41 research outputs found

    Exploring the SO(32) Heterotic String

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    We give a complete classification of Z_N orbifold compactification of the heterotic SO(32) string theory and show its potential for realistic model building. The appearance of spinor representations of SO(2n) groups is analyzed in detail. We conclude that the heterotic SO(32) string constitutes an interesting part of the string landscape both in view of model constructions and the question of heterotic-type I duality.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Regularisation Techniques for the Radiative Corrections of Wilson lines and Kaluza-Klein states

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    Within an effective field theory framework we compute the most general structure of the one-loop corrections to the 4D gauge couplings in one- and two-dimensional orbifold compactifications with non-vanishing constant gauge background (Wilson lines). Although such models are non-renormalisable, we keep the analysis general by considering the one-loop corrections in three regularisation schemes: dimensional regularisation (DR), Zeta-function regularisation (ZR) and proper-time cut-off regularisation (PT). The relations among the results obtained in these schemes are carefully addressed. With minimal re-definitions of the parameters involved, the results obtained for the radiative corrections can be applied to most orbifold compactifications with one or two compact dimensions. The link with string theory is discussed. We mention a possible implication for the gauge couplings unification in such models.Comment: 37 pages, 1 Figure, LaTeX; minor correction

    Gauge Unification in Supersymmetric Intersecting Brane Worlds

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    We show that contrary to first expectations realistic three generation supersymmetric intersecting brane world models give rise to phenomenologically interesting predictions about gauge coupling unification. Assuming the most economical way of realizing the matter content of the MSSM via intersecting branes we obtain a model independent relation among the three gauge coupling constants at the string scale. In order to correctly reproduce the experimentally known values of sin^2[theta_W(M_z)] and alpha_s(M_z) this relation leads to natural gauge coupling unification at a string scale close to the standard GUT scale 2 x 10^16 GeV. Additional vector-like matter can push the unification scale up to the Planck scale.Comment: 18 pages, harvmac & 3 figures; v2: one ref. adde

    String-Unification, Universal One-Loop Corrections and Strongly Coupled Heterotic String Theory

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    We derive the universal threshold corrections in heterotic string theory including a continuous Wilson line. Unification of gauge and gravitational couplings is shown to be possible even within perturbative string theory. The relative importance of gauge group dependent and independent thresholds on unification is clarified. Equipped with these results we can then attempt an extrapolation to the strongly coupled heterotic string -- M-theory. We argue that such an extrapolation might be meaningful because of the holomorphic structure of the gauge coupling function and the close connection of the threshold corrections to the anomaly cancelation mechanism.Comment: 28 LaTex pages with 2 fig

    Anomalous U(1) D-term Contribution in Type I String Models

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    We study the DD-term contribution for anomalous U(1) symmetries in type I string models and derive general formula for the DD-term contribution, assuming that the dominant source of SUSY breaking is given by FF-terms of the dilaton, (overall) moduli or twisted moduli fields. On the basis of the formula, we also point out that there are several different features from the case in heterotic string models. The differences originate from the different forms of K\"ahler potential between twisted moduli fields in type I string models and the dilaton field in heterotic string models.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figur

    Relic Neutralino Densities and Detection Rates with Nonuniversal Gaugino Masses

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    We extend previous analyses on the interplay between nonuniversalities in the gaugino mass sector and the thermal relic densities of LSP neutralinos, in particular to the case of moderate to large tan beta. We introduce a set of parameters that generalizes the standard unified scenario to cover the complete allowed parameter space in the gaugino mass sector. We discuss the physical significance of the cosmologically preferred degree of degeneracy between charginos and the LSP and study the effect this degree of degeneracy has on the prospects for direct detection of relic neutralinos in the next round of dark matter detection experiments. Lastly, we compare the fine tuning required to achieve a satisfactory relic density with the case of universal gaugino masses, as in minimal supergravity, and find it to be of a similar magnitude. The sensitivity of quantifiable measures of fine-tuning on such factors as the gluino mass and top and bottom masses is also examined.Comment: Uses RevTeX; 14 pages, 16 figure

