465 research outputs found

    The influence of the radiative non-symmetric ion-atom collisions on the stellar atmospheres in VUV region

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    The aim of this work is to draw attention to the processes of radiative charge exchange in non-symmetric ion-atom collisions as a factor of influence on the opacity of stellar atmospheres in VUV region. For that purpose calculations of the spectral absorption coefficients for several ion-atom systems, namely: He + H+^{+} and H + X+^{+}, where X = Na and Li have been performed. On chosen examples it has been established that the examined processes generate rather wide molecular absorption bands in the VUV region, which should be taken into account for the interpretation of data obtained from laboratory measurements or astrophysical observations. In this paper the potential significance is discussed of the considered radiative processes for DB white dwarfs and solar atmospheres, as well as for the atmospheres of the so-called lithium stars

    The ion-atom absorption processes as one of the factors of the influence on the sunspot opacity

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    As a continuation of the previous investigations of the symmetric and strongly non-symmetric ion-atom absorption processes in the far UV region within the models of the quiet Sun photosphere, these processes are studied here within a model of the sunspot. Here we mean the absorption processes in the H(1s)(1s)+H+^{+} and H(1s)+X+(1s)+X^{+} collisions and the processes of the photo-dissociation of the H2+_{2}^{+} and HX+X^{+} molecular ions, where XX is one of the metal atoms: X=X=Na, Ca, Mg, Si and Al. Obtained results show that the influence of the considered ion-atom absorption processes on the opacity of sunspots in the considered spectral region (110 nm λ\lesssim \lambda \lesssim 230 nm) is not less and in some parts even larger than the influence of the referent electron-atom processes. In such a way, it is shown that the considered ion-atom absorption processes should be included \emph{ab initio} in the corresponding models of sunspots of solar-type and near solar-type stars. Apart of that, the spectral characteristics of the considered non-symmetric ion-atom absorption processes (including here the case XX = Li), which can be used in some further applications, have been determined and presented within this work.Comment: Accepted in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Excitation and deexcitation processes in atom-Rydberg atom collisions in helium-rich white dwarf atmospheres

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    We aim to show the importance of non-elastic excitation and deexcitation processes in He(n)+He(1s2)\textrm{He}^{*}(n)+ \textrm{He}(1s^{2}) collisions with the principal quantum number n3n \ge 3 for helium-rich white dwarf atmospheres. We compare the efficiencies of these processes with those of the known non-elastic electron-He(n)\textrm{He}^{*}(n) atom processes in the atmospheres of some DB white dwarfs. We show that in significant parts of the considered atmospheres, which contain weakly ionized layers (the ionization degree 103\lesssim 10^{-3}), the influence of the studied atom-Rydberg atom processes on excited helium atom populations is dominant or at least comparable to the influence of the concurrent electron-He(n)\textrm{He}^{*}(n)-atom processes.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Accepted: 14 February 201

    On the influence of Stark broadening on Si I lines in stellar atmospheres

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    We study the influence of Stark broadening and stratification effects on Si\i lines in the rapidly oscillating (roAp) star 10 Aql, where the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines are asymmetrical and shifted. First we have calculated Stark broadening parameters using the semiclassical perturbation method for three Si\i lines: 5950.2 \AA, 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA. We revised the synthetic sp$ calculation code taking into account both Stark width and shift for these lines. From the comparison of our calculations with the observations we found that Stark broadening + the stratification effect can explain asymmetry of the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines in the atmospere of roAp star 10 Aql.Comment: Accepted to A&

    Ion-atom radiative processes in the solar atmosphere: quiet Sun and sunspots

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    In the previous works the significance of the symmetric and non-symmetric ion-atom absorption processes in far UV and EUV regions within a model of the quiet Sun atmosphere, has been studied. The considered processes were the processes of the photo-dissociation of the molecular ions H2+_{2}^{+} and HX+X^{+} and absorption processes in H+H+^{+} and H+X++X^{+} collisions, where XX denotes the metal atom. As the continuation of the previous investigation, these processes are considered also within the corresponding sunspot model. In this work the non-symmetric ion-atom absorption processes are considered with X=X= Mg, Si, etc. It was analyzed the significance of such processes in far UV and EUV regions in comparison with the concurrent absorption processes, especially with the processes of the photo-ionization of the metal atoms (Na, Mg, Ca, etc.) which were not included in the consideration in the case of the quiet Sun atmosphere. From our analysis it follows that the non-symmetric ion-atom absorption processes considered here, are significant not only for quiet Sun modeling but also for sunspots and should be included {\it ab initio} in both cases.Comment: accepted in Advances in Space Researc

    A Novel Diversity Receiver Structure for Severe Fading and Frequency Offset Conditions

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    This paper presents a novel diversity receiver of MPSK signal in fading channel in the presence of the carrier frequency offset. As a part of this receiver, a new algorithm for the estimation of the combining coefficients (ECC algorithm) is introduced. Having in mind that the QPSK modulation is one of the most used modulation formats in many wireless communication standards (LTE, WiFi, WiMax), the performance of the proposed receiver is analyzed in more detail for the QPSK modulation. In the presence of Rayleigh fading, representing the most severe fading condition, this algorithm shows significantly better performance comparing to the same receiver structure that uses conventional constant modulus algorithm (CMA1 or CMA2). The proposed diversity receiver structure with ECC algorithm operates within a wide carrier frequency offset range with a very small variation of the performance. For this reason, it can be applied in 4G mobile communication systems

    Jordanian Quantum Deformations of D=4 Anti-de-Sitter and Poincare Superalgebras

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    We consider a superextension of the extended Jordanian twist, describing nonstandard quantization of anti-de-Sitter (AdSAdS) superalgebra osp(14)osp(1|4) in the form of Hopf superalgebra. The super-Jordanian twisting function and corresponding basic coproduct formulae for the generators of osp(14)osp(1|4) are given in explicit form. The nonlinear transformation of the classical superalgebra basis not modifying the defining algebraic relations but simplifying coproducts and antipodes is proposed. Our physical application is to interpret the new super-Jordanian deformation of osp(14)osp(1|4) superalgebra as deformed D=4 AdSAdS supersymmetries. Subsequently we perform suitable contraction of quantum Jordanian AdSAdS superalgebra and obtain new κ\kappa-deformation of D=4 Poincare superalgebra, with the bosonic sector describing the light cone κ\kappa-deformation of Poincare symmetries.Comment: LaTeX,13 pages, comments and references added, to be published in Eur.Phys.J.