1,024 research outputs found

    Governance and human resources for health

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    Despite an increase in efforts to address shortage and performance of Human Resources for Health (HRH), HRH problems continue to hamper quality service delivery. We believe that the influence of governance is undervalued in addressing the HRH crisis, both globally and at country level. This thematic series has aimed to expand the evidence base on the role of governance in addressing the HRH crisis. The six articles comprising the series present a range of experiences. The articles report on governance in relation to developing a joint vision, building adherence and strengthening accountability, and on governance with respect to planning, implementation, and monitoring. Other governance issues warrant attention as well, such as corruption and transparency in decision-making in HRH policies and strategies. Acknowledging and dealing with governance should be part and parcel of HRH planning and implementation. To date, few experiences have been shared on improving governance for HRH policy making and implementation, and many questions remain unanswered. There is an urgent need to document experiences and for mutual learning

    Gewasmanagement in semi-gesloten kassen: Simulaties van gewasgroei en -ontwikkeling

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    Experimenten van het project ‘Gewasmanagement bij geconditioneerd telen’ zijn met het Intkam simulatiemodel doorgerekend om te analyseren welke klimaatfactor in welke mate verantwoordelijk is voor verschillen in productie

    Drug-induced sleep endoscopy while administering CPAP therapy in patients with CPAP failure

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    Study objectives: To study the pattern of upper airway collapse in patients with CPAP failure by performing DISE while administering CPAP therapy and to determine the reason for CPAP failure accordingly. Methods: This observational retrospective study comprised 30 patients diagnosed with OSA and CPAP failure, who underwent DISE while administering CPAP therapy. During DISE, the upper airway was assessed with and without CPAP therapy using the VOTE classification. Additionally, a jaw thrust maneuver was performed, in order to mimic the effect of an additional mandibular advancement device (MAD) in combination with CPAP therapy. Consequently, the outcome of DISE was translated into a clinically relevant categorization. Results: Eleven patients (37%) had a persistent anteroposterior (AP) collapse, including a collapse at velum, tongue base, or epiglottis level and multilevel collapse. Eight patients (27%) had a floppy epiglottis. Five patients (17%) had a persistent complete concentric collapse (CCC) and three patients had a persistent laryngeal collapse (10%). In three patients (10%), no airway collapse was found after CPAP administration. Conclusions: Based on the results of the reported study, in most cases, the potential cause of CPAP failure can be determined by this new diagnostic method. Consequently, suggestions can be made for additional therapy

    Temperatuuronderzoek bij tomaat :effect van een tijdelijke temperatuurverlaging (DROP) op groei, ontwikkeling en productie

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    Om na te gaan op welk moment van de dag de plant het meest gevoelig is voor temperatuur is een experiment uitgevoerd in klimaatkamers. Om na te gaan wat het effect is van een tijdelijke temperatuurverlaging na zonsopkomst op groei en productie van tomaten is een kasexperiment uitgevoerd.Voor de praktijk betekenen de resultaten dat een temperatuurdaling bij jonge planten beter niet toegepast kan worden, omdat dit ten koste gaat van de opbouw van het bladoppervlak en daarmee ook van de groei. Bij planten met voldoende bladoppervlak heeft een temperatuurdaling in de ochtend geen negatieve effecten op gewasgroei en producti

    Observation of Andreev Reflection Enhanced Shot Noise

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    We have experimentally investigated the quasiparticle shot noise in NbN/MgO/NbN superconductor - insulator - superconductor tunnel junctions. The observed shot noise is significantly larger than theoretically expected. We attribute this to the occurrence of multiple Andreev reflection processes in pinholes present in the MgO barrier. This mechanism causes the current to flow in large charge quanta (Andreev clusters), with a voltage dependent average value of m = 1+ 2 Delta/eV times the electron charge. Because of this charge enhancement effect, the shot noise is increased by the factor m.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures include

    Gebruik van onderstammen bij vruchtgroenten : inventarisatie van de mogelijkheden voor energiebesparing

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    Het gebruik van onderstammen in de vruchtgroenteteelt is sterk in opkomst en heeft geleid tot een stijging van de productie. Het gebruik van speciaal geselecteerde onderstammen biedt de mogelijkheid om bij lagere temperaturen te telen zonder productie in te leveren. Daarmee kan energie worden bespaar

    Crop growth models for the -omics era: the EU-SPICY project

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    The prediction of phenotypic responses from genetic and environmental information is an area of active research in genetics, physiology and statistics. Rapidly increasing amounts of phenotypic information become available as a consequence of high throughput phenotyping techniques, while more and cheaper genotypic data follow from the development of new genotyping platforms. , A wide array of -omics data can be generated linking genotype and phenotype. Continuous monitoring of environmental conditions has become an accessible option. This wealth of data requires a drastic rethinking of the traditional quantitative genetic approach to modeling phenotypic variation in terms of genetic and environmental differences. Where in the past a single phenotypic trait was partitioned in a genetic and environmental component by analysis of variance techniques, nowadays we desire to model multiple, interrelated and often time dependent, phenotypic traits as a function of genes (QTLs) and environmental inputs, while we would like to include transcription information as well. The EU project 'Smart tools for Prediction and Improvement of Crop Yield' (KBBE-2008-211347), or SPICY, aims at the development of genotype-to-phenotype models that fully integrate genetic, genomic, physiological and environmental information to achieve accurate phenotypic predictions across a wide variety of genetic and environmental configurations. Pepper (Capsicum annuum) is chosen as the model crop, because of the availability of genetically characterized populations and of generic models for continuous crop growth and greenhouse production. In the presentation the objectives and structure of SPICY as well as its philosophy will be discussed
