940 research outputs found

    Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies of Extended Defects in Semiconductors

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    Extended defects, such as dislocations and grain boundaries, play an important role in determining the performance of various semiconductor devices. This paper reviews applications of electron-beam-induced-current and cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy for the investigation of dislocations and grain boundaries in semiconductors. We developed a simple analytical method for the determination of the grain boundary recombination velocity and the minority carrier diffusion length, in contrast to a previous method which requires the use of a computer for the numerical calculation of an integral expression. We, also, studied theoretically the influence of an individual dislocation on the minority carrier lifetime. Investigation of dislocations in GaP indicated that the carrier recombination takes place at a Cottrell atmosphere of the S-donor/Cu complexes surrounding the dislocations

    Synergistic Gravity and the Role of Resonances in GRS-Inspired Braneworlds

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    We consider 5D braneworld models of quasi-localized gravity in which 4D gravity is reproduced at intermediate scales while the extra dimension opens up at both the very short and the very long distances, where the geometry is flat. Our main interest is the interplay between the zero mode of these models, whenever a normalizable zero mode exists, and the effects of zero energy graviton resonant modes coming from the contributions of massive KK modes. We first consider a compactified version of the GRS model and find that quasi-localized gravity is characterized by a scale for which both the resonance and the zero mode have significant contribution to 4D gravity. Above this scale, gravity is primarily mediated by the zero mode, while the resonance gives only minor corrections. Next, we consider an asymmetric version of the standard non-compact GRS model, characterized by different cosmological constants on each AdS side. We show that a resonance is present but the asymmetry, through the form of the localizing potential, can weaken it, resulting in a shorter lifetime and, thus, in a shorter distance scale for 4D gravity. As a third model exhibiting quasi-localization, we consider a version of the GRS model in which the central positive tension brane has been replaced by a configuration of a scalar field propagating in the bulk.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, added 1 figure, revised version as published in Class. Quant. Gra

    Using late-time optical and near-infrared spectra to constrain Type Ia supernova explosion properties

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    The late-time spectra of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are powerful probes of the underlying physics of their explosions. We investigate the late-time optical and near-infrared spectra of seven SNe Ia obtained at the VLT with XShooter at >>200 d after explosion. At these epochs, the inner Fe-rich ejecta can be studied. We use a line-fitting analysis to determine the relative line fluxes, velocity shifts, and line widths of prominent features contributing to the spectra ([Fe II], [Ni II], and [Co III]). By focussing on [Fe II] and [Ni II] emission lines in the ~7000-7500 \AA\ region of the spectrum, we find that the ratio of stable [Ni II] to mainly radioactively-produced [Fe II] for most SNe Ia in the sample is consistent with Chandrasekhar-mass delayed-detonation explosion models, as well as sub-Chandrasekhar mass explosions that have metallicity values above solar. The mean measured Ni/Fe abundance of our sample is consistent with the solar value. The more highly ionised [Co III] emission lines are found to be more centrally located in the ejecta and have broader lines than the [Fe II] and [Ni II] features. Our analysis also strengthens previous results that SNe Ia with higher Si II velocities at maximum light preferentially display blueshifted [Fe II] 7155 \AA\ lines at late times. Our combined results lead us to speculate that the majority of normal SN Ia explosions produce ejecta distributions that deviate significantly from spherical symmetry.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Greater repertoire and temporal variability of cross-frequency coupling (CFC) modes in resting-state neuromagnetic recordings among children with reading difficulties

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    Cross-frequency, phase-to-amplitude coupling (PAC) between neuronal oscillations at rest may serve as the substrate that supports information exchange between functionally specialized neuronal populations both within and between cortical regions. The study utilizes novel algorithms to identify prominent instantaneous modes of cross-frequency coupling and their temporal stability in resting state magnetoencephalography (MEG) data from 25 students experiencing severe reading difficulties (RD) and 27 age-matched non-impaired readers (NI). Phase coherence estimates were computed in order to identify the prominent mode of PAC interaction for each sensor, sensor pair, and pair of frequency bands (from δ to γ) at successive time windows of the continuous MEG record. The degree of variability in the characteristic frequency-pair PACf1−f2 modes over time was also estimated. Results revealed a wider repertoire of prominent PAC interactions in RD as compared to NI students, suggesting an altered functional substrate for information exchange between neuronal assemblies in the former group. Moreover, RD students showed significant variability in PAC modes over time. This temporal instability of PAC values was particularly prominent: (a) within and between right hemisphere temporo-parietal and occipito-temporal sensors and, (b) between left hemisphere frontal, temporal, and occipito-temporal sensors and corresponding right hemisphere sites. Altered modes of neuronal population coupling may help account for extant data revealing reduced, task-related neurophysiological and hemodynamic activation in left hemisphere regions involved in the reading network in RD. Moreover, the spatial distribution of pronounced instability of cross-frequency coupling modes in this group may provide an explanation for previous reports suggesting the presence of inefficient compensatory mechanisms to support reading


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    Brane Cosmology with a Non-Minimally Coupled Bulk-Scalar Field

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    We consider the cosmological evolution of a brane in the presence of a bulk scalar field coupled to the Ricci scalar through a term f(\phi)R. We derive the generalized Friedmann equation on the brane in the presence of arbitrary brane and bulk-matter, as well as the scalar field equation, allowing for a general scalar potential V(phi). We focus on a quadratic form of the above non-minimal coupling and obtain a class of late-time solutions for the scale factor and the scalar field on the brane that exhibit accelerated expansion for a range of the non-minimal coupling parameter.Comment: 15 page

    Classifying children with reading difficulties from non-impaired readers via symbolic dynamics and complexity analysis of MEG resting-state data

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a brain imaging method affording real-time temporal, and adequate spatial resolution to reveal aberrant neurophysiological function associated with dyslexia. In this study we analyzed sensor-level resting-state neuromagnetic recordings from 25 reading-disabled children and 27 non-impaired readers under the notion of symbolic dynamics and complexity analysis. We compared two techniques for estimating the complexity of MEG time-series in each of 8 frequency bands based on symbolic dynamics: (a) Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZC) entailing binarization of each MEG time series using the mean amplitude as a threshold, and (b) An approach based on the neural-gas algorithm (NG) which has been used by our group in the context of various symbolization schemes. The NG approach transforms each MEG time series to more than two symbols by learning the reconstructed manifold of each time series with a small error. Using this algorithm we computed a complexity index (CI) based on the distribution of words up to a predetermined length. The relative performance of the two complexity indexes was assessed using a classification procedure based on k-NN and Support Vector Machines. Results revealed the capacity of CI to discriminate impaired from non-impaired readers with 80% accuracy. Corresponding performance of LZC values did not exceed 55%. These findings indicate that symbolization of MEG recordings with an appropriate neuroinformatic approach, such as the proposed CI metric, may be of value in understanding the neural dynamics of dyslexia