248 research outputs found

    Football players' migrations: a political stake

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    'Auf der Basis von Quellen aus dem FIFA-Archiv, ZĂŒrich, untersucht der Beitrag die grenzĂŒberschreitende Migration von Fußballspielern; es geht vor allem um solche FĂ€lle, die in den Jahrzehnten zwischen dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs und der postkolonialen Zeit auch politische Dimensionen hatten. Vier Beispiele wurden fĂŒr die Untersuchung ausgewĂ€hlt. Das erste illustriert, wie sich die Migration von Fußballspielern in die allgemeine Politik und des faschistischen Italiens einfĂŒgte, dem es stets auch um nationales Prestige und die italienische 'Rasse' ging. Das zweite und dritte Beispiel nimmt solche FĂ€lle auf, in denen die Fußballspieler zugleich politische FlĂŒchtlinge und Exilanten waren; es behandelt das baskische Team im Spanischen BĂŒrgerkrieg und ungarische RegimeflĂŒchtlinge in der ersten HĂ€lfte der 1950er Jahre. Ein weiteres Beispiel zeigt fĂŒr Zaire unter Mobutu, dass das Thema der Sportmigration auch Einblick in die Nord-SĂŒd-Beziehungen wĂ€hrend der 1960er Jahre ermöglicht.' (Autorenreferat)'Based on sources from FIFA archives, Zurich, the article analyses footballers' migration as a political stake from the interwar period to the post-colonisation times. Four examples are selected to study this sometimes-neglected angle of the professional sport elite moves. The first one illustrates how the migration of football players fit in with the general policy of 'race' and of national prestige in Fascist Italy. The second and the third example consider football players as sports figures representing political refugees and other persons in exile; it deals with the case of the Basque team during the Spanish civil war and the case of Hungarian refugees in the first half of the fifties. The last example, of Mobutu's Zaire, demonstrates that the question of sports migration could also serve as a revelation of North-South relations during the sixties.' (author's abstract

    Les partisans italiens et la découverte de la violence de guerre

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    PratiquĂ©e par les jeunes partisans italiens de 1943 Ă  1945, la violence de guerre si elle est d’abord une expĂ©rience personnelle, est Ă©galement essentielle pour l’historien car elle constitue le moyen d’affirmer le refus de l’occupation et du fascisme. Concernant en majoritĂ© des jeunes gens, cette violence coĂŻncide souvent avec la fin de leur adolescence et est indissociable de leur Ă©ducation fasciste. Ses reprĂ©sentations sont prĂ©sentes dans la presse clandestine et la littĂ©rature italienne des annĂ©es 60.Accustomed to young italian partisans from 1943 to 1945, war violence if it is firstly a personnal experience, it is eqally essential to understand for historians because it also incorporates the way to assert occupation and fascisme’s refusal. Concerning young people, in majority, this violence often coincide with the end of their youth and is not severable from their fascist education. It is very perceptible and present in the clandestine press and the italian literature from sixties

    Le football: un sport totalitaire? Histoire parallele des footballs allemand et italien dans l’entre-deux-guerres = El fĂștbol: ÂżUn deporte totalitario? Historia paralela del fĂștbol alemĂĄn e italiano en el perĂ­odo de entreguerras = Football: A totality sport? Parallel history of German and Italian footballs in between two wars

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    Resumen: Los regĂ­menes totalitarios han tratado de utilizar el deporte con fines polĂ­ticos e ideolĂłgicos y de colocarlo en una posiciĂłn alta en sus polĂ­ticas deportivas. Primero quisieron acabar con la sociedad civil del fĂștbol eliminando las federaciones existentes o nombrando hombres leales a su cabeza. El fĂștbol se puso al servicio de la construcciĂłn del nuevo hombre, que no estuvo exento de problemas debido a la cultura profesional e internacional del juego. Finalmente, los regĂ­menes totalitarios buscaron subvertir el internacionalismo en el fĂștbol, imponiendo sus valores y rituales o negĂĄndose a participar.Palabras clave: Fascismo, fĂștbol, relaciones internacionales, estalinismo, totalitarismo.Abstract: Totalitarian regimes have tried to use sport for political and ideological purposes and place it in a high position in their sports policies. First they wanted to put an end to the civil society of football by eliminating the existing federations or by appointing men loyal to their heads. Football was put at the service of the construction of the new man, who was not exempt from problems due to the professional and international culture of the game. Finally, totalitarian regimes sought to subvert internationalism in football, imposing their values and rituals or refusing to participate.Keywords: Fascism, football, international relations, Stalinism, totalitarianism


