10 research outputs found

    Photoelectron-induced waves: A likely source of 150 km radar echoes and enhanced electron modes

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    VHF radars near the geomagnetic equator receive coherent reflections from plasma density irregularities between 130 and 160 km in altitude during the daytime. Though researchers first discovered these 150 km echoes over 50 years ago and use them to monitor vertical plasma drifts, the underlying mechanism that creates them remains a mystery. This paper uses large‐scale kinetic simulations to show that photoelectrons can drive electron waves, which then enhance ion density irregularities that radars could observe as 150 km echoes. This model explains why 150 km echoes exist only during the day and why they appear at their lowest altitudes near noon. It predicts the spectral structure observed by Chau (2004) and suggests observations that can further evaluate this mechanism. It also shows the types and strength of electron modes that photoelectron‐wave interactions generate in a magnetized plasma.The authors would like to thank Juha Vierinen, David Hysell, Jorge Chau, and Roger Varney for their helpful discussions and suggestions. This material is based upon work supported by NASA under grant NNX14AI13G. This work used the XSEDE and TACC computational facilities, supported by National Science Foundation grant ACI-1053575. Simulation-produced data are archived at TACC and available upon request. (NNX14AI13G - NASA; ACI-1053575 - National Science Foundation

    Anomalous electron heating effects on the E region ionosphere in TIEGCM

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    We have recently implemented a new module that includes both the anomalous electron heating and the electron‐neutral cooling rate correction associated with the Farley‐Buneman Instability (FBI) in the thermosphere‐ionosphere electrodynamics global circulation model (TIEGCM). This implementation provides, for the first time, a modeling capability to describe macroscopic effects of the FBI on the ionosphere and thermosphere in the context of a first‐principle, self‐consistent model. The added heating sources primarily operate between 100 and 130 km altitude, and their magnitudes often exceed auroral precipitation heating in the TIEGCM. The induced changes in E region electron temperature in the auroral oval and polar cap by the FBI are remarkable with a maximum Te approaching 2200 K. This is about 4 times larger than the TIEGCM run without FBI heating. This investigation demonstrates how researchers can add the important effects of the FBI to magnetosphere‐ionosphere‐thermosphere models and simulators.NNX14Al13G - NASA GCR; NASA LWS; NNX14AE06G; NNX15AB83G; NNX12AJ54G - NASA HGI; ACI-1053575 - National Science Foundatio

    Effects of ion magnetization on the Farley-Buneman instability in the solar chromosphere

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    Intense heating in the quiet-Sun chromosphere raises the temperature from 4000 to 6500 K but, despite decades of study, the underlying mechanism remains a mystery. This study continues to explore the possibility that the Farley–Buneman instability contributes to chromospheric heating. This instability occurs in weakly ionized collisional plasmas in which electrons are magnetized, but ions are not. A mixture of metal ions generate the plasma density in the coolest parts of the chromosphere; while some ions are weakly magnetized, others are demagnetized by neutral collisions. This paper incorporates the effects of multiple, arbitrarily magnetized species of ions to the theory of the Farley–Buneman instability and examines the ramifications on instability in the chromosphere. The inclusion of magnetized ions introduces new restrictions on the regions in which the instability can occur in the chromosphere—in fact, it confines the instability to the regions in which heating is observed. For a magnetic field of 30 G, the minimum ambient electric field capable of driving the instability is 13.5 V/m at the temperature minimum.This work was supported by NSF-AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award No. 1433536 and NSF/DOE grant No. PHY-1500439. The authors also acknowledge a recent contribution from William Longley. (1433536 - NSF-AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Award; PHY-1500439 - NSF/DOE grant)First author draftPublished versio

    Hybrid simulations of coupled Farley-Buneman/gradient drift instabilities in the equatorial E region ionosphere

