128 research outputs found

    Bundeswehrreform: Probleme der Finanzierung

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    "Seit Veröffentlichung der vom Verteidigungsminister erarbeiteten "Eckpfeiler" zur Bundeswehrreform und ihrer Billigung durch das Kabinett am 14. Juni 2000 ist die Finanzierbarkeit des Konzepts wiederholt bezweifelt oder bestritten worden. Tatsächlich ergibt schon eine Analyse unter optimistischen Annahmen, daß die Kosten die verfügbaren Mittel im Jahr 2006 (geplanter Abschluß der Umstrukturierung) mindestens um 2,2 Mrd. DM übersteigen dürften. So llte dieser Befund zutreffen, kann die vorgesehene Streitkräftestruktur nicht verwirklicht werden." (Autorenreferat

    Bundeswehrreform: Schwachpunkt Krisenfähigkeit

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    "In der Debatte über die Bundeswehrreform dominiert die Kritik, das vom Verteidigungsminister vorgelegte Konzept sei nicht finanzierbar. Darüber hinaus ist auf einen weiteren bedenklichen Schwachpunkt hinzuweisen: Die Krisenfähigkeit bleibt unzureichend, weil der vorgesehene Umfang der kurzfristig verfügbaren und deshalb allein krisen(reaktions)fähigen Komponente der Einsatzkräfte zu knapp bemessen scheint und zudem nicht realisierbar sein dürfte. Sollte der Befund zutreffen, verfehlt die Reform einen wesen tlichen verteidigungspolitischen Zweck." (Autorenreferat

    Extreme accumulation of nucleotides in simulated hydrothermal pore systems

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    We simulate molecular transport in elongated hydrothermal pore systems influenced by a thermal gradient. We find extreme accumulation of molecules in a wide variety of plugged pores. The mechanism is able to provide highly concentrated single nucleotides, suitable for operations of an RNA world at the origin of life. It is driven solely by the thermal gradient across a pore. On the one hand, the fluid is shuttled by thermal convection along the pore, whereas on the other hand, the molecules drift across the pore, driven by thermodiffusion. As a result, millimeter-sized pores accumulate even single nucleotides more than 108-fold into micrometer-sized regions. The enhanced concentration of molecules is found in the bulk water near the closed bottom end of the pore. Because the accumulation depends exponentially on the pore length and temperature difference, it is considerably robust with respect to changes in the cleft geometry and the molecular dimensions. Whereas thin pores can concentrate only long polynucleotides, thicker pores accumulate short and long polynucleotides equally well and allow various molecular compositions. This setting also provides a temperature oscillation, shown previously to exponentially replicate DNA in the protein-assisted PCR. Our results indicate that, for life to evolve, complicated active membrane transport is not required for the initial steps. We find that interlinked mineral pores in a thermal gradient provide a compelling high-concentration starting point for the molecular evolution of life

    Welche Bundeswehr für den neuen Auftrag? Die Freiwilligenarmee ist die bessere Lösung

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    'Den neuen verteidigungspolitischen Richtlinien zufolge dienen die deutschen Streitkräfte nicht mehr der Abwehr konventioneller Aggression, sondern internationaler Risikovorsorge einschließlich des Kampfes gegen den Terrorismus. Zur Umsetzung dieser bedeutendsten verteidigungspolitischen Neuorientierung seit Aufstellung der Bundeswehr ist es erforderlich, die überholte Verteidigungsarmee in eine moderne Krisen-Interventionsarmee umzugliedern. Wichtigste Voraussetzung ist eine entschiedene Steigerung der personellen und materiellen Einsatzleistungsfähigkeit. In der Studie werden Optionen aufgabengerechter Streitkräfte im Jahr 2010 bewertet. Eine Schlüsselfrage ist die nach der am besten geeigneten Wehrform. Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist deshalb die Bundeswehr ohne Wehrpflicht sowie mit allgemeiner Wehrpflicht und Auswahlwehrdienst gemäß Vorschlag der Weizsäcker-Kommission. Aus der Abwägung der militärischen, juristischen, gesellschaftspolitischen und finanziellen Befunde ergeben sich keine überzeugenden Argumente für die Wehrpflicht, wohl aber gewichtige Gründe gegen ihre Beibehaltung: Nicht zuletzt ist die Freiwilligenarmee die kostengünstigste der untersuchten Optionen und bei deutlich höherer Einsatzleistungsfähigkeit sogar kostengünstiger als die Bundeswehr heute. So ist der Bundesregierung die Umwandlung der Bundeswehr in eine Freiwilligenarmee zu empfehlen. Darüber hinaus wird vorgeschlagen, zur Sicherstellung des Bedarfs an Zeit- und Berufssoldaten eine neue Laufbahn für Kurzzeitsoldaten vorzusehen, Erst- und Weiterverpflichtungsprämien wieder einzuführen und die individuelle Verwendungsdauer in Auslandseinsätzen zu reduzieren.' (Autorenreferat

