18 research outputs found

    Advances on Matroid Secretary Problems: Free Order Model and Laminar Case

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    The most well-known conjecture in the context of matroid secretary problems claims the existence of a constant-factor approximation applicable to any matroid. Whereas this conjecture remains open, modified forms of it were shown to be true, when assuming that the assignment of weights to the secretaries is not adversarial but uniformly random (Soto [SODA 2011], Oveis Gharan and Vondr\'ak [ESA 2011]). However, so far, there was no variant of the matroid secretary problem with adversarial weight assignment for which a constant-factor approximation was found. We address this point by presenting a 9-approximation for the \emph{free order model}, a model suggested shortly after the introduction of the matroid secretary problem, and for which no constant-factor approximation was known so far. The free order model is a relaxed version of the original matroid secretary problem, with the only difference that one can choose the order in which secretaries are interviewed. Furthermore, we consider the classical matroid secretary problem for the special case of laminar matroids. Only recently, a constant-factor approximation has been found for this case, using a clever but rather involved method and analysis (Im and Wang, [SODA 2011]) that leads to a 16000/3-approximation. This is arguably the most involved special case of the matroid secretary problem for which a constant-factor approximation is known. We present a considerably simpler and stronger 33e14.123\sqrt{3}e\approx 14.12-approximation, based on reducing the problem to a matroid secretary problem on a partition matroid

    Handwritten text generation and strikethrough characters augmentation

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    We introduce two data augmentation techniques, which, used with a Resnet-BiLSTM-CTC network, significantly reduce Word Error Rate and Character Error Rate beyond best-reported results on handwriting text recognition tasks. We apply a novel augmentation that simulates strikethrough text (HandWritten Blots) and a handwritten text generation method based on printed text (StackMix), which proved to be very effective in handwriting text recognition tasks. StackMix uses weakly-supervised framework to get character boundaries. Because these data augmentation techniques are independent of the network used, they could also be applied to enhance the performance of other networks and approaches to handwriting text recognition. Extensive experiments on ten handwritten text datasets show that HandWritten Blots augmentation and StackMix significantly improve the quality of handwriting text recognition models

    Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication Combining Yao’s Algorithm and Double Bases

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    Abstract. In this paper we propose to take one step back in the use of double base number systems for elliptic curve point scalar multiplication. Using a mod-ified version of Yao’s algorithm, we go back from the popular double base chain representation to a more general double base system. Instead of representing an integer k as Pn i=1 2 bi3ti where (bi) and (ti) are two decreasing sequences, we only set a maximum value for both of them. Then, we analyze the efficiency of our new method using different bases and optimal parameters. In particular, we pro-pose for the first time a binary/Zeckendorf representation for integers, providing interesting results. Finally, we provide a comprehensive comparison to state-of-the-art methods, including a large variety of curve shapes and latest point addition formulae speed-ups

    A lattice model for the kinetics of rupture of fluid bilayer membranes

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    We have constructed a model for the kinetics of rupture of membranes under tension, applying physical principles relevant to lipid bilayers held together by hydrophobic interactions. The membrane is characterized by the bulk compressibility (for expansion), the thickness of the hydrophobic part of the bilayer, the hydrophobicity and a parameter characterizing the tail rigidity of the lipids. The model is a lattice model which incorporates strain relaxation, and considers the nucleation of pores at constant area, constant temperature, and constant particle number. The particle number is conserved by allowing multiple occupancy of the sites. An equilibrium ``phase diagram'' is constructed as a function of temperature and strain with the total pore surface and distribution as the order parameters. A first order rupture line is found with increasing tension, and a continuous increase in proto-pore concentration with rising temperature till instability. The model explains current results on saturated and unsaturated PC lipid bilayers and thicker artificial bilayers made of diblock copolymers. Pore size distributions are presented for various values of area expansion and temperature, and the fractal dimension of the pore edge is evaluated.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Many heads but one brain: FusionBrain – a single multimodal multitask architecture and a competition

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    Supporting the current trend in the AI community, we present the AI Journey 2021 Challenge called FusionBrain, the first competition which is targeted to make a universal architecture which could process different modalities (in this case, images, texts, and code) and solve multiple tasks for vision and language. The FusionBrain Challenge combines the following specific tasks: Code2code Translation, Handwritten Text recognition, Zero-shot Object Detection, and Visual Question Answering. We have created datasets for each task to test the participants’ submissions on it. Moreover, we have collected and made publicly available a new handwritten dataset in both English and Russian, which consists of 94,128 pairs of images and texts. We also propose a multimodal and multitask architecture – a baseline solution, in the centre of which is a frozen foundation model and which has been trained in Fusion mode along with Single-task mode. The proposed Fusion approach proves to be competitive and more energy-efficient compared to the task-specific one.We would like to thank Sber and SberCloud for granting the GPU-resources to us to experiment with different architectures and also to the participants to train their models, and for supporting the FusionBrain Challenge in general

