85 research outputs found
Evaluation of Borsa İstanbul with Social Network Analysis Method
Stock markets are one of the most important markets in the financial field. Evaluating stock data in these markets is important for investors to make decisions about portfolio diversity. At this decision point, visualizing the data and presenting it in a practical and interesting way provides great convenience to investors. Social network analysis is one of the methods used effectively in the visualization of data in a short time. The purpose of this study is to reveal the relations between stocks in Borsa Istanbul 100 (BIST 100) and also to identify the stocks that have a potential role and importance in BIST 100 with social network analysis method. The centralities of degree, betweenness and pagerank of stocks were established according to their degree of correlation. According to different threshold values, stocks that are effective, strong and popular were determined in the BIST 100. And also stocks were evaluated on sectorial basis. As a result of the study, it was observed that the sequence of the stocks with different threshold values changed according to the centrality metrics. Stocks in BIST 100 are interpreted according to each centrality criterion. All findings shows, BIST 100 is not under the influence of a limited number of stocks therefore BIST 100 does not have a fragile structure
Robotların yükseliş trendi ekonomiyi ve geleceği nasıl etkileyecek?
There is no doubt that modern technologies have greatly influenced the business world in
recent years. All technological applications brought by Industry 4.0 have provided more
mechanization and started processes that do not involve people. This revolution is at the initial
stage of changing the world order. People can now imagine a world dominated by robots at work.
In the 18th century, many people could not have imagined that such a thing would happen. Over the
years, humans have perfected the technologies that robots tend to work on. In this article, the effects
of the economic system called robonomics as a result of widespread use of robotics, artificial
intelligence and automation are discussed. The positive and negative aspects of the effects of the
increase in the use of robots on productivity, cost and labor, which are economic indicators, are
examined in this article. With the widespread use of robots, it is predicted that more technicians,
economists, and mechanical engineers will be needed in the workplaces, as well as unemployment
concerns due to the spread of robots to work areas. The mentioned process will not take place in the
short term, positions and roles will change gradually. The study has a conceptual aspect, and it
reveals the effect of robots on the industrial use from different perspectives.Modern teknolojilerin son yıllarda çalışma dünyasını büyük ölçüde etkilediğine şüphe
yoktur. Endüstri 4.0 'ın getirmiş olduğu tüm teknolojik uygulamalar daha fazla mekanizasyon
sağlayarak insanların dâhil olmadığı süreçler başlatmışlardır. Bu devrim, dünya düzenini
değiştirmenin başlangıç aşamasındadır. İnsanlar, artık iş yerlerinde robotların hükmettiği bir
dünya hayal edebilmektedirler. 18. yüzyılda, birçok insan böyle bir şeyin olacağını hayal dahi
edemezdi. Yıllar geçtikçe, insanlar robotların üzerinde çalışma eğiliminde oldukları teknolojileri
mükemmelleştirdi. Bu makalede robotik, yapay zeka ve otomasyonun yaygınlaşması sonucu robot
ekonomisi (Robonomics) adı verilen ekonomik sistemin etkileri tartışılmaktadır. Robot
kullanımındaki artışın ekonomik göstergelerden verimlilik, maliyet ve emek üzerine etkilerinin
olumlu ve olumsuz yanları bu makalede incelenmektedir. Robotların kullanımının yaygınlaşması ile
işyerlerinde daha fazla teknisyene, ekonomiste ve makine mühendislerine ihtiyaç duyulacağı gibi
aynı zamanda robotların iş alanlarına yayılmasından duyulan işsizlik endişesi de yaratması tahmin
edilmektedir. Bahsedilen süreç kısa vadede gerçekleşmeyecek olup, pozisyonlar ve roller kademeli
olarak değişecektir. Çalışma kavramsal nitelikte olup, robotların endüstriyel alandaki kullanımına
yönelik etkisini farklı açılardan ortaya koymaktadır
Biyolojik ve biyolojik olmayan ağlar üzerine
With a general classification, there are two types of networks in the world: Biological and non-biological networks. We are unable to change the structure of biological networks. However, for networks such as social networks, technological networks and transportation networks, the architectures of non-biological networks are designed and can be changed by people. Networks can be classified as random networks, small-world networks and scale-free networks. However, we have problems with small-world networks and scale free networks. As some authors ask, “how small is a small-world network and how does it compare to other models?” Even the issue of scale-free networks are whether abundant or rare is still debated. Our main goal in this study is to investigate whether biological and non-biological networks have basic defining features. Especially if we can determine the properties of biological networks in a detailed way, then we may have the chance to design more robust and efficient non-biological networks. However, this research results shows that discussions on the properties of biological networks are not yet complete
An uncommon cause of acute abdomen: gastric duplication cyst
Gastrik duplikasyon kistleri gastrointestinal sistemin nadir konjenital anomalilerindendir. Hastaların çoğu kusma, iştahsızlık ve beslenme bozukluğu ile başvurur. Olguların yarısı ilk yaş içerisinde tanı alır. Bu çalışmada akut batın sebebi ile başvuran ve gastrik duplikasyon kisti saptadığımız on yaşında ki bir olgu sunulmuştur. Çocuklarda nadir görülen gastrik duplikasyon kistlerinin akut batın nedeni olarak karşımıza çıkabileceği akılda tutulmalıdır.Gastric duplication cyst is a rare congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal system. Patients are mostly presented with vomiting, anorexia and malnutrition. Half of the cases are diagnosed in the first year of life. In this study, we report a 10 year old girl with gastric duplication cyst that was presented as acute abdomen
Network analysis of international export pattern
There is a relationship between the trade flows of the countries and their economic growth potential and development. One way to analyze the trade flows of countries with each other is the use of network analysis techniques. Network analysis uses a visual, mathematical and statistical approach to identify and quantify the structural properties of networks. In this study, the relationship of the first 50 countries in the world in terms of export volume was evaluated with Gephi 0.9.2, one of the social network analysis programs. The effect of the COVID-19 epidemic disease on the commercial flows of the countries is the main purpose of the study. The existence of the effective role of geographic proximity in commercial flows, the commercial partners of the countries, the centrality criteria and the existence of countries that have an active role in the world are clarified with this study
Globalization and the trends of medical technology trade in Turkey.
