of Agamemnon’s story is different from Aeschylus’. He shows no respect for glorious titles and epithets, believing that no governor is indispensable and neither is Agamemnon, as royal power is not eternal goodness coming from God. All kings can be replaced and “Argos can do without the house of Atreus.” George Seferis, who finds that figures of the Antiquity invigorate the imagination of modern, living people, pays special attention to the Aeschylean interpretation of myth in order to start a dialogue with the tradition. He sees a myth as a sign from the past referring to contemporary events, and as the most important order and rule of the universe.Odysseus Elytis presents the Atrid myth through allusions and quotes, paying particular attention to Aescylus’ plays. His Agamemnon reflects on the perpetuity of the theme of murder, revenge and vanity.An original, unusual interpretation of the figure of Agamemnon is offered by Yiannis Ritsos. Six monologues out of twelve in The Fourth Dimension are devoted to the house of Atreus. The monologue Agamemnon portrays a commander tired of life and confirmed in the vanity of war, who finds warfare as vicious and destructive for the winners as it is for the defeated. The fatal bath is Agamemnon’s hope for purification. Whether or not he is aware of the approaching death at the hands of his wife, he already feels drained out of life. Although Clytemnestra is a weapon of destiny, Agamemnon accepts death of his own will. By employing the structural elements of Aeschylus’ tragedy, Ritsos creates a new, modern text that portrays a totally different personality of Agamemnon as compared to the Aeschylean character. Ritsos’ Agamemnon attempts to look deep into himself to understand what his genuine desire is and what others expect from him. Ritsos’ poems put the final touch to the transformation of Agamemnon from an ancient triumphant hero doomed to a tragic fate into a modern human reflecting over existential issues.Στόχος της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι η διερεύνηση του μύθου του Αγαμέμνονα σε ποιητικά κείμενα της αρχαίας ελληνικής και νεοελληνικής γραμματείας, η παρουσίαση της ιδιαίτερης μορφής του και η εξέτασή της από τον Όμηρο μέχρι και τον Γιάννη Ρίτσο. Μας ενδιαφέρει αφενός να φωτιστούν οι διαφορετικές πλευρές της προσωπικότητάς του, τα κίνητρα που τον οδηγούν στις εκάστοτε ενέργειες και αφετέρου να ανιχνευτούν οι λόγοι για τους οποίους, ενδεχομένως, επιλέγει ο κάθε δημιουργός να τον σκιαγραφήσει με συγκεκριμένο τρόπο. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να παρακολουθήσει πώς παρουσιάζεται στην αρχαία ελληνική γραμματεία ο Αγαμέμνονας· πώς επανακάμπτει η μορφή του στη νεότερη δραματουργία· σε ποια επίπεδα εντοπίζεται η σύγχρονη διαφορετικότητά του. Απώτερος στόχος είναι να ανιχνευτούν τα ιδεολογήματα εκείνα που πλαισιώνουν το συγκεκριμένο πρόσωπο και εκφράζουν τις ιδιαιτερότητες, τις επιλογές και τους προσανατολισμούς των σύγχρονων Ελλήνων δραματουργών.Πιο συγκεκριμένα, ο πρώτος στόχος της παρούσας μελέτης είναι η αποσαφήνιση κάποιων πληροφοριών σχετικά με τη μορφή του Αγαμέμνονα στα ποιητικά κείμενα της αρχαιοελληνικής γραμματείας, γιατί συχνά εμφανίζονται αντικρουόμενες πληροφορίες π.χ. για την καταγωγή του, τα μέλη της οικογένειάς του, τις συνθήκες του θανάτου του κ.α. Μάλιστα από τη μελέτη των κλασικών κειμένων είναι δύσκολη οποιαδήποτε ρητή απάντηση στα ερωτήματα της ενοχής και της αναγκαιότητας του τόσο φρικτού τέλους του Αγαμέμνονα, έχει ενδιαφέρον να δούμε τη θέση των κειμένων της νεοελληνικής λογοτεχνίας στα ερωτήματα αυτά και στην παρουσίαση ενός τόσο αμφιλεγόμενου χαρακτήρα. Ένας δεύτερος στόχος είναι ο εντοπισμός των κειμένων της νεοελληνικής λογοτεχνίας, στα οποία φιλοξενείται ο Αγαμέμνονας στη νεοελληνική διαδρομή του. Με εργαλεία τη θεματική ανάλυση και τη διακειμενικότητα θα γίνει προσπάθεια να ανιχνευτούν τα μοτίβα και τα μυθήματα και πώς αυτά σμιλεύτηκαν, ανασημασιοδοτήθηκαν και μεταγράφηκαν από τους δημιουργούς στα έργα τους. Είναι ζητούμενο της μελέτης αυτής να δούμε πώς συγκροτείται το ήθος του Αγαμέμνονα στα κείμενα, με δεδομένη την αρχή ότι ο λόγος είναι «η λεξική κρυστάλλωση του ήθους».სადოქტორო ნაშრომის ზოგადი დასახიათება საკვლევი თემის ობიექტი, კვლევითი ამოცანა და მიზანი ნაშრომში განხილულია აგამემნონის მითი ძველი ბერ- ძნული და თანამედროვე ბერძნული ლიტერატურის პოეტ- ურ ტექსტებში. კვლევის მიზანია გმირის აგამემნონის მითო- ლოგიური ისტორიის გაცოცხლების შესწავლა ლიტერატუ- რულ ნაწარმოებებში ჰომეროსიდან დაწყებული თანამედრო- ვე ბერძენი პოეტამდე, იანის რიცოსამდე. მითი არის სიმბოლოების, არქეტიპების, ფორმების დი- ნამიური ნაკრები და, როგორც ბლუმენბერგი აღნიშნავს,1 - „მითი, როგორც მისი შეგროვების ინსტრუმენტი და მისი შერჩევითი მექანიზმი, ღიაა პლურალიზმისთვის, რაც ნიშ- ნავს, რომ იგი აღიქმება როგორც მისი ვარიანტების მთლიან- ობა”. დისერტაცია ყურადღებით იკვლევს აგამემნონის მი- თის ვარიანტებს ძველ ბერძნულ პოეზიაში და აგრეთვე მისი მითიური ისტორიის გაცოცხლების ისტორიას თანამედროვე პოეზიაში. ვაანალიზებთ ურთიერთქმედებას ძველ ბერძენ და თა- ნამედროვე ბერძენ პოეტებს შორის, რომლებიც მიისწრაფვი- ან აგამემნონის მითისა და მისი თემატური ადგილების დიაქ- რონული წაკითხვისკენ ახალ ესთეტიკურ, იდეოლოგიურ და სოციალურ-პოლიტიკურ კონტექსტებში