    Systems Patientomics: The virtual 'in-silico' patient

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    The integration of clinical and molecular sciences with advanced engineering sciences is moving the world towards a new generation of life science where physiological and pathological information from the living human body can be quantitatively described 'in silico' via biocomputing across multiple scales of time and size and through diverse hierarchies of organization – from molecules to cells and organs to individuals. The development of the Virtual Patient will change conventional medicine, which has been based upon experience and expectation, into “predictive medicine” that will have the capacity to develop solutions based upon prior understanding of the dynamic mechanisms and the quantitative logic of human physiology. Drug discovery, medical and welfare apparatus, and clinical trials 'in silico 'will improve the development of products with higher efficiency, reliability and safety while reducing cost. They will also impact upon knowledge-intensive industries. Such program aims at playing a key role in this new area, by sharing and generating solutions as well as human resources contributing to establishment of “'in silico' medicine” as a basis of the predictive medicine within an international framework. In the long-term, computational physiological models will be refined, linked and validated until they are capable of providing essential predictions to clinicians when healthcare decisions need to be made. As the amount of data reinforcing the models grows, predictions will become more and more patient-centred, with models migrating from statistical, average models to physiological and mechanistic models informed by the unique characteristics of the patient. Systems Patientomics will propose new ways of combining this rich patient information space in a highly visual, coherent, meaningful way and of generating new clinical information by blending and fusing existing information, ultimately creating a “Patient Avatar” capable of supporting the medical professional by producing new clinical knowledge emerging from the integration of patient- and population-specific information. Focal points •   Benchside Quite a few experimental biologists, functional and statistical genomics researchers, involved in developing new measurement technology for biology, and even molecular systems biologists, feel that that computational methods are not relevant for their own research goals. For the lion’s share of those cases where these research goals are rationalized by their potential value for predictive, preventive and participatory medicine this is a misconception. •   Bedside Systems computational approaches should be a routine part of the clinical arsenal for the diagnosis, planning and executing of therapeutic interventions. This must include the incorporation of relevant training in medical school curricula. •   Industry Collaborations to be developed across the breadth of the stakeholder groups involved in public health, from public health providers and patient groups, to researchers, scientists, funders and industry. •   Community Development of an ethical and legal framework (establish common rules and principles for data acquisition/sharing/integration/reduction to practice, define how to achieve patient consent, to respond to fears of misuse of provided data, define solutions for data protection/open innovation). •   Governments Governments should faciliate European EHRs adoption for highets quality of patient care. •   Regulatory agencies A bypass fast track route for mobile medical apps can be adopted by the FDA authority by working in close relation with app developers, physicians and healthcare givers promote high standards

    Handwritten text generation and strikethrough characters augmentation

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    We introduce two data augmentation techniques, which, used with a Resnet-BiLSTM-CTC network, significantly reduce Word Error Rate and Character Error Rate beyond best-reported results on handwriting text recognition tasks. We apply a novel augmentation that simulates strikethrough text (HandWritten Blots) and a handwritten text generation method based on printed text (StackMix), which proved to be very effective in handwriting text recognition tasks. StackMix uses weakly-supervised framework to get character boundaries. Because these data augmentation techniques are independent of the network used, they could also be applied to enhance the performance of other networks and approaches to handwriting text recognition. Extensive experiments on ten handwritten text datasets show that HandWritten Blots augmentation and StackMix significantly improve the quality of handwriting text recognition models

    Many heads but one brain: FusionBrain – a single multimodal multitask architecture and a competition

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    Supporting the current trend in the AI community, we present the AI Journey 2021 Challenge called FusionBrain, the first competition which is targeted to make a universal architecture which could process different modalities (in this case, images, texts, and code) and solve multiple tasks for vision and language. The FusionBrain Challenge combines the following specific tasks: Code2code Translation, Handwritten Text recognition, Zero-shot Object Detection, and Visual Question Answering. We have created datasets for each task to test the participants' submissions on it. Moreover, we have collected and made publicly available a new handwritten dataset in both English and Russian, which consists of 94,128 pairs of images and texts. We also propose a multimodal and multitask architecture – a baseline solution, in the centre of which is a frozen foundation model and which has been trained in Fusion mode along with Single-task mode. The proposed Fusion approach proves to be competitive and more energy-efficient compared to the task-specific one


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    Regionalismen sind wesentlicher Bestandteil einer sich verändernden globalen Weltordnung, in der verschiedene Formen der Verräumlichung miteinander interagieren und konkurrieren. Seit Ende des Kalten Krieges ist eine wachsende Vielfalt von Akteuren zu beobachten, die sich an der Bildung und Aushandlung von Regionen beteiligen. Neben regionalen Organisationen, die von Nationalstaaten vorangetrieben werden, treten auch immer mehr private Akteure mit eigenen und oft widerstreitenden regionalen Projekten auf. Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht die dynamische Entwicklung und Komplexität der „Neuen Regionalismen“ aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln und in vergleichender Perspektive. Dabei nimmt es zwei Weltregionen in den Blick, die in der bisherigen Forschung eher im Abseits standen: Zentral- und Südamerika sowie Afrika. In empirisch fundierten Studien werden unterschiedliche Akteurskonstellationen jenseits einer staatszentrierten Engführung des Governance-Begriffs erforscht. Zugleich gilt das Interesse den Beziehungen, Wechselwirkungen und Konkurrenzverhältnissen, die zwischen verschiedenen Regionalismen bestehen