    SU(5) Unified Theories from Intersecting Branes

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    We discuss the first string theory examples of three generation non-supersymmetric SU(5) and {\em flipped} SU(5) GUTS, which break to the Standard model at low energy, without extra matter and/or gauge group factors. Our GUT examples are based on IIA Z3Z_3 orientifolds with D6-branes intersecting at non-trivial angles. These theories necessarily satisfy RR tadpoles and are free of NSNS tadpoles as the complex structure moduli are frozen (even though a dilaton tadpole remains) to discrete values. We identify appropriately the bifundamental Higgses responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. In this way, the neutrino see-saw mechanism get nicely realized in these constructions. Moreover, as baryon number is not a gauged symmetry gauge mediated dimension six operators do contribute to proton decay; however proton lifetime may be safely enhanced by appropriately choosing a high GUT scale. An accompanying natural doublet-triplet splitting guarantees the suppression of scalar mediated proton decay modes and the stability of triplet scalar masses against higher dimensional non-renormalizable operators.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures; no changes, one comment added in the introductio

    Phenomenology of flavor-mediated supersymmetry breaking

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    The phenomenology of a new economical SUSY model that utilizes dynamical SUSY breaking and gauge-mediation (GM) for the generation of the sparticle spectrum and the hierarchy of fermion masses is discussed. Similarities between the communication of SUSY breaking through a messenger sector, and the generation of flavor using the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism are exploited, leading to the identification of vector-like messenger fields with FN fields, and the messenger U(1) as a flavor symmetry. An immediate consequence is that the first and second generation scalars acquire flavor-dependent masses, but do not violate FCNC bounds since their mass scale, consistent with effective SUSY, is of order 10 TeV. We define and advocate a minimal flavor-mediated model (MFMM), recently introduced in the literature, that successfully accommodates the small flavor-breaking parameters of the standard model using order one couplings and ratios of flavon field vevs. The mediation of SUSY breaking occurs via two-loop log-enhanced GM contributions, as well as several one-loop and two-loop Yukawa-mediated contributions for which we provide analytical expressions. The MFMM is parameterized by a small set of masses and couplings, with values restricted by several model constraints and experimental data. The next-to-lightest sparticle (NLSP) always has a decay length that is larger than the scale of a detector, and is either the lightest stau or the lightest neutralino. Similar to ordinary GM models, the best collider search strategies are, respectively, inclusive production of at least one highly ionizing track, or events with many taus plus missing energy. In addition, D^0 - \bar{D}^0 mixing is also a generic low energy signal. Finally, the dynamical generation of the neutrino masses is briefly discussed.Comment: 54 pages, LaTeX, 8 figure

    Physics Implications of Flat Directions in Free Fermionic Superstring Models I: Mass Spectrum and Couplings

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    From the "top-down" approach we investigate physics implications of the class of D- and F- flat directions formed from non-Abelian singlets which are proven flat to all orders in the nonrenormalizable superpotential, for a prototype quasi-realistic free fermionic string model with the standard model gauge group and three families (CHL5). These flat directions have at least an additional U(1)' unbroken at the string scale. For each flat direction, the complete set of effective mass terms and effective trilinear superpotential terms in the observable sector are computed to all orders in the VEV's of the fields in the flat direction. The "string selection-rules" disallow a large number of couplings allowed by gauge invariance, resulting in a massless spectrum with a large number of exotics, in most cases excluded by experiment, thus signifying a generic flaw of these models. Nevertheless, the resulting trilinear couplings of the massless spectrum possess a number of interesting features which we analyse for two representative flat directions: for the fermion texture; baryon- and lepton-number violating couplings; R-parity breaking; non-canonical mu terms; and the possibility of electroweak and intermediate scale symmetry breaking scenarios for U(1)'. The gauge coupling predictions are obtained in the electroweak scale case. Fermion masses possess t-b and tau-mu universality, with the string scale Yukawa couplings g and g/2g/\sqrt{2}, respectively. Fermion textures are present for certain flat directions, but only in the down-quark sector. Baryon- and lepton- number violating couplings can trigger proton-decay, NNˉN-{\bar N} oscillations, leptoquark interactions and R-parity violation, leading to the absence of a stable LSP.Comment: 36 pages, 5 tables, 4 figures, RevTeX, minor change