2,665 research outputs found

    Building Up a Real Sector Business Confidence Index for Turkey

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    The two major aims of this study are, firstly, to receive valuable insight into the Business Tendency Survey of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey and, secondly, to construct a real sector confidence index by using the questions of the Business Tendency Survey. The most important motivation behind constructing a real sector confidence index is to provide an indicator of short-term business conditions for economic policy makers and business managers by examining business managers' views on general business conditions and their future anticipations. The real sector confidence index is constructed in accordance with statistical criteria and economic theory. Afterwards, the performance of the index in tracking the cyclical features of industrial production index is tested.Business Tendency Survey, Industrial Production Index, Cross-correlation, Principal Component

    Merciless: Psychopathic Criminals And How The Criminal Justice System Can Protect Us From Them

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    For my presentation, I will discuss an independent study I did with Dr. Durst in the Fall of 2018, in which I wrote about psychopaths and ways the criminal justice system (CJS) can protect society from them. I will first briefly define psychopathy and explain the personality traits associated with it. I will dedicate the rest of my time to explaining ways I believe the CJS can use information about psychopathy to protect society from criminals with that condition. Psychopathy is a subtype of antisocial personality disorder (APD) that is characterized by a lack of empathy and remorse, manipulative and deceitful behavior, shallow emotions and antisocial behavior. It is believed to be diagnosable in 15-30% of U.S prisoners. Due to their skills at manipulation, psychopaths have a keen ability to manipulate the CJS and attain early release, parole, etc. The suggestions I will put forward aim to prevent this. They include: requiring psychological evaluations for certain offenders as part of the sentencing and parole processes, requiring training on the subject for CJS officials, and allowing longer sentences for certain crimes. By presenting, I am not suggesting that I have all the answers to the problem discussed or that policies and laws should be based on my ideas alone. But I do believe that the CJS has not done enough to prevent psychopathic crime and that this is a major flaw. I also believe that it is of great importance that they address it as public safety depends on it

    Family Medicine as a Model of Primary Health Services Delivery: A Pilot Study in Almaty, Kazakhstan

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    Introduction. Advanced models of delivering primary health care are being implemented in various countries of the world. This is especially true for countries undergoing a healthcare transition in Central Asia, such as Kazakhstan, which obtained independence from Soviet Union in 1991. The Kazakhstan National Program of Health Reform, implemented between 2005-2010, aimed to create an effective system of primary care. One of the key directions of healthcare reform implemented in Kazakhstan included the development of family medicine, which has become cutting-edge agenda for Kazakhstan Health Ministry over the past 10 years. While many papers have been published about the importance of family medicine and primary healthcare models, few have focused on analyzing family medicine effectiveness in Kazakhstan and its impact on access to family doctor services and patient satisfaction. The key aims of this pilot investigation were 1) to assess the model’s impact on access to primary care and patients’ satisfaction, and 2) to explore the model’s effectiveness in some Central Asian and transitional countries in the literature. Methods. This pilot study was based on semi-structured interviews and questionnaires about the perception and impact of the primary care model to 86 respondents aged 19-51 (54% females, 46% males). The majority of respondents were Almaty city residents (71%), while the rest were Almaty Province rural residents (22%) and residents of other Kazakhstan regions (7%).Results. Respondents from rural areas associated general practitioners, or family doctors, with community clinics (also referred to as feldsher posts). Even though urban area respondents use family doctor services, they were more likely to get those services in private rather than public clinics. Rural residents appear to have better access to primary care providers than urban residents participating in our study. Also, respondents from rural areas were more satisfied with services provided by family doctors than respondents from urban areas.Conclusions. This pilot study helped to improve our understanding of primary health care reforms implemented in Kazakhstan, a topic that is not traditionally covered in international literature. This pilot study suggests that primary care is more effectively implemented in rural areas of Kazakhstan (Almaty Province); however, future full-scale research in this area is needed to fully understand the complexity of primary healthcare access in Kazakhstan

    Entrepreneurial University Perspective: Tracking Labor Force Capacity to Support Industrialization Processes in the Emerging Markets, Evidence from Kazakhstan Data

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    Industrialisation is considered as main engine of growth in economic development of the most emerging markets. This is especially true for Central Asian transitional countries as Kazakhstan, which obtained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. For enhancing country’s competitiveness potential, Kazakhstan National Program for 2010-2014 aimed to accelerate industrial-innovative development of the country. While many papers published about the importance of industrialization activities in Kazakhstan, few have focused on examining the current capacity of labor market to meet the industry demand. Main aim of this paper was to investigate if current manpower is adequate to maintain the planned rate of growth in the country. Higher level of economic production led to higher demand of engineering labor force. High demand with low frequency supply created an imbalance in the labor market that resulted what we see as shortage of technically skilled labor. Low frequency of supply is influenced by such factors as high engineers’ outflow rate, low students enrolment and graduation rates, and lack of practical skills of the graduates hired. An erratum to this article has been published as https://doi.org/10.5195/emaj.2017.132.