    Bradykinin is a mediator of anaphylactoid reactions during hemodialysis with AN69 membranes

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    Bradykinin is a mediator of anaphylactoid reactions during hemodialysis with AN69 membranes. Anaphylactoid reactions (AR) are the most feared complications of hemodialysis. Recently, a high incidence of AR has been reported during dialysis with AN69 membranes in patients treated with ACE inhibitors. Plasma levels of C3a, histamine and bradykinin were measured in 12 patients at the onset of AR during dialysis with AN69. We also investigated bradykinin generation in 10 symptom-free patients dialyzed with four different membranes. None of the 12 patients studied during AR displayed excessive complement activation or histamine release. In contrast, high bradykinin plasma levels (2392 53 fmol/ml; mean sem) were observed in all nine patients of whom bradykinin was measured. One patient developed two consecutive episodes of hypersensitivity on AN69 membranes even without taking ACE inhibitors. Bradykinin levels were high in both episodes (5280 and 10467.7 fmol/ml). Furthermore, this patient showed no symptoms and normal bradykinin levels (123.4 fmol/ml) when dialyzed with other membranes. The role of the membrane type in the AR is further substantiated by the observation that AN69 also provoked a significantly higher bradykinin generation (327.6 18 fmol/ml; mean SEM) during symptom-free sessions compared to other membranes like CuprophanR (5.1 7.3), HemophanR (17.2 6.3) and PolysulfoneR (39.7 6.6). Our findings strongly suggest that bradykinin is the principal mediator of AR during hemodialysis with AN69 membranes. To our knowledge it is the first time that data support the hypothesis of a more general role of bradykinin in shock-like symptoms. Furthermore, bradykinin generation must be regarded as a new marker of biocompatibility of extracorporeal treatments

    Anaphylactoid reactions during hemodialysis in sheep are ACE inhibitor dose-dependent and mediated by bradykinin

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    Anaphylactoid reactions during hemodialysis in sheep are ACE inhibitor dose-dependent and mediated by bradykinin. Anaphylactoid reactions (AR) have been attributed to the generation of bradykinin (BK) when AN69 membranes are used together with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors during hemodialysis. However, conclusive evidence for the involvement of the BK as the mediator of these AR is still lacking. This study examined the degree of contact activation in an animal model caused by three PAN membranes—AN69, PAN DX, and SPAN—and the effects of different doses of the ACE inhibitor enalapril (ENA) and the BK B2-receptor antagonist icatibant on AR during hemodialysis. Six sheep were dialyzed for one hour with or without ENA pre-treatment using the different membranes in random order. Severe AR were observed only during hemodialysis with AN69 dialyzers together with ENA pre-treatment; the severity of AR increased with the ENA dose. Mild hypotension was noted during hemodialysis with AN69 without ACE inhibition and with PAN DX and 20 mg ENA. Compared to pre-dialysis values, maximum generation of BK after blood passage through the dialyzer was found at five minutes: 73-fold (AN69 without ENA), 161-fold (AN69 with 10 mg ENA), 97-fold (AN69 with 20 mg ENA), 108-fold (AN69 with 30 mg ENA), 154-fold (AN69 with 30 mg ENA and 0.1 mg/kg icatibant), 18-fold (PAN DX without ENA), and 42-fold (PAN DX with 20 mg ENA). Elevated BK levels in arterial blood were detected during hemodialysis with AN69 membranes even without ACE inhibition (2.5-fold); pre-treatment with 20 mg ENA further increased arterial BK concentrations (4-fold). Furthermore, a marked decline of prekallikrein and high molecular weight kininogen concentrations was noted for both AN69 and PAN DX membranes. Anaphylactoid reactions during hemodialysis were completely prevented by icatibant even after pre-treatment with ENA and in the presence of high BK concentrations. Concentrations of prekallikrein, high molecular weight kininogen, and BK remained unchanged and no AR were observed during hemodialysis with SPAN and pre-treatment with 20 mg ENA. Our findings confirm that AR during hemodialysis with the negatively charged AN69 membrane are mediated by BK, since they can be prevented by the BK B2-receptor antagonist icatibant

