212 research outputs found

    Variations in agronomic and grain quality traits of rice grown under irrigated lowland conditions in West Africa

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    Rice breeding in West Africa has been largely skewed toward yield enhancement and stress tolerance. This has led to the variable grain quality of locally produced rice in the region. This study sought to assess variations in the agronomic and grain quality traits of some rice varieties grown in this region, with a view to identifying sources of high grain yield and quality that could serve as potential donors in their breeding programs. Forty‐five varieties were grown under irrigated conditions in Benin and Senegal with two trials in each country. There were wide variations in agronomic and grain quality traits among the varieties across the trials. Cluster analysis using paddy yield, head rice yield, and chalkiness revealed that 68% of the total variation could be explained by five varietal groupings. One group comprising seven varieties (Afrihikari, BG90‐2, IR64, Sahel 108, WAT311‐WAS‐B‐B‐23‐7‐1, WAT339‐TGR‐5‐2, and WITA 10) had high head rice yield and low chalkiness. Of the varieties in this group, Sahel 108 had the highest paddy yield in three of the four trials. IR64 and Afrihikari had intermediate and low amylose content, respectively, with the rest being high‐amylose varieties. Another group of varieties consisting of B6144F‐MR‐6‐0‐0, C74, IR31851‐96‐2‐3‐2‐1, ITA222, Jaya, Sahel 305, WITA 1, and WITA 2 had high paddy yield but poor head rice yield and chalkiness. The use of materials from these two groups of varieties could accelerate breeding for high yielding rice varieties with better grain quality for local production in West Africa

    La pĂȘche artisanale au SĂ©nĂ©gal : qualitĂ© de la matiĂšre premiĂšre destinĂ©e aux entreprises exportatrices

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    Les conditions d’hygiĂšne de la pĂȘche artisanale au SĂ©nĂ©gal ne respectent pas toujours les normes de qualité requises. Ce prĂ©sent travail se propose d’étudier la qualitĂ© de trois espĂšces de poissons dĂ©mersaux ; la sole limande (Syacium guineensis), le mĂ©rou Ă  points bleus (Cephalopholis taeniops) et le rouget (Pseudupeneus prayensis) dĂ©barquĂ©s par la pĂȘche artisanale. Ces espĂšces sont suivies depuis la capture jusqu’à leur acheminement en usine. L’évaluation sensorielle de la fraĂźcheur du poisson a consistĂ© Ă  tester la qualitĂ© par le toucher, l’odorat, la vue et le goĂ»t. Le dosage de l’azote basique volatil total (ABVT) a permis de dĂ©terminer la teneur totale en azote des bases azotĂ©es volatiles rĂ©sultant de la dĂ©gradation des composĂ©s azotĂ©s du poisson lors de l’altĂ©ration. La mĂ©thode d’analyse microbiologique utilisĂ©e est celle qui consiste à incorporer un volume donnĂ© de la prise d’essai et de ses dilutions dans un milieu de culture solide. A l’analyse sensorielle, les trois espĂšces, aux diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes, Ă©taient de trĂšs bonne qualitĂ©. Les valeurs de la flore mĂ©sophile aĂ©robie sur le poisson Ă  la capture sont trĂšs faibles contrairement au dĂ©barquement et Ă  l’entrĂ©e en usine. Au niveau des branchies et de la peau, les rĂ©sultats montrent une augmentation significative de la flore au dĂ©barquement et Ă  l’entrĂ©e en usine. Au niveau des viscĂšres, la flore augmente jusqu’au dĂ©barquement puis dĂ©croĂźt. Les rĂ©sultats des analyses chimiques ne reflĂštent pas forcĂ©ment les risques de dĂ©gradation du poisson.Mots-clĂ©s : pĂȘche artisanale, poisson, qualitĂ© matiĂšre premiĂšre, exportation, SĂ©nĂ©gal.Artisanal fisheries in Senegal: Quality of raw materials for exporting companiesHygienic conditions of artisanal fisheries in Senegal do not always respect the required quality standards. This study expects to scrutinize the quality of bottom fish sole (Syacium guineensis), grouper blue spotted (Cephalopholis taeniops), red mullet (Pseudupeneus prayensis) disembarked by artisanal fisheries. These species are followed since the capture until their routing in factory. The sensory evaluation of fish freshness was to test the quality through touch, smell, sight and taste. The determination of total volatile basic nitrogen (ABVT) allowed determining the total nitrogen content of volatile nitrogenous bases resulting from the degradation of nitrogenous compounds in fish spoilage. The used-microbiological-method is the one that consist in incorporating a given volume of the sample and its dilutions in a solid cultural medium. The results of sensory analysis on the three species at different stopovers were very good. The values of the aerobic mesophilic flora on the fish caught are very low compared to the one landed at the entrance to the factory. At the gills and skin, the findings show a significant increase in flora and landed at the entrance to the factory. In the viscera, flora increases and then decreases until the debarkation. The results of sensory and chemical analysis may not reflect the risks of degradation of fish.Keywords : artisanal fisheries, fish, quality, raw materials, exportation, Senegal

