30 research outputs found

    The U. S. Intelligence Community and the Fight against ISIS: Donald Trump Administration's National Security Policy

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    Fight against international terrorism remains one of the keystones of the United Statesā€™ foreign policy in the upcoming period. The threat of the Islamic State is still grave for the international security, so it is understandable that Donald Trump administration will remain in this course. In the presentation of the new administrationā€™s program at the White House website, it is pointed out that ā€œdefeating ISIS and other radical Islamic terror groupsā€ will be of the highest priority, and that joint and coalition efforts will be needed. In the inaugural address, the new President stated that the United States intent to ā€œunite the civilized world against Radical Islamic Terrorismā€. It is initially obvious that, differing from the notion of ā€œfight against violent extremismā€ used by the Obama administration, the new administration talks about the fight against radical Islamism. In this paper, the authors will analyze and present the key shifts in the United Statesā€™ national security policy in the wake of the Donald Trumpā€™s administration. Key positions of Trumpā€™s presidential campaign regarding the foreign policy, national security policy, fight against the Islamic State, and the reform of the Intelligence Community, will be juxtaposed with decisions made during the beginning of the presidential term

    Uporedna studija kliničkih i patomorfoloŔkih karakteristika malignih tumora jezika i poda usne duplje

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    Biljna proizvodnja po konceptu organske poljoprivrede u svetu i Republici Srbiji - istorijat i trenutno stanje

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    Unlike conventional agriculture, organic farming, as a form of sustainable agriculture, and its production methods preserve and upgrade biodiversity of the soil and biodiversity of the entire ecosystem by protecting the environment, plants, and human health. It appeared at the beginning of XX century in Poland and has been spreading in many countries worldwide ever since. In 2015, this type of agricultural production was implemented at a global level on an area of 50.9 million ha. The largest areas are located in Oceania (22.8 mil. ha) and Europe (12.7 mil. ha), whereas grass areas make up the most, and arable land makes up only 15% there of. In the period 2014-2015, the area increased by 6.5 mil. ha at the global level. In 2015, the largest increase was recorded in Oceania (23.2%) and in 98 countries around the world, while a decrease was recorded in 32 countries. Europe performs Ā¼ of the world's organic production. In Serbia, organic production makes up 15298 ha (13398 ha belongs to arable land, 1899 ha to meadows and pastures). The largest number of producers is located in Vojvodina, and in Western and Southern Serbia. Cereals have a leading role with a production area of 2182.89 ha. Having in mind the great potentials for organic production in Serbia, experts' plan for the next decade is to increase the area for this type of agricultural production by 20%.Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja, kao vid održive poljoprivrede, za razliku od konvencionalne poljoprivrede, svojim metodama proizvodnje povećava plodnost zemljiÅ”ta, čuva i unapređuje njegov biodiverzitet, kao i biodiverzitet čitavog ekosistema, Å”titeći životnu sredinu, zdravlje biljaka, životinja i čoveka, uz primenu najviÅ”ih standarda kvaliteta proizvodnje. Pojavljuje se početkom dvadesetog veka u Poljskoj, nastavljajući Å”irenje u mnogobrojnim zemljama Å”irom sveta do danaÅ”njih dana, te tako, u 2015. godini zauzima povrÅ”inu od 50.9 miliona ha na globalnom nivou. Najveće povrÅ”ine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje nalaze se u Okeaniji (22.8 miliona ha) i Evropi (12.7 miliona ha), pri čemu u strukturi povrÅ”ina dominiraju travne povrÅ”ine, a obradive čine svega 15%. Na globalnom nivou, u toku perioda od 2014-2015. godine, povrÅ”ine su uvećane za 6.5 miliona ha. U 2015. godini, najveće uvećanje zabeleženo je u Okeaniji (za 23.2%), kao i u 98 zemalja Å”irom sveta, dok je pad zabeležen u 32 zemlje. U Evropi je skoncentrisana Ā¼ svetske organske proizvodnje. U Srbiji, organska proizvodnja se odvija na povrÅ”ini od 15298 ha (13398 ha pripada obradivom zemljiÅ”tu, a 1899 ha livadama i paÅ”njacima), pri čemu se najveći broj proizvođača nalazi u Vojvodini, a zatim u Zapadnoj i Južnoj Srbiji. Žita, sa proizvodnim povrÅ”inama od 2182.89 ha, zauzimaju vodeću ulogu. S obzirom na izuzetne potencijale za organsku proizvodnju u Srbiji, plan stručnjaka je da se u narednoj deceniji povrÅ”ine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje uvećaju za 20%

    Two new epigean pseudoscorpions (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from the Maritime Alps, France

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    Two species of pseudoscorpions new to science (Neobisium montisageli n. sp. and Roncus peissei n. sp.), collected in Southeastern France, are described, the diagnostic characteristics are illustrated, and their distribution is given. The possible establishment of two species groups of Roncus in Europe is discussed briefly in view of the importance of some of the diagnostic characteristics

    Plant production by the concept of organic agriculture in the world and Serbia: History and current status

