76 research outputs found

    A cross-syndrome comparison of sleep-dependent learning on a cognitive procedural task

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    Sleep plays a key role in the consolidation of newly acquired information and skills into long term memory. Children with Down syndrome (DS) and Williams syndrome (WS) frequently experience sleep problems, abnormal sleep architecture and difficulties with learning; thus, we predicted that children from these clinical populations would demonstrate impairments in sleep-dependent memory consolidation relative to children with typical development (TD) on a cognitive procedural task: The Tower of Hanoi. Children with DS (n = 17), WS (n = 22) and TD (n = 34) completed the Tower of Hanoi task. They were trained on the task either in the morning or evening, then completed it again following counterbalanced retention intervals of daytime wake and night time sleep. Children with TD and with WS benefitted from sleep for enhanced memory consolidation and improved their performance on the task by reducing the number of moves taken to completion, and by making fewer rule violations. We did not find any large effects of sleep on learning in children with DS, suggesting that these children are not only delayed, but atypical in their learning strategies. Importantly, our findings have implications for educational strategies for all children, specifically considering circadian influences on new learning and the role of childrenā€™s night time sleep as an aid to learning.<br/

    Parental Experiences of Melatonin Administration to Manage Sleep Disturbances in Autistic Children and Adolescent in the UK

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    Background: Autistic children and adolescents are 40ā€“80% more likely to experience sleep disturbances than their neurotypical peers. In the United Kingdom, melatonin is licensed for short-term usage in adults at age 55 years and above; however, it is often prescribed to autistic children and adolescents to help manage their sleep. The current study sought to understand parental experiences and their motivation of using melatonin to manage sleep disturbances of their autistic children. Methods: The sample included 26 parents who took part in online focus groups answering questions regarding their experiences of using melatonin as a sleep treatment for their children diagnosed with autism between 4 and 18 years old. Results: Four main themes were identified: (i) parental perception of melatonin used as ā€˜a naturally produced hormoneā€™; (ii) perceived benefits of using melatonin to improve their childā€™s sleep; (iii) administration of melatonin: dosage amount, timing and pulverising; and (iv) expectation and apprehension over melatonin use. Conclusion: Some parents reported success with the use of melatonin, and others reported the effects being limited or diminishing in time. Suggestions for healthcare professionals and families regarding melatonin usage in the UK are made with respect to setting clear guidelines for usage, whilst ensuring expectations are set and managed appropriately

    An Exploratory Analysis of the Effect of Demographic Features on Sleeping Patterns and Academic Stress in Adolescents in China

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    Adolescents typically engage in unhealthy lifestyle habits including short sleep and high academic stress. These in turn may have serious impacts on their development. The present study examines the effect of demographic characteristics on sleep patterns and academic stress in adolescents. A sample of 244 (119 females) junior high school adolescents aged between 11 and 16 were recruited from China. The Student Life Stress Questionnaire and the School Sleep Habits Survey were used to assess participantsā€™ sleep habits and academic stress. Multipair and corrected pairwise Kruskalā€“Wallis tests were conducted to assess the effect of school grade, gender, academic performance level, living situation, single child status, and parental education on adolescentsā€™ sleeping patterns and academic stress. Significant changes in facets of sleeping patterns emerged when examining groups of students in terms of school grade, living situation, and single-child status. Furthermore, caffeine consumption was found to be significantly higher in males, in students with poorer academic performances, and in single-child adolescents. Ultimately, academic stress was modulated by adolescentsā€™ school grade, academic performances, living situation, and single-child status. Developmental trajectories in sleep patterns together with differential exposure to stressors and adopted coping mechanisms are discussed in the manuscript

    Towards a Distinct Sleep and Behavioural Profile of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): A Comparison between FASD, Autism and Typically Developing Children

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    BACKGROUND: The term Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) describes a range of neurodevelopmental conditions, the direct result of prenatal alcohol exposure. FASD encompasses a range of behavioural, cognitive and sleep patterns that are sometimes indiscernible from other neurodevelopmental conditions, one in particular being Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This study aimed to provide a comparison of behavioural, cognitive, affect-related and sleep profiles in children aged between 6 and 15 years with diagnoses of FASD or ASD, in contrast to typically developing (TD) children. METHODS: We compared 29 children with FASD, 21 children with ASD and 45 typically developing (TD) children on parental-reported questionnaires measuring behaviour and executive functioning: the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL), the Spence Childrenā€™s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) and the Behaviour Rating Inventory for Executive Function (BRIEF). Additionally, parents completed the Childrenā€™s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ), and children wore actigraphy watches while sleeping to objectively capture their sleep habits. The three groups were compared using ANCOVA, controlling for age effects. RESULTS: Children with FASD scored significantly higher than the other two groups on the CBCL subscales of attention problems, somatic complaints, social problems, delinquency, and aggressive behaviour, as well as the panic subscale of the SCAS. Children with FASD also scored higher on all measures of the BRIEF than the ASD and TD groups, indicating greater problems with working memory and more difficulty shifting between tasks, planning, organising, inhibiting their behaviour and exercising emotional control. Nocturnal sleep duration in children with FASD was reported as one hour less than TD children and 46 minutes less than children with ASD per night. CONCLUSIONS: The findings in this study highlight several syndrome specific features (shorter sleep duration, executive functioning difficulties, and higher levels of social and behavioural problems and panic) that potentially contribute to the unique phenotype of FASD. Whilst this research highlights the need for further work in this area, initial clinical screening for FASD should take such data on discernible characteristics, particularly the syndrome specificity of the BRIEF, into consideration

