5 research outputs found

    Entropy and Energy Profiles of Chemical Reactions

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    The description of chemical processes at the molecular level is often facilitated by use of reaction coordinates, or collective variables (CVs). The CV measures the progress of the reaction and allows the construction of profiles that track the evolution of a specific property as the reaction progresses. Whereas CVs are routinely used, especially alongside enhanced sampling techniques, links between profiles and thermodynamic state functions and reaction rate constants are not rigorously exploited. Here, we report a unified treatment of such reaction profiles. Tractable expressions are derived for the free-energy, internal-energy, and entropy profiles as functions of only the CV.We demonstrate the ability of this treatment to extract quantitative insight from the entropy and internal-energy profiles of various real-world physicochemical processes, including intramolecular organic reactions, ionic transport in superionic electrolytes, and molecular transport in nanoporous materials.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Entropy and Energy Profiles of Chemical Reactions

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    The description of chemical processes at the molecular level is often facilitated by use of reaction coordinates, or collective variables (CVs). The CV measures the progress of the reaction and allows the construction of profiles that track the evolution of a specific property as the reaction progresses. Whereas CVs are routinely used, especially alongside enhanced sampling techniques, links between profiles and thermodynamic state functions and reaction rate constants are not rigorously exploited. Here, we report a unified treatment of such reaction profiles. Tractable expressions are derived for the free-energy, internal-energy, and entropy profiles as functions of only the CV. We demonstrate the ability of this treatment to extract quantitative insight from the entropy and internal-energy profiles of various real-world physicochemical processes, including intramolecular organic reactions, ionic transport in superionic electrolytes, and molecular transport in nanoporous materials

    Accelerating Hybrid Density Functional Theory Molecular Dynamics Simulations by Seminumerical Integration, Resolution-of-the-Identity Approximation, and Graphics Processing Units

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    The computationally very demanding evaluation of the 4-center-2-electron (4c2e) integrals and their respective integral derivatives typically represents the major bottleneck within hybrid Kohn–Sham density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations. Building upon our previous works on seminumerical exact-exchange (sn-LinK) [Laqua, H., Thompsons, T. H., Kussmann, J., Ochsenfeld, C., J. Chem. Theory Comput.2020,16, 1465] and resolution-of-the-identity Coulomb (RI-J) [Kussmann, J., Laqua, H., Ochsenfeld, C., J. Chem. Theory Comput.2021,17, 1512], the expensive 4c2e integral evaluation can be avoided entirely, resulting in a highly efficient electronic structure theory method, allowing for fast ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations even with large basis sets. Moreover, we propose to combine the final self-consistent field (SCF) step with the subsequent nuclear forces evaluation, providing the forces at virtually no additional cost after a converged SCF calculation, reducing the total runtime of an AIMD simulation by about another 25%. In addition, multiple independent MD trajectories can be computed concurrently on a single node, leading to a greatly increased utilization of the available hardwareespecially when combined with graphics processing unit accelerationimproving the overall throughput by up to another 5 times in this way. With all of those optimizations combined, our proposed method provides nearly 3 orders of magnitude faster execution times than traditional 4c2e integral-based methods. To demonstrate the practical utility of the approach, quantum-mechanical/molecular-mechanical dynamics simulations on double-stranded DNA were performed, investigating the relative hydrogen bond strength between adenine–thymine and guanine–cytosine base pairs. In addition, this illustrative application also contains a general accuracy assessment of the introduced approximations (integration grids, resolution-of-the-identity) within AIMD simulations, serving as a protocol on how to apply these new methods to practical problems

    Chemically Realistic Tetrahedral Lattice Models for Polymer Chains: Application to Polyethylene Oxide

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    To speed up the generation of an ensemble of poly­(ethylene oxide) (PEO) polymer chains in solution, a tetrahedral lattice model possessing the appropriate bond angles is used. The distance between noncovalently bonded atoms is maintained at realistic values by generating chains with an enhanced degree of self-avoidance by a very efficient Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm. Potential energy parameters characterizing this lattice model are adjusted so as to mimic realistic PEO polymer chains in water simulated by molecular dynamics (MD), which serves as a benchmark. The MD data show that PEO chains have a fractal dimension of about two, in contrast to self-avoiding walk lattice models, which exhibit the fractal dimension of 1.7. The potential energy accounts for a mild hydrophobic effect (HYEF) of PEO and for a proper setting of the distribution between trans and gauche conformers. The potential energy parameters are determined by matching the Flory radius, the radius of gyration, and the fraction of trans torsion angles in the chain. A gratifying result is the excellent agreement of the pair distribution function and the angular correlation for the lattice model with the benchmark distribution. The lattice model allows for the precise computation of the torsional entropy of the chain. The generation of polymer conformations of the adjusted lattice model is at least 2 orders of magnitude more efficient than MD simulations of the PEO chain in explicit water. This method of generating chain conformations on a tetrahedral lattice can also be applied to other types of polymers with appropriate adjustment of the potential energy function. The efficient MC algorithm for generating chain conformations on a tetrahedral lattice is available for download at https://github.com/Roulattice/Roulattice

    Predicting 19^{19}F NMR Chemical Shifts: A Combined Computational and Experimental Study of a Trypanosomal Oxidoreductase–Inhibitor Complex

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    The absence of fluorine from most biomolecules renders it an excellent probe for NMR spectroscopy to monitor inhibitor–protein interactions. However, predicting the binding mode of a fluorinated ligand from a chemical shift (or vice versa) has been challenging due to the high electron density of the fluorine atom. Nonetheless, reliable 19^{19}F chemical‐shift predictions to deduce ligand‐binding modes hold great potential for in silico drug design. Herein, we present a systematic QM/MM study to predict the 19^{19}F NMR chemical shifts of a covalently bound fluorinated inhibitor to the essential oxidoreductase tryparedoxin (Tpx) from African trypanosomes, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness. We include many protein–inhibitor conformations as well as monomeric and dimeric inhibitor–protein complexes, thus rendering it the largest computational study on chemical shifts of 19^{19}F nuclei in a biological context to date. Our predicted shifts agree well with those obtained experimentally and pave the way for future work in this area