6,073 research outputs found

    Demonstration of rapid and sensitive module leak certification for Space Station Freedom

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    A leak detection and quantification demonstration using perflurocarbon tracer (PFT) technology was successfully performed at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center on January 25, 1991. The real-time Dual Trap Analyzer (DTA) at one-half hour after the start of the first run gave an estimated leak rate of 0.7 mL/min. This has since been refined to be 1.15 (+ or -) 0.09 mL/min. The leak rates in the next three runs were determined to be 9.8 (+ or -) 0.7, -0.4 (+ or -) 0.3, and 76 (+ or -) 6 mL/min, respectively. The theory on leak quantification in the steady-state and time-dependent modes for a single zone test facility was developed and applied to the above determinations. The laboratory PFT analysis system gave a limit-of-detection (LOD) of 0.05 fL for ocPDCH. This is the tracer of choice and is about 100-fold better than that for the DTA. Applied to leak certification, the LOD is about 0.00002 mL/s (0.000075 L/h), a 5 order-of-magnitude improvement over the original leak certification specification. Furthermore, this limit can be attained in a measurement period of 3 to 4 hours instead of days, weeks, or months. A new Leak Certification Facility is also proposed to provide for zonal (three zones) determination of leak rates. The appropriate multizone equations, their solutions, and error analysis have already been derived. A new concept of seal-integrity certification has been demonstrated for a variety of controlled leaks in the range of module leak testing. High structural integrity leaks were shown to have a linear dependence of flow on (Delta)p. The rapid determination of leak rates at different pressures is proposed and is to be determined while subjecting the module to other external force-generating parameters such as vibration, torque, solar intensity, etc

    Surfacing Times and Dive Rates for Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) and Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas)

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    Time spent at and near the sea surface was measured for 25 narwhals, Monodon monoceros, and 39 belugas or white whales, Delphinapterus leucas, in West Greenland and Canada from 1993 through 1999, using satellite-linked data recorders. Narwhals spent less time at the surface than belugas did, and the surfacing time of belugas also varied between localities. No clear differences in surfacing time were associated with the time of day, but belugas tended to make more dives during the night than during the day. Despite large variability in surfacing behaviour among individual whales, time spent at the surface by both species declined from August through November. The few data collected from narwhals from November to February indicate that surfacing times remained low during this period although more than 25% of each 6 h period was spent at the surface. Whales made between 2 and 20 dives per hour, and narwhals made significantly fewer dives than did belugas, for which number of dives varied with locality. The number of dives deeper than 8 m declined substantially during the autumn for belugas and narwhals that were moving offshore. When travelling, the whales apparently made fewer dives than at other times.De 1993 Ă  fin 1999, on a mesurĂ© le temps passĂ© Ă  la surface de la mer ou prĂšs de celle-ci par 25 narvals, Monodon monoceros, et 39 bĂ©lougas ou baleines blanches, Delphinapterus leucas, dans le Groenland occidental et au Canada, en recourant Ă  des enregistreurs de donnĂ©es en liaison avec un satellite. Les narvals passaient moins de temps que les bĂ©lougas Ă  la surface, et le temps passĂ© par ces derniers en surface variait d'un endroit Ă  un autre. Aucune diffĂ©rence marquĂ©e dans le temps de surface n'a Ă©tĂ© associĂ© avec le moment de la journĂ©e, mais les bĂ©lougas avaient tendance Ă  faire plus de plongĂ©es la nuit que le jour. MalgrĂ© une grande variabilitĂ© dans le comportement de surface parmi les baleines prises individuellement, le temps passĂ© en surface par les deux espĂšces a diminuĂ© d'aoĂ»t Ă  fin novembre. Les quelques donnĂ©es provenant des narvals de novembre Ă  fĂ©vrier indiquent que, durant cette pĂ©riode, les durĂ©es Ă  la surface sont restĂ©es brĂšves, mĂȘme si plus de 25 p. cent de chaque pĂ©riode de 6 h se passait en surface. Les baleines effectuaient de 2 Ă  20 plongĂ©es par heure, et les narvals effectuaient un nombre de plongĂ©es bien moindre que celui des bĂ©lougas, pour lesquels le nombre de plongĂ©es variait selon l'endroit. Au cours de l'automne, le nombre de plongĂ©es effectuĂ©es Ă  plus de 8 m de profondeur diminuait sensiblement pour les bĂ©lougas et les narvals qui se dĂ©plaçaient au large. Il semble que, lorsqu'elles se dĂ©plaçaient, les baleines effectuaient moins de plongĂ©es qu'Ă  d'autres moments

    Long-run relationship between R&D investment and environmental sustainability:Evidence from the European Union member countries

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The researchers, environmental scientists and policymakers around the world are exerting substantial efforts to mitigate the growth of CO2 emissions to save the planet. A number of measures and initiatives, such as, energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies and emission-control are proposed in order to reduce CO2 emissions. This study examines the long-run relationship between R&D investment and environmental sustainability in a panel of 25 European Union (EU) member countries over a period of seventeen years (1998 to 2014). We use robust and reliable econometric methods to capture the interactions between R&D investment on renewable energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The findings confirm that the growth of R&D expenditures promotes renewable energy consumption and plays a significant role in reducing CO2 emissions in the sample countries. Furthermore, the findings suggest that increasing the share of renewable energy consumption in the total energy mix also reduces CO2 emissions. Given these results, we suggest that the EU policymakers provide more financial and regulatory assistance to the R&D activities, specifically in the energy sector, to ensure promoting low carbon economies in this region