    Yield loss of Oryza glaberrima caused by grain shattering under rainfed upland conditions

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    The general perception of Oryza glaberrima as low yielding is a potential drawback to intraspecific breeding of this species. Yields of 21 O. glaberrima accessions were evaluated alongside four O. sativa check varieties under two conditions in which panicles were both covered by paper sacks to avoid grain shattering (potential yield plot) and also not covered (control plot) in a rainfed upland field of Benin in 2010 and 2011. Average potential yields of O. glaberrima with panicles covered were 2.42 and 3.65 t ha-1 in 2010 and 2011, respectively, while those of O. sativa were respectively 2.99 and 3.49 t ha-1. Although there was no significant difference between potential yield and control yield in O. sativa, 19 O. glaberrima accessions showed significant yield reduction by grain shattering — the average percentages of lost yield by shattering were 57.88% in 2010 and 66.76% in 2011. These results suggest that low yield of O. glaberrima is due to grain shattering and that its potential yield would not be inferior to O. sativa if the grain shattering problems were overcome. Two O. glaberrima accessions, TOG 12303 and TOG 9300, possessing strong resistance to grain shattering comparable to O. sativa checks, were identified.Keywords: Panicles, paper sacks, potential yield, yield reduction

    Dosage des polyphĂ©nols et activitĂ© anti-oxydante de feuilles et d’inflorescences mĂąles de Borassus aethiopum, Mart. (Arecaceae)

