22 research outputs found

    Isotopic prediction simulations applied to high burnup samples irradiated in VANDELLÓS-II Reactor core

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    Isotopic content assessment has a paramount importance for safety and storage reasons. During the latest years, a great variety of codes have been developed to perform transport and decay calculations, but only those that couple both in an iterative manner achieve an accurate prediction of the final isotopic content of irradiated fuels. Needless to say, them all are supposed to pass the test of the comparison of their predictions against the corresponding experimental measures

    Isotopic uncertainty assessment due to nuclear data uncertainties in high-burnup samples.

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    The accurate prediction of the spent nuclear fuel content is essential for its safe and optimized transportation, storage and management. This isotopic evolution can be predicted using powerful codes and methodologies throughout irradiation as well as cooling time periods. However, in order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, it is desirable to determine how uncertainties affect isotopic prediction calculations by quantifying their associated uncertainties

    A Comparison of Sensitivity/Uncertainty Methodologies for the Tritium Production in the HFTM/IFMIF Specimen Cells and measurements in Tritium activity in HCLL TBM mock-up LiPb

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    The prediction of the tritium production is required for handling procedures of samples, safety&maintenance and licensing of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF)

    Uncertainty assessment methodologies applied to Tritium production in fusion lithium breeding blankets

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    - Need of Tritium production - Neutronic objectives - The Frascati experiment - Measurements of Tritium activit

    A Comparison of different Uncertainty Activation Cross-Section Data Libraries and collapsed values for different neutron spectra: ADS, FISSION and FUSION

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    PART I:Cross-section uncertainties under differentneutron spectra. PART II: Processing uncertainty librarie

    Propagation of nuclear data uncertainties in fuel cycle calculations using MONTE-CARLO Technique

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    The uncertainty propagation in fuel cycle calculations due to Nuclear Data (ND) is a important important issue for : issue for : • Present fuel cycles (e.g. high burnup fuel programme) • New fuel cycles designs (e.g. fast breeder reactors and ADS) Different error propagation techniques can be used: • Sensitivity analysis • Response Response Surface Method Surface Method • Monte Carlo technique Then, p p , , in this paper, it is assessed the imp y pact of ND uncertainties on the decay heat and radiotoxicity in two applications: • Fission Pulse Decay ( y Heat calculation (FPDH) • Conceptual design of European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT

    Uncertainty methods inactivation and inventory calculations

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    For a number of important nuclides, complete activation data libraries with covariance data will be produced, so that uncertainty propagation in fuel cycle codes (in this case ACAB,FISPIN, ...) can be developed and tested. Eventually, fuel inventory codes should be able to handle the complete set of uncertainty data, i.e. those of nuclear reactions (cross sections, etc.), radioactive decay and fission yield data. For this, capabilities will be developed both to produce covariance data and to propagate the uncertainties through the inventory calculations

    Isotopic prediction calculation methodologies: application to Vandellos-II Reactor cycles 7-11

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    Determining as accurate as possible spent nuclear fuel isotopic content is gaining importance due to its safety and economic implications. Since nowadays higher burn ups are achievable through increasing initial enrichments, more efficient burn up strategies within the reactor cores and the extension of the irradiation periods, establishing and improving computation methodologies is mandatory in order to carry out reliable criticality and isotopic prediction calculations. Several codes (WIMSD5, SERPENT 1.1.7, SCALE 6.0, MONTEBURNS 2.0 and MCNP-ACAB) and methodologies are tested here and compared to consolidated benchmarks (OECD/NEA pin cell moderated with light water) with the purpose of validating them and reviewing the state of the isotopic prediction capabilities. These preliminary comparisons will suggest what can be generally expected of these codes when applied to real problems. In the present paper, SCALE 6.0 and MONTEBURNS 2.0 are used to model the same reported geometries, material compositions and burn up history of the Spanish Van de llós II reactor cycles 7-11 and to reproduce measured isotopies after irradiation and decay times. We analyze comparisons between measurements and each code results for several grades of geometrical modelization detail, using different libraries and cross-section treatment methodologies. The power and flux normalization method implemented in MONTEBURNS 2.0 is discussed and a new normalization strategy is developed to deal with the selected and similar problems, further options are included to reproduce temperature distributions of the materials within the fuel assemblies and it is introduced a new code to automate series of simulations and manage material information between them. In order to have a realistic confidence level in the prediction of spent fuel isotopic content, we have estimated uncertainties using our MCNP-ACAB system. This depletion code, which combines the neutron transport code MCNP and the inventory code ACAB, propagates the uncertainties in the nuclide inventory assessing the potential impact of uncertainties in the basic nuclear data: cross-section, decay data and fission yield

    Impact of Nuclear Data Uncertainties in the Phase-1B Benchmark

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    Accurate control over the spent nuclear fuel content is essential for its safe and optimized transportation, storage and management. Consequently, the reactivity of spent fuel and its isotopic content must be accurately determined

    A Comparison of different Uncertainty Activation Cross-Section Data Libraries: Application to the Prediction Uncertainty in Tritium Production

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    T actitivity in LiPb LiPb mock-up material irradiated in Frascati: measurement and MCNP result