14,828 research outputs found

    Possible multiple evolution of indirect telencephalo-cerebellar pathways in teleosts: studies in Carassius auratus and Pantodon buchholzi

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    Among vertebrates, telencephalo-pontine systems exist only in birds and mammals. However, three nuclei in the diencephalon and mesencephalon of teleost fishes have been indicated — analogous to the pons — to represent relay stations between telencephalon and cerebellum. Since two of these nuclei (dorsal preglomerular nucleus, dorsal tegmental nucleus) have only been described in the highly derived, electrosensory mormyrids, we investigated telencephalic connections in two nonelectrosensory teleosts, the goldfish Carassius auratus and the freshwater butterflyfish Pantodon buchholzi, and cerebellar connections only in the latter species, since for C. auratus these connections are already established. Horseradish peroxidase tracing reveals that C. auratus has a dorsal tegmental nucleus and a paracommissural nucleus both of which are telencephalo-recipient and project to the cerebellum, and that P. buchholzi has a dorsal preglomerular nucleus with such connections. These results extend our knowlegde of the distribution and, therefore, the phylogeny of telencephalo-cerebellar systems in teleosts. Similar to tetrapods, teleosts appear to have developed telencephalo-cerebellar systems several times independently

    Critical Casimir Forces in Colloidal Suspensions

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    Some time ago, Fisher and de Gennes pointed out that long-ranged correlations in a fluid close to its critical point Tc cause distinct forces between immersed colloidal particles which can even lead to flocculation [C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris B 287, 207 (1978)]. Here we calculate such forces between pairs of spherical particles as function of both relevant thermodynamic variables, i.e., the reduced temperature t = (T-Tc)/Tc and the field h conjugate to the order parameter. This provides the basis for specific predictions concerning the phase behavior of a suspension of colloidal particles in a near-critical solvent.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figure

    Colloidal hard-rod fluids near geometrically structured substrates

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    Density functional theory is used to study colloidal hard-rod fluids near an individual right-angled wedge or edge as well as near a hard wall which is periodically patterned with rectangular barriers. The Zwanzig model, in which the orientations of the rods are restricted to three orthogonal orientations but their positions can vary continuously, is analyzed by numerical minimization of the grand potential. Density and orientational order profiles, excess adsorptions, as well as surface and line tensions are determined. The calculations exhibit an enrichment [depletion] of rods lying parallel and close to the corner of the wedge [edge]. For the fluid near the geometrically patterned wall, complete wetting of the wall -- isotropic liquid interface by a nematic film occurs as a two-stage process in which first the nematic phase fills the space between the barriers until an almost planar isotropic -- nematic liquid interface has formed separating the higher-density nematic fluid in the space between the barriers from the lower-density isotropic bulk fluid. In the second stage a nematic film of diverging film thickness develops upon approaching bulk isotropic -- nematic coexistence.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Light Composite Higgs from Higher Representations versus Electroweak Precision Measurements -- Predictions for LHC

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    We investigate theories in which the technifermions in higher dimensional representations of the technicolor gauge group dynamically break the electroweak symmetry of the standard model. For the two-index symmetric representation of the gauge group the lowest number of techniflavors needed to render the underlying gauge theory quasi conformal is two. We confront the models with the recent electroweak precision measurements and demonstrate that the two technicolor theory is a valid candidate for a dynamical breaking of the electroweak symmetry. The electroweak precision measurements provide useful constraints on the relative mass splitting of the new leptons needed to cure the Witten anomaly. In the case of a fourth family of leptons with ordinary lepton hypercharge the new heavy neutrino can be a natural candidate of cold dark matter. We also propose theories in which the critical number of flavors needed to enter the conformal window is higher than the one with fermions in the two-index symmetric representation, but lower than in the walking technicolor theories with fermions only in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. Due to the near conformal/chiral phase transition, we show that the composite Higgs is very light compared to the intrinsic scale of the technicolor theory. For the two technicolor theory we predict the composite Higgs mass not to exceed 150 GeV.Comment: RevTex, 53 pages, 7 figures and two table

    Effects of Simulated Flight on Fan Noise Suppression

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    Attenuation properties of three treated fan inlets were evaluated. Tunnel flow simulated the inflow clean-up effect on source noise observed in flight and allowed observation of the blade passage frequency tone cut-off phenomenon. Acoustic data consisted of isolated inlet noise measured in the far field at two fixed positions and with traverses at four frequencies. Attenuation and source noise properties with and without flight simulation are compared and discussed. Averaged attenuation properties showed relative agreement of the inlets with their design intent, however, tunnel flow significantly affected the attenuation spectra

    Attractions between charged colloids at water interfaces

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    The effective potential between charged colloids trapped at water interfaces is analyzed. It consists of a repulsive electrostatic and an attractive capillary part which asymptotically both show dipole--like behavior. For sufficiently large colloid charges, the capillary attraction dominates at large separations. The total effective potential exhibits a minimum at intermediate separations if the Debye screening length of water and the colloid radius are of comparable size.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, revised version (one paragraph added) accepted in JPC

    The valvula cerebelli of the spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus, receives primary lateral-line afferents from the rostrum of the upper jaw

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    In the spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus, anterodorsal and (to a lesser degree) anteroventral lateralline nerves project massively to the granular layer of the valvula cerebelli, throughout its rostrocaudal extent. The posterior lateral-line nerve terminates in the corpus cerebelli. Thus, valvula and corpus cerebelli are supplied with mechanosensory input of different peripheral origins. An analysis of the taxonomic distribution of experimentally determined primary lateral-line input to the three parts of the teleostean cerebellum reveals that the eminentia granularis always receives such input, and that the corpus cerebelli is the recipient of primary lateral-line input in many teleosts. The valvula, however, receives primary lateral-line afferents in only two examined species. In M. aculeatus, the massive lateral-line input to the valvula probably originates in mechanoreceptors located in the elongated rostrum of the upper jaw, a characteristic feature of mastacembeloid fishes. This projection to the valvula may therefore represent a unique specialization that arose with the evolution of the peculiar rostrum

    Critical Casimir interactions around the consolute point of a binary solvent

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    Spatial confinement of a near-critical medium changes its fluctuation spectrum and modifies the corresponding order parameter distribution. These effects result in effective, so-called critical Casimir forces (CCFs) acting on the confining surfaces. These forces are attractive for like boundary conditions of the order parameter at the opposing surfaces of the confinement. For colloidal particles dissolved in a binary liquid mixture acting as a solvent close to its critical point of demixing, one thus expects the emergence of phase segregation into equilibrium colloidal liquid and gas phases. We analyze how such phenomena occur asymmetrically in the whole thermodynamic neighborhood of the consolute point of the binary solvent. By applying field-theoretical methods within mean-field approximation and the semi-empirical de Gennes-Fisher functional, we study the CCFs acting between planar parallel walls as well as between two spherical colloids and their dependence on temperature and on the composition of the near-critical binary mixture. We find that for compositions slightly poor in the molecules preferentially adsorbed at the surfaces, the CCFs are significantly stronger than at the critical composition, thus leading to pronounced colloidal segregation. The segregation phase diagram of the colloid solution following from the calculated effective pair potential between the colloids agrees surprisingly well with experiments and simulations
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