Medical technology trade is one of the most affected health areas by global regulations in the developing countries. The aim of the study is to examine recent changes in medical technology import and export and their results in Turkey. Data show that the total medical technology imports (MTI) increased from 3427.9 million between 1970 and 2003. While MTI constituted 3.6% of total imports in 1970 and 1.3% in 1980, this ratio raised up to 4.9% in 2003. The ratio of MTI in total health expenditures were also increased from 7.6% in 1970 to 31.5% in 2003. Medical technology exports (MTE) have been increased from 303.2 million in 2003. The ratio of MTE to MTI increased from 2.7% to 13.9% between 1970 and 1990 and decreased after 1990, to 8.8%. Our study implied that the medical technology trade in Turkey has been negatively affected and in some respects differs from some other important industries in the globalization era. Nevertheless, detailed comparative studies in different developing countries such as China, Brazil, Mexico and India, are needed to explore the real state of medical technology trade, use and the effects of globalization on these topics. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
The Effects of Multifaceted Ergonomic Interventions on Musculoskeletal Complaints in Intensive Care Units
Working at intensive care units (ICUs) is considered a risk factor for developing musculoskeletal complaints (MSC). This study was conducted between January 2017 and June 2019 in two ICUs of a university hospital. It was designed as a pre- and post-assessment of the intervention group (IG) (N = 27) compared with a control group (CG) (N = 23) to determine the effects of a multifaceted ergonomics intervention program in reducing MSC. The IG (N: 35) received a multifaceted ergonomic intervention program, which was implemented by an ERGO team over an 18 month period. Four ergonomic interventions were planned as follows: individual level interventions such as training; stretching exercises and motivation meetings; administrative intervention such as a daily 10 min stretching exercises break; engineering interventions such as lifting and usage of auxiliary devices. The CG (N:29) did not receive any intervention. Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire (CMDQ) was used to assess MSC in both groups. At the start of the intervention, both groups were similar concerning the number of visits to doctors due to MSC, the number of sick leave days, and total CMDQ scores (p > 0.05 for all). Two factor repeated ANOVA measures were performed for between-groups and within-group analyses. The mean of the initial CMSDQ total scores in both groups increased significantly in the 18th month (p < 0.001). However, the interaction effect of group and time (between and within factors) was not significant (p = 0.992). Work-related MSC is a common occupational health problem among nurses. This study showed that individual-level interventions are not likely to succeed in eliminating manual patient lifting by nurses. Our results suggested that interventions without administrative measures might have limited succes
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome among young adults in Izmir, Turkey.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components among the young adult ages in İzmir, Turkey. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study was held including 885 subjects aged between 20 to 39 years from 45 primary health care centres in Konak, which is the biggest urban area in İzmir. A stratified sampling method was used to select the participants of 318 males and 567 females. In the study, metabolic syndrome was classified according to NCEP ATP III criterion on the basis of metabolic risk factors evaluated between December 2001 and April 2002. Results: The crude prevalence of metabolic syndrome (having three or more of the metabolic risk factors) was 3.6% among 20 and 29 years old men and 19.6% among 30 and 39 years old men and the increase by age was significant (p<0.001). The results were similar in women and the crude prevalence of metabolic syndrome increased significantly from 7.5% in 20 and 29 years old women to 24% in 30 and 39 years old women (p<0.001). With regard to the highest prevalences of the first three metabolic risk factors, hypertriglyceridemia, low HDL-cholesterol and high blood pressure, the age-adjusted prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was significantly higher in women than in men and all subjects (15% vs 10.2% vs 13.6%, p<0.01) respectively. Conclusion: This study revealed that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was extremely high between young adults in urban areas and the most prevalent components of the metabolic syndrome were found to be high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, abdominal obesity and high fasting glucose, respectively
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