956 research outputs found

    Flow-Path: An AllPath flow-based protocol

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    The work at: The 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). Clearwater, Florida, USA. Date: 22-25 October 2012This paper describes Flow-Path, an AllPath flowbased switching protocol that features improved load adaptive properties. Upon arrival of a new flow to the network, it explores every possible path reaching from source to destination host and selects the lowest latency path at the moment. It is based on the same basic principle than ARPPath, that is, snooping the ARP protocol dialog (request and reply messages) to explore all available paths at the same time that address resolution takes place, but it is flow-based instead of source address-based. While preserving the main advantages of ARP-Path: shortest path bridging exploiting the full network topology, Flow-Path has the advantages of full independence of flows at the time of path creation and guarantees path symmetry (congruency) and increased path diversity. Flow-Path thus improves load distribution, at the expense of increased address table size in each bridge.This work was supported in part by grants from Comunidad de Madrid and Comunidad de Castilla-La Mancha through Projects MEDIANET-CM (S-2009/TIC- 1468) and EMARECE (PII1I09-0204-4319).Publicad

    Non-universal electroweak extensions of the standard model and the scotogenic models

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    In order to analyze some low energy experimental anomalies, we charge with a non-universal U(1)U(1)' gauge symmetry the standard model fermions, taking as a starting point the well-known scotogenic model. In order to have non-trivial solutions to the anomalies and the Yukawa constraints, we add three neutral singlet Dirac fermions. We have found two possible non-universal solutions which, as a matter of principle, are suitable to analyze family-dependent experimental anomalies.Comment: PIC2018: XXXVIII International Symposium on Physics in Collision, Bogot\'a, Colombia, 2018. 6 pages, LaTeX, 1 pdf figure

    Transcriptional Initiation in Ribosomal Protein Genes in the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    Transcription of class II genes in eukaryotic organisms is carried out by the multi-subunit enzyme RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II) and includes the general transcription factors and the mediator. The region inside the promoters, which recruits and specifies the transcriptional machinery, is called “core promoter” and contains sub-regions called “core promoter elements,” which are necessary for transcription initiation, where the most studied and classic element is the TATA-box. Ribosome protein gene (RPG) promoters do not possess a TATA-box (TATA-less promoters), and those, in particular, in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe have a TATA-box analog called the HomolD-box. The transcription of RPG promoters is dependent on the RNA pol II transcription system and the HomolD-box is recognized by the transcription factor Rrn7. In this chapter, the authors will describe the general mechanisms associated to the transcription of TATA-less promoters in eukaryotic organisms and how the transcription initiation is carried out in the RPG promoters from those organisms, particularly in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Finally, the authors will analyze the role of the HomolD-box and the transcription factor Rrn7 in the coordination of transcription initiation from RPG promoters and other ribosome-related genes and the presence of transcriptional modules in their promoters, which could be coordinated and regulated by a discrete number of transcription factors

    "Risk factors for in-hospital complications in patients with acute ischemic stroke: Retrospective cohort in a national reference hospital in Peru"

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    Objective: To describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with acute cerebral infarction treated at a national reference hospital in Peru and determine the risk factors for inhospital complications. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study including 192 patients with acute ischemic stroke in a national reference hospital in Peru from January to September 2021. Clinical, demographic and paraclinical information was recorded from medical records. We estimated risk ratios and 95% confidence intervals using regression models with Poisson family and robust variance for the bivariate and multivariate model, adjusting for age, sex and risk factors for stroke. Results: At least one in-hospital complication occurred in 32.3% of the patients. The most frequent complications were infectious in 22.4%, followed by 17.7% of neurological complications, with other complications, such as thromboembolism, immobility and miscellaneous, being much less frequent. Regression analysis showed that stroke severity (RR = 1.76; 95%CI:1.09–2.86) and albumin greater than 3.5 mg/dL (RR = 0.53; 95%CI: 0.36–0.79) were independent risk factors for the presence of in-hospital complications. Conclusions: A high rate of in-hospital complications were observed, among which infectious and neurological complications were the most frequent. Stroke severity was a risk factor and albumin greater than 3.5 mg/dL was a protective factor for the incidence of in-hospital complications. These results can serve as a starting point for establishing stroke care systems that consider differentiated flows for the prevention of in-hospital complications

