18 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Spillover Effects Between Agricultural Commodity Prices and Biofuel Energy Prices

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    This study addresses the problem of causal price relationships of biofuels for an enhanced group of agricultural commodities to capture possible asymmetric causal effects. It investigates the long-run equilibrium and assumes that an adjustment process toward this equilibrium exists. The adjustment process can be non-linear, implying that we can identify critical thresholds that determine regions in the sample that once exceeded, price inter linkages may vary. The empirical results indicate that there are commodity prices that have strong causal (asymmetric) relationship with biofuel energy prices. Keywords: Biofuels energy prices; agricultural prices; asymmetric cointegration; asymmetric causality JEL Classification: Q1

    2021 Thalassaemia International Federation Guidelines for the Management of Transfusion-dependent Thalassemia

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    Beta-thalassemia and particularly its transfusion-dependent form (TDT) is a demanding clinical condition, requiring life-long care and follow-up, ideally in specialized centers and by multidisciplinary teams of experts. Despite the significant progress in TDT diagnosis and treatment over the past decades that has dramatically improved patients' prognosis, its management remains challenging. On one hand, diagnostic and therapeutic advances are not equally applied to all patients across the world, particularly in several high-prevalence eastern regions. On the other, healthcare systems in low-prevalence western countries that have recently received large numbers of migrant thalassemia patients, were not ready to address patients' special needs. Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF), a global patient-driven umbrella federation with 232 member-associations in 62 countries, strives for equal access to quality care for all patients suffering from thalassemia or other hemoglobinopathies in every part of the world by promoting education, research, awareness, and advocacy. One of TIF's main actions is the development and dissemination of clinical practice guidelines for the management of these patients. In 2021, the fourth edition of TIF's guidelines for the management of TDT was published. The full text provides detailed information on the management of TDT patients and the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, diagnostic approach, and treatment of disease complications or other clinical entities that may occur in these patients, while also covering relevant psychosocial and organizational issues. The present document is a summary of the 2021 TIF guidelines for TDT that focuses mainly on clinical practice issues and recommendations

    Proceedings of the 24th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: Part three

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications Router.Publication status: PublishedHistory: collection 2017-09, epub 2017-09-0

    A Techno-Economic Analysis of a PV-Battery System in Greece

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    A techno-economic assessment has been carried out to evaluate the economic feasibility of energy self-consumption from a combination of photovoltaics and lead-acid batteries (PV-BAT). The Total annual economic cost (TAEC) and the cost per unit of energy were first calculated, from PV-BAT data collected over a 12 month period and then from energy system model data for the same period. A comparison of the actual renewable energy yield to optimal model output revealed that energy was restrained partially due to limited storage resources. The cost per kilowatt-hour for the two examined scenarios ranged from 0.55 to 0.62 €/kWh and from 0.42 to 0.46 €/kWh, respectively, showing room for further cost reductions. Despite currently lower energy purchasing costs from electricity providers, these findings constitute a significant price indication of the kilowatt-hour produced by PV-BAT, showing the need for further investigation into how battery sizing can be optimized and battery cost can be reduced

    Estimating the Cost of Thalassemia Care across the World: A Thalassemia International Federation Model

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    Estimating the cost of thalassemia care is important for the optimization of care planning, resource allocation and the empowerment of patient advocacy. However, available evidence is heterogeneous, reflecting diverse healthcare systems and cost estimation methods. We sought to build a globally applicable cost model for thalassemia care. We followed a three-step approach, including (i) a targeted literature review to identify previous cost-of-illness studies on thalassemia; (ii) a generic model development based on the main determinants of cost in different countries emerged from a literature review and validated by a team of medical experts; (iii) a piloting of the model using data from two diverse countries. The literature review revealed studies focusing on the total costs of thalassemia care or the cost or cost-effectiveness of specific treatment or prevention modalities in high- and low-prevalence countries across the world. The resulting evidence was used to build a model that calculates total annual therapy cost based on entry of country-level and patient-level data, and data on healthcare modalities, indirect costs and prevention. Testing the model using published data from the UK, Iran, India and Malaysia, revealed an annual cost per patient of £81,796.00 for the UK, Iranian rial (IRR) 13,757.00 for Iran, Indian rupee (INR) 166,750.00 for India and Malyasian ringgit (or dollar) (MYR) 111,372.00 for Malaysia. A globally applicable model that calculates total annual cost of thalassemia care was built based on existing evidence. The model successfully predicted the annual cost of thalassemia care in the UK, Iran, India and Malaysia

    Evaluation of Dissolution Enhancement of Aprepitant Drug in Ternary Pharmaceutical Solid Dispersions with Soluplus® and Poloxamer 188 Prepared by Melt Mixing

