17 research outputs found

    The role and importance of strategic governance in healthcare

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    The report addresses key issues related to the nature, development of healthcare systems, the role and importance of the concept of strategic governance in the health sector. Emphasis is placed on the functions performed by healthcare managers. The purpose of this study is to analyze and clarify the process of strategic governance, its implementation in the activities of health organizations in the realization of health reforms. The following methods and approaches have been used in the course of work: review of our and foreign literary sources, methods of comparative analysis, synthesis and others. Conclusions have been drawn on the implementation of strategic governance in the field of healthcare and recommendations for its improvement have been proposed

    Contribution of lifelong learning to company’s value growth

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    In the context of knowledge based economy and human capital, the paper treats of the relation between lifelong learning and the generation of value for the stockholders. The advantages provided by the financial resources have been exhausted in recent years, so learning and knowledge accumulation have become a major source of economic growth and a key factor ensuring the competitiveness of a company nowadays

    Effective exchange rates of the Bulgarian Lev 1879-1939

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    The paper constructs the first series of nominal and real effective exchange rates of the Bulgarian Lev from its establishment in 1879 until 1939. The dynamics of both indicators during the Classical Gold Standard fits the general picture of exchange rate development of other European countries while their movements in the Interwar years reflects the exchange rate policy of the monetary authority and the price effects of the Great Depression. The study also provides econometric estimation of the impact of the real effective exchange rates and foreign demand on Bulgaria’s real export performance allowing for some policy implications.

    Intellectual Capital and value Creation – Evidence from Companies Listed at BSE

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    In this paper we apply measurements of intellectual capital focusing on the human capital efficiency (HCE), the structural capital efficiency (SCE), the intellectual capital efficiency (ICE) and the value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC TM ) developed by Pulic (2000; 2004) for non-financial companies listed at Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) using accounting data published with their financial statements for the period 2003-2009. The research is focused on companies in the manufacturing industry in order to derive any particularities in the measurements. The financial industry is excluded from the study as being specific. At this moment and to our knowledge, there’s no significant research on the value added of intellectual capital of Bulgarian non – financial industry. We extended the formula of intellectual capital valuation and arrived at the conclusion that intellectual capital is playing an important role in the value creation process in some companies listed at BSE

    Information Technologies for the Preservation of Language Heritage

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    In this paper we try to present how information technologies as tools for the creation of digital bilingual dictionaries can help the preservation of natural languages. Natural languages are an outstanding part of human cultural values and for that reason they should be preserved as part of the world cultural heritage. We describe our work on the bilingual lexical database supporting the Bulgarian-Polish Online dictionary. The main software tools for the web- presentation of the dictionary are shortly described. We focus our special attention on the presentation of verbs, the richest from a specific characteristics viewpoint linguistic category in Bulgarian

    Implementation of the Bulgarian-Polish online dictionary

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    Implementation of the Bulgarian-Polish online dictionaryThe paper describes the implementation of an online Bulgarian-Polish dictionary as a technological tool for applications in digital humanities. This bilingual digital dictionary is developed in the frame of the joint research project “Semantics and Contrastive Linguistics with a focus on a bilingual electronic dictionary” between IMI-BAS and ISS-PAS, supervised by L. Dimitrova (IMI-BAS) and V. Koseska-Toszewa (ISS-PAS). In addition, the main software tools for web-presentation of the dictionary are described briefly

    Overload during exam session: a factor influencing the levels of stress among students

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    The learning process has both positive and negative effects on the health, psyche and emotions of the students. The overloading in preparation for an exam during a session, creates a sense of anxiety, tension, agitation and stress. This study aims to assess the workload of students during the session, factors increasing the stress levels and methods for dealing with it. The limited time for preparation is a prerequisite for 50% of students to spend more than 6-8 hours a day to study. There is a considerable share of students that use the day before an exam exclusively for studying (69%). Strolls and meetings with friends are the most common means of improving memory and concentration. It appears that is necessary to establish proper habits for learning and allocation of time

    Students` awareness of domestic violence

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    In recent years, domestic violence takes alarming proportions and emerged as a significant public, health and social problem. This report aims to explore the awareness of students on the issue of domestic violence, their knowledge of the legislation and the need for additional training. The survey results indicate that the majority of those surveyed have known victims of violence and one of every ten questioned had been subjected to violence. A considerable part of today`s young people perceive it as a problem that must be resolved within the family (19.00%). Interest in involvement in training programs declare 78.00 percent of students

    Ecological management - Prospects and Priorities

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    Ecological  management is related to sustainable development and affects both the economic motives of profitability and their relationship to people and the environment. This type of management helps to strengthen and build a sustainable management system in the institutions and organizations that apply it. The main objective of this study is to reveal and evaluate the prospects and priorities of ecological management in the 21st century. The following methods and approaches are used in the process of study and research: review of literary sources, methods of analysis and synthesis. The benefits of implementing ecological  management are presented, with special attention being paid to its improvement. The results  draw conclusions for the strategic ecological activities


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    Organizations, similar to living creatures, have a life cycle and undergo a number of recurrent and predictable models of behaviour throughout their growth and development. It is namely the proper diagnosis of the life cycle and the adequate choice of strategy that could be at the basis of an organization’s success. This article makes an attempt to apply Adizes’ model of life cycle to the financial diagnosis of Bulgarian public companies. The “healthy” state of the companies of the SOFIX index has been diagnosed and the life cycle phase in which each of them is at has been determined