607 research outputs found

    Greek Myth or Fact? The Role of Greek Houses in Alcohol and Drug Violations on American Campuses

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    Greek-letter student social groups, better known as fraternities and sororities, are a ubiquitous feature on many American higher education campuses. These organizations, especially fraternities, have a reputation for encouraging unruly and improper behavior among both members and non-members. This paper investigates the effect of the degree of prevalence of these Greek organizations at a campus, as measured by the percentage of students who are members of fraternities and sororities, on the instances of liquor and drug law violations on campuses, as measured by the number of arrests for liquor and drug laws violations. Using a unique dataset, which combines data from three sources, we find that a larger percentage of students in fraternities (but not sororities) is associated with an increase in the number of arrests for drug law violations. A larger percentage of students in sororities (but not the percentage of students in fraternities) is associated with a larger number of arrests for liquor law violations. This result is highly significant and is robust across various specifications

    Living with childhood asthma: parental perceptions of risk in the household environment and strategies for coping

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    Aim To explore parents’ perceptions of environmental household risks to their child’s asthma and to identify the strategies they adopt in relation to these perceived risks. Background The prevalence of childhood asthma is increasing worldwide and especially in the UK. Asthma is more common in areas of socio-economic disadvantage. Household environmental factors have been implicated in some of this increase. A number of factors in the home environment have been found to act as triggers to asthma symptoms, including high humidity levels, poor ventilation, mould, second-hand tobacco smoke and pet allergens. Little is known about how parents, as the main care-givers and decision makers in the home, perceive and cope with the risks posed by these triggers. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of parents of 32 children with asthma aged 4 to 16 years and living in a socio-economically disadvantaged urban community in the North East of England. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and analysed using constant comparison techniques. Findings All parents were aware of some of the risks their children faced at home. Some appeared to know more than others and coping styles varied. A typology of three groups of parents was identified: those who actively seek advice and adopt clear preventative strategies (preventers); those who minimize the risks and only react when things go wrong (reactors); and those who engage in compensatory activities in an attempt to trade-off between harms and benefits (compensators). The unifying themes underpinning these different styles are that all parents are motivated to maintain normal family life but that they adopt different strategies to achieve this

    Evidence from North Carolina shows that immigrant students with limited English have a very minor impact on native students’ performance

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    Much of the recent concern about undocumented immigration into the U.S. can be linked to the perceived burden that these immigrants may create on the public education system. But is this really the case? Through analyzing detailed information on the performance of students in North Carolina, Timothy M. Diette and Ruth Uwaifo Oyelere find that the presence of students with limited English does have a negative, though small, effect on the math and reading achievement of natives that are male and black. They argue, however, that these effects are so small as not to warrant policy interventions

    Capital Structure Composition and Financial Performance of Food and Beverage Firms in Nigeria

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    The study examined capital structure composition and Financial performance of Food and Beverage firms using Secondary data obtained from Nigeria stock exchange. Leverage composition; Short term debt to total Asset, Long Term debt to total asset and debt-equity ratio were regressed against market performance proxies earnings yield, price/earnings ratio and Tobin Q. Variables were subjected to Hausmann test for selection of appropriate model. Findings indicate Significant positive relationship between short term debt over total asset ratio and Tobin Q, Long term debt to total asset relate significantly positively with Tobin Q and earnings yield Also, there is Significant positive relationship between Debt Equity ratio and Earnings yield. We also found significant negative relationships between Short term debt and Earnings yield, Long term debt and P/E ratio, and between Debt Equity ratio and Tobin Q. Additionally, we found insignificant negative relationship between Short term debt and Price earnings ratio and between Debt equity ratio and P/E ratio. Also, a shift in capital structure composition from STD/TA to LTD/TA has a positive effect on TBQ which is statistically significant and a Shift from LTD/TA to STD/TA still maintains an equally positive effect on TBQ. However, it is more rewarding for the firm to shift to more long-term debt in its capital structure as it has higher effect on TBQ. A shift from TD/TA to LTD/TA has a significant positive effect on Earnings Yield and a shift from LTD/TA to STD/TA has a positive insignificant effect on EY. It will be rewarding for the firms to increase their earnings yield by shifting from STD to LTD. Based on findings, we conclude different compositions of leverage have different effects on market valuation of firms. We recommend Firms should optimally use LTD to increase market valuation. And should also examine capital structure composition to ascertain which of the combination maximises firm value Keywords: Capital Structure Composition, Tobin Q, Earnings Yield, Debt/Equity ratio, Price Earnings Ratio DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-24-01 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Une histoire du mont Ventoux : un homme, un insecte et un laboratoire