    Detection of interstate liquids pipeline leaks: Feasibility evaluation

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    The approximately 200,000-mile fuel pipeline system in the US operates at flow rates up to 2.5 {times} 10{sup 6} gallons per hour (GPH). Most commercial technologies only provide on-line leak detection at about 0.3% of flow rate, i.e., about 7,500 GPH or larger. Detection of leaks at about 1 GPH or so is desirable both from a regulatory and leak-prevention standpoint. Brookhaven`s commercially-accepted perfluorocarbon tracer (PFT) technology for underground leak detection of utility industry dielectric fluids at leak rates less than 0.1 GPH, with new enhancements, will be able to cost-effectively detect fuel pipeline system leaks to about 1 GPH--3 orders-of-magnitude better than any on-line system. The magnitude of detected leaks would be calculable as well. Proposed mobile surveys (such as those used periodically in the gas pipeline industry) at about 110 to 120 miles per day would allow such small leaks to be detected at 10-ppb tagging levels (less than $1,500 of PFT for a 48-hour tag at the maximum transport rate) under worst-case meteorological dispersion conditions. Smaller leaks could be detected by proportionately larger tagging concentrations. Leaks would be pinpointed by subsequent conventional barholing and vapor analyses. There are no health nor safety issues associated with the use of the proposed technological approach nor any consequential environmental impacts associated with the proposed magnitudes of PFT tagging

    The EuroHeart Failure Survey programme—a survey on the quality of care among patients with heart failure in Europe Part 2: treatment

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    National surveys suggest that treatment of heart failure in daily practice differs from guidelines and is characterized by underuse of recommended medications. Accordingly, the Euro, Heart Failure Survey was conducted to ascertain how patients hospitalized for heart failure are managed in Europe and if national variations occur in the treatment of this condition. Methods The survey screened discharge summaries of 11 304 patients over a 6-week period in 115 hospitals from 24 countries belonging to the ESC to study their medical treatment. Results Diuretics (mainly loop diuretics) were prescribed in 86.9% followed by ACE inhibitors (61.8%), beta-blockers (36.9%), cardiac glycosides (35.7%), nitrates (32.1%), calcium. channel blockers (21.2%) and spironolactone (20.5%). 44.6% of the population used four or more different drugs. Only 17.2% were under the combination of diuretic, ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. Important local variations were found in the rate of prescription of ACE inhibitors and particularly beta-blockers. Daily dosage of ACE inhibitors and particularly of beta-blockers was on average below the recommended target dose. Modelling-analysis of the prescription of treatments indicated that the aetiology of heart failure, age, co-morbid factors and type of hospital ward influenced the rate of prescription. Age 70 years, in patients with respiratory disease and increased in cardiology wards, in ischaemic heart failure and in mate subjects. Prescription of cardiac glycosides was significantly increased in patients with supraventricular tachycardia/atrial fibrillation. Finally, the rate of prescription of antithrombotic agents was increased in the presence of supraventricular arrhythmia, ischaemic heart disease, mate subjects but was decreased in patients over 70. Conclusion Our results suggest that the prescription of recommended medications including ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers remains limited and that the daily dosage remains tow, particularly for beta-blockers. The survey also identifies several important factors including age, gender, type of hospital ward, co morbid factors which influence the prescription of heart failure medication at discharge

    Children grow and horses race: is the adiposity rebound a critical period for later obesity?

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    BACKGROUND: The adiposity rebound is the second rise in body mass index that occurs between 3 and 7 years. An early age at adiposity rebound is known to be a risk factor for later obesity. The aim here is to clarify the connection between the age at rebound and the corresponding pattern of body mass index change, in centile terms, so as to better understand its ability to predict later fatness. DISCUSSION: Longitudinal changes in body mass index during adiposity rebound, measured both in original (kg/m(2)) and standard deviation (SD) score units, are studied in five hypothetical subjects. Two aspects of the body mass index curve, the body mass index centile and the rate of body mass index centile crossing, determine a child's age at rebound. A high centile and upward centile crossing are both associated separately with an early rebound, while a low centile and/or downward centile crossing correspond to a late rebound. Early adiposity rebound is a risk factor for later fatness because it identifies children whose body mass index centile is high and/or crossing upwards. Such children are likely to have a raised body mass index later in childhood and adulthood. This is an example of Peto's "horse racing effect". The association of centile crossing with later obesity is statistical not physiological, and it applies at all ages not just at rebound, so adiposity rebound cannot be considered a critical period for future obesity. Body mass index centile crossing is a more direct indicator of the underlying drive to fatness. SUMMARY: An early age at adiposity rebound predicts later fatness because it identifies children whose body mass index centile is high and/or crossing upwards. Such children are likely to have a raised body mass index later. Body mass index centile crossing is more direct than the timing of adiposity rebound for predicting later fatness