    The determination of heterotic effects of earliness and some agronomical characteristics in F1 and F2 generations of interspecific (G. Hirsutum L. X G. Barbadense L.) cotton crosses

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    Çalışmanın amacı, G.hirsutum L. x G.barbadense L. Türler Arası Pamuk Melezlerinin F1 ve F2 Döl Kuşaklarında Erkencilik ve Bazı Tarımsal Özelliklerin saptanmasıdır. Deneme, ADÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Tarlalarında yürütülecektir. Pamuk genotiplerinde incelenen özelliklere ilişkin heterotik etkiler, kontrol çeşide üstünlük ve kalıtım derecesi saptanacaktır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesi dışında ümitvar melez kombinasyonlar ileri döl kuşaklarına aktarılacaktır. The aim of the study is to determine the earliness and some agronomical characteristics in F1 and F2 generations of interspecific (G.hirsutum L. x G.barbadense L.) cotton crosses. The trial will be carried out in the application and research fields of Agricultural Faculty of ADU. Heterotic effects on the properties of cotton genotypes, superiority to control variety, heritability will be detected. Beside the evaluation of the data, promising hybrid combinations will be transferred to the advanced generations of progeny

    Guidelines for Writing a Book Review: Through the Lens of the First-Year Doctoral Student Experience

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    Writing a critical book review is an integral part of the scholarly development process of any emerging researcher. The payoff of writing a book review is great, as it helps the emerging scholar to sharpen both writing and critical thinking skills, and understand the process of writing and editing a book. A critical review of the book may include a brief yet effective summary of the book; the relevance of the ideas today in general; a thorough analysis of the author’s main concepts and ideas, including the discussion about the authors’ main arguments, how and why the author has put the book together in such away, how well the author has supported ideas and facts; and discussion of the book’s strengths and weaknesses, which may include the overall content, organization, style and application to a certain context. Mentioning whether the author has achieved the stated purpose of the book is also important. For example, you may find this information in the preface or the introduction part of the book. My personal experience of writing a critical book review indicates that the process has three stages: before, during and after

    Complex Assessment of Pilot Fatigue in Terms of Physiological Parameters

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    Únava pilotů je jedním z hlavních důvodů leteckých nehod, ke kterým došlo v důsledku pochybení lidského činitele. Z tohoto důvodu je v zájmu zachování nejvyšších standardů letové bezpečnosti ve všech fázích letu zásadní být schopen zabránit vzniku únavy nebo alespoň být schopen ji účinně detekovat a následně na tuto skutečnost upozornit posádku, aby byla schopna unaveného člena posádky odstavit. V současnosti existují studie zabývající se detekcí a sledováním únavy pilotů prostřednictvím fyziologických parametrů, jako je srdeční aktivita, pohyby očí, aktivita horních končetin apod. Ze všech dostupných fyziologických měření se pak analýza variability srdečního rytmu (HRV) jeví jako nejvhodnější metoda zkoumání únavy pilota. Ačkoli se k hodnocení únavy používá mnoho parametrů vycházejících z analýzy variability srdečního rytmu, v literatuře neexistuje shoda o tom, které z těchto parametrů variability srdeční frekvence jsou nejdůležitější pro použití při detekci únavy piloty. Na základě tohoto nedostatku informací v kontextu současného stavu poznání je cílem této práce zjistit nejvýznamnější parametry analýzy variability srdečního rytmu, které lze přímo použít při monitorování únavy pilota. Pro účely zisku dat byly provedeny 24hodinové experimenty, při nichž byla sbírána data o srdeční aktivitě 16 subjektů na Ústavu letecké dopravy, Fakulty dopravní, Českého vysokého učení technického v Praze. Údaje o srdeční aktivitě subjektu byly zaznamenány ve formě elektrokardiogramu (EKG), zatímco plnily letové úkoly. První část této práce přináší teoretické základy únavy v prostředí kokpitu a vysvětluje několik metod, které se používají pro analýzu variability srdeční frekvence zaznamenaných signálů EKG. Následující části obsahují metody statistické analýzy používané k zjištění parametrů s nejvyšší importancí. Výsledky naznačují, že parametr pVLF analýzy ve frekvenční a časově-frekvenční doméně a parametr nHF analýzy HRV ve frekvenční doméně jsou parametry s nejvyšší importancí v případě indikace únavy člena letové posádky. Klíčová slova: Únava pilota, fyziologické parametry, srdeční aktivita, variabilita srdečního rytmuPilot fatigue is one of the main reasons of aircraft accidents that were caused due to the human error factors in flight crew. Therefore, in order to maintain the highest standards of flight safety throughout all flight phases, it is crucially important to be able to prevent occurrence of fatigue or at least to be able to efficiently detect it, afterwards alert the crew to eliminate the fatigued member from flying. At present, there are many studies focusing on detection and monitoring of pilot fatigue by tracking pilot’s physiological parameters such as: cardiac activity, eye movements, upper-limb activities etc. Among all those physiological measurements available, heart rate variability analysis seems to be the most accurate method to examine pilot fatigue. Although many indices of heart rate variability analysis are used to evaluate fatigue, there is no consensus in the literature on which of those heart rate variability indices are the most important ones to utilize on determination of pilot fatigue. Based on this lack of information on the current state of the art, the purpose of this thesis is to ascertain the most significant parameters of heart rate variability analysis that can be directly used in determining pilot fatigue. For obtaining data, a 24-hours of cardiac activity measurements were conducted on 16 subjects on a flight simulator located at the Department of Air Transport, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University in Prague. The subject’s cardiac activity data were recorded in form of electrocardiogram (ECG) while they performed flying tasks. The first part of this thesis delivers a theoretical background on fatigue in the cockpit environment and explains several methods that are used for heart rate variability analysis of the recorded ECG signals. The following parts provide the statistical analysis methods used to find out the most important parameters. The results indicate that pVLF index of the frequency domain and time-frequency domain analysis and nHF parameter of frequency-domain analysis of HRV corresponds to the most important indices which indicate fatigued condition of a flight crew member. Keywords: Pilot fatigue, physiological parameters, cardiac activity, heart rate variabilit