22 research outputs found

    Facies analysis and stratigraphic assignment of Middle Jurassic unnamed fluvial deposits in the Southern Mendoza Neuquén Basin

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    Se realizaron estudios sedimentológico-estratigráficos en los depósitos fluviales innominados del Jurásico Medio de la Cuenca Neuquina surmendocina, que afloran en el anticlinal de Malargüe y Bardas Blancas. En el primero de ellos se reconocieron facies de sistemas fluviales entrelazados gravo-arenosos que se apilan en tres secuencias depositacionales mostrando un decrecimiento paulatino en el espacio de acomodación, en tanto que en el segundo se reconocieron facies de sistemas fluviales anastomosados que se agrupan en dos secuencias depositacionales con un incremento progresivo del espacio de acomodación. En el anticlinal de Malargüe las relaciones estratigráficas y el patrón de apilamiento sugiere la asignación de estos depósitos al Bajociano tardío-Bathoniano y su correlación con la Formación Lajas, por lo que se propone la denominación de Formación Puesto Pacheco nov. nom., con su estratotipo en la sección del arroyo Loncoche. En el área de Bardas Blancas la presencia de clastos de calizas y fragmentos de ostras en la base de la unidad permitiría establecer que los depósitos fluviales se habrían depositado con posterioridad a la discordancia Intracaloviana. En este sector se le asigna una edad Caloviana media - tardía y se los asigna a la Formación Lotena.Stratigraphic-sedimentological studies were performed on Middle Jurassic unnamed fluvial deposits of the Southern Mendoza Neuquén Basin, cropping out in the Malargüe anticline and Bardas Blancas. In the first area we recognized braided fluvial systems facies stacked in three depositional sequences showing a gradual decrease in the accommodation space, whereas in the second we recognized anastomosing fluvial systems facies grouped into two depositional sequences with a progressive increase in the accommodation space. Stratigraphic relationships and stacking pattern in the Malargüe anticline suggests the assignment of this unit to the late Bajocian-Bathonian and its correlation with the Lajas Formation, so the name of Puesto Pacheco Formation nov. nom. is proposed, with its stratotype in the Loncoche creek section. In the Bardas Blancas area the presence of limestone clasts and oysters fragments at the base of the unit, would establish that unnamed fluvial deposits would have been deposited after the Intracallovian unconformity. In this area it is given a middle-late Callovian age and the assignment to the Lotena Formation.Fil: Kietzmann, Diego Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos; ArgentinaFil: Palma, Ricardo Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos; ArgentinaFil: Ferreyra, Teresita M. A.. YPF - Tecnología; Argentin

    Las tempestitas peloidales de la Formación Vaca Muerta (Tithoniano-Valanginiano) en el sector surmendocino de la Cuenca Neuquina, Argentina

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    Se analizan los depósitos de tormenta de dos secciones estratigráficas de la Formación Vaca Muerta (Tithoniano-Valanginiano) en el área de Bardas Blancas, sur de la provincia de Mendoza. Estos depósitos incluyen: a) depósitos con estratificación entrecruzada de bajo ángulo; b) depósitos con estratificación entrecruzada hummocky de pequeña y gran escala; y c) depósitos laminados con gradación normal intralámina. Las secuencias completas con HCS están compuestas por tres unidades (Sa, Sb y Sc) asociadas al evento de tormenta y una unidad que incluye depósitos de post-tormenta y de buen tiempo (Sd). La comparación con ejemplos actuales y ejemplos del registro, permite estimar un rango batimétrico de 25 a 50 m para los depósitos con estratificación entrecruzada hummocky. Asimismo se discuten posibles orígenes alternativos relacionados con inestabilidades en la interfase de la picnoclina y los efectos de la compactación sobre la preservación de las texturas y estructuras primarias de los depósitos de la Formación Vaca Muerta

    Estratigrafía y análisis de facies de la Formación Vaca Muerta en el área de El Trapial

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    La importancia de los análisis estratigráficos, de facies y sedimentológicos para evaluar el potencial de un reservorio no convencional para identificar las zonas más favorables para la prospección y explotación de hidrocarburos.Fil: González Tomassini, Federico. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Geología; ArgentinaFil: Kietzmann, Diego Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos ; ArgentinaFil: Fantin, Manuel A.. Chevron; ArgentinaFil: Crousse, Luisa C.. Chevron; ArgentinaFil: Reijenstein, Hernán M.. Chevron Latin America Business; Estados Unido

    New biostratigraphic data from the Callovian-Oxfordian La Manga Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina: Evidence from an ammonite condensed level