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    Resumo Pouco se fez em termos de histĂłria comparada dos esportes britĂąnico e francĂȘs. Neste artigo, comparamos as historiografias do esporte em cada paĂ­s, sublinhando os temas que atraĂ­ram maior atenção em cada caso, e refletimos sobre as implicaçÔes mais amplas para a escrita de uma histĂłria do esporte na Europa. No caso da GrĂŁ-Bretanha e da França, isto significa focar temas-chave gerais, como classe, identidade e imperialismo, do lado britĂąnico; e educação, militarismo e religiĂŁo, do francĂȘs. Palavras-Chave: historiografia; histĂłria do esporte; histĂłria nacional; histĂłria europeia.  Abstract Sports History in France and Britain: National Agendas and European Perspectives Very little comparative history of British and French sport has been done. This article compares the historiographies of sport in each country, underlining the themes that have attracted the most attention in each case, and reflects on the wider implications of this for writing a history of sport in Europe. In the case of Britain and France this means focusing on key general themes such as class, identity and imperialism on the British side and education, militarism, and religion on the French. Keywords: historiography; sport history; national history; European history

    Differential expression and function of ABCG1 and ABCG4 during development and aging

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    ABCG1 and ABCG4 are highly homologous members of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter family that regulate cellular cholesterol homeostasis. In adult mice, ABCG1 is known to be expressed in numerous cell types and tissues, whereas ABCG4 expression is limited to the central nervous system (CNS). Here, we show significant differences in expression of these two transporters during development. Examination of ÎČ-galactosidase-stained tissue sections from Abcg1^(–/–)LacZ and Abcg4^(–/–)LacZ knockin mice shows that ABCG4 is highly but transiently expressed both in hematopoietic cells and in enterocytes during development. In contrast, ABCG1 is expressed in macrophages and in endothelial cells of both embryonic and adult liver. We also show that ABCG1 and ABCG4 are both expressed as early as E12.5 in the embryonic eye and developing CNS. Loss of both ABCG1 and ABCG4 results in accumulation in the retina and/or brain of oxysterols, in altered expression of liver X receptor and sterol-regulatory element binding protein-2 target genes, and in a stress response gene. Finally, behavioral tests show that Abcg4^(–/–) mice have a general deficit in associative fear memory. Together, these data indicate that loss of ABCG1 and/or ABCG4 from the CNS results in changes in metabolic pathways and in behavior

    Le football africain entre immobilisme et extraversion

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    Symbole de l’espoir national des États d’Afrique aux indĂ©pendances, le football africain s’est radicalement transformĂ© : lors de la Coupe du monde de 1970, aucun des joueurs zaĂŻrois n’évoluait Ă  l’étranger ; en 2006, aucun des footballeurs ivoiriens ne joue dans son pays. Pour comprendre la dynamique de cette extraversion grandissante, il faut prendre en compte un enchevĂȘtrement de facteurs – l’implication d’acteurs locaux dans le transfert de joueurs Ă  l’étranger, la bienveillante attention portĂ©e Ă  l’implantation de structures de formation contrĂŽlĂ©es depuis l’Europe, la crĂ©ation de sĂ©lections d’expatriĂ©s ou encore les naturalisations de joueurs Ă©trangers.At the end of the colonial period, football was construed in Africa as a symbol of hope tied to the nation-building project. Since then, the situation has changed drastically. The contrast is stark : when the World Cup took place in 1970, none of the players on the Zairian team had careers outside their country ; the 2006 Cup will highlight the footwork of several Ivoirians, all playing for foreign teams. To grasp the growing focus on extraversion that this state of affairs underscores, it is necessary to take into consideration a complex mix of factors. Among these are : the role played by local actors in the transfer of players abroad ; the warm welcome that European-controlled training institutions have received on African soil ; European selection mechanisms focusing on African expatriates ; and the granting of citizenship to players brought to Europe from Africa

    Une plongée dans les archives du football mondial : faire l'histoire de la Fédération internationale de football association

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    Les migrations de footballeurs : un enjeu politique

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