60 research outputs found

    Complex Comorbidity of Substance Use Disorders with Anxiety Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Substance use disorders is a worldwide public health problem that commonly ocur together with our psychiatric and medical disorders. Along with etiologic origins, prognosis of anxiety disorders intercepts with substance use disorders. Due to overlapping symptoms and complaints, it is always difficult for clinicians to recognise these disorders separately. In addition, selecting the best treatment approach is challenging because of the relative risk for developing anxiety disorders in substance use patients or vice versa. In this chapter, authors are focused on adding new aspects to the clinicians for evaluating, treating and following patients with comorbid substance use disorder and anxiety disorder

    Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorders: Unmet Needs

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    Social Anxiety Disorder

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    Neurobiological Perspective and Personalized Treatment in Schizophrenia

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    Personalized treatment is the focus of researchers and comes into prominence for both genetic sciences and neurotechnology. Recently, clinical practice tries to follow the idea and principles of personalized medicine. Besides predicting an individual’s sensibility or predisposition for developing schizophrenia, pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic approaches attempt to define and acknowledge important indicators of clinical response to antipsychotics namely their efficacy and adverse effects. Particularly in the treatment of schizophrenia, clinicians are very helpless in resistant cases, and clinical pharmacogenomics contributes in a revolutionary way. With both phenotyping, namely Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) and genotyping, “big expectations” emerged both with the right drug, the right dose, and the right time. Both pharmacokinetic genotyping, CYP400 enzyme activity, and pharmacodynamic genotyping could be measured. The chapter handles schizophrenia with neurobiological views and covers personalized treatment approaches from various perspectives. Personalized treatment in the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia is presented first. Following comorbid schizophrenia in addition to the use of various substances, psychopharmacology of schizophrenia and the mechanism of action of antipsychotic drugs are presented. Genetics and epigenetics in schizophrenia are studied in detail and in silico application and computational approaches covering the feature extraction process and destructive impact of the metaverse are shared lastly


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    Yeni kuşak antipsikotiklerin üretiminin artışı ile birlikte, antipsikotik polifarmasi, şizofreni hastalarının tedavisinde tekrar gündeme gelmiştir. Son yıllarda, hemen her yıl yeni bir antipsikotik ilaç kullanıma girerken, şizofreninin tedavisinde bu hıza uygun bir sıçrama henüz gerçekleşememiştir. Bozukluğun klinik gidişi, tedaviye direnç karşısında duyulan çaresizliğin ve ilaç tedavisi dışındaki tedavi olanaklarının yetersizliğinin ürünü olarak antipsikotik ilaçlar sık olarak kombine edilmektedir. Antipsikotik polifarmasi uygulaması, tedavi algoritmalarına göre, tedaviye dirençli hastalarda yeterli monoterapi denemelerinden sonraki bir seçenek olabilir. Bir antipsikotikten diğerine geçişte kısa süreli olarak kullanılabilir. Ancak antipsikotik polifarmasi uygulamasının, gereğinden fazla olarak yapıldığının gözlemlenmesi, antipsikotik polifarmasinin daha çok klinik deneyim ve gözlemlere göre uygulandığını düşündürmektedir. Şizofreni tedavisinde antipsikotik polifarmasi sıklığı literatür bilgilerinin ışığında bu derlemede tartışılmıştır

    Recognizing and managing anxiety disorders in primary health care in Turkey

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    Background: Anxiety disorders are common and are frequently not diagnosed accurately in primary care. Our aim was to determine the knowledge gaps of general practitioners (GPs) in the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorders by using vignettes

    TARC: Turkish aripiprazole consensus report- Aripiprazole use and switching from other antipsychotics to aripiprazole- consensus recommendations by a Turkish multidisciplinary panel

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    WOS: 000443982600001PubMed ID: 30210778In this review, we have attempted to share our 10 years' clinical experience with aripiprazole use and switching from other antipsychotics to aripiprazole. There are various reasons for switching, including a partial or complete lack of efficacy, adverse side effects, and partial or noncompliance with medication. Aripiprazole has some unique receptor-binding qualities that provides some advantages over other antipsychotics in certain clinical situations. We have covered potential clinical scenarios for aripiprazole use as a single agent and switching from other agents in inpatient and outpatient settings. Patients switched from other antipsychotics to aripiprazole have been shown to benefit from significant improvements in clinical response and tolerability. This review examines the strategies for switching patients from antipsychotic drugs to aripiprazole