81 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Allocative Efficiency of Wheat Growers in Northern Pakistan

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    Restricted translog production model is used to estimate the allocative efficiency of wheat growers in Peshawar Valley. It is found that average allocative efficiency is 72 percent. To increase the allocative efficiency, farmers need to increase the use of nitrogen and phosphorous and decrease the use of tillage and irrigation.

    An Analysis of Allocative Efficiency of Wheat Growers in Northern Pakistan

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    For the last couple of years several agricultural and trade experts have been advocating if Pakistan has to compete in the international market for export of agricultural products then it needs to decrease the cost of production. In the light of Agreement on Agriculture of WTO, member countries are required to provide increased market access, decrease domestic support and tariff. These agreements are likely to increase the cost of production of various agricultural products for farmers producing these products, and make international competition tougher for export of agricultural commodities. There are three possible ways to decrease the cost of production—by decreasing cost of inputs, by developing cost effective high yielding technologies or by improving management practices. There is little hope for decrease in the cost of inputs. Over the recent years prices of the petroleum products, were revised upward several times and this trend is likely to continue in future. Similarly, there was increase in the prices of gas, electricity and other agricultural inputs. Historically, in Pakistan, increase in prices of agricultural inputs has been much higher than the increase in prices of agricultural outputs [Pakistan (1988)]. Under these circumstances there is little hope of decease in prices of agricultural inputs. As far as development of new agricultural technologies, particularly high yielding varieties, is concerned it is a long-term process. It takes several years to develop a new variety and in its formal approval for distribution to farmers. Nevertheless, there is room for decreasing cost of producing through improvement in the management practices. When economists talk about improvement in the management practices they talk in terms of ‘technical efficiency’ and ‘allocative efficiency’. Technical efficiency has been defined as firm’s ability to produce maximum output given a set of inputs and technology

    Agriculture Value Added and Poverty Reduction in Pakistan: An Econometric Analysis

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    Agriculture plays an important role to reduce poverty in developing countries. This study was conducted with the core objective to examine the role of agriculture in poverty reduction in Pakistan using time series data for the period 1972-2013. This study also analyses the role of services and industrial sectors to mitigate poverty in Pakistan. The study has applied Augmented Dickey-Fuller test to examine the data for stationary. On the basis of ADF test all the variables are stationary at first difference i.e. I (1). Johansen Co-integration test was also applied to assess the long-run relation between the variables. There are two co-integrating vectors. So the results show that all the sectors---agriculture, services and industrial---have long-run relation with poverty reduction. Results of error correction model confirm the long-run relation of agriculture, services and industrial sectors with poverty reduction. Keywords: Agriculture, Poverty Reduction, co-integration, VECM, Pakistan

    Determinants of Child Labor in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: An Econometric Analysis

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    This paper examines how child labor is useful for highlighting those factors because of which parents are forced to engage their children in economic activities. The research is based on cross-sectional data collected from one hundred sampled households through field survey out of which 50 are taken from schools and 50 from market. The binary choice model was used to analyse the determinants of child labour. The results of the econometric model show that the head of the household’s education and household’s average income are significantly and negatively correlated with child labour. The age of the child and family size are insignificantly and positively correlated with child labour. The results of the study conclude that parental education is necessary for better future of children. The study suggests that: 1.government and private sector should provide education facilities to the lower middle and poor people of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province. 2. Open skill development centres in rural areas and urban areas so that those who do not afford the formal education can have some skills for themselves to get the basic needs of life

    The impact of product and process innovation on abandoning fossil fuel energy consumption in low and middle income countries: consent towards carbon neutrality

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    The study used a sample of 43 low and middle-income countries for the time span of 14 years, i.e., from 2005 to 2018 with the objective to analyze the global fossil fuel market. The novelty of the study lies in its variable product and process innovation, study sample as well as the methodology adopted by the System GMM model. The fossil fuels demand in terms of Domestic material consumption of fossil fuel is regressed against 4 Energy and innovation, social and economic variables. The study employed System GMM model for estimation of results and FMOLS for robustness check. The results reveal that estimates for lag fossil fuels consumption, fossil fuel price and GDP are statistically significant and positive while estimates for patents are negative. The study suggests that low and middle income countries’ Government should focus on product and process innovation as a critical element while structuring their policy for climate change mitigation

    Determinants of Child Labor in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: An Econometric Analysis

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    This paper examines how child labor is useful for highlighting those factors because of which parents are forced to engage their children in economic activities. The research is based on cross-sectional data collected from one hundred sampled households through field survey out of which 50 are taken from schools and 50 from market. The binary choice model was used to analyse the determinants of child labour. The results of the econometric model show that the head of the household’s education and household’s average income are significantly and negatively correlated with child labour. The age of the child and family size are insignificantly and positively correlated with child labour. The results of the study conclude that parental education is necessary for better future of children. The study suggests that: 1.government and private sector should provide education facilities to the lower middle and poor people of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province. 2. Open skill development centres in rural areas and urban areas so that those who do not afford the formal education can have some skills for themselves to get the basic needs of life

    Link between Technically Derived Energy Efficiency and Ecological Footprint: Empirical Evidence from the ASEAN Region