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    Borassus aethiopum est une plante de la famille des ArĂ©cacĂ©es. C’est un gĂ©ant palmier qui prĂ©sente un tronc dur appelĂ© stipe, des racines fasciculĂ©es et des feuilles longues en forme d’éventail. Elle est presque cosmopolite et ses diffĂ©rentes parties sont utilisĂ©es dans nombreux domaines : Ă©conomiques, Ă©cologiques,  alimentaires et sanitaire. En effet, sur le plan sanitaire, la pharmacopĂ©e utilise l’alcinĂąt des feuilles en boisson dans l’eau pour traiter la bilharziose viscĂ©rale  (Sakande, 2004). L’objet de notre Ă©tude est de dĂ©terminer la teneur en polyphĂ©nols et de tester l’activitĂ© antioxydante d’extraits de feuilles en comparaison avec ceux des inflorescences mĂąles. Ainsi, la mĂ©thode colorimĂ©trique de Folin Denis, dĂ©crite par BassĂšne (2012) a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour le dosage des polyphĂ©nols. L’activitĂ© antioxydante a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e par les mĂ©thodes chromatographique sur couche mince selon Takao et al. (1994) et colorimĂ©trique dĂ©crite par Sakande (2004). Les teneurs en polyphĂ©nols totaux obtenues sont 13,56% et 5,6% Eq d’acide tannique respectivement dans les feuilles et les inflorescences mĂąles. Les teneurs  respectives en tanins dans les feuilles et les inflorescences mĂąles ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es Ă  13,46% et 5,47% Eq d’acide tannique. La chromatographie sur couche mince a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une activitĂ© antioxydante dans les extraits de feuilles et d’inflorescences mĂąles. Par la mĂ©thode colorimĂ©trique utilisant le DPPH, les  rĂ©sultats obtenus en mg Eq d’acide ascorbique sont 4 et 5 mg Eq respectivement dans les extraits d’acĂ©tate Ă©thyle et butanolique de feuilles ; les extraits d’acĂ©tate d’éthyle et  butanolique  d’inflorescences mĂąles respectifs ont une activitĂ© antioxydante Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  10 et 20 mgEq d’acide ascorbique. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus de cette Ă©tude  montre que les extraits de feuilles ont des teneurs en polyphĂ©nols et en tanins supĂ©rieures Ă  celles des extraits d’inflorescences mĂąles. L’activitĂ© antioxydante a Ă©tĂ© deux fois plus importante dans les extraits de feuilles que dans les extraits d’inflorescences mĂąles. Cependant, dans les feuilles l’extrait d’acĂ©tate d’éthyle  renferme deux fois plus de polyphĂ©nols et de tanins que l’extrait butanolique ; l’activitĂ© antioxydante est aussi plus Ă©levĂ©e dans ce premier extrait.Mots clĂ©s : Borassus aethiopum, feuilles, inflorescences mĂąles, polyphĂ©nols, tanins, activitĂ© antioxydante

    Urban agriculture in Senegal: effect of wastewater on the agronomical performance and hygienic quality of tomato and lettuce

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    The use of wastewater in urban agriculture has gained a lot of interest in Senegal. The aim of this works was to assess the effect of wastewater on the agronomical performance of two vegetable crops and the hygienic threats as compared to tap water. We also compared the effect of irrigation mode and the addition of fertilizers. Results showed that there were no significant differences between the two irrigation modes. Thesturdiness at 2 months had a positive effect on the number of plant (tomato) at the harvest, the yield and fruit average weight. Considering the following parameters studied (overall yield, corrected yield, number of fruit per treatment and fruit average size, there were significant differences between plants (lettuce) treated with tap water and those treated with wastewater. In a chemical point of view, samples from aspersion and draining watering mode treatments were similar in term of their content in heavy metals. On the lettuce, results showed a low presence of worms on crop watered with wastewater. On the other hand, lettuce watered with theaspersion technique contents much more germs of pathogens than those watered in draining mode. As for tomato, there was a total absence of worms and other pathogenic germs in both irrigation modes. This studysuggests that use of wastewater in horticulture with a moderate fertilization and taking into account soil chemistry could be gainful to urban farmers. The study addresses the issue of preliminary studies on the wastewater and soil quality before deciding on the adequate crop to grow

    Leaf Eh and pH: A Novel Indicator of Plant Stress. Spatial, Temporal and Genotypic Variability in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    A wealth of knowledge has been published in the last decade on redox regulations in plants. However, these works remained largely at cellular and organelle levels. Simple indicators of oxidative stress at the plant level are still missing. We developed a method for direct measurement of leaf Eh and pH, which revealed spatial, temporal, and genotypic variations in rice. Eh (redox potential) and Eh@pH7 (redox potential corrected to pH 7) of the last fully expanded leaf decreased after sunrise. Leaf Eh was high in the youngest leaf and in the oldest leaves, and minimum for the last fully expanded leaf. Leaf pH decreased from youngest to oldest leaves. The same gradients in Eh-pH were measured for various varieties, hydric conditions, and cropping seasons. Rice varieties differed in Eh, pH, and/or Eh@pH7. Leaf Eh increases and leaf pH decreases with plant age. These patterns and dynamics in leaf Eh-pH are in accordance with the pattern and dynamics of disease infections. Leaf Eh-pH can bring new insight on redox processes at plant level and is proposed as a novel indicator of plant stress/health. It could be used by agronomists, breeders, and pathologists to accelerate the development of crop cultivation methods leading to agroecological crop protection

    Can yield gap analysis be used to inform R & D prioritisation?

