312 research outputs found


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    This study aims to explain the legal status of the Financial Services Authority regulations governing legal protection for Islamic capital market investors. The type of research used is normative legal research with the Legislation approach and the Conceptual approach. The results of this study are that based on the provisions of Article 4 of Law Number 8 of 1995 concerning the Capital Market, it is stated that the guidance, regulation and supervision of financial service activities in the capital market sector is carried out by Bapepam LK which then transfers the authority to the OJK after the enactment of the Act. Law No. 21 of 2011, so that based on the Act, Article 8 gives authority to OJK to stipulate OJK regulations as a form of regulatory task. Thus, several Financial Services Authority regulations that regulate legal protection for Sharia Capital Market investors have a valid legal status, because they are in accordance with Law No. 12 of 2011 in Article 8 Paragraph (1) which regulates the types of Legislation and Regulations. Invitations other than those referred to in Article 7 Paragraph (1) are recognized to exist and have binding legal force as long as they are ordered by a higher Legislation or formed based on authorityPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai status hukum peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang mengatur mengenai perlindungan hukum bagi investor pasar modal syariah. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian hukum normatif dengan metode pendekatan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan dan pendekatan Konseptual. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa Berdasarkan ketentutan Pasal 4 Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pasar Modal menyatakan bahwa pembinaan, pengaturan dan pengawasan kegiatan jasa keuangan di sektor pasar modal dilaksanakan oleh Bapepam LK yang kemudian kewenangan tersebut beralih ke OJK pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2011, sehingga berdasarkan pada Undang-Undang tersebut dalam Pasal 8 memberikan wewenang kepada OJK untuk menetapkan peraturan OJK sebagai bentuk dari tugas pengaturan. Sehingga dengan demikian maka beberapa peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang mengatur berkaitan dengan Perlindungan hukum terhadap investor Pasar Modal Syariah memiliki status hukum yang sah, karena telah sesuai dengan UU No.12 Tahun 2011 dalam Pasal 8 Ayat (1) yang mengatur mengenai jenis Peraturan Perundang-undangan selain sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 7 Ayat (1) diakui keberadaannya dan mempunyai kekuatan hukum mengikat sepanjang diperintahkan oleh Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi atau dibentuk berdasarkan kewenangan


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    The existence of folk singing in the Dayak Maanyan community is inseparable from its attachment to the implementation of customary ceremonies. In addition to being a means of entertainment, this song can also be used as a means to convey a moral message and also tell the history of their ancestors in the past. This research examines traditional singing by taking two songs entitled Tinga Janyawai and Laisomena using a hermeneutical approach. This research aims to transcribe, analyze the meaning and know the function of the song Tinga Janyawai and Laisomena. The method used is qualitative descriptive. After transcribing and analyzing the two songs, data on the use of formulas in the structure of the two songs is obtained in the form of vocabulary repetition patterns that contain synonymous meanings as well as repetition of the same vocabulary on the lines in the verses of the song. The use of these two songs is known to have differences because the song Tinga Janyawai is usually sung in various customary ceremonies and the ordinary people sing it as a means of entertainment. While the song Laisomena is a song sung by a balian dadas when performing a healing ritual. Even so, these two songs seem to have similarities, namely telling the story of the separation of Patih and Uria and their family members to their desired territory because the kingdom of Nansarunai has fallen into the hands of the enemy, known as the event of Nansarunai usak Java. In addition to the parting, Dayak Maanyan ancestors also parted ways with Dayak Maanyan relatives from Tane Punei Lului in the group there was Laisomena, who married Prince Engko, the fourth child of King Nansarunai. In addition, in this customary song contains values ??and moral teachings to always shoulder to shoulder helping fellow Maanyan people in accordance with the ability and position in society. The presence of these two songs in the Dayak Maanyan community, of course, has a function. In addition to serving as entertainment, this song can also be used as a means in inheriting the noble values ??of the Dayak Maanyan community. This inheritance is of course necessary to be able to be the knowledge of the younger generation, both cultural, moral, and historical knowledge. In addition, by introducing this song, it is hoped that the younger generation can know the meaning of the vocabulary used in the lyrics of the song so as to enrich the treasures of regional language knowledge

    Peranan Bank Garansi Dalam Kontrak Konstruksi Antara Pemerintah Dengan Kontraktor