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    Plasma irregularities in the equatorial E region ionosphere are classified as Type I or Type II, based on coherent radar spectra. Type I irregularities are attributed to the Farley‐Buneman instability and Type II to the gradient drift instability that cascades to meter‐scale irregularities detected by radars. This work presents the first kinetic simulations of coupled Farley‐Buneman and gradient drift turbulence in the equatorial E region ionosphere for a range of zeroth‐order vertical electric fields, using a new approach to solving the electrostatic potential equation. The simulation models a collisional quasi‐neutral plasma with a warm, inertialess electron fluid and a distribution of NO+ ions. A 512 m wave with a maximum/minimum of ±0.25 of the background density perturbs the plasma. The density wave creates an electrostatic field that adds to the zeroth‐order vertical and ambipolar fields, and drives Farley‐Buneman turbulence even when these fields are below the instability threshold. Wave power spectra show that Type II irregularities develop in all simulation runs and that Type I irregularities with wavelengths of a few meters develop in the trough of the background wave in addition to Type II irregularities as the zeroth‐order electric field magnitude increases. Linear fluid theory predicts the growth of Type II irregularities reasonably well, but it does not fully capture the simultaneous growth of Type I irregularities in the region of peak total electric field. The growth of localized Type I irregularities represents a parametric instability in which the electric field of the large‐scale background wave drives pure Farley‐Buneman turbulence. These results help explain observations of meter‐scale irregularities advected by kilometer‐scale waves.This work was supported by NSF grants AGS-1007789 and PHY-1500439, and NASA grants NNX11A096G and NNX14AI13G. This work used the XSEDE and TACC computational facilities, supported by NSF grant ACI-1053575, for simulation runs. Simulation-produced data are archived at TACC and are available upon request. This work also used the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center for simulation data analysis. The authors thank one reviewer for insightful comments and critiques. (AGS-1007789 - NSF; PHY-1500439 - NSF; ACI-1053575 - NSF; NNX11A096G - NASA; NNX14AI13G - NASA

    Unified fluid-model theory of EXB instabilities in low-ionized collisional plasmas with arbitrarily magnetized multi-species ions

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    This paper develops a unified linear theory of local cross-field plasma instabilities, such as the Farley-Buneman, electron thermal, and ion thermal instabilities, in collisional plasmas with fully or partially unmagnetized multi-species ions. Collisional lasma instabilities in low-ionized, highly dissipative, weakly magnetized plasmas play an important role in the lower Earth's ionosphere and may be of importance in other planet ionospheres, star atmospheres, cometary tails, molecular clouds, accretion disks, etc. In the solar chromosphere, macroscopic effects of collisional plasma instabilities may contribute into significant heating -- an effect originally suggested from spectroscopic observations and relevant modeling. Based on a simplified 5-moment multi-fluid model, the theoretical analysis produces the general linear dispersion relation for the combined Thermal-Farley-Buneman Instability (TFBI). Important limiting cases are analyzed in detail. The analysis demonstrates acceptable applicability of this model for the rocesses under study. Fluid-model simulations usually require much less computer resources than do more accurate kinetic simulations, so that the apparent success of this approach to the linear theory of collisional plasma instabilities makes it possible to investigate the TFBI (along with its possible macroscopic effects) using global fluid codes originally developed for large-scale modeling of the solar and planetary atmospheres.PHY-1903416 - National Science FoundationFirst author draf

    Multi-fluid simulation of solar chromospheric turbulence and heating due to the Thermal Farley-Buneman Instability

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    Models fail to reproduce observations of the coldest parts of the Sun’s atmosphere, where interactions between multiple ionized and neutral species prevent an accurate MHD representation. This paper argues that a meter-scale electrostatic plasma instability develops in these regions and causes heating. We refer to this instability as the Thermal Farley–Buneman Instability (TFBI). Using parameters from a 2.5D radiative MHD Bifrost simulation, we show that the TFBI develops in many of the colder regions in the chromosphere. This paper also presents the first multifluid simulation of the TFBI and validates this new result by demonstrating close agreement with theory during the linear regime. The simulation eventually develops turbulence, and we characterize the resulting wave-driven heating, plasma transport, and turbulent motions. These results all contend that the effects of the TFBI contribute to the discrepancies between solar observations and radiative MHD models.Massachusetts Institute of Technology; PHY-1903416 - National Science FoundationFirst author draf

    Millstone Hill ISR Measurements of Small Aspect Angle Spectra

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    The Millstone Hill incoherent scatter (IS) radar is used to measure spectra close to perpendicular to the Earth's magnetic field, and the data are fit to three different forward models to estimate ionospheric temperatures. IS spectra measured close to perpendicular to the magnetic field are heavily influenced by Coulomb collisions, and the temperature estimates are sensitive to the collision operator used in the forward model. The standard theoretical model for IS radar spectra treats Coulomb collisions as a velocity independent Brownian motion process. This gives estimates of Te/TiTe/Ti ratios as the Brownian theory. The new approach is a nonlinear particle‐in‐cell (PIC) code that includes velocity‐dependent Coulomb collisions which produce significantly more collisional and nonlinear Landau damping of the measured ion‐acoustic wave than the other forward models. When applied to the radar data, the increased damping in the PIC simulations will result in more physically realistic estimates of Te/Ti. This new approach has the greatest impact for the largest measured ionospheric densities and the lowest radar frequencies. The new approach should enable IS radars to obtain accurate measurements of plasma temperatures at times and locations where they currently cannot