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    The La Manga Formation constitutes most of the sedimentary record of the Callovian-Oxfordian in the Neuquén Basin. This stratigraphic unit represents the middle part of the Lotena Mesosequence, which is dominated by carbonates with interbedded shales, marls, and occasional sandstones. Based on detailed stratigraphic work in the stratotype section (La Manga Creek, Mendoza), the depositional environments and the sea-level history of the La Manga Formation have been interpreted. Petrographic and field observations led to identification of nine facies distributed in two informal units. Unit 1 was deposited on a outer ramp setting, while deposition of unit 2 took place in the intertidal-supratidal environments. A condensed level close to the base of unit 1 has yielded Rehmannia sp., Rehmannia cf. paucicostata (Tornq.) and Homoeoplanulites sp., from the Lower Callovian Bodenbenderi-Proximum Zones, and Peltoceratoides sp. and Rursiceras sp. from the Upper Callovian and also in the Lower Oxfordian Peltoceratoides-Parawedekindia Zone. The condensed level is overlain by a Middle Oxfordian succession characterized by Perisphinctes (?Arisphinctes) sp., Perisphinctes (?Kranaosphinctes) sp., Mirosphinctes sp., Perisphinctes (?Antilloceras) cf. prophetae Gygi & Hill., Perisphinctes (?Otosphinctes) sp., Perisphinctes (?Subdiscosphinctes) sp., and Perisphinctes (?Kranaosphinctes) cf. decurrens (Buck.) of the Perisphinctes-Araucanites Zone, which was correlated with the upper part of the Cordatum Standard Zone to the Transversarium Standard Zone, and probably to the lower part of the Bifurcatus Standard Zone. Unit 2 has yielded small Mirosphinctes sp., indicating an Oxfordian age. The sharp contact between the outer ramp facies of unit 1 and the overlying intertidal-supratidal facies of unit 2 can be interpreted as the result of an abrupt fall (forced regression) of the relative sea level during the end of Middle Oxfordian or Upper Oxfordian. These results could be used for comparison with other localities in the Neuquén Basin providing additional data for Lower Callovian-Middle Oxfordian deposits

    Análisis de cadenas de Markov y series de Fourier en una secuencia hemipelágica del Jurásico Superior de la Península Antártica

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    La Formación Ameghino (Kimmeridgiano-Berriasiano), Cuenca Larsen, Península Antártica, está compuesta por una asociación de microfacies de pelitas con radiolarios (P1), pelitas negras (P2), pelitas bioturbadas y peloidales (P3), tobas (T) y areniscas (A) excelentemente preservadas. Este conjunto de microfacies revela sedimentación pelágica/ hemipelágica en un ambiente deficiente en oxígeno, periódicamente interrumpida por caídas de cenizas del arco volcánico antártico. Análisis basados en cadenas de Markov indican la recurrencia de las microfacies y sus relaciones cíclicas. Se interpreta que la alternancia de pelitas con  radiolarios y pelitas negras (P1-P2) responde a variaciones en la productividad/dilución, mientras que las microfacies de tobas y areniscas corresponden a depósitos de evento que modificaron las condiciones ambientales y diagenéticas evitando la disolución de los esqueletos de radiolarios en la masa de agua y en el fondo, y generando de este modo una memoria markoviana con ciclos T-P1-P2. Por otra parte, el análisis por transformadas de Fourier indica para los ciclos P1-P2 una duración del orden de 1000 años, en el rango de variaciones sub-Milankovitch

    Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of a Tithonian–Valanginian carbonate ramp (Vaca Muerta Formation): A misunderstood exceptional source rock in the Southern Mendoza area of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina

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    The Vaca Muerta Formation (early Tithonian–early Valanginian) is a rhythmic succession of marls and limestones, cropping out in the Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina. This lithostratigraphic unit was traditionally interpreted as basinal to slope deposits. Detailed facies analysis allows to differentiate seven facies associations, representing basinal to middle ramp facies of a homoclinal ramp system prograding westward from the eastern margin, and slope facies attributed to a distally steepened rampsystemthat progrades eastward fromthe Andean volcanic arc in the west. Two sequence hierarchies are recognized: five third order depositional sequences, and fifteen fourth order high-frequency sequences. Fluctuations in organic matter content within the Vaca Muerta Formation suggest relationship with depositional sequences, finding the highest values associated with transgressive systemtracts. This work represents an important advance in the understanding of the sedimentary and stratigraphic evolution of this exceptional unconventional reservoir. Our sequence stratigraphic approach contributes to the understanding of the relationship between organic matter, facies, and sea-level changes

    Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of a Tithonian–Valanginian carbonate ramp (Vaca Muerta Formation): a misunderstood exceptional source rock in the Southern Mendoza area of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina

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    The Vaca Muerta Formation (early Tithonian–early Valanginian) is a rhythmic succession of marls and limestones, cropping out in the Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina. This lithostratigraphic unit was traditionally interpreted as basinal to slope deposits. Detailed facies analysis allows to differentiate seven facies associations, representing basinal to middle ramp facies of a homoclinal ramp system prograding westward from the eastern margin, and slope facies attributed to a distally steepened ramp system that progrades eastward from the Andean volcanic arc in the west. Two sequence hierarchies are recognized: five third order depositional sequences, and fifteen fourth order high-frequency sequences. Fluctuations in organic matter content within the Vaca Muerta Formation suggest relationship with depositional sequences, finding the highest values associated with transgressive system tracts. This work represents an important advance in the understanding of the sedimentary and stratigraphic evolution of this exceptional unconventional reservoir. Our sequence stratigraphic approach contributes to the understanding of the relationship between organic matter, facies, and sea-level changes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Evidence of precessional and eccentricity orbital cycles in a Tithonian source rock: The mid-outer carbonate ramp of the Vaca Muerta Formation, northern Neuquén Basin, Argentina.

