10,842 research outputs found
The effect of radioactive substances on sludge digestion
Bibliography: p. 40
Status of Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
The present experimental status in the search for neutrinoless double beta
decay is reviewed, with emphasis on the first indication for neutrinoless
double beta decay found in the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, giving first
evidence for lepton number violation and a Majorana nature of the neutrinos.
Future perspectives of the field are briefly outlined.Comment: 37 pages, latex, 23 figures, Published in Found. Phys. 32 (2002)
1181-1223 and Presented at Fourth Heidelberg International Conference on Dark
Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics, DARK2002, Cape Town, South Africa, 4 -
9 February, 2002, eds. H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and R. Viollier,
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, (2002) 367-403 see Home Page of Heidelberg
Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group:
Cross-Section Fluctuations in Chaotic Scattering
For the theoretical prediction of cross-section fluctuations in chaotic
scattering, the cross-section autocorrelation function is needed. That function
is not known analytically. Using experimental data and numerical simulations,
we show that an analytical approximation to the cross-section autocorrelation
function can be obtained with the help of expressions first derived by Davis
and Boose. Given the values of the average S-matrix elements and the mean level
density of the scattering system, one can then reliably predict cross-section
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Medi-Cal Expansion under the Affordable Care Act: Significant Increase in Coverage with Minimal Cost to the State
Since 2011, California has been taking steps towards expanding Medicaid under the Afordable Care Act (ACA) by implementing Low Income Health Programs (LIHPs) in most California counties. Under the "Bridge to Reform" Medicaid §1115 waiver, just over 500,000 California adults are currently enrolled in coverage in advance of ACA implementation using federal and county funds. he vast majority of these LIHP enrollees can become eligible for Medi-Cal coverage under the ACA beginning January 1, 2014, and the remainder will be eligible for subsidies through Covered California (the California Health Benefit Exchange).In early 2013, California legislators will consider bills to implement a key provision of the ACA that would expand Medi-Cal to low-income adults under age 65, including those without children living at home. Lawfully-present childless adults with income up to 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level and parents with income between 106 percent and 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level will be newly eligible. Some unenrolled children and parents who are already income-eligible for the program under existing eligibility rules could also enroll due to the minimum coverage requirement to obtain insurance created by the ACA, improved eligibility, enrollment and redetermination processes, and enhanced awareness of coverage options.In this report, we estimate the growth in Medi-Cal enrollment among both the newly and already eligible using the UC Berkeley-UCLA California Simulation of Insurance Markets (CalSIM) model. We discuss the broader impact of the Medi-Cal Expansion in terms of health outcomes, providers and the economy. We estimate the federal and state spending on increased Medi-Cal enrollment, along with the state tax revenues generated by new federal Medi-Cal spending and potential savings in other areas of the budget
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay with enriched 76Ge in Gran Sasso 1990-2003
The results of the HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW experiment which searches with 11 kg of
enriched 76Ge for double beta decay in the GRAN Sasso underground laboratory
are presented for the full running period August 1990 - May 2003. The duty
cycle of the experiment was ~80%, the collected statistics is 71.7 kg y. The
background achieved in the energy region of the Q value for double beta decay
is 0.11 events/ kg y keV. The two-neutrino accompanied half-life is determined
on the basis of more than 100 000 events. The confidence level for the
neutrinoless signal has been improved to 4.2 sigma.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 9 figures, 2 table
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Politics of pesticides
In regard to pesticides, today we have lost the benefit perspective. We no longer have a balance in the mind’s eye of the media, nor in the mind’s eye of the public as a whole. We talk, instead, about the risk to man, the risk to the environment, and the risk to wildlife that is wrought by the very use of the modern tools that have brought up production and health protection miracles. And, until that perspective is re-asserted in a balance, we’re going to lose the very tools that we depend on today to produce quality food, economical fiber, and to protect the good health of this nation. It’s amazing to me that we can ban the use of ethylene dibromide (EDB) and restrict its contamination in ready-to-eat products to 30 ppb, when at the same time we allow aflatoxin, which is a mold in peanut butter, to be present at 15 ppb knowing full well that it has 1,000 times the carcinogenic potential of EDB. That is the consistency and logic of our federal government. We need to re-align perception with fact, because unless we do and until we do, the politics of pesticides are going to win
Meta-State conversion
In MIMD (Multiple Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream) execution, each processor has its own state. Although these states are generally considered to be independent entities, it is also possible to view the set of processor states at a particular time as single, aggregate, Meta State. Once a program has been converted into a single finite automaton based on Meta States, only a single proram counter is needed. Hence, it is possible to duplicate the MIMD execution using SIMD (Single Instruction stream, Multiple Data stream) hardware without the ovehead of interpretation or even of having each processing element keep a copy of the MIMD code. In this paper, we present an algorithm for Meta-State Conversion (MSC) and explore some properties of the technique
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