6,089 research outputs found

    Da impossibilidade de uma relação de self-ownership: o dualismo ontológico na ilusão da auto-propriedade

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    O conceito de self-ownership é frequentemente utilizado nos campos da Ética e da Filosofia Política para justificar ou negar a justeza de determinadas situações, atos ou práticas. As críticas a tal conceito são predominantemente focadas em seus corolários. No presente artigo a análise se concentra sobra as condições de possibilidade da existência de uma relação de propriedade de si mesmo – auto-propriedade – procurando-se demonstrar a impossibilidade de tal relação pela ausência de multiplicidade de elementos que possam constituir um proprietário e uma propriedade. A propriedade de si mesmo é fundada em um dualismo ontológico, cuja ilusão procura se respaldar na percepção de si como um outro na constituição da identidade e na confusão da relação genitiva com uma relação de propriedade

    Liberdade e Propriedade

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    Neste artigo são brevemente discutidas as origens e o significado da propriedade a partir dos conceitos de bem e Mal em Nietzsche e do Temer e da Angústia em Heidegger. No tocante à origem da Propriedade, foca-se não em seu significado posterior, mas em seu anterior, ou seja, naquilo que pode subjazer ao desejo de apropriar-se, o qual parece relacionar-se com a liberdade, ao mesmo tempo desejada e temida: desejada para si e temida para o outro. Por fim então se abordam propostas do que significa para a sociedade atual a propriedade em termos de sua organização social, com base nas conclusões da análise realizada neste artigo

    Discursos do Preconceito

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    Resumo Este trabalho retoma o tema dos preconceitos sociais de grupo na filosofia, esclarecendo seu modo de funcionamento a partir das identificações sociais e destacando que os discursos de preconceito – xenophobia, racismo, homofobia etc. – seguem o mesmo paradigma, independentemente de seu conteúdo. Primeiramente procederemos a um breve delineamento histórico do conceito de preconceito na filosofia, a fim de delimitar o escopo do trabalho no preconceito social de grupo. Em seguida, a discussão se dará sobre a constituição da identidade de grupo e a exclusão do outro dela decorrente. Por fim, chegaremos à conclusão de que os diversos tipos de preconceito não só possuem uma estrutura similar como seguem a mesma lógica e funcionam conjuntamente para a hierarquização complexa da sociedade por meio da interseccionalidade. Abstract This paper takes up the issue of social prejudice in philosophy, clarifying its way of functioning by the means of social identifications as well as highlighting that the discourses of prejudice – xenophobia, racism, homophobia etc. – follow the same paradigm, regardless of their content. First, we will briefly delineate the concept of prejudice throughout the history of philosophy, in order to delimit the scope of this work in the group-related social prejudice. Then, the discussion will follow to the constitution of the group identity and the exclusion of the others from it. Finally, we will conclude that the different types of prejudice not only have a similar structure but follow the same logic and work together for the complex hierarchization of society through intersectionality

    Uma Perspectiva Ética do Eterno Retorno

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    O problema do eterno retorno, conforme este é construído no aforismo 341 da Gaia Ciência, é analisado em sua possibilidade de se construir uma perspectiva ética. Além disso, são abordadas as relações que se estabelecem entre essas expressões 'cuidado de si' e 'eterno retorno', respectivamente em Foucault e Nietzsche, de forma a compreender como as noções que residem nelas se aproximam, afastam ou complementam-se

    O conflito entre a liberdade e a obediência

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    O culto à lei e à “ordem” e a defesa da punição – mais dura possível - aos desvios estão cada vez mais presentes na sociedade brasileira, especialmente em razão dos recentes acontecimentos que demonstram a corrupção existente nos governos e nas grandes empresas. Porém, este tipo de discurso esconde atrás de si outras consequências quando defende, em outras palavras, a obediência. Em que medida a liberdade é afetado pelo agir obediente à lei é o ponto central deste trabalho. Por fim cabe pensar a que serve a obediência e quem lucra com a ordem, tanto a que é estabelecida, quanto a que é dada

    Efecto de las nubes y los aerosoles sobre la radiación solar ultravioleta espectral

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    Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the most energetic among all extraterrestrial sources that reach the Earth, being able to cause multiple effects on live beings inhabiting it. There are numerous factors controlling the amount of radiation reaching, as well as the way it hits the Earth’s surface. In this study, the effect of two of the main UV radiation modulators, clouds and aerosols, which can absorb or scatter radiation; is analyzed. There are simulated data for clear sky conditions at our disposal, obtained by LibRadtran radiative transference model. They are validated, in the first place, proving that they are an accurate approximation to experimental data measured on cloud-free sky days. Once their usefulness is certified, cloud and aerosol enhancing or attenuating effect over spectral UV radiation is quantified in the solar UV wavelength range. For this purpose, a cloud characteristic parameter, CMF (Cloud Modification Factor), is calculated as a function of sky cloudiness and solar zenith angle (SZA), while a similar procedure is followed with an aerosol parameter, AMF (Aerosol Modification Factor), calculated as a function of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and SZA.Departamento de Física Teórica, Atómica y ÓpticaMáster en Físic