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    Basin to mid-ramp cyclic facies of the Tithonian Vaca Muerta Formation are exposed in the Loncoche Creek section of the Neuquén Basin, Mendoza province, Argentina. This unit is characterized by a decimeter-scale rhythmic alternation of marls, shales and limestones and extends from the lower Tithonian to the upper Berriasian. Cyclostratigraphic studies based on a detailed facies analysis allowed the identification of cyclic patterns with frequencies within the Milankovitch band. According to biostratigraphic data, the dominant cycle in the studied section has a period of 20 k.y., which correlates with the Earth’s axis precession element. Spectral analysis based on a series of compacted and decompacted cycle thick-ness identified a subordinate frequency of about 90 to 120 k.y., which we interpret as the modulation of the precessional cycle caused by the Earth’s orbital eccentricity. The strength of the precession signal, together with the absence of a well-defined cyclicity attributable to the obliquity orbital cycle (i.e., ∼40 k.y.), is in agreement with previous data from the Northern Hemisphere

    Peritidal cyclic sedimentation from La Manga Formation (Oxfordian), Neuquén Basin, Mendoza, Argentina

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    The La Manga Formation consists of marine carbonates and represents most of the sedimentary record of the Callovian-Oxfordian in the Neuquén Basin. Three localities in the southern Mendoza province were studied and their cyclicity was determined by means of facies analysis and their vertical arrangement. Facies of inner ramp, that were deposited in extremely shallow-water environments with intermittent subaerial exposures have been broken down into shallow subtidal, and intertidalesupratidal environments. Shallow subtidal facies are arranged into decimetre scale upward-hallowing cycles composed of marls, laminated or massive mudstones or bioclastic wackestones and intraclastic wackestone-packstones. Intertidal-supratidal centimetre-scale cycles consist of an upward-shallowing succession of restricted facies, overlaid by horizontal or crinkle microbial laminites, flat pebble conglomerates or breccias beds. The defined cycles show a shallowing upward trend in which the evidence of relative sea-level lowering is accepted. The interpretation of Fischer plots allowed the recognition of changes in accommodation space

    Sedimentología y estratigrafía de la Formación Vaca Muerta (Tithoniano-Berriasiano) en el área del cerro Domuyo, norte de Neuquén, Argentina Sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Vaca Muerta Formation in the Cerro Domuyo area, Northern Neuquén, Argentina

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    Los depósitos de la Formación Vaca Muerta en el área del cerro Domuyo muestran una interesante interca-laclón de depósitos con paleocorrientes opuestas. La unidad está representada por facies de cuenca y rampa externa con dirección de progradación hacia el oeste. Sin embargo, en su parte media se intercalan depósitos de talud, con desarrollo de deslizamientos sinsedimentarios hacia el NE, que pueden asignarse al Miembro Huncal. Este intervalo se compone de facies carbonáticas que probablemente se asocien con el desarrollo de un talud relacionado con una plataforma carbonática o una rampa distalmente profundizada. A partir de la fauna de amonites reconocida, la Formación Vaca Muerta se extiende desde el Tithoniano temprano hasta el Berriasiano tardío, aunque podría alcanzar el Valanginiano temprano. El Miembro Huncal contiene representantes de la Biozona de Substeueroceras koeneni (Tithoniano tardío), por lo que su edad sería más antigua que la propuesta en la localidad tipo y permitiría su correlación con las unidades aflorantes en el territorio chileno.<br>The Vaca Muerta Formation in the Cerro Domuyo area shows an interesting intercalation of facies with opposite paleocurrents. The unit is represented by outer ramp to basinal facies with a westward direction of progradation. However, in its middle section, slope deposits correlatable with the Huncal Member, are intercalated with slumped strata verging NE. This interval is composed of carbonate facies and it is probably associated with the development of a slope related to a carbonate platform or a distally steepened carbonate ramp. Based on the ammonoid fauna, the age of the Vaca Muerta Formation ranges from the early Tithonian to the late Berriasian, but it could also reach the early Valanginian. The Huncal Member yields representatives of the Substeueroceras koeneni Biozone (late Tithonian), hence its age is older than that proposed in its type locality allowing its correlation with units exposed in the Chilean territory