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    Entretien avec Guy DEMOLIN. Guy DĂ©molin est bien connu dans le milieu forestier et scientifique pour ses travaux sur la processionnaire du pin et autres ravageurs forestiers. Une bonne partie des connaissances sur ces insectes ont Ă©tĂ© acquises sur le mont Ventoux, oĂč Guy DĂ©molin a passĂ© pratiquement toute sa vie de chercheur, tout d'abord au Laboratoire des "PlĂątriĂšres", puis au Laboratoire d'Ă©cologie forestiĂšre du mont Ventoux. Au travers de cet entretien, qui retrace sa carriĂšre, nous avons voulu que Guy DĂ©molin nous fasse partager ses connaissances et sa vision du mont Ventoux, qu'il considĂšre comme un outil magnifique pour la connaissance gĂ©nĂ©rale de la forĂȘt mĂ©diterranĂ©enne

    Commercialisation of Tertiary Education as a Correlate of Economic Recession in Nigeria

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    This study examined commercialisation of tertiary education as a correlate of economic recession in Nigeria. The study adopted a correlational survey design. The Taro Yamane’s formula was employed to draw the sample of 322 lecturers from the purposively chosen two federal universities using the convenience sampling technique. Data collecting instrument was the researcher’s structured questionnaire that was face validated by three experts. Data were analysed using the Pearsons’ correlation coefficient and linear regression. Findings revealed among others very high relationship between commercialization of tertiary education and economic recession in Nigeria. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made among which was the intensification of quality assurance mechanisms of the tertiary education system by the various commissions responsible for the programme to ensure quality manpower. Keywords: Commercialisation, tertiary education, economic, economic recession, Nigeria DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-2-1

    Le rĂ©el Ă  l’épreuve de la fiction dans « Khalil » de Yasmina Khadra

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    Der Beitrag enthĂ€lt das Abstract ausschließlich in französischer und englischer Sprache.In Khalil, Yasmina Khadra paints a realistic portrait of a terrorist. This novel written in 2018 and developed from a real fact, blurs the spaces of reality and fiction to reveal the apparently unavowable thoughts of a jihadist. It is this detour strategy that this article will seek to clarify. It will be a question of studying how Yasmina Khadra organizes a scrambling of these two worlds, the fictional space and the realistic space, located at the edge of each other, to make them interact, confront each other but also to question.Dans Khalil, Yasmina Khadra dresse le portrait rĂ©aliste d'un terroriste. Ce roman, Ă©crit en 2018 et Ă©laborĂ© Ă  partir d'un fait rĂ©el brouille les espaces du rĂ©el et de la fiction pour dĂ©voiler les pensĂ©es apparemment inavouables d'un djihadiste. C’est cette stratĂ©gie du dĂ©tour que cet article tĂąchera Ă  mettre au clair. Il s’agira d’étudier comment Yasmina Khadra organise un brouillage de ces deux mondes, l’espace fictionnel et l’espace rĂ©aliste, situĂ©s Ă  la lisiĂšre l’un de l’autre, pour les faire interagir, se confronter mais aussi se questionner

    Histologic Comparison of Argon and Tunable Dye Lasers in the Treatment of Tattoos

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    Cosmetic benefit from laser therapy of tattoos may simply be the result of thermal injury and host reparative response which remove pigment by a “slough and bury” mechanism. Tattoo pigment of 4 colors (black, white, red, and blue) was introduced into the skin of guinea pigs and studied histologically at 48 h, 7 days, 4 and 6 weeks, and 3 months. Tattoos of each color were treated with argon laser (488 and 514 nm) and tunable dye laser at 3 different wavelengths (505, 577, and 690 nm). Treated tattoos were biopsied immediately and at 48 h, 7 days, and 3 months. Selective laser absorption by the tattoo pigment was suggested by pigment-related differences in threshold doses for histologic damage. Clinical clearing of tattoo pigment correlated well with the extent of immediate epidermal and dermal necrosis and was as well associated histologically with the deposition of parallel bands of collagen fibers (i.e., scar) between the residual pigment and the overlying epidermis. “Lightening” of tattoos probably depends more on widespread necrosis, subsequent tissue sloughing, and resultant dermal fibrosis than on specific changes in tattoo pigment chemistry, morphology, physical properties, or handling by macrophages

    La sylviculture truffiÚre : aperçus historiques, apports techniques et enjeux pour la région méditerranéenne.

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    La sylvicuture truffiĂšre connut un dĂ©but de dĂ©veloppement au XIXe siĂšcle, puis tomba complĂštement dans l'oubli. Cette sylviculture multifonctionnelle a Ă©tĂ© redĂ©couverte dans les annĂ©es 1990. Une Ă©tude bibliographique historique et une enquĂȘte de terrain ont permis d'affiner et d'approfondir cette sylviculture. Le principe gĂ©nĂ©ral est d'assurer une production continue de truffes en gĂ©rant une ouverture durable du milieu, et en assurant le renouvellement du peuplement par des techniques sylvicoles de base telles que l'Ă©claircie, le recĂ©page et la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration naturelle ou assistĂ©e. La sylviculture truffiĂšre pourra jouer un rĂŽle important dans la gestion des espaces boisĂ©s, notamment mĂ©diterranĂ©ens oĂč les enjeux sont nombreux et importants : recherche de nouveaux revenus, prĂ©vention des feux de forĂȘt, gestion paysagĂšre et cynĂ©gĂ©tique, biodiversit
