44 research outputs found

    STAT3 Activation in Skeletal Muscle Links Muscle Wasting and the Acute Phase Response in Cancer Cachexia

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    Cachexia, or weight loss despite adequate nutrition, significantly impairs quality of life and response to therapy in cancer patients. In cancer patients, skeletal muscle wasting, weight loss and mortality are all positively associated with increased serum cytokines, particularly Interleukin-6 (IL-6), and the presence of the acute phase response. Acute phase proteins, including fibrinogen and serum amyloid A (SAA) are synthesized by hepatocytes in response to IL-6 as part of the innate immune response. To gain insight into the relationships among these observations, we studied mice with moderate and severe Colon-26 (C26)-carcinoma cachexia.Moderate and severe C26 cachexia was associated with high serum IL-6 and IL-6 family cytokines and highly similar patterns of skeletal muscle gene expression. The top canonical pathways up-regulated in both were the complement/coagulation cascade, proteasome, MAPK signaling, and the IL-6 and STAT3 pathways. Cachexia was associated with increased muscle pY705-STAT3 and increased STAT3 localization in myonuclei. STAT3 target genes, including SOCS3 mRNA and acute phase response proteins, were highly induced in cachectic muscle. IL-6 treatment and STAT3 activation both also induced fibrinogen in cultured C2C12 myotubes. Quantitation of muscle versus liver fibrinogen and SAA protein levels indicates that muscle contributes a large fraction of serum acute phase proteins in cancer.These results suggest that the STAT3 transcriptome is a major mechanism for wasting in cancer. Through IL-6/STAT3 activation, skeletal muscle is induced to synthesize acute phase proteins, thus establishing a molecular link between the observations of high IL-6, increased acute phase response proteins and muscle wasting in cancer. These results suggest a mechanism by which STAT3 might causally influence muscle wasting by altering the profile of genes expressed and translated in muscle such that amino acids liberated by increased proteolysis in cachexia are synthesized into acute phase proteins and exported into the blood

    Clinical classification of cancer cachexia:phenotypic correlates in human skeletal muscle

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    Aim – To relate muscle phenotype to a range of current diagnostic criteria for cancer cachexia Methods – 41 patients with resectable upper gastrointestinal (GI) or pancreatic cancer underwent characterisation for cachexia based on weight-loss (WL) and / or low muscularity (LM). Four diagnostic criteria were used >5%WL, >10% WL, LM, and LM + >2%WL. Patients underwent biopsy of the rectus muscle. Analysis included immunohistochemistry for fibre size and type, protein and nucleic acid concentration, and Western blots for markers of autophagy, SMAD signalling, and inflammation. Results – Compared with non-cachectic cancer patients, if patients were classified by LM or LM + >2%WL, mean muscle fibre diameter was significantly reduced (p = 0.02 and p = 0.001) repectively. No difference in fibre diameter was observed if patients were classified with WL alone. Regardless of classification, there was no difference in fibre number or proportion of fibre type across all myosin heavy chain isoforms. Mean muscle protein content was reduced and the ratio of RNA/DNA decreased if patients were classified by either >5% WL or LM + >2%WL. Compared with non-cachectic patients, when patients were classified according to >5% WL, SMAD3 protein levels were increased (p=0.022) and with >10% WL, beclin (p = 0.05) and ATG5 (p = 0.01) protein levels were also increased. There were no differences in pNFkB or pSTAT3 levels across any of the groups. Conclusions – Whereas fibre type is not targeted selectively, muscle fibre size, biochemical composition and pathway phenotype can vary according to whether the criteria for cachexia include both a measure of low muscularity and weight loss

    Myosin regulatory light chain modulates the Ca2+ dependence of the kinetics of tension development in skeletal muscle fibers.