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    Dalam melaksanakan proyek pemerintah, untuk menjamin pihak pemberi tugas (pemerintah) untuk mendapatkan hasil pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan waktu dan kualitas yang dijanjikan oleh kontraktor, maka dipersyaratkan adanya suatu jaminan yang harus diberikan oleh kontraktor kepada pemerintah sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 67 ayat (1) Perpres No. 54 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah. Salah satu bentuk jaminan yang sering digunakan oleh kontraktor adalah jaminan yang berbentuk bank garansi. Dalam pelaksanaan kontrak konstruksi antara pemerintah dengan kontraktor yang menggunakan jaminan bank garansi, ada beberapa tahapan yang harus dilalui yaitu: Tahap pertama adalah persiapan pemilihan penyedia pekerjaan konstruksi, Tahap kedua adalah melaksanakan  pemilihan penyedia pekerjaan konstruksi, yang mana dalam tahap ini pihak kontraktor harus menyerahkan jaminan bank garansi tender, Tahap ketiga adalah Penandatanganan Kontrak yang mana dalam tahap ini pihak kontraktor harus menyerahkan jaminan bank 266 garansi pelaksanaan dan tahap yang keempat adalah pelaksanaan kontrak konstruksi yang mana dalam tahap ini pihak kontraktor harus menyerahkan jaminan bank garansi uang  muka apabila pihak kontraktor akan mengambil uang muka dan menyerahkan jaminan bank garansi pemeliharaan apabila pihak kontraktor telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Sedangkan apabila terjadi wanprestasi oleh salah satu pihak maka bentuk penyelesaiannya adalah sebagai berikut: Dalam kaitannya dengan kontrak konstruksi penyelesaianya terlebih dahulu diselesaikan dengan cara musyawarah, kemudian apabila dengan cara musyawarah tidak ada titik temu maka dapat diselesaikan melalui jalur arbitrase atau melalui pengadilan, begitu juga dalam kaitannya dengan bank garansi, apabila terjadi wanprestasi yang dilakukan oleh  pihak kontraktor maka akan diselesaikan dengan cara musyawarah yaitu melakukan komunikasi antara pihak bank dengan kontraktor suapaya pihak kontraktor mau menyelesaikan tunggakannya, namun apabila kontraktor tidak ada itikad baik untuk melunasi tunggakan utangnya, maka pihak bank akan mengeluarkan surat peringatan tertulis maksimal sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali. Dan apabila pihak bank telah mengeluarkan peringan tertulis sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali, ternyata kontraktor masih tidak mempunyai itikad baik, maka pihak bank akan melakukan pencairan terhadap jaminan lawan yang telah diserahkan oleh kontraktor

    Analisis Efektivitas Pemberian Pinjaman Program Pembiayaan UMKM oleh Koperasi

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    : Effectiveness Analysis of SMEs Financing Program by Cooperative. Financing programs have an important role to SMEs, but often face the problem of repayment failures and installment payments. This study examines the causes of saving and loan cooperatives' repayment problems. The population of this study is all SMEs borrowing from Mitra Usaha saving and loan cooperative. Furthermore these SMEs must be categorized as active SMEs until November 2013 and they had been receiving loan for at least six months. The study found that the variables such as: the length of the business, the business volume, and the value of the loan have a positive impact on repayment rate

    Ideal city from the perspective of children through participatory planning – Duhok City in Kurdistan Region of Iraq

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    As urban expansion proceeds rapidly world-wide, challenges to urban planning and public participation become more conspicuous. Urbanization, and particularly rapid urban expansion, has serious implications for children. While this age group is most vulnerable to the environmental hazards of cities, their needs are rarely given a special focus. Children are seldom involved in planning and decision-making on matters that touch their lives. The focus of local governments is rather on how to provide enough employment opportunities, transport, housing and other basic services to meet the growing needs. This article aims to capture the perceptions of children from two schools in Duhok city, Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) about the desired spatial environment in which they want to live. For this purpose, participatory mapping was used as a tool, whereby the children were able to express their needs and preferences through drawing/mapping their ideal cities. In preparation for the drawing exercise, the children had acquired a basic understanding of city planning and the basic elements that constitute the image of a city, based on Kevin Lynch’s (1960, 1977) theory of the elements of a city image. The contents of the children’s drawings were subsequently analyzed, based on Roger A. Hart’s (2011) classification of eight city models. The results show that the majority of the city maps drawn by the children have the characteristics of the safe and accessible city. This study does not only explore children’s perceptions of their existing and future urban environments, but also constitutes a unique initiative to encourage the involvement of school children of a Middle Eastern country in an informal city planning practice
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