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    The phrase “biggest bang for a buck” is associated with the policy making question that governments and development agencies face: “Where and which crops should receive highest priority for improving local and global food supply?”. A first step of prioritisation is to identify region x crop combinations for which high impact can be anticipated. We developed a new method for this prioritisation exercise and applied it to data from the Global Yield Gap and Water Productivity Atlas (GYGA). Our prioritisation distinguishes between two policy objectives (humanitarian and economic) and builds upon the relative yield gap and climate risk. Results of the prioritisation are presented and visualised in Google Earth

    Avantages des biodigesteurs sur le bois de chauffe dans les élevages laitiers à Kaolack (Sénégal)

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    Le dĂ©ficit Ă©nergĂ©tique constitue une contrainte Ă  l’épanouissement des mĂ©nages ruraux notamment, au niveau de l’énergie de cuisson. Les femmes utilisent le bois de chauffe pour les besoins Ă©nergĂ©tiques de la cuisson mais aussi, pour la pasteurisation du lait. Cette Ă©tude met en Ă©vidence les avantages de l’utilisation des biodigesteurs sur le bois de chauffe dans les Ă©levages laitiers Ă  Kaolack (SĂ©nĂ©gal). Cent seize mĂ©nages ont Ă©tĂ© enquĂȘtĂ©s dont 58 dĂ©tenteurs de biodigesteurs. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les mĂ©nages possĂ©dant un biodigesteur avaient plus de temps pour se consacrer Ă  des activitĂ©s rĂ©munĂ©ratrices ou pour le bien ĂȘtre de la famille avec un tiers (32,75 %) qui mettent moins de 2 h par jour pour la recherche du bois et 2 h pour la cuisson d’un repas contre (67,25 %) de mĂ©nages sans biodigesteurs qui y consacraient 2 Ă  6 h par jour et plus de 3 h pour la cuisson d’un repas. Plus du quart (25,86 %) des mĂ©nages avec biodigesteurs utilisaient le biogaz comme source d’éclairage. De mĂȘme, 36,20 % prĂ©parent les repas et pasteurisent le lait avec le biogaz. Il est Ă©galement constatĂ© une rĂ©duction de la frĂ©quence des pathologies respiratoires et oculaires mais aussi des dĂ©penses pour l’achat de combustible et de compost.Mots clĂ©s: Biogaz ; bois ; Ă©levages laitiers ; Ă©conomie des mĂ©nages ; Kaolack ; SĂ©nĂ©gal Biodigester benefits on wood heating in dairy farming of Kaolack (Senegal)The energy deficit is a major constraint to the development of rural house holds including at cooking energy. Women use firewood for cooking energy needs but also for the pasteurization of milk. This study highlights the benefits of using biogas digesters on firewood in dairy farms in Kaolack (Senegal). One Hundred sixteen households were surveyed of which 58 possessed biodigester.The results show that households with a biodigester had much more time devoted to income-generating activities or for the welfare of the family. One third (32.75 %) of biodigester owners take less than 2 hours per day for wood search and 2 hours for cooking a meal against (67.25 %) of house holds without biodigester who spent 2 to 6 hours per day and put more than 3 hours to cook meal. More than a quarter (25.86 %) of households with biodigester used biogas as a lighting. Similarly, 36.20 % Cook food and pasteurize milk with biogas.The used of biogas expenses for the purchase of fuel as well as the compost for filed fertilization. It seem that biogas utilization reduce the incidence of respiratory and eye diseases.Keywords: Biogas ; wood ; dairy farms ; household economy ; Kaolack ; Senegal