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    Unlike conventional agriculture, organic farming, as a form of sustainable agriculture, and its production methods preserve and upgrade biodiversity of the soil and biodiversity of the entire ecosystem by protecting the environment, plants, and human health. It appeared at the beginning of XX century in Poland and has been spreading in many countries worldwide ever since. In 2015, this type of agricultural production was implemented at a global level on an area of 50.9 million ha. The largest areas are located in Oceania (22.8 mil. ha) and Europe (12.7 mil. ha), whereas grass areas make up the most, and arable land makes up only 15% there of. In the period 2014-2015, the area increased by 6.5 mil. ha at the global level. In 2015, the largest increase was recorded in Oceania (23.2%) and in 98 countries around the world, while a decrease was recorded in 32 countries. Europe performs Ā¼ of the world's organic production. In Serbia, organic production makes up 15298 ha (13398 ha belongs to arable land, 1899 ha to meadows and pastures). The largest number of producers is located in Vojvodina, and in Western and Southern Serbia. Cereals have a leading role with a production area of 2182.89 ha. Having in mind the great potentials for organic production in Serbia, experts' plan for the next decade is to increase the area for this type of agricultural production by 20%

    Autoimunske bolesti Ŕtitaste žlezde - in vitro dijagnostika

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    In diagnostics of autoimmune thyroid diseases a number of in vitro methods is used to evaluate thyroid function or examine the presence of an tithyroid antibodies which may be included in pathogenesis of the disease or only represent "silent witnesses" of autoimmune processes. During the evaluation of thyroid function serum concentrations of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones are determined and due to these concentrations the diagnosis of manifested or subclinical disturbances of thyroid gland is set. Detection of antibodies specific in dominant thyroid auto antigenes represents confirmation of autoimmune pathogenesis of the disease. The concentration of TSH and thyroid hormones in blood may be influenced by some diseases and drugs, so abnormal values can be detected in absence of diseases of thyroid gland. In the serum of a tested person heterophilic antibodies, rheumatoid factors or other antibodies may occur which reduce the number of specific interactions in the assay, causing increased or decreased concentrations of hormones or autoantibodies. A great number of methods used in in vitro diagnostics differs very much by sensitivity which should be considered during the interpretation of laboratory results. This study presents the most important methods used in diagnostics of autoimmune thyroid diseases.U dijagnostici autoimunskih bolesti Å”titaste žlezde koriste se brojne in vitro metode kojima se procenjuje tireoidna funkcija ili ispituje prisustvo antitireoidnih autoantitela koja mogu biti uključena u patogenezu bolesti ili samo predstavljati "neme svedoke" autoimunskog procesa. Pri proceni funkcije Å”titaste žlezde određuju se serumske koncentracije tireostimuliÅ”ućeg (TSH) i tireoidnih hormona i na osnovu njihove koncentracije postavlja dijagnoza ispoljenih ili subkliničkih poremećajafunkcije Å”titaste žlezde (hipertireoze ili hipotireoze). Potvrdu autoimunske patogeneze bolesti predstavlja detekcija antitela specifičnih za dominantne tireoidne autoantigene (receptor za TSH, tireoidnu peroksida zuitireoglobulin). Na koncentraciju TSH i tireoidnih hormona u krvi mogu uticati neka fizioloÅ”ka stanja, bolesti i lekovi, tako da se abnormalne vrednosti mogu detektovati i u odsustvu bolesti Å”titaste žlezde. U serumu ispitanika mogu biti prisutna heterofilna anti tela, reumatoidni faktori ili druga auto anti tela koja smanjuju broj specifičnih interakcija u testu prouzrokujući povećanu ili smanjenu koncentraciju hormona ili autoantitela. Veliki broj metoda koje se koriste u in vitro dijagnostici veoma se razlikuju prema osetljivosti, Å”to treba imati u vidu prilikom interpretacije laboratorijskih rezultata. U ovom radu su prikazane najvažnije metode koje se koriste u dijagnostici autoimunskih bolesti Å”titaste žlezde: Graves-ove bolesti i Hashimoto tireoiditisa

