545 research outputs found

    Frustration Effects in Antiferromagnetic FCC Heisenberg Films

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    We study the effects of frustration in an antiferromagnetic film of FCC lattice with Heisenberg spin model including an Ising-like anisotropy. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been used to study thermodynamic properties of the film. We show that the presence of the surface reduces the ground state (GS) degeneracy found in the bulk. The GS is shown to depend on the surface in-plane interaction JsJ_s with a critical value at which ordering of type I coexists with ordering of type II. Near this value a reentrant phase is found. Various physical quantities such as layer magnetizations and layer susceptibilities are shown and discussed. The nature of the phase transition is also studied by histogram technique. We have also used the Green's function (GF) method for the quantum counterpart model. The results at low-TT show interesting effects of quantum fluctuations. Results obtained by the GF method at high TT are compared to those of MC simulations. A good agreement is observed.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figures, submitted to J. Phys.: Condensed Matte

    Re-orientation Transition in Molecular Thin Films: Potts Model with Dipolar Interaction

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    We study the low-temperature behavior and the phase transition of a thin film by Monte Carlo simulation. The thin film has a simple cubic lattice structure where each site is occupied by a Potts parameter which indicates the molecular orientation of the site. We take only three molecular orientations in this paper which correspond to the 3-state Potts model. The Hamiltonian of the system includes: (i) the exchange interaction JijJ_{ij} between nearest-neighbor sites ii and jj (ii) the long-range dipolar interaction of amplitude DD truncated at a cutoff distance rcr_c (iii) a single-ion perpendicular anisotropy of amplitude AA. We allow Jij=JsJ_{ij} =J_s between surface spins, and Jij=JJ_{ij}=J otherwise. We show that the ground state depends on the the ratio D/AD/A and rcr_c. For a single layer, for a given AA, there is a critical value DcD_c below (above) which the ground-state (GS) configuration of molecular axes is perpendicular (parallel) to the film surface. When the temperature TT is increased, a re-orientation transition occurs near DcD_c: the low-TT in-plane ordering undergoes a transition to the perpendicular ordering at a finite TT, below the transition to the paramagnetic phase. The same phenomenon is observed in the case of a film with a thickness. We show that the surface phase transition can occur below or above the bulk transition depending on the ratio Js/JJ_s/J. Surface and bulk order parameters as well as other physical quantities are shown and discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Modified spin-wave theory with ordering vector optimization I: frustrated bosons on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice

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    We investigate a system of frustrated hardcore bosons, modeled by an XY antiferromagnet on the spatially anisotropic triangular lattice, using Takahashi's modified spin-wave (MSW) theory. In particular we implement ordering vector optimization on the ordered reference state of MSW theory, which leads to significant improvement of the theory and accounts for quantum corrections to the classically ordered state. The MSW results at zero temperature compare favorably to exact diagonalization (ED) and projected entangled-pair state (PEPS) calculations. The resulting zero-temperature phase diagram includes a 1D quasi-ordered phase, a 2D Neel ordered phase, and a 2D spiraling ordered phase. We have strong indications that the various ordered or quasi-ordered phases are separated by spin-liquid phases with short-range correlations, in analogy to what has been predicted for the Heisenberg model on the same lattice. Within MSW theory we also explore the finite-temperature phase diagram. We find that the zero-temperature long-range-ordered phases turn into quasi-ordered phases (up to a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature), while zero-temperature quasi-ordered phases become short-range correlated at finite temperature. These results show that modified spin-wave theory is very well suited for describing ordered and quasi-ordered phases of frustrated XY spins (or, equivalently, of frustrated lattice bosons) both at zero and finite temperatures. While MSW theory, just as other theoretical methods, cannot describe spin-liquid phases, its breakdown provides a fast method for singling out Hamiltonians which may feature these intriguing quantum phases. We thus suggest a tool for guiding our search for interesting systems whose properties are necessarily studied with a physical quantum simulator.Comment: 40 pages, 16 figure

    Multiplex giant magnetoresistive biosensor microarrays identify interferon-associated autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus.

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    High titer, class-switched autoantibodies are a hallmark of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Dysregulation of the interferon (IFN) pathway is observed in individuals with active SLE, although the association of specific autoantibodies with chemokine score, a combined measurement of three IFN-regulated chemokines, is not known. To identify autoantibodies associated with chemokine score, we developed giant magnetoresistive (GMR) biosensor microarrays, which allow the parallel measurement of multiple serum antibodies to autoantigens and peptides. We used the microarrays to analyze serum samples from SLE patients and found individuals with high chemokine scores had significantly greater reactivity to 13 autoantigens than individuals with low chemokine scores. Our findings demonstrate that multiple autoantibodies, including antibodies to U1-70K and modified histone H2B tails, are associated with IFN dysregulation in SLE. Further, they show the microarrays are capable of identifying autoantibodies associated with relevant clinical manifestations of SLE, with potential for use as biomarkers in clinical practice