    Immunization with surface immunogenic protein induces a decrease of vaginal colonization by group B Streptococcus in an experimental mouse model

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    The Group B streptococcus (GBS) is the leading cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis in developed countries and an emerging pathogen in adults. A neonatal infection occurs predominantly during the delivery by either inhalation or ingestion of contaminated secretions of the mother’s vagina. Maternal screening by rectovaginal GBS colonization at 35–37 weeks of gestation, with subsequent intra-partum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) at the onset of labor, is implemented in some countries to prevent newborn invasive by GBS. Currently, there are not vaccines to prevent the devastating consequences of GBS and a glycoconjugate vaccine is under clinical experimentation (Clinical Trials Phase III). The Surface Immunological Protein (SIP) of GBS is highly immunogenic and conserved between different serotypes of this bacterium. The SIP had been described to induce antibodies type IgG that induces protective immunity in animal model challenged intraperitoneally with GBS. Here we describe the immunization with SIP mixed with an AbISCO-100 adjuvant in mice model challenged to GBS vaginal infection. The vaccine has demonstrated to decrease the GBS colonization in infected mouse. The SIP immunization has also increased the circulating IgA, IgG and IgG2a levels against SIP and antigen-specific circulating levels of IFN- ƴ and IL–2. Moreover, transfer of serum and T cells from a vaccinated animal into a non-immunized animal induced immune protection to the animals from challenged GBS colonization of the vaginal tract. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a simple and effective vaccine is able to prevent GBS colonization, where cellular immunity plays an important role. To our knowledge, is the first report the SIP-based vaccine reduces the vaginal GBS colonization in an animal model

    Reconocimiento de patrones de habla usando MFCC y RNA

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    In this work the results of the design and development of an algorithm based on artificial intelligence and MFCC for recognizing speech patterns are presented. The using of MFCC allowed to characterize voice signals, having into account the noise in the record environment, which helps with the estimation of common patterns among these signals when presents disturbances. As a main result of this work, a recognizing rate between 93 and 96% for the selected vowels (/a/,/e/,/o/) was achieved. For the training a number of 22 samples were used and others 11 for the validation process. The samples were obtained from 11 test subjects, all of them of male genre.En este trabajo se presentan los resultados del diseño y desarrollo de un algoritmo basado en inteligencia artificial para el reconocimiento de patrones de vocablos del idioma español, utilizando Coeficientes Cepstrales en las Frecuencias de Mel o (MFCC), para representar el habla a través de la percepción auditiva del ser humano. La utilización de MFCC permitió caracterizar las señales de voz teniendo en cuenta el posible ruido presente en el ambiente de grabación, lo cual ayudo a la obtención de patrones comunes entre estas señales cuando presentan alteraciones. Como resultado se obtuvo un reconocimiento superior al 95% de las tres vocales escogidas, en este caso la /a/,/e/,/o/, entre un grupo de 22 muestras por vocal para el entrenamiento y 11 muestras para la validación. Las muestras fueron obtenidas de 11 personas, todas del género masculino

    Implementing ARP-Path Low Latency Bridges in NetFPGA

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    The demo is focused on the implementation of ARP-Path (a.k.a. FastPath) bridges, a recently proposed concept for low latency bridges. ARP-Path Bridges rely on the race between broadcast ARP Request packets, to discover the minimum latency path to the destination host. Several implementations (in Omnet++, Linux, OpenFlow, NetFPGA) have shown that ARP-Path exhibits loop-freedom, does not block links, is fully transparent to hosts and neither needs a spanning tree protocol to prevent loops nor a link state protocol to obtain low latency paths. This demo compares our hardware implementation on NetFPGA to bridges running STP, showing that ARP-Path finds lower latency paths than STP.Comunidad de MadridJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch