424 research outputs found

    Infrared catastrophe in two-quasiparticle collision integral

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    Relaxation of a non-equilibrium state in a disordered metal with a spin-dependent electron energy distribution is considered. The collision integral due to the electron-electron interaction is computed within the approximation of a two-quasiparticle scattering. We show that the spin-flip scattering processes with a small energy transfer may lead to the divergence of the collision integral for a quasi one-dimensional wire. This divergence is present only for a spin-dependent electron energy distribution which corresponds to the total electron spin magnetization M=0 and only for non-zero interaction in the triplet channel. In this case a non-perturbative treatment of the electron-electron interaction is needed to provide an effective infrared cut-off.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Enhancement of Tc in the Superconductor-Insulator Phase Transition on Scale-Free Networks

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    A road map to understand the relation between the onset of the superconducting state with the particular optimum heterogeneity in granular superconductors is to study a Random Tranverse Ising Model on complex networks with a scale-free degree distribution regularized by and exponential cutoff p(k) \propto k^{-\gamma}\exp[-k/\xi]. In this paper we characterize in detail the phase diagram of this model and its critical indices both on annealed and quenched networks. To uncover the phase diagram of the model we use the tools of heterogeneous mean-field calculations for the annealed networks and the most advanced techniques of quantum cavity methods for the quenched networks. The phase diagram of the dynamical process depends on the temperature T, the coupling constant J and on the value of the branching ratio / where k is the degree of the nodes in the network. For fixed value of the coupling the critical temperature increases linearly with the branching ration which diverges with the increasing cutoff value \xi or value of the \gamma exponent \gamma< 3. This result suggests that the fractal disorder of the superconducting material can be responsible for an enhancement of the superconducting critical temperature. At low temperature and low couplings T<<1 and J<<1, instead, we observe a different behavior for annealed and quenched networks. In the annealed networks there is no phase transition at zero temperature while on quenched network we observe a Griffith phase dominated by extremely rare events and a phase transition at zero temperature. The Griffiths critical region, nevertheless, is decreasing in size with increasing value of the cutoff \xi of the degree distribution for values of the \gamma exponents \gamma< 3.Comment: (17 pages, 3 figures

    Magnetically frustrated synthetic end member Mn2(PO4)OH in the triplite-triploidite family

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    The manganese end member of triplite-triploidite series of compounds, Mn2(PO4)OH, is synthesized by a hydrothermal method. Its crystal structure is refined in the space group P21/c with a = 12.411(1) Å, b = 13.323(1) Å, c = 10.014(1) Å, β = 108.16(1), V = 1573.3 Å3, Z = 8, and R = 0.0375. Evidenced in measurements of magnetization M and specific heat Cp, Mn2(PO4)OH reaches a long range antiferromagnetic order at TN = 4.6 K. As opposed to both triplite Mn2(PO4)F and triploidite-type Co2(PO4)F, the title compound is magnetically frustrated being characterized by the ratio of Curie-Weiss temperature Θ to Néel temperature TN of about 20. The large value of frustration strength Θ/TN stems from the twisted saw tooth chain geometry of corner sharing triangles of Mn polyhedra, which may be isolated within tubular fragments of a triploidite crystal structure. © 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry.We thank E. V. Guseva for the X-ray spectral analysis of the sample and N. V. Zubkova for her help in the X-ray experiment. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the framework of Increase Competitiveness Program of NUST "MISiS" project K2-2016-066 and by RFBR projects 15-05-06742, 16-02-00021 and 17-02-00211. The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contracts 02.A03.21.0004, 02.A03.21.0006 and 02.A03.21.0011

    Helical vortex phase in the non-centrosymmetric CePt_3Si

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    We consider the role of magnetic fields on the broken inversion superconductor CePt_3Si. We show that upper critical field for a field along the c-axis exhibits a much weaker paramagnetic effect than for a field applied perpendicular to the c-axis. The in-plane paramagnetic effect is strongly reduced by the appearance of helical structure in the order parameter. We find that to get good agreement between theory and recent experimental measurements of H_{c2}, this helical structure is required. We propose a Josephson junction experiment that can be used to detect this helical order. In particular, we predict that Josephson current will exhibit a magnetic interference pattern for a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the junction normal. We also discuss unusual magnetic effects associated with the helical order.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted as Phys Rev. Lette

    Phase diagram of a surface superconductor in parallel magnetic field

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    Detailed theory of phase diagram of clean 2D surface superconductor in a parallel magnetic field is presented. Regular spin-orbital interaction of the Rashba type is known to produce inhomogeneous superconductive state similar to the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrel (LOFF) state with Δ(r)cos(Qr)\Delta({\bf r})\propto \cos({\bf Qr}) at high magnetic fields, with QgμBh/vFQ \sim g\mu_B h/v_F. We consider the case of relatively strong Rashba interaction and show that at low temperatures T0.4Tc0T\leq 0.4 T_{c0} the LOFF-type state is separated from the usual homogeneous state by the first-order phase transition line. At higher temperatures new "helical" state with Δ(r)exp(iQr)\Delta({\bf r}) \propto \exp(i{\bf Qr}) intervene between uniform BCS state and LOFF-like state. One component of superfluid density tensor nsn_s vanishes on the second-order transition line between BCS state and helical state. Nonmagnetic impurities suppresses both inhomogeneous states, and eliminate them completely at Tc0τ0.11T_{c0}\tau \leq 0.11.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; v2: as published, minor correction

    Coexistence of Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity in Noncentrosymmetric Materials with Cubic Symmetry

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    This is a model study for the emergence of superconductivity in ferromagnetically ordered phases of cubic materials whose crystal structure lacks inversion symmetry. A Ginzburg-Landau-type theory is used to find the ferromagnetic state and to determine the coupling of magnetic order to superconductivity. It is found that noncentrosymmetricity evokes a helical magnetic phase. If the wavelength of the magnetic order is long enough, it gives rise to modulations of the order parameter of superconductivity, both in modulus and complex phase. At magnetic domain walls the nucleation of superconductivity is found to be suppressed as compared to the interior of ferromagnetic domains.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic properties of superconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling

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    We study the response of a superconductor with a strong spin-orbit coupling on an external magnetic field. The Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional is derived microscopically for a general crystal structure, both with and without an inversion center, and for an arbitrary symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. As a by-product, we obtain the general expressions for the intrinsic magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs. It is shown that the Ginzburg-Landau gradient energy in a superconductor lacking inversion symmetry has unusual structure. The general formalism is illustrated using as an example CePt3_3Si, which is the first known heavy-fermion superconductor without an inversion center.Comment: Published version, 14 pages, minor correction

    Non-pharmacological secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in patients with stable angina at specialized ambulatory institution

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    The article describes the results of retrospective epidemiology (non-interventional study) two-stage study. This study was initiated to reveal and analyze changes occurred in the field of detection and modification of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with stable angina over the five-year period. The study identified some positive shifts in how doctors of outpatient cardiology clinic captured information about risk factors in medical records and how they implemented measures of non-pharmacological modification. However, in general degree of physicians’ attention to cardiovascular risk factors remains low