    Autoimunske bolesti Ŕtitaste žlezde - in vivo dijagnostika

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    Autoimmune thyroid disease, Graves disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis, cause changing in morphology and function of the thyroid tissue. Graves disease is characterized by an increased synthesis and release of thyroid hormones (hyperthyrosis). Hashimoto fhyroiditis is characterized by the destruction and regeneration of thyroid follicles, which are clinically expressed by symptoms of hypothyrosis. Less frequently, Hashimoto fhyroiditis is expressed by transient thyrotoxicosis (if the destruction of the thyroid gland tissue is extremely emphasized). In order to examine thyroid morphology and function, there are numerous in iga diagnostic methods. Ultrasono graphy enables the examination of the fine structure and vasculanzation of the thyroid gland, and nuclear medicine methods reflect the function of the thyroid tissue. Radioactive iodine uptake is useful in assessment of the ability of thyrocytes to uptake iodide, and scmtigraphy gives the morpho-functional picture of the thyroid gland. Scintigraphy of orbital tissue gives the insight of orbital accumulation of the activated leucocytes. Although modem imaging methods (positron emission tomography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) are very useful in assessment of nodular changes in the thyroid gland and retrostemal goiter, these techniques are not widely applied in diagnostic procedures of autoimmune thyroid diseases. In this study we reviewed in vivo diagnostic methods used in the examination of Graves disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis, we considered their significance in the investigation of pathological process in the thyroid gland and we noticed the factors which could influence the results of morphological and functional investigations of the thyroid gland.Autoimunske bolesti Å”titaste žlezde, Gravesova bolest i Hashimoto tireoiditis, prouzrokuju promenu strukture i funkcije tireoidnog tkiva. Gravesovu bolest karakteriÅ”e povećana sinteza i oslobađanje tireoidnih hormona (hipemreoza), a Hashimoto tireoiditis destrukcija i regeneracija tireoidnih folikula, koje se klinički ispoljavaju simptomima hipotireoze, a ako je destrukcija tkiva Å”titaste žlezde veoma izražena, privremeno mogu da se jave i simptomi tireotoksikoze. Da bi se ispitala struktura i funkcija tireoidnog tkiva primenjuju se brojne in vivo dijagnostičke metode. Ultrasonografija daje uvid u finu strukturu i vaskularizaciju Å”titaste žlezde, a metode nuklearne medicine odslikavaju funkciju tireoidnog tkiva. Testom fiksacije radioaktivnog joda procenjuje se sposobnost tireocita da preuzmu jodid, a scintigrafijom se dobija morfofunkcijska slika Å”titaste žlezde. Scintigrafijom orbite kod obolelih od Gravesove bolesti ispituje se stepen infiltracije orbitalnog tkiva aktivisanim leukocitima. Iako su savremene imaging metode (pozitronska emisiona tomografija, kompjuterizovana tomografija i magnetna rezonanca) veoma korisne u ispitivanju nodoznih promena u Å”titastoj žlezdi i substemame strume, te metode nisu značajnije zastupljene u dijagnostici autoimunskih tireoidnih bolesti. U ovom radu su prikazane in vivo dijagnostičke metode koje se koriste u dijagnostici Gravesove bolesti i Hashimoto tireoiditisa, njihov značaj u ispitivanju patoloÅ”kog procesa u Å”titastoj žlezdi i faktori koji svojim dejstvom mogu da utiču na rezultate ispitivanja

    Determination of corrosion products of Ag-Cu alloy by laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry

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    Silver alloys are generally used in the different fields of industry, including chemical processing, construction, heat exchangers, etc. Although Ag-Cu-Zn-Cd type of alloys, were widely exploited in the second half of the 20th century for their excellent properties, its use is forbidden in the EU due to the high toxicity of cadmium vapors. Ag-Cu-In type of alloy is a good alternative to Ag-Cu-Zn-Cd alloys, with great properties and can be used in various fields of industry. Most common methods for characterization of surface corrosion films of Ag-Cu alloys are: X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersion spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Our current study focuses on the application of laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI MS) for determination of corrosion products of Ag-Cu alloy. The aim of this study was to confirm LDI MS as a fast, accurate and reliable method for determination of corrosion products on the surface of Ag-Cu-In alloy.IX Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application : new frontiers in multifunctional material science and processing : program and the book of abstracts; September 20-21, 2021; Belgrad

    Prospective of the LDI MS to characterization the corrosion products of silver-copper alloys on an example of the Ag-Cu-X (X- Zn, Pd, In) system

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    This work presents the perspective of applying the laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI MS) for characterization the anode film of the Ag60Cu26Zn14, Ag58.5Cu31.5Pd10, and Ag63Cu27In10 alloys (at high concentrations of chloride ions in solutions). The reference LDI mass spectra of anode films of pure Ag and Cu have been used for the identification of product corrosion. Knowing the clusters detected in the reference spectra lead to the facilitating identification of the LDI mass spectrum of the sample and reduces the analysis time. The LDI MS analysis of these alloys revealed that the predominant corrosion product are AgCl (from AgnCln+1āˆ’/+, nĀ =Ā 1ā€“3), and CuCl (from ā€œsuperhalogenā€ CumClnāˆ’ clusters, mĀ =Ā 1ā€“2, nĀ =Ā 2ā€“6); it also revealed Cu2(OH)3Cl (from Cu2(OH)(H2O)2+) and Cu2O (from Cu(H2O)+, Cu2O doped with chlorine). These results are in accordance with the X-ray diffraction and Raman analysis. The LDI MS spectra of alloys contain the additional peaks formed due to the mutual influences of different metals in the alloys (AgCuCl3āˆ’ (AgCl-CuCl2āˆ’), AgCu2Cl4āˆ’ (AgCl-CuCl-CuCl2āˆ’), and Ag2CuCl4āˆ’ (AgCl-AgCl-CuClāˆ’), which is consistent with the identified corrosion products. It should be noted that the LDI MS suggest the presence of CuCl2, which can be interpreted as the corrosion products retained in the porous films of alloys, and not detected by the other methods due to a small amount. The future theoretical and experimental studies of metal clusters, significant for metallurgy, can contribute that the LDI MS is becoming a powerful analytical tool for characterization the metal surfaces