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    In the present study Aprepitant (APT) ternary solid dispersions (SDs) were developed and evaluated for the first time. Specifically, ternary SDs of APT with Poloxamer 188 and Soluplus® (SOL) were prepared via melt mixing and compared to binary APT/Poloxamer 188 and APT/SOL SDs. Initially, combined thermo-gravimetric and hot-stage polarized light microscopy studies indicated that all tested compounds were thermally stable up to 280 °C, while Poloxamer 188 acted as a plasticizer to SOL by significantly reducing the temperature required to fully solubilize the API during SD preparation. Differential scanning calorimetry combined with wide angle X-ray diffraction studies showed that crystalline API was dispersed in both binary and ternary SDs, while Fourier transformation-infrared spectroscopy studies revealed no molecular interactions among the components. Scanning electron microscopy combined with EDAX element analysis showed that the API was dispersed in nano-scale within the polymer matrices, while increasing APT content led to increasing API nano-crystals within the SDs. Finally, dissolution studies showed that the prepared formulations enhanced dissolution of Aprepitant and its mechanism analysis was further studied. A mathematical model was also investigated to evaluate the drug release mechanism

    The Outcomes of Patients with Haemoglobin Disorders in Cyprus: A Joined Report of the Thalassaemia International Federation and the Nicosia and Paphos Thalassaemia Centres (State Health Services Organisation)

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    Haemoglobinopathies, including thalassaemias and sickle-cell syndromes, are demanding, lifelong conditions that pose a significant burden to patients, families, and healthcare systems. Despite the therapeutic advances and the resulting improvements in prognosis accomplished in past decades, these patients still face important challenges, including suboptimal access to quality care in areas with developing economies, changing epidemiology due to massive migration flows, an evolving clinical spectrum due to ageing in well-treated patients, and limited access to novel high-cost therapies. We herein describe the organization of healthcare services for haemoglobinopathies in Cyprus—with particular focus on beta-thalassaemia, the most prevalent condition in this region—along with selected patient outcomes. This report aims at underscoring the fact that nationally funded and well-coordinated prevention and care programmes for chronic and complex conditions, such as haemoglobinopathies, with active involvement from patient organizations lead to effective disease control and excellent outcomes in survival, quality of life, social adaptation, and public health savings, and allow timely and effective responses to emerging crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The Cyprus paradigm could therefore serve as a blueprint for the organization or adaptation of haemoglobinopathy programs in other countries since these disorders are still widely occurring

    Feasibility, engagement, and preliminary clinical outcomes of a digital biodata-driven intervention for anxiety and depression.

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    HypothesisThe main hypothesis is that a digital, biodata-driven, and personalized program would exhibit high user retention and engagement, followed by more effective management of their depressive and anxiety symptoms.ObjectiveThis pilot study explores the feasibility, acceptability, engagement, and potential impact on depressive and anxiety and quality of life outcomes of the 16-week Feel Program. Additionally, it examines potential correlations between engagement and impact on mental health outcomes.MethodsThis single-arm study included 48 adult participants with mild or moderate depressive or anxiety symptoms who joined the 16-week Feel Program, a remote biodata-driven mental health support program created by Feel Therapeutics. The program uses a combination of evidence-based approaches and psychophysiological data. Candidates completed an online demographics and eligibility survey before enrolment. Depressive and anxiety symptoms were measured using the Patient Health Questionnaire and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, respectively. The Satisfaction with Life Scale and the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire were used to assess quality of life. User feedback surveys were employed to evaluate user experience and acceptability.ResultsIn total, 31 participants completed the program with an overall retention rate of 65%. Completed participants spent 60 min in the app, completed 13 Mental Health Actions, including 5 Mental Health Exercises and 4.9 emotion logs on a weekly basis. On average, 96% of the completed participants were active and 76.8% of them were engaged with the sensor during the week. Sixty five percent of participants reported very or extremely high satisfaction, while 4 out of 5 were very likely to recommend the program to someone. Additionally, 93.5% of participants presented a decrease in at least one of the depressive or anxiety symptoms, with 51.6 and 45% of participants showing clinically significant improvement, respectively. Finally, our findings suggest increased symptom improvement for participants with higher engagement throughout the program.ConclusionsThe findings suggest that the Feel Program may be feasible, acceptable, and valuable for adults with mild or moderate depressive and/or anxiety symptoms. However, controlled trials with bigger sample size, inclusion of a control group, and more diverse participant profiles are required in order to provide further evidence of clinical efficacy

    TIF Standards for Haemoglobinopathy Reference Centres

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    Haemoglobin disorders are hereditary, lifelong and characterised by the need for multifaceted management. The question of quality in meeting standards of care that are likely to bring the best possible outcomes for patients is a necessary consideration. The concept of reference centres supporting peripheral treatment centres in a formal networking relationship is a response to the real needs of patients and a practical solution in public health terms. In this report, a team of advisors of Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) attempts to suggest a set of standards for haemoglobinopathy reference centres, also based on the founding principles of TIF, aiming to act as a guideline for its member associations and professional collaborators. The standards described herein can form the basis of an accreditation process and also serve as a guide for those who would advocate for quality improvement for thalassaemia services