    The Effect of the Isolator Design on the Efficiency of Rotary Piston Compressors

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    The current work investigates the relationship between the shape of an isolator of a concentric rotary piston compressor and the secondary peak pressure developed during each operating cycle. This peak pressure is developed when the piston passes through the isolator cavity, and it is negative for compressor efficiency. The aim of this paper is to identify the isolator cavity shape that minimizes this secondary peak to improve compressor efficiency. This study covers five different cavities that may be used in such compressors. Contrary to our expectations, the conclusion is that the best geometry is the one that can be manufactured with CNC machining. The geometry that can be manufactured with 3D printing also produces a significantly lower secondary peak pressure, but it is not cost-efficient. Another limitation of the 3D printing design is the thin walls that this cavity creates. Very thin walls may cause significant deformation during the compression cycle. The conclusion is that there is a CNC machining design that is cost-efficient and allows for higher compressor performance

    Effect of Non-<i>Saccharomyces</i> Species Monocultures on Alcoholic Fermentation Behavior and Aromatic Profile of Assyrtiko Wine

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    Six wild-type non-Saccharomyces strains, belonging to the species Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Priceomyces carsonii, Trigonopsis californica, and Pichia manshurica, were evaluated for white wine production using Assyrtiko grapes from Santorini in Greece. Fermentation kinetics, in terms of glucose and fructose consumption and sensory analysis, was first employed to test the enological potential of the yeast strains. Based on their performance, two strains of Z. bailii (Zb-A19Y5 and Zb-K29Y2) and one strain of T. californica (Tc-A9Y1) selected for further analysis. The selected strains were tested in larger fermentation volumes for sugar consumption, while the produced wines were assessed for classical enological parameters, volatile compounds (GC/MS), and sensory analysis. Tc-A9Y1 could lead to dry wine (1 g/L of residual sugars) with 1.6 vol (12%) less alcohol than the other experimental wines. The wines that were fermented with the strain Zb-K29Y2 exhibited very high concentrations of isoamyl alcohol (604.33 ± 76.8 mg/L), but at the same time, they were characterized by low fruity notes. None of the produced wines presented any off-flavor aromas. Exploiting non-Saccharomyces strains with great fermentation capacity, which are able to produce high-quality wines and adapted to global warming conditions, is a new challenge for the wine industry