115 research outputs found

    The transition of China and Ussr: A political economy perspective

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    This paper will focus on how the transition in China differs from that of USSR in terms of the Big Bang (shock therapy) and the Gradualist approach. While many econometric studies show that nations which apply both shock therapy and or gradualism end up at the same point, making the debate unnecessary, the author believes that gradualism was far more successfully implemented than the latter. When reforming the structure of the economy, it has to be remembered that a market based solution is a means not an end and it is more important “getting it right” than transitioning as fast as possible to ensure a level of playing field and long term sustainable growth.Transition; Reform; Economics; Politics

    Education inequality, economic growth, and income inequality: Evidence from Indonesia, 1996-2005

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    Abstract This paper examines the determinants of economic growth, income inequality, and their relationship in the context of education inequality. The econometric results from a cross-section analysis of 23 provinces in the period of 1996-2005 indicate that a higher level of human capital and the relative dispersion of human capital have a disequalizing effect on the income distribution. It also confirms that economic growth has strongly and significantly equalizing effect on the income distribution, supporting the complementarity relationship between equity and growth. In addition, human capital investment contributes significantly to the growth of economy. Therefore, in a bid to achieve egalitarian society with a more equitable distribution of income, economic policies should be more targeted at not only more education but also equal access to education.Education, Growth, Inequality, and Indonesia

    Deforestation and multinational companies: a conceptual note

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    Trade liberalization and worldwide economic integration have brought not only an increase in wealth but also in transnational threats. Environmental devastation caused by commercial activities of multinational corporations (MNCs) is one of such threats. While almost all countries have environmental laws designed from pollution, the rules differ per country. Yet, only in the context of legally binding regulatory measures should multinationals be compelled to conduct business in an environmentally friendly mannerDeforestation, MNCs, Regulation, Countries

    Measuring gini coefficient of education: the Indonesian cases

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    While income inequality in third world countries has aggressively been commented and studied extensively, little analysis is relatively available on measuring inequality in other dimensions of human development. The main findings suggest that inequality in education as measured by education Gini is negatively associated with average years schooling, implying that higher education attainments are more likely to achieve equality in education. Moreover, a clear pattern on an education Kuznets curve exists if standard deviation of schooling is used. Furthermore, gender gaps are related to education inequality and the relation between these variables become stronger over time.Education; Inequality; Indonesia

    The Government’s Policy Strategy on Mitigating Covid-19 Pandemic In Indonesia

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    As one of the countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia has a death toll of 7.8% of the total deaths due to the COVID-19 disease in the world. This figure is one of the highest death rates in the world. Of course, if it is not handled correctly, then various problems will continue to emerge from each other, so it can have a long-lasting bad impact if it is not appropriately handled. Therefore, the researcher intends to examine how the government will make economic policies in Indonesia to overcome the COVID-19 problem. This research will use a qualitative approach through the case approach method. The findings obtained from this research suggest that the government should make new economic policies to help various elements of society deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. These policies include reducing electricity and fuel costs, direct assistance in cash, issuing pre-employment cards and food cards for recipients, free examinations, and special incentives for medical staff

    Pendampingan Keberlanjutan UMKM dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi di Kecamatan Babelan Kabupaten Bekasi

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    In this study, we conducted a mini survey and interviews with MSME actors in Babelan District, Bekasi Regency, to identify the challenges they face in understanding and implementing sustainability reporting. The survey revealed several issues commonly encountered by MSMEs in the region regarding sustainability reporting. In response to the identified challenges, we initiated a dissemination activity aimed at enhancing the understanding of MSMEs in Babelan District, Bekasi Regency, regarding sustainability reporting. The method used in this community service is Community Based Research (CBR) using the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) approach in training, mentoring, and consultation. The primary goal of this activity is to provide MSMEs with the necessary tools and knowledge to create sustainability reports that can help them effectively manage their business operations and promote sustainability. By addressing the needs of MSMEs for accessible and relevant sustainability reporting, we aim to contribute to the improvement of economic welfare in Babelan District, Bekasi Regency. Empowering MSMEs with the capacity to embrace responsible business practices can lead to more sustainable and resilient enterprises, benefitting not only the businesses themselves but also the local community and environment. In conclusion, the dissemination of MSME sustainability reporting serves as a critical step towards achieving sustainable and responsible business practices. This activity strives to support the growth and development of MSMEs, ensuring their long-term success and positive impact on the economy and society at large

    Deforestation and multinational companies: a conceptual note

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    Trade liberalization and worldwide economic integration have brought not only an increase in wealth but also in transnational threats. Environmental devastation caused by commercial activities of multinational corporations (MNCs) is one of such threats. While almost all countries have environmental laws designed from pollution, the rules differ per country. Yet, only in the context of legally binding regulatory measures should multinationals be compelled to conduct business in an environmentally friendly manne


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the variables Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin (NPM), and Quick Ratio on Profit Growth in Coal Mining Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2013-2020. The population of this study are coal mining companies that have been and are still listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2013-2020 period. Sampling technique using saturated sampling technique and obtained a sample of 17 companies. This study uses secondary data in the form of financial statements that meet the criteria, data obtained from financial statements obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange which can be accessed through www.idx.co.id. The analytical technique used in this study is linear regression of panel data using the STATA 16 program. The results show that the DER variable has a positive and insignificant effect on profit growth. The NPM variable has a negative and significant effect on profit growth. The QR variable has a negative and insignificant effect on profit growth

    Nilai Perusahaan Food & Beverage Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Periode 2018-2022 Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Rasio Profitabilitas, Rasio Aktivitas, Dan Rasio Leverage

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of Return On Assets, Curret Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio on Price Book Value. The population in this study are Food & Beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Sampling in this study used a purposive sampling technique in order to obtain a sample of 26 with each period of 5 years. The data that can be obtained in this study is 130 data resulting from the number of samples multiplied by the period. The analytical method of this study uses panel data regression with the STATA Statistics application version 17. Partially, the results of this study indicate that Return On Assets has a negative and significant effect on Price Book Value. Current Ratio has a negative and significant effect on Price Book Value, and Debt to Asset Ratio has a positive but not significant effect on Price Book Value. Simultaneously Return On Assets, Current Ratio, and Debt to Asset Ratio have a significant effect on Price Book Value. Keywords: Return On Assets;Current Ratio;Debt to Asset Ratio;Price Book Valu

    Peran Lembaga Pengelola Dana Dan Usaha Keolahragaan (LPDUK) Dalam Pengelolaan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) Untuk Pengembangan Industri Olahraga

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    The Indonesian government has implemented the Reinventing Government paradigm to improve public services. The paradigm focuses on innovation and adaptability to the changing needs of the population. This article uses a qualitative approach using a literature study. The author tries to explain the concept of rediscovering the role and function of the Sports Fund and Business Management Institution (LPDUK) with BLU status at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in managing Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) in the context of developing the sports industry.The role of government in public services includes directing public services, advancing public interests, fostering aspirations, generating potential, coordinating activities, fostering cooperation, and ensuring community welfare. The government is seen as a fixed entity that does not change, but rather adapts to the changing political and technological landscape. The Public Service Agency (BLU) is a key component of this paradigm, combining government and public service functions. BLUs are government agencies that provide public services without requiring government intervention. BLU is also called Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) in the APBN structure. Keywords: LPDUK, BLU, PNBP, Ministry of Youth and Sport