    Evaluating Depressive Symptoms in Schizophrenia: A Psychometric Comparison of the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare two measures of depression in patients with schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorder, including patients with delusional and schizoaffective disorder, to conclude implications for their application. Sampling and Methods: A total of 278 patients were assessed using the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17). The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was also applied. At admission and discharge, a principal component analysis was performed with each depression scale. The two depression rating scales were furthermore compared using correlation and regression analyses. Results: Three factors were revealed for the CDSS and HAMD-17 factor component analysis. A very similar item loading was found for the CDSS at admission and discharge, whereas results of the loadings of the HAMD-17 items were less stable. The first two factors of the CDSS revealed correlations with positive, negative and general psychopathology. In contrast, multiple significant correlations were found for the HAMD-17 factors and the PANSS sub-scores. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the HAMD-17 accounted more for the positive and negative symptom domains than the CDSS. Conclusions:The present results suggest that compared to the HAMD-17, the CDSS is a more specific instrument to measure depressive symptoms in schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorder, especially in acutely ill patients. Copyright (c) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Obscured Activity: AGN, Quasars, Starbursts and ULIGs observed by the Infrared Space Observatory

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    Some of the most active galaxies in the Universe are obscured by large quantities of dust and emit a substantial fraction of their bolometric luminosity in the infrared. Observations of these infrared luminous galaxies with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) have provided a relatively unabsorbed view to the sources fuelling this active emission. The improved sensitivity, spatial resolution and spectroscopic capability of ISO over its predecessor Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), has enabled significant advances in the understanding of the infrared properties of active galaxies. ISO surveyed a wide range of active galaxies which, in the context of this review, includes those powered by intense bursts of star-formation as well as those containing a dominant active galactic nucleus (AGN). Mid infrared imaging resolved for the first time the dust enshrouded nuclei in many nearby galaxies, while a new era in infrared spectroscopy was opened by probing a wealth of atomic, ionic and molecular lines as well as broad band features in the mid and far infrared. This was particularly useful since it resulted in the understanding of the power production, excitation and fuelling mechanisms in the nuclei of active galaxies including the intriguing but so far elusive ultraluminous infrared galaxies. Detailed studies of various classes of AGN and quasars greatly improved our understanding of the unification scenario. Far-infrared imaging and photometry also revealed the presence of a new very cold dust component in galaxies and furthered our knowledge of the far-infrared properties of faint starbursts, ULIGs and quasars. We summarise almost nine years of key results based upon ISO data spanning the full range of luminosity and type of active galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in 'ISO science legacy - a compact review of ISO major achievements', Space Science Reviews - dedicated ISO issue. To be published by Springer in 2005. 62 pages (low resolution figures version). Higher resolution PDFs available from http://users.physics.uoc.gr/~vassilis/papers/VermaA.pdf or http://www.iso.vilspa.esa.es/science/SSR/Verma.pd
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