    The Coupled Electronic-Ionic Monte Carlo Simulation Method

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    Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods such as Variational Monte Carlo, Diffusion Monte Carlo or Path Integral Monte Carlo are the most accurate and general methods for computing total electronic energies. We will review methods we have developed to perform QMC for the electrons coupled to a classical Monte Carlo simulation of the ions. In this method, one estimates the Born-Oppenheimer energy E(Z) where Z represents the ionic degrees of freedom. That estimate of the energy is used in a Metropolis simulation of the ionic degrees of freedom. Important aspects of this method are how to deal with the noise, which QMC method and which trial function to use, how to deal with generalized boundary conditions on the wave function so as to reduce the finite size effects. We discuss some advantages of the CEIMC method concerning how the quantum effects of the ionic degrees of freedom can be included and how the boundary conditions can be integrated over. Using these methods, we have performed simulations of liquid H2 and metallic H on a parallel computer.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of salinity and alkalinity on growth and survival of all-male giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Man, 1879) juveniles

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    All-male giant freshwater prawns (AMGFPs) have been a popular crop cultivated in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, due to their proven production efficiency compared to all-female or mixed-sex prawn cultures. However, the crucial water quality factors impacting AMGFP aquaculture efficiency have yet to be elaborately investigated. Two separate experiments were randomly arranged with three replicates to evaluate the effects of salinity or alkalinity on the growth and survival of AMGFP juveniles during the grow-out period. The results show that the prawn survival rate in the salinity range of 0–15‰ varied from 66.1 to 74.8 and in a salinity range of 0–5‰ was relatively low compared to the range of 10-15‰; however, the difference was not significant among salinities after 90 days of culture (p > 0.05). All the prawn growth performance parameters significantly decreased with increasing salinities of 0, 5, 10, and 15‰ after 30, 60, and 90 days of culture (p 0.05), and both were significantly higher than those at salinities of 10 and 15‰ (p < 0.05) after 90 days of culture. In addition, the survival rate reached 82.5–84.4 and did not significantly differ among alkalinities of 80, 100, 120, 140, and 160 mgCaCO3 L−1. However, the growth performance parameters and yield of AMGFPs at an alkalinity of 160 mg L−1 were significantly higher than those at lower alkalinities (80, 100, 120, and 140 mg CaCO3 L−1) after 90 days of culture. Therefore, it is recommended that a salinity range of 0–5‰ and alkalinity of 160 mgCaCO3 L−1 is optimal for the growth-out culture of AMGFP juveniles

    ^{17}O and ^{51}V NMR for the zigzag spin-1 chain compound CaV2O4

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    51^{51}V NMR studies on CaV2O4 single crystals and 17^{17}O NMR studies on 17^{17}O-enriched powder samples are reported. The temperature dependences of the 17^{17}O NMR line width and nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate give strong evidence for a long-range antiferromagnetic transition at Tn = 78 K in the powder. Magnetic susceptibility measurements show that Tn = 69 K in the crystals. A zero-field 51^{51}V NMR signal was observed at low temperatures (f ≈\approx 237 MHz at 4.2 K) in the crystals. The field swept spectra with the field in different directions suggest the presence of two antiferromagnetic substructures. Each substructure is collinear, with the easy axes of the two substructures separated by an angle of 19(1) degree, and with their average direction pointing approximately along the b-axis of the crystal structure. The two spin substructures contain equal number of spins. The temperature dependence of the ordered moment, measured up to 45 K, shows the presence of an energy gap Eg in the antiferromagnetic spin wave excitation spectrum. Antiferromagnetic spin wave theory suggests that Eg lies between 64 and 98 K.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. v2: 2 new figures; version published in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model with the pair XYZ Heisenberg interaction and quartic Ising interactions as the exactly soluble zero-field eight-vertex model

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    The spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg model with the pair XYZ Heisenberg interaction and quartic Ising interactions is exactly solved by establishing a precise mapping relationship with the corresponding zero-field (symmetric) eight-vertex model. It is shown that the Ising-Heisenberg model with the ferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction exhibits a striking critical behavior, which manifests itself through re-entrant phase transitions as well as continuously varying critical exponents. The changes of critical exponents are in accordance with the weak universality hypothesis in spite of a peculiar singular behavior to emerge at a quantum critical point of the infinite order, which occurs at the isotropic limit of the Heisenberg interaction. On the other hand, the Ising-Heisenberg model with the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction surprisingly exhibits less significant changes of both critical temperatures as well as critical exponents upon varying a strength of the exchange anisotropy in the Heisenberg interaction.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Exact results of the mixed-spin Ising model on a decorated square lattice with two different decorating spins of integer magnitudes

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    The mixed-spin Ising model on a decorated square lattice with two different decorating spins of the integer magnitudes S_B = 1 and S_C = 2 placed on horizontal and vertical bonds of the lattice, respectively, is examined within an exact analytical approach based on the generalized decoration-iteration mapping transformation. Besides the ground-state analysis, finite-temperature properties of the system are also investigated in detail. The most interesting numerical result to emerge from our study relates to a striking critical behaviour of the spontaneously ordered 'quasi-1D' spin system. It was found that this quite remarkable spontaneous order arises when one sub-lattice of the decorating spins (either S_B or S_C) tends towards their 'non-magnetic' spin state S = 0 and the system becomes disordered only upon further single-ion anisotropy strengthening. The effect of single-ion anisotropy upon the temperature dependence of the total and sub-lattice magnetization is also particularly investigated.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