    ANCHOR: logically-centralized security for Software-Defined Networks

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    While the centralization of SDN brought advantages such as a faster pace of innovation, it also disrupted some of the natural defenses of traditional architectures against different threats. The literature on SDN has mostly been concerned with the functional side, despite some specific works concerning non-functional properties like 'security' or 'dependability'. Though addressing the latter in an ad-hoc, piecemeal way, may work, it will most likely lead to efficiency and effectiveness problems. We claim that the enforcement of non-functional properties as a pillar of SDN robustness calls for a systemic approach. As a general concept, we propose ANCHOR, a subsystem architecture that promotes the logical centralization of non-functional properties. To show the effectiveness of the concept, we focus on 'security' in this paper: we identify the current security gaps in SDNs and we populate the architecture middleware with the appropriate security mechanisms, in a global and consistent manner. Essential security mechanisms provided by anchor include reliable entropy and resilient pseudo-random generators, and protocols for secure registration and association of SDN devices. We claim and justify in the paper that centralizing such mechanisms is key for their effectiveness, by allowing us to: define and enforce global policies for those properties; reduce the complexity of controllers and forwarding devices; ensure higher levels of robustness for critical services; foster interoperability of the non-functional property enforcement mechanisms; and promote the security and resilience of the architecture itself. We discuss design and implementation aspects, and we prove and evaluate our algorithms and mechanisms, including the formalisation of the main protocols and the verification of their core security properties using the Tamarin prover.Comment: 42 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, 5 algorithms, 139 reference

    Solar-thermal and hybrid photovoltaic-thermal systems for renewable heating

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    Grantham Briefing Papers analyse climate change and environmental research linked to work at Imperial College London, setting it in the context of national and international policy and the future research agenda. This paper and other Grantham publications are available from: www.imperial.ac.uk/grantham/publicationsThis paper looks at the barriers and opportunities for the mass deployment of solar-thermal technologies and offers a vision for the future of solar-thermal systems. HEADLINES: -Heat constitutes about half of total global energy demand. Solar heat offers key advantages over other renewable sources for meeting this demand through distributed, integrated systems. -Solar heat is a mature sustainable energy technology capable of mass deployment. There is significant scope for increasing the installed solar heat capacity in Europe. -Only a few European countries are close to reaching the EU target of 1 m2 of solar-thermal installations per person. -One key challenge for the further development of the solar-thermal market arises from issues related to the intermittency of the solar resource, and the requirement for storage and/or backup systems. The former increases investment costs and limits adaptability. -An analysis of EU countries with good market development, suggests that obligation schemes are the best policy option for maximising installations. These do not present a direct cost to the public budget, and determine the growth of the local industry in the long term. -Solar-thermal collectors can be combined with photovoltaic (PV) modules to produce hybrid PV-thermal (PV-T) collectors. These can deliver both heat and electricity simultaneously from the same installed area and at a higher overall efficiency compared to individual solar-thermal and PV panels installed separately. --Hybrid PV-T technology provides a particularly promising solution when roof space is limited or when heat and electricity are required at the same time.Preprin

    Automated Network Service Scaling in NFV: Concepts, Mechanisms and Scaling Workflow

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    Next-generation systems are anticipated to be digital platforms supporting innovative services with rapidly changing traffic patterns. To cope with this dynamicity in a cost-efficient manner, operators need advanced service management capabilities such as those provided by NFV. NFV enables operators to scale network services with higher granularity and agility than today. For this end, automation is key. In search of this automation, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has defined a reference NFV framework that make use of model-driven templates called Network Service Descriptors (NSDs) to operate network services through their lifecycle. For the scaling operation, an NSD defines a discrete set of instantiation levels among which a network service instance can be resized throughout its lifecycle. Thus, the design of these levels is key for ensuring an effective scaling. In this article, we provide an overview of the automation of the network service scaling operation in NFV, addressing the options and boundaries introduced by ETSI normative specifications. We start by providing a description of the NSD structure, focusing on how instantiation levels are constructed. For illustrative purposes, we propose an NSD for a representative NS. This NSD includes different instantiation levels that enable different ways to automatically scale this NS. Then, we show the different scaling procedures the NFV framework has available, and how it may automate their triggering. Finally, we propose an ETSI-compliant workflow to describe in detail a representative scaling procedure. This workflow clarifies the interactions and information exchanges between the functional blocks in the NFV framework when performing the scaling operation.Comment: This work has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Magazin