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    The sustainable environment has been a desired situation around the world for the last few decades. Environmental contaminations can be a consequence of various economic activities. Different socio-economic factors influence the environment positively or negatively. Many previous studies have resulted in the efficient allocation of inputs as an environment-friendly component. This paper investigates the effects of energy efficiency on ecological footprint in the ASEAN region using balanced panel data from 2001 to 2019. First, this paper technically derives the energy efficiency, using the stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) of the translog production type of single output and multiple inputs. Findings of the SFA show that the Philippines and Singapore have the highest energy efficiency (94%) and Laos has the lowest energy efficiency (85%) in the ASEAN region. The estimated average efficiency score of the ASEAN region was around 90%, ranging from 85% to 96%, indicating that there is still 10% room for improvement in energy efficiency. Second, this study employed the panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to explore the short run and long run impact of technically derived energy efficiency on ecological footprint in the ASEAN region. Results of the panel ARDL model show that energy efficiency is a reducing factor of ecological footprint in the long run. Moreover, energy efficiency plays a significant role to control the environmental contaminations. In addition, results of this study also explored that urbanization is an increasing factor of ecological footprint, and investment in agriculture is also beneficial for the environment. Moreover, to obtain the directional nature of the associations between the ecological footprint and its independent variables, this paper has employed the paired-panel Granger causality test. The results of the paired wise panel Granger causality test also confirm that the energy efficiency, urbanization, and investment in agriculture cause ecological footprint. Finally, this study recommends that efficient utilization of energy resources as well as investment in agriculture are necessary for sustainable environmen

    Immunization status of students of Nishtar medical university against hepatitis B

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    Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Occupational exposure of health care workers and medical students increase their risk of acquiring HBV infection, and many authorities recommend vaccination. However, significant proportions of health care workers do not receive HBV immunization, and remain at increased risk to HBV infection. The present study was conducted on medical students to evaluate their knowledge regarding HBV and to know their vaccination status.Methods: This cross sectional, randomized, observational study was done at Nishtar medical university, Multan from November 2017 to July 2018. A pre-structured and tested questionnaire was given to 150 medical students from first year to final year. Out of these students 75 were males and 75 were females. The students were also interviewed about age, gender, year of study, screening before vaccination, history of vaccination, completion of all 3 doses and reasons for not getting vaccinated.Results: Out of 150 participants, 117 (78%) were vaccinated against HBV. In the vaccinated group, 90 (77%) completed all the three doses of their vaccination schedule and remaining 27 (23%) students were incompletely vaccinated. Rate of vaccine uptake was higher in females; 63 (84%) than in males: 53 (71%). Reasons of not being vaccinated were lack of knowledge about consequences (15.5%), casual behaviour (36%), not knowing from where to get vaccine (12%), fear of injection (10%), busy in studies (10%) and financial problems (8%). Prior screening was done in 74 (63%) students before the vaccination.Conclusions: Despite the availability and accessibility of a cost-effective hepatitis B vaccine since mid80's, the vaccination coverage among medical students is low. Health education needs to be improved in all medical students. The orientation and awareness programmes should be held to create awareness regarding HBV infection

    Development of an Age-Appropriate Mini Orally Disintegrating Carvedilol Tablet with Paediatric Biopharmaceutical Considerations

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    Owing to considerable differences observed in anatomy and physiology between paediatric subsets, it has been well established that children respond to drugs differently compared to adults. Furthermore, from a formulation perspective, there is a distinct challenge to develop a dosage form that is capable of safely, accurately, and reliably delivering the dose across the whole paediatric population. Orally disintegrating mini-tablets (ODMT) have widely been considered as an age-appropriate formulation option that possess the ability for adequate dose flexibility, avoids swallowing difficulties, and exhibits superior stability due to its solid state. Within this study, two strengths (0.5 mg and 2 mg) of carvedilol ODMT formulations were developed using an excipient composition and load that is appropriate for paediatric use. The formulations demonstrated adequate mechanical strength (>20 N) and fast disintegration times (<30 s). Dissolution profiles observed were robust and comparable to the marketed conventional tablet formulation across various parts of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in both the fed and fasted state, signifying appropriate efficacy, quality, and performance. As such, the formulations developed in this study show potential to address the need of an ‘age-appropriate’ formulation of carvedilol, as highlighted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) Inventory of the Needs for Paediatric Medicine

    Virtual Clinical Trials Guided Design of an Age-Appropriate Formulation and Dosing Strategy of Nifedipine for Paediatric Use

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    The rapid onset of action of nifedipine causes a precipitous reduction in blood pressure leading to adverse effects associated with reflex sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation, including tachycardia and worsening myocardial and cerebrovascular ischemia. As a result, short acting nifedipine preparations are not recommended. However, importantly, there are no modified release preparations of nifedipine authorised for paediatric use, and hence a paucity of clinical studies reporting pharmacokinetics data in paediatrics. Pharmacokinetic parameters may differ significantly between children and adults due to anatomical and physiological differences, often resulting in sub therapeutic and/or toxic plasma concentrations of medication. However, in the field of paediatric pharmacokinetics, the use of pharmacokinetic modelling, particularly physiological-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK), has revolutionised the ability to extrapolate drug pharmacokinetics across age groups, allowing for pragmatic determination of paediatric plasma concentrations to support drug licensing and clinical dosing. In order to pragmatically assess the translation of resultant dissolution profiles to the paediatric populations, virtual clinical trials simulations were conducted. In the context of formulation development, the use of PBPK modelling allowed the determination of optimised formulations that achieved plasma concentrations within the target therapeutic window throughout the dosing strategy. A 5 mg sustained release mini-tablet was successfully developed with the duration of release extending over 24 h and an informed optimised dosing strategy of 450 µg/kg twice daily. The resulting formulation provides flexible dosing opportunities, improves patient adherence by reducing frequent administration burden and enhances patient safety profiles by maintaining efficacious levels of consistent drug plasma levels over a sustained period of time