    The 2021 NICE guidelines for assessment and management of chronic pain: A cross-sectional study mapping against a sample of 1,000* in the community

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    Objectives: To characterise the prevailing pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management strategies among adults with chronic pain, comparing these against the newly published NICE guidelines NG-193, and examine these pre-NG-193 pain management strategies in relation to pain severity, pain interference, sleep quality and mental health outcomes. Design: This study was conducted using a cross-sectional online survey study design. Setting: This study was conducted on a community-dwelling cohort. Participants: Adults aged 18+, living in the UK, with diagnosis of chronic pain by a health care professional. Main outcome measures: Primary outcomes were characterisation of the pain management strategies utilised. Secondary outcomes were related to pain severity, pain interference, sleep quality, depression and anxiety via validated self-report measures. Results Several strategies were employed by respondents to manage their chronic pain condition including physical therapy, exercise, psychological therapy and pharmacological therapy. The data also indicated a high level of joint-care planning among patients and their clinicians. Some group differences were found in relation to pain, sleep and mental health outcomes. Conclusion: This study set a comparative starting baseline to which the efficacy of the NG-193 may be compared in future years. There is evidence that NICE recommendations are being followed for the management of chronic primary pain conditions; however, pharmacological use of opioid drugs is still reported by 47%. Despite the confirmed evidence in this study of small efficacy of chronic pain by pharmacological agent, the reduction in the use of pain relief medications be it over the counter medications or prescription opioids, as recommended by NG-193, may be slow to be adopted. The data suggest that more care provision is needed to meet the recommendations around pharmacological management and review

    Exploring the Relationship between Disordered Sleep and Mood in Male Anorexia Nervosa: An Actigraphy Study

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    Eating disorders (EDs), including anorexia nervosa (AN), are severe psychological disorders that affect individualsā€™ eating behaviours and body perception. Previous research has shown that people with EDs often report poorer sleep. Some literature has suggested that it is mood dysregulation that mediates the link between EDs and sleep. However, the majority of previous studies only focused on females, while male ED patients have been overlooked. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the relationships between EDs, mood, and sleep among male ED patients. Using a mixture of actigraphy recordings and self-reported questionnaires, the current study analysed a total 33 adult male participants diagnosed with AN. The participants first wore an actigraphy device for seven continuous days, following which their ED severity and mood were assessed by the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS), respectively. The descriptive actigraphy results suggested that, similar to females, males with AN also showed disturbed sleep, including insomnia, sleep fragmentation, low sleep efficiency, and increased napping sessions. However, when ED severity was correlated against actigraphy data and mood, no significant relationships were found between them. Thus, it was suggested that future studies may investigate discrete ED symptoms instead of global ED severity interacting with sleep and mood. Overall, this study represents an initial step in the investigation of EDs and sleep and mood dysregulation among an under-represented sample

    Tele-neuropsychological Assessment of Children and Young People: A Systematic Review

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    The coronavirus pandemic identified a clinical need for pediatric tele-neuropsychology (TeleNP) assessment. However, due to limited research, clinicians have had little information to develop, adapt, or select reliable pediatric assessments for TeleNP. This preliminary systematic review aimed to examine the feasibility of pediatric TeleNP assessment alongside (1) patient/family acceptability, (2) reliability, and (3) the quality of the literature. Between May 2021 and November 2022, manual searches of PubMed, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar were conducted using terms related to ā€œpediatricā€ and ā€œtele-neuropsychology.ā€ After extracting relevant papers with samples aged 0ā€“22Ā years, predefined exclusion criteria were applied. Quality assessment was completed using the AXIS appraisal tool (91% rater-agreement). Twenty-one studies were included in the review, with reported qualitative and quantitative data on the feasibility, reliability, and acceptability extracted. Across included studies, TeleNP was completed via telephone/video conference with participants either at home, in a local setting accompanied by an assistant, or in a different room but in the same building as the assessor. Pediatric TeleNP was generally reported to be feasible (e.g., minimal behavioral differences) and acceptable (e.g., positive feedback). Nineteen studies conducted some statistical analyses to assess reliability. Most observed no significant difference between in-person and TeleNP for most cognitive domains (i.e., IQ), with a minority finding variable reliability for some tests (e.g., attention, speech, visuo-spatial). Limited reporting of sex-assigned birth, racialized identity, and ethnicity reduced the quality and generalizability of the literature. To aid clinical interpretations, studies should assess underexamined cognitive domains (e.g., processing speed) with larger, more inclusive samples

    Understanding Sleep Disturbances in Prostate Cancerā€”A Scientometric Analysis of Sleep Assessment, Aetiology, and Its Impact on Quality of Life

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    Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United Kingdom. While androgen-deprivation therapy is the most common treatment for prostate cancer, patients undergoing this treatment typically experience side effects in terms of sleep disturbances. However, the relation between prostate cancer and sleep and the way in which sleep interventions may benefit oncological patients is underinvestigated in the literature. The current study aims to review in a data-driven approach the existing literature on the field of prostate cancer and sleep to identify impactful documents and major thematic domains. To do so, a sample of 1547 documents was downloaded from Scopus, and a document co-citation analysis was conducted on CiteSpace software. In the literature, 12 main research domains were identified as well as 26 impactful documents. Research domains were examined regarding the link between prostate cancer and sleep, by taking into account variations in hormonal levels. A major gap in the literature was identified in the lack of use of objective assessment of sleep quality in patients with prostate cancer
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