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    To determine the role of myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) in modulating contraction in skeletal muscle, we examined the rate of tension development in bundles of skinned skeletal muscle fibers as a function of the level of Ca(2+) activation after UV flash-induced release of Ca(2+) from the photosensitive Ca(2+) chelator DM-nitrophen. In control fiber bundles, the rate of tension development was highly dependent on the concentration of activator Ca(2+) after the flash. There was a greater than twofold increase in the rate of tension development when the post-flash [Ca(2+)] was increased from the lowest level tested (which produced a steady tension that was 42% of maximum tension) to the highest level (producing 97% of maximum tension). However, when 40-70% of endogenous myosin RLC was extracted from the fiber bundles, tension developed at the maximum rate, regardless of the post-flash concentration of Ca(2+). Thus, the Ca(2+) dependence of the rate of tension development was eliminated by partial extraction of myosin RLC, an effect that was partially reversed by recombination of RLC back into the fiber bundles. The elimination of the Ca(2+) dependence of the kinetics of tension development was specific to the extraction of RLC rather than an artifact of the co-extraction of both RLC and Troponin C, because the rate of tension development was still Ca(2+) dependent, even when nearly 50% of endogenous Troponin C was extracted from fiber bundles fully replete with RLC. Thus, myosin RLC appears to be a key component in modulating Ca(2+) sensitive cross-bridge transitions that limit the rate of force development after photorelease of Ca(2+) in skeletal muscle fibers

    Effects of a non-divalent cation binding mutant of myosin regulatory light chain on tension generation in skinned skeletal muscle fibers.

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    Each myosin molecule contains two heavy chains and a total of four low-molecular weight light chain subunits, two "essential" and two "regulatory" light chains (RLCs). Although the roles of myosin light chains in vertebrate striated muscle are poorly understood at present, recent studies on the RLC have suggested that it has a modulatory role with respect to Ca2+ sensitivity of tension and the rate of tension development, effects that may be mediated by Ca2+ binding to the RLC. To examine possible roles of the RLC Ca2+/Mg2+ binding site in tension development by skeletal muscle, we replaced endogenous RLC in rabbit skinned psoas fibers with an avian mutant RLC (D47A) having much reduced affinity for divalent cations. After replacement of up to 80% of the endogenous RLC with D47A RLC, maximum tension (at pCa 4.5) was significantly reduced compared with preexchange tension, and the amount of decrease was directly related to the extent of D47A exchange. Fiber stiffness changed in proportion to tension, indicating that the decrease in tension was due to a decrease in the number of tension-generating cross-bridges. Decreases in both tension and stiffness were substantially, although incompletely, reversed after reexchange of native RLC for D47A. RLC exchange was also performed using a wild-type RLC. Although a small decrease in tension was observed after wild-type RLC exchange, the decrease was not proportional to the extent of RLC exchange and was not reversed by reexchange of the native RLC. D47A exchange also decreased the Ca2+ sensitivity of tension and reduced the apparent cooperativity of tension development. The results suggest that divalent cation binding to myosin RLC plays an important role in tension generation in skeletal muscle fibers

    Phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain eliminates force-dependent changes in relaxation rates in skeletal muscle.

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    The rate of relaxation from steady-state force in rabbit psoas fiber bundles was examined before and after phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain (RLC). Relaxation was initiated using diazo-2, a photolabile Ca2+ chelator that has low Ca2+ binding affinity (K(Ca) = 4.5 x 10(5) M(-1)) before photolysis and high affinity (K(Ca) = 1.3 x 10(7) M(-1)) after photolysis. Before phosphorylating RLC, the half-times for relaxation initiated from 0.27 +/- 0.02, 0.51 +/- 0.03, and 0.61 +/- 0.03 Po were 90 +/- 6, 140 +/- 6, and 182 +/- 9 ms, respectively. After phosphorylation of RLC, the half-times for relaxation from 0.36 +/- 0.03 Po, 0.59 +/- 0.03 Po, and 0.65 +/- 0.02 Po were 197 +/- 35 ms, 184 +/- 35 ms, and 179 +/- 22 ms. This slowing of relaxation rates from steady-state forces less than 0.50 Po was also observed when bundles of fibers were bathed with N-ethylmaleimide-modified myosin S-1, a strongly binding cross-bridge derivative of S1. These results suggest that phosphorylation of RLC slows relaxation, most likely by slowing the apparent rate of transition of cross-bridges from strongly bound (force-generating) to weakly bound (non-force-generating) states, and reduces or eliminates Ca2+ and cross-bridge activation